Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Deportivo increase Lucas offer, Arsenal reject offer

The Lucas Perez situation is now becoming something of a saga. Arsenal clearly don’t want the player, the player doesn’t want to stay at Arsenal, so a move is in everybody’s best interests.

However, the Gunners have once again rejected an offer from the Spaniard’s former club, Deportivo la Coruña. Having offered €9m some weeks ago, they’ve now increased that to €12m, but it’s still not enough to seal a deal, much to the frustration of Perez’s agent Rodrigo Fernandez Lovelle.

Speaking to La Voz de Galicia (again), he said, “Until now Arsenal said no to everything. Recently, there was one [offer] of ten million plus two in variables, which did not seem right, and since then Deportivo has risen to twelve without variables.

“The offer of Deportivo of 12 million euros is very much in line with the current market. In a few days I’ll go there again to see if we can unclog this.

“There is still time. I think that twelve million is a very good and quite acceptable offer.”

Perez has handed in a transfer request, and it’s clear what needs to happen, but it seems like Deportivo are going to have to find a bit more down the back of the sofa if they want to seal the deal.

For more on transfers and the opening weekend of the Premier League season, check out the Arsecast Extra

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nacho man

ffs sell and move on


why rush it when neecastle is in play and feber also, the biggest bid gets him and i’m sure he will ve sold.


Newcastle are likely to offer a fiver, or a loan deal at best


But we’ll get a free giant sports direct mug thrown in too if we deliver him to their club shop


And wages less than minimum wage if Ashley’s anything to do with it!


And Perez cpuld refuse to agree terms with anyone but Depor leaving him on our books or us accepting their offer.


I don’t think he’d pass on Newcastle if they can match his current wages. I doubt Deportivo can. But maybe being back home in Spain vs Northern England means more


Because we dont get any more signings until the deadwood is sold. We are haggling over a few million while slowly the transfer window is drawing to a close and we still need a few players (Although Wenger might not see it that way)

Andy Mack

I like the way you say ‘haggling over a few million’ as if it’s the difference between a £1.50 jar of jam and a £1.70 jar of jam. Just by waiting the price has moved up halving the difference between what they 1st offered and what we value him at…

Stuck on repeat...

True – but for a player that: – We don’t want & we’re not going to play… – Who we’re looking to offload just one year after buying… – Who seemingly is desperate to move elsewhere… – In a squad that needs trimming by our own admissions… – With no other deadwood seemingly making a move out… – Plus with so many players entering a situation of last year on their contract (& possibly leaving on a free)… ..it’s NOT just a case of “what we value him at…”. We’ve got the increased offer. Just take it & move on… Read more »

Clive St Helmet

If he’s still here in September we still have to pay his wages. He’s a player we don’t want or need, but we’ll be paying £70,000 a week until January at the very least. His value will diminish as he plays less football, ages and gets closer to the end of his contract. He’ll cost £1,190,000 pounds during that time, and that’s if we shift him at the beginning of January. We need to shift the dead wood before we can sign players that improve the first team, he’s clearly down the pecking order at the club and is not… Read more »

Andy Mack

We’re holding out for a better price hoping others will need him more than we want the money.
It’s only for a few weeks and if we don’t get a better deal then we’ll go back to €9m-10m, which DLC know is a bargain price.


Sure and Lucas may be a good bargaining chip in negotiations (say, give us Messi and we’ll give you 40,000,000.01 AND Lucas). Or whatever. It’ll be sorted, be patient.

Andy Mack

Does Messi have a 40m buy out clause then?

Fireman Sam

Yes, but you do have to pay his unpaid tax bill of £250m in the deal

Heavenly Chapecoense

Arsenal owes a little of decency to this guy in the transfer dealings. Come on, Wenger.


Why? If they value the player they will pay the asking price.

Andy Mack

He’s the one that wants the move…

Isaiah Rankin

Weird hearing an agent actually talking DOWN the value of his player…


Lucas almost certainly got a big bump in wages to come to Arsenal. Deportivo don’t want to shell out the same transfer fee & wage bump to Arsenal to get him back – it’s viewed as a package deal. So the only way Lucas gets to go back on the same wages is a lower transfer fee. If he really wanted this to go through then Lucas could take a wage cut & the fee would go back. The agent is just publically complaining about Arsenal to avoid Lucas having to take lower wages.

A different George

Sure, but you’re saying he is doing his best for the player, even though that will lower the transfer fee, from which he presumably benefits. So, he’s acting the way an agent is supposed to, not pushing for an arrangement that helps the agent.


@a different George – you do actually realize that agents get paid a % of the players contract, right? so if lucas takes lower wages then the agent gets paid less.


But yes – generally since agents get paid a % of what the player does (and they negotiate agent fees on a transfer) they are incentivized to get the best possible deal for the players. most players don’t want to take pay cuts to leave so if they want similar wages to what they are on at Arsenal, generally agents will have to try to get Arsenal to accept lower transfer fees. the wages we pay squad players in the PL are bordering on superstar wages for most continental teams.

Andy Mack

Atom, didn’t we pay around £17+m for him, so around €19m.
If they pay €15m then they’ll have a nice little profit.
If Lucas wants to go back there then he’ll be prepared to adjust his wage down a little (maybe not as much as it increased, but some).


I understand that & that’s why Arsenal is telling them no. But the fact remains that selling abroad means lower transfer fees as British clubs overpay in both wages and fees. Moving on players outside the PL is going to only get harder and harder. Jack makes what – 100k a week – so 110k euro (the exchange rate is moving a lot). Just for comparison that would put him among the top 8 wages at Bayern. Is there anyone who actually thinks that Bayern would sign Jack let alone make him one of their top earners?

Andy Mack

Well referring only to Lucas, he’s the one that wants the move. AW said he would have kept the player but the player has made it clear he wants to move. So the player needs to adjust his salary for his preferred team. As for the price, if another 2 weeks gains only an extra €0.5m from DLC then it’s a wise move holding on. If another team join the chase for him then €15m wouldn’t be unreasonable for him. As for using Bayern as a barometer for salaries, that’s not really a good comparison. They’ve always been of the… Read more »


I’m not really sure that’s right andy mack. 7 of the top 9 paid players in the Bundesliga play for Bayern and one recently left them (Mario gotze). Look at it this way – Perez is our 4th choice forward in the current system. For the central striker he’s behind Lacazette, Giroud and then Welbeck. On the wings he’s behind Ozil, Sanchez, Walcott, Welbeck & Iwobi. So even though AW said he would have kept Perez, the reality is we have too many players for too few positions already. I would argue if we could get a top prospect like… Read more »

Clive St Helmet

Exactly this Atom. If I could thumb this up 100 times I would.

Andy Mack

The bottom line is that €15m isn’t ‘Top Dollar’.
He’s easily worth that.
If the worse comes to the worse then we can wait until the last day and drop the price down to €9m to DLC who clearly want him.
Well worth holding out for more…

Stuck on repeat...

…but again it’s a “nice little profit for them” on a player that we don’t want & who seemingly we will never play, in a swuad that needs trimming, which makes the world of difference. If he was in anyway key to our squad plans for the season I could understand our stance…but he’s not & everyone knows that.

If the situation was reversed & we were the ones looking to rebuy a player, we’d be low-balling our offer too.

Time to take the money & free up at least time to concentrate on other more important matters.


You say this, but every player linked to Liverpool, has agents doing the same


Anything g for a pay day. They’re all greasy cunts.


Where is the big news of the day?

Dennis winning the best goal ever in the PL per the BBC’s vote.

And Thierry and Jack’s goals both coming in the top 5.


CB,thanks for that link…


What are we doing?? Pricing every fringe player out of moves and at the same time bitch about a heavy squad. Lower the demands and get rid, and so clubs can offer higher wages (its our own fault)


ohhhhh, well as long as his agent thinks it’s an acceptable offer where can Mr Gazidis sign this off. MUG


Let’s see what Newcastle offers for him. 13m euros is too small. 13 – 15m pounds should do it

Andy Mack

I understand (according to the Bullshit media) we’re looking for €15m which would be a loss of €4m+ for us.


Clubs know they’ve got us by the balls.
We probably won’t be able to register him this season.
And if we don’t sell him? We’ll have to loan him and he’s not getting any younger.
Like a lot of players in our squad, I’d take the money and move on instead of squabbling over the odd million for something that no longer serves us a purpose.
Get our squad down to a reasonable number so we can add one or two players who’ll add value to our first choice 11.


don’t you just hate it when people squabble over the odd million pounds. These peasants really ruin my vibe…


Getting into the last 16 of the CL will be worth around £55million from this season. I’m just advocating moving players on who no longer serve a purpose so we have room for a couple more that do. I think it’s called being prepared? rather than the train wreck defensive performance you seen on Fri night and the beginning of the past 7 or so seasons. If we accept bids of £4million less for 8 players who don’t serve a purpose? that’s £32million. But if we add extra points by being prepared? and that gets us back in the CL?… Read more »


It’s interesting that no-one is offering much for Lucas, even in this crazy market. Suggests that the high regard in which he is generally held by the Arsenal fanbase is not shared by managers.

Although, to be fair, he might have done better with more chances!

Andy Mack

It’s more a case of knowing he wants to move and we want him to go as well.
I suspect we’ve had a load of ‘what about a loan’ questions about him as that’s even cheaper for clubs.

The Romford Pelé

I think its more that he has one destination in mind


€15 will do the business, either DLC pay the money or they go away. AS for the % chaser he can fuck away off also.


The agent can pay the remaining 3 million euros Arsenal want or shut up.


How on Earth was he going to get the playing time, when he was always on thw injury table


He wasn’t. There were several times he could have been chosen but never was. Totally baffling as he did well with the few opportunities he had.

Andy Mack

That’s true but not completely. He was out for 80 odd days (near 3 months) from 2 main injuries last season. Add in a couple off weeks to get some real fitness going and he was out for a fair chunk of the season.
But yes, he was available but not picked, even for the bench, on occasions where he looked like an obvious choice for a game…

Clive St Helmet

It was actually 111 days that he was out injured.

Andy Mack

Transfermarkt says 80 odd, but whichever one it was, he was still fit for some of the season…

Tom Gun

So his agent says: “The offer of Deportivo of 12 million euros is very much in line with the current market.”

So he’s saying he’s 70% of the player we bought last year not even counting how the market has exponentially risen, and he’s 60% as good as Andre Gray. Really? That’s quite a low opinion of the player he is supposed to represent!!


‘Based on the current market’ – lol

£15 for Perez is a steal.


Sticky one, usually I’m all for getting what we can for him. That said though I was very impressed with Lucas everytime he put the shirt on.

For some reason Arsene just doesn’t fancy him, is that the players fault (don’t normally sympathise with players)? If we are honest no. Deportivo are not in the same ball park financially as us, I say let him go on the next improved offer gets rid of a wage that we could put towards a new player or contract.

Samuel Ogungbayi

“He’s a top quality striker but I couldn’t give him the game he wants and deserves , I confess that.I feel a bit sorry for him” — Arsene Wenger That was the response of Wenger on Lucas Perez after we won the FA Cup in May. Wenger gave only 950 minutes of play in all competitions to Lucas Perez throughout the season! The man scored 7 goals and gave 6 assists for the limited time Wenger gave him but he felt guilty , hence the comment above.He scored 24 goals in all competitions for his former club Deportivo before Arsenal… Read more »

Stuck on repeat...

Not sure why your comment is getting down votes. I entirely agree.


Campbell & Podolski are not comparators to use to advance your argument about Wenger not favouring players given that they were both lacking the requisite quality we needed.

Andy Mack

He’s a good player, so he must be worth more than €12m… Simple!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He may be worth more than €12m to a PL Club, if they didn’t already have full squads, but in Europe he is not worth nearly as much. They will offer what the European valuation of him would be, not what the PL silly money value became when we bought him. All PL Clubs are buying players for more than the European market value of said players, AND paying them excessive wages too. Any European Club that has a player they don’t mind selling to the mad, cash-rich English teams would be happy to sell him for silly money, but… Read more »

Andy Mack

I think you’re wrong. He’s recognised as a very good player and easily worth €15m (maybe less worthy of £17m but certainly not by much).
Similarly, if he wants to leave the club then his salary is something that he needs to adjust for the teams that are interested.
He may not want to drop to his pre-AFC salary with DLC but that depends how much he wants to move…

PSG/Neymar isn’t a deal that makes any logical sense so not one I’d compare any other deal with for a few years to come…

Clive St Helmet

I hate it when people spout that 7 goal / 6 assist statistic without context. He scored one PL goal and registered no PL assists. He scored a hattrick in a game against Ludogorets that we had already won and the others came in the League Cup against lower league opposition. They are not relevant. What is relevant is that he’s quite creative, weighing in with some key passes and creating chances. He’s a pretty good inside forward, and in previous years he’d have featured regularly for us, but he’s not a number 9. He’s not as good as Alexis,… Read more »


Hey guys, I am looking for any Arsenal fans out there to complete my survey on the impact of Social media and Streaming on Football for my Dissertation. The focus is on how these two factors have grown Arsenal into a worldwide force with dedicated fans seemingly everywhere.
It will only take 5 minutes and any responses will be appreciated. Thank You!


Yankee Gooner

FYI, in USA, NBC Sports carries PL matches, is included in my digital (non-sports specific) package, and offers free streaming services through my provider. There wasn’t a way to indicate this on the survey. Cheers!


12m seems reasonable to me. IF in quid.

My estimate is we will do business if between 12-14m quid.

That minimises loss to 5m max.

Otherwise better loaning him out.


Can’t we sell Walcott & keep Perez?


Whoever we are looking to bring in, their price is increasing faster than the extra we might get for Lucas. Whatever he is earning, we have made his life a bit of a misery and I can think of many more players to get tough with before Perez.

Let’s send him on his way and make room for the signings we desperately need to be seriously competitive.

Andy Mack

Are you sure about that?
The market looks a bit flat now the big names have moved…

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Not to mention that this is probably the last ever PL super deal for TV rights. The bubble will burst because with the number of paying viewers that are attracted to the Pay TV companies it just doesn’t make them a profit. The PL is going to crash and burn as the greatest football league in the universe, and it will likely come at the end of the current TV deal, assuming that the provider doesn’t go bust before that happens. The PL is currently like a Lottery winner who wins say $20m and goes into spend, spend, spend mode,… Read more »


Offer them Walcott instead and keep Perez!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

“Fast”, you know, is not enough to make Walcott, like, valuable, you know, to most European teams. Only in England, like, does “speed” trump, like, you know, “ball skills” and, you know, “football brain”, you know.

Sir Henry Norris\'s Brown Envelope

We need bodies for the Europa League. Keep him on

Gooner Sam

Just sell him and move on, plenty of other issues still to be sorted. Very worried no knew signings are coming and that once again Arsene has learnt nothing from a poor season.

Little Mozart

Is the plan to spitefully keep Lucas and make him rot in the reserves?

Andy Mack

Or maybe waiting another couple of weeks will get another €500k from DLC, or a few PL clubs will realise they need another striker and offer £15m, or etc…

Although the gamble is that we could be stuck with him or have to drop back down to €9m in the last few days of the transfer window…


Is it not likely Arsenal are playing in installments for Lucas and just want Deportivo to effectively right that off.

Lucas handing in a transfer request is also good for Arsenal as it means he forgoes his ‘loyalty’ payment if sold.

Tony grayson

how long has the speed changer been there? I’m stoned, and just had the time of my life listening at different speeds?


This is all so sad; in my view Lucas is a better player than Welbeck. Pity

Valerie Walters

Let the poor bloke go has been treated bad at arsenal thought he was a decent player better than wally walcott

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