Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Lucas Perez agent: Deportivo offer the best Arsenal have

The agent of Lucas Perez says that the best offer Arsenal have for the the player right now comes from Deportivo la Coruña, and that he has to convince the club to accept it.

Rodrigo Fernandez Lovelle is waiting for Arsenal to make a decision one way or the other as he tries to secure a deal to bring the Spanish striker back to his former club.

Speaking to La Voz de Galicia, he said, “I’m waiting for Arsenal to come back to me, but the best offer they have on the table for Lucas is from Deportivo.

“At Arsenal they know he’s going to play very little there and they know that Deportivo want him. It would be good for everyone to sell Lucas Perez.

“We have to convince them.”

One might wonder if mouthing off in the press about how unfair the club have been is the best tactic to convince them, and the offer of €9m is well below what the Gunners paid for Perez last August.

It is thought that Deportivo are willing to come back with an improved offer, above €10m, but for now he remains an Arsenal player.

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Kwame Ampadu Down

Just accept the deal Arsenal. It doesn’t really matter at this stage why he didn’t play more : the fact is he’s been a really poor signing by Arsene. We need to move him on, accept the loss & get on with sorting out bigger issues in the squad.

David Ngwego

He is not poor, and it was not a panic buy lucas has got everything attacker has to do he offer more than olivier Giroud with a ball. The problem is Wenger didn’t give him a chance to play his football I personally suggest him to move on rather than rotten at arsenal

Kwame Ampadu Down

I never said he was poor, but that he was a poor signing. If the manager never played him, he’s a poor signing.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Sanchez and Giroud get injured for a stretch and suddenly he’s our main striker playing every week. If we hadn’t signed him in that situation the fans and media would be in uproar that we hadn’t bought a backup striker… how about that Lucas Perez, he would have been available for relatively little money.


Hold on a bit – still 1 month to go and don’t forget Everton were willing to pay 16m last year. So I would suggest we wait on this one.

On an unrelated note, is Seri cup-tied?


I don’t get all of the down votes for this? We ought to sell him for whatever we can get. No other clubs are interested, and he wants to go back home. Let him. Everyone expected him to leave this summer. If there was any question about his future at the club, it’s been resoundingly clear – Lacazette signed, number taken, left at home for the tour, Giroud and Welbeck staying. I don’t think it was a poor signing necessarily, just a a last minute backup plan that we didn’t end up needing. Good insurance anyway, but Sanchez filled in… Read more »

Ooooh Santi Cazoooorla

Maybe because if we can get even 1 more million for him, then we should be pushing for this. These extra 1-2million extra will help transfer funds and the bank balance which, potentially can have affect on how much you pay for your seat next season.

Terry Henry

lol. This sale is not going to affect ticket prices for punters next season.


No, the fact is he has a contract at Arsenal and all the power is in Arsenal’s hands. Just because he’s not happy doesn’t mean Deportivo get to resign him for half of what we paid them last season. Talking shit about the club is not going to force them into a sale, at the end of the day we don’t see what goes on behind the scenes every day in training. So if he’s so concerned about his player getting his move he better convince Deportivo to up their bid rather than talk shit about how this is our… Read more »

John C

Arsenal have no power in this situation. They have a player who they don’t want on a long term contract, their options are accept what someone’s willing to offer and get him off the wage bill or reject it and pay him £4-5m a year for the next 3 years. In this situation turning down the offer is actually costing them the transfer fee plus wages, so we’re talking about a potential £24m turned down on bad management. Arsenal, and more importantly Wenger have to accept we’re a massive club and penny pinching won’t work for us. Our transfer dealings… Read more »

nacho man

move on
bad panic buy last year

Heavenly Chapecoense

If he is a poor signing, what is Welbeck signing then ?

Kwame Ampadu Down

A player who the manager hardly ever played & who is going to be sold for roughly half his purchase price (in an inflationary market) – I can’t for the life of me see why anyone could argue he wasn’t a poor signing ? As I said, it doesn’t matter at this stage why he wasn’t played.

Dr Whale

I Agree with you. Wenger was drunk then when he signed him thinking he would be worl-class striker. Wenger is still being deceive by his near-perfect ball display thus benching walcott and giroud for him. Walcott started last season with sanchez up top while welbec was injured. upon return, he was drop to bench and alexis goals dry-up. WELBEC IS A BLACK MARKET PURCHASE AT NIGHT BY ARSENE


LOL. This sounds like somebody shouting things at you in the street at 3am

nacho man

just as poor
both substandard for a club with title aspirations

nacho man

have a feeling lacazette will be the same
dont think he will b good enough for a title chalenge in england…
with little evidence to suport this either way i hope i am terribly mistaken…
just cant shake feeling he is not ‘top top quality’ like wenger says he is looking for…
hope to b peeling rotten egg from my face next may


Come on agent just say it’s the best offer you have.

When did you start caring about things like footbal, Arsenal or your client(s)?

Bon Jello

Agents must have some degree of humour programmed into them… Possibly compensation for a lack of having souls.


I’m not going to talk about how he was treated, but when it comes to transfer it would have been better for all if Lucas and his agent had kept their mouths shut instead of shooting off every time they were offered an opportunity to do so. Arsenal would have got paid more, he could have left without any hinderance possibly with more cash and his agent could have got his wages higher than now. By crying all the time, they’ve literally shut themselves out of a high bill and possibly bigger clubs too. Lucas is a good player (I… Read more »


TBH, I don’t like this constant whining and bad mouthing of Arsenal in the media from Perez’s agent. I don’t know if these are coming from Perez himself or not, but when an agent undermines the club his player is contracted to, that doesn’t do any good to both sides, especially when Arsene and Arsenal prefer to keep transfer related noise to a minimum.

At this point, I just want Perez and his stupid snake-like agent to get out of Arsenal as soon as possible, for the good of everybody.


While I agree we may have treated Lucas poorly, I find these silly soundbites from his agent a bit annoying. For all it’s worth, Lucas willingly signed a contract at Arsenal last year and is still an Arsenal player until we decide to sell him or we receive an offer for him we can’t refuse. I find all these press statements insulting to the club who actually pay your bills. Why don’t the agent actually do his job and try to “convince” Deportivo or any other serious suitor to meet our fairly reasonable price tag for his client? As far… Read more »


Well said.

A different George

I mostly agree–but there is a limit on how many players we are allowed to register and we probably don’t want to use one of those slots for Lucas.

It Is What It Is

I agree with you ‘most-heartedly’. However, I feel he is entitled to state his clients’ case – once or twice, hopefully alerting other interested buyers to his almost imminent departure – FEAR OF LOSS. He would rather return to Deportivo, however if Atletico (decide to buy now against Jan) or BVB made a bid, it’s unlikely he would go to Depor. Personally, I’d keep him till last minute, as we know we have that 9m bid, while alerting Depor to the fact that we are seeking a higher price from anywhere. A bird in hand….. Where are all the other… Read more »


Who’s Adam Lambert?


One of those American Idols contestant, I guess


All these tantrums and public moanings are really casting a shadow over the Spaniards character. Sad cause he’s a decent player. I liked him a lot.

Andy Mack

Shouldn’t that be “casting a shadow over the his agents character”?

Rolo Toure

Players need to be made to take more responsibility for their agents’ actions. I see little chance of ‘tapping up’ being tackled when players like Alexis have their agents touting them around every major club in Europe all summer and they can hold their hands up and pretend to be innocent at the end of it all if it doesn’t work.

Jer Sam

Puzzling. Champions league hattrick then disappeared. We seem overwhelmed as a club in regards to players contracts and negiotiating summer signings. Two weeks to go, two signings only so far, our three holdouts still haven’t signed new contracts and players yet to be sold. Wenger using his two more years well then.


This tells us he simply isn’t good enough. Giroud got like 5 or 6 offers from very good clubs and he wasn’t even for sale.



Dr Zebra

I’m pretty sure the problems stemmed from Arsene thinking he was signing Pires and not Perez…


The man always performed for the club and was treated unfairly. I’d like to know whether this transfer was a StatDNA led transfer and Wenger had nothing to do with it. It might explain the bizarre way he has been treated


I think it would be a bit simplistic to begin blaming StatDNA for failed transfers. We can all agree that Perez did well when he got the chance but chances were few and far in between for him, so target identification wasn’t the issue. We squeeze the most we can out of Deportivo and move him on, fairly simple.

Faisal Narrage

I think ClockEndRider is more making the point that Wenger himself doesn’t fancy him because he’s a player selected by StatDNA and not by Wenger’s justifications himself.

Because as it stands, Lucas is getting the Elneny treatment, and he was another strongly selected by StatDNA.


I think that it would be more accurate to say that he’s getting the Joel Campbell treatment, rather than the Elneny treatment.

Stuck on repeat...

Normally I’d be on the side of the club, saying that the offer on the table is too low. BUT I actually think the club have been shocking in how they’ve handled the whole sorry fiasco. Sure, the agents probably an idiot, & yes I’m sure Perez has played a roll too. But AW clearly doesn’t like or want him for some reason (baffles me as he always played well when given an opertunity & would have loved to have seen more). But now just take the money & let’s all move on. Time to put this whole sorry shambles… Read more »


It is the best offer the agent (currently) has. He is contracted to Arsenal and the club can simply bide their time and they should do just that.


If no reasonable offer on table then keep him. He’ll get chances next season, especially in Europa games. Hey, he may yet prove his worth.


When we tried to sign perez last year we were made to cough up the full £17.1 million, if deportivo think they can get him for less than half that sum in this market they must be joking. I blame Chelsea for this problem, we were going to sign lacazette last summer for £35 million but after they paid £33.2 for Batshuayi Michel Aulas (lyon president) smelt a better deal and jacked up lacazeette’s valuation. Aulas valued lacazette as a far better striker at the time and the stats back him up (lacazette scores 54 goals to batshuayi’s 33 goals… Read more »


True that. Chelsea are cunts and everything is John Terry’s fault

love and hate

I know it’s not Lucas’ fault entirely and I did genuinely feel sorry for him last season but as soon as he came out slating the club, I lost all respect for the man. He’s on big wages and he just made the step up to a bigger club so he had no Devine right to start. He should’ve knuckled down and kept trying instead of whining!


1: Last season he did great, and not being whiny like Debuchy. This is a transfer window. If he doesn’t see his future at Arsenal, it is fair to push for a move. Might be his agent doing too, to add more fuel to the fire. 2 : Let’s be honest. Arsenal treats him poorly. He waited for his chance, when it came, he took it well but still got benched most of the time. We gave away his number to Lacazette. And Arsene didn’t include him on the pre-season tour. My point is, I don’t see any reason to… Read more »


I understand his number was given out but I don’t blame arsenal for it, his agent has said earlier this that there was an agreement with arsenal for him to leave. I don’t see the problem because to arsenal he has gone already, if they expect our record signing to get no. 28 when he has made it clear that he was living am going to have that. I guess they are looking for a reason to get arsenal to knock down the fee they are looking for.


Okay well I think at this point we should really cute our losses. I’m a fan of his, and support his reason for wanting away because I do feel he has been slightly wronged by us. But it does make me wonder why? Why did we sign him? Was it just to give fans satisfaction that we signed a striker? And why did he get so little time on the pitch when he was fit? He did contribute well so maybe the boss seen things in training he didn’t like. Lucas never seemed to have an attitude problem either. The… Read more »


When agents start putting thier clients first, then they might have an ounce of credibility. Every agent pushes what makes them the most money, not whats best for thier client or clubs or football in general. On one, fair enough they nicking a living on the backs of thier clients. But on the other, the stupid tactics they deploy to put pressure on both buying and selling clubs to maximise thier profits are imho unprofessional.
Wankers. The lot of em.


The issue I have is that in this day and age the amount of money players demand for wages and the amount they cost to buy they have now become a commodity. Ok he hasn’t been treated perfectly but neither does the kid who works in Asda stacking shelves. There are ways of dealing with things and I’m sorry but I just don’t have any sympathy for some guy on a fortune every week because someone gave his shirt number away. We need to recoup money we spent on this commodity. Yes its good to get him off the payroll… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

Err, the kid at Asda has the freedome to quit if needed and find a new employer. Lucas obviously doesn’t have that luxury. Also if the kid was promising to work at the checkout for his job, but as soon as he arrives, he’s told to stack shelves, he wouldn’t be happy either. This idea that players can be treated however just because they make a good living is exactly why few players have any loyalty to clubs anyways. Fans are willing to treat them like commodities, so why shouldn’t they do what’s best for themselves? Then if the player… Read more »


One second while I have a moment of silence for a poor hard done by millionaire who can’t wear his favourite top and isn’t getting to play a game as much as he would like to. I’m not saying we can treat people however we like. What I am saying is I grew out of throwing a tantrum if my wife told me I couldn’t wear the top I wanted as we clashed early on into the marriage. I also don’t get to go and play with my friends as much as id like either. However I got into this… Read more »

The Kenyan Mbappe ??

The club should show some class and just sell him. We pride ourselves on our class but we are handling Perez wrongfully. He can’t be at fault. He’s done well when given the chance and others have gotten more opportunities.

It’s a case of being a band aid for Wenger. Let the club conduct itself with some dignity.


When are forward line are all injured at Christmas, we’ll be glad we kept him.

Faisal Narrage

“One might wonder if mouthing off in the press about how unfair the club have been is the best tactic to convince them” I’m gonna get hella heat and downvotes for this, but I just KNEW blogs would do this. Anytime a player is leaving or can be seen as being treated not too well by Arsenal, blogs always do this thing where they drop a hint of bias to make it seem as if the player is at fault in a very passive way. You did this with Silva the first time he left. You did it in particular… Read more »

A different George

I don’t always agree with Blogs, but I think he is usually pretty straightforward about these things–I don’t see much after-the-fact revisionism. He argued a year ago that Jack should stay and fight for his place in the team rather than go to Bournemouth (I didn’t think he was right, but now I am not sure), so his critical comments about Jack now are completely consistent, not a recently invented justification for Arsenal (or for Wenger). If Alexis leaves and Blogs starts downgrading him as a player (not on his decision to leave), that will prove you right–and I would… Read more »


How can an agent assume to know what is right deal on offer for the club?the club will decide end of. Let him not ride too much on this ‘Perez has not been treated well’ thing

Faisal Narrage

Well the agent would know if no one but one club makes an offer, and I imagine an offer is better than no offer, so logically, the offer with the deal IS better.

Samuel Ogungbayi

Many of us are blaming Lucas for voicing out his frustration which is unfair. Many also said the club did not treat him well. It is not the club it is Wenger! When Lucas saw the bias in team selection, he wanted to go to China in January but Wenger promised him more game time but it was worse. He was bought as a cover for Welbeck but not identified by Wenger and that was Perez “offence” . He scored 24 goals in his last season in Spain before he came to Arsenal and was bought for £17.1 million .… Read more »


At the end of the day neither Perez, Giroud or Walcott played as many games as they would of liked, although they all chipped in with goals and assist when counted on. It’s a shame Perez wasn’t given more starting opportunities, injuries at crucial times certainly didn’t help.
Thanks for your contribution to Arsenal Perez and good luck wherever you go next.

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