Saturday, July 27, 2024

Oxlade-Chamberlain rejects Chelsea move, wants Liverpool

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has rejected a move to Chelsea, despite Arsenal agreeing a fee with the current Premier League champions believed to be in the region of £40m.

Antonio Conte was keen to add the England international to his squad, and with a wage packet of £220,000 per week on offer, the 24 year old was set to substantially increase his pay.

However, according to the BBC’s David Ornstein, the Ox has rejected the move on the basis that he feels he will be played at right wing-back at Stamford Bridge, and that playing elsewhere is the key factor behind his desire to move.

He wants to establish himself as a central midfielder, and has turned down the Chelsea move because he wants to join Liverpool who must have offered that chance. The reds bid is reportedly lower, and it remains to be seen how much they want him.

With just two days left of the transfer window they could play hard-ball with Arsenal, knowing they could take him on a free next summer if they decide to wait, and there is the possibility that he could remain at the Emirates for the season ahead.

To be fair to Oxlade-Chamberlain, if the motivation for his move about where he wants to play then at least he’s stuck to that and not compromised for the money on offer from Chelsea.

The big issue is why Arsenal haven’t been more decisive with his situation, among others, and it seems there’s a lot to do between now and the close of the window tomorrow night.

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Wait, so a player isn’t being motivated by money? *Head explodes*


Someone want to tell the Ox that Naby Keita has signed for Liverpool so at best Ox has a year to prove himself… Assuming he can oust Wijnaldum, Henderson, Emre Can


yeah he wont play CM at Liverpool, if he goes there he will end up at RB


same laugh again, if he thinks he will get a place before established midfielders like can henderson wijnaldum. and also there is lallana who i don’t see klopp playing him out of positon on the wings as he has wingers now. The only think that klopp can offer him is sub as a winger for mane e salah the odd 15-20 min at with keita coming next year and if the buy lemar even then they will not be able to give him sub miniutes. I say if we sell to pool we are bunch of bullied looser and a… Read more »


Can he be sold without his agreement?


Can and wijnaldum is half the player ox can become . Lallana is the only player who can give him a proper competition and Hendersons place is secure too . Kieta is better than both of them and is going to be guaranteed starter for sure. And he can even be rotated on either wings for mane and Salah. They are not gonna play all the games . His biggest strength is his versatility. Ox will get a lot of games for sure. At the very least he will not be another Walcott . Its easy to berate a player… Read more »

Reality check

Ox does not and will never have the defensive discpline or work rate of Can or even Wijnaldum. His brain freezes and aimless galavanting has cost us many a times.


Damn you make fun of Walcott because he wanted to stay at Arsenal and make as much as he can?

It also doesn’t hurt if Chelsea was offering 220k/week to leave and “attempt” to become a better player. Who knows what Liverpool offers in wages. It’s not like he’s leaving for a mid tier club to play CM and prove himself lol He’s trying to get a huge increase in salary and play the position he wants.

What makes you think Ox has more potential then Can or Wijnaldum?


Seems unlikely they would buy him for CM

He might get in at one of the teams further down the league


Ox thinks he’s better than he actually is. He’s had long runs in this team and has failed to produce consistently.


Atleast he will play for a manager with a plan. There is no denial that at the moment wenger looks like a fish out of water and his game plan and players effort on pitch looks rubbish.


This isn’t the first time Ox’s decision making has ballsed things up for us, is it?


This guy has to go now. Get him out. I don’t give a fuck where he goes because he won’t accomplish anything. He doesn’t have the mentality to become a top player. Nor does he want it bad enough, because if he did want it, he would’ve done it by now.


Knowing liverpool he’s been tapped up long time ago


40M + 1, or tell Klopp to go suck himself.

A Gunner with Psychic powers

If that’s true , Arsenal can sue Liverpool for illegal transfer actions !

Midwest Gooner

Klopp, “40 mil for the Ox”
Wenger “you can have him for 40 million and 1….no?”


Given the state of our team at the moment, why not give him a run at CM? Would allowed Bellerin and Kolasinac to play in their positions. Would like to see an Ox/Wilshere pairing at some point.


You want to play an injury prone player alongside one who doesn’t want to even pull on the Arsenal shirt?


My thoughts exactly. Why not give the dude a couple of chances in CM, bench Ozil for a while. It’s not as if things can get any worse than they are now….


You are right. It makes perfect sense to bench a player who has almost 50 assists since joining us and already created 12 chances this season (Chances he has created can’t be less than 300 I suppose). In fact his 12 goals 13 assists just last season(considered average by his standards) tower above Ox’s achievements at Arsenal. But we should bench him as he is too “frail”. Nice.


I know the seasons first 3 games gives us no hope of a successful season. Its going to be tough to turn around at this point. I guess we’ll have to wait until the transfer window closes and the dust settles. The only way we are going to have a successful season is with Ozil. He is the key to the rest of the season. Sanchez wants out. He does’t look like he will be motivated to play either does Ox. We can’t give him games because he can cash in on Ox. I don’t think any of us would… Read more »

Eduardo da Silvestre

I see him scoring against us. But i know that he won’t celebrate. That’s reassuring

Bai Blagoi

I am not sure about that. I don’t have the feeling that he has Arsenal in his heart. A real gunner would have gladly taken the 200k salary, stay in the squad and help the team anyway he can.

Faisal Narrage

“A real gunner” not that I don’t believe he truly loves the club, but to claim a “true gunner” would stay is a bit naïve.

It must be truly frustrating playing under Wenger as he sends you out with no defense and leaves you like lambs to the slaughter.


Amen to that. Of course knowing about the internal negotiations might provide a different understanding, but from what I’ve heard, I appreciate Giroud decision to stay all the more.


Lol Real gunner? WTF this is professional football. Not some local amateur league.

Name a real gunner? lol


Like so many rats fleeing a sinking ship… Sad times for gooners at the moment

Rwandan Gunner

Wow…what a twist of events. These remaining two days will be a a big test for the club with this clazy tranfer window

Kentish Gooner

Who doesn’t love a bit of claziness?!


You’re a kent


Claziness gives you wings


Crazy and laziness (combined in this transfer window) = claziness.


I wish it were classiness instead.


The sad thing is that we will spent them with alexis will he go or not the drama, and selling ox, mustafi, and perez. What about needed signings ? what about DM, what about lemar deal to be dead and now every report states that he will have a medical today with pool. What about the avaibale payers like draxler, mahrez ? Wenger will try to buy fucking evans even he will snub us for city. And it the end if we don’t sell alexis it will be like we won something, a player that will leave on a free… Read more »


September the 9th must now become KROENKE OUT DAY!


What’s crazy is him staying put. The boss throwing games at him in the hope he signs.

Just ask for Djimi traore plus whatever monopoly money on offer and get rid of him.

Bern pero

He’s good on his day , a lot like Theo . Can’t have 2 in the team let alone 1 .


That describes most of them to be honest


The problem is neither he nor Theo have enough of ‘those days’. There are less of those than ones where they are both average or worse. Not good enough for a so called big club. One could also use the same argument in relation to Ramsey – most of his ‘days’ were confined to one season.

Stringer Bell

And what was that now, 5 years ago. And still pundits and some folk on here talk about his goal scoring threat. He scored one goal last season in the 92 minute of the final game of season. Think he had two assists and some say play in number 10. He plays there anyway.


We have been here before with Walcott. Played wide to prepare for ST role, it came, and realised he isn’t good enough. Wenger obviously feels he’s at least not ready to play CM, playing him wide in prep for transition to CM. But in all honesty, if you dont want to be at this club and fight for the badge, best for all party’s that the player moves on. Goes for Sanchez and whoever else wants to leave. We all know anyway that nothing will drastically change for at least another 2 years anyway. I had a thought yesterday that… Read more »


To be fair to the lad, his best performances have come when playing through the middle not on the flanks. This makes me think, isn’t it easier then to mould him around that other than playing him as a wing back?


Are you serious? His best group of games has come as a RWB. Not in the middle or Winger position. He’s had some good moments in the middle but also has a stinkers there. He just isn’t good enough to player winger because he can’t make good decisions and finish. His future is at RWB or RB but he doesn’t have the desire along with the fact that he doesn’t play work as hard defensively for that position.


We are not signing anyone mark my words, even evans would snub us i pray the god he will.


I really don’t think A/W is the core problem. Kroenke must go, any new owner would sort out the managerial side.

Ivan Drago

He’s been pretty insistent about playing in the centre, so if Wenger was trying to convince him to stay why was he shoving the whole defence around to have him as the right wingback? Another baffling decision

Sheffield Gooner

Indeed. And if he ends up staying, presumably Wenger will continue to play him at RWB at the expense of the rest of the team. For that reason alone, I really hope he goes.

Arsenal til I Die

Maybe he’ll also stick a LB to play midfield. That’ll show him. FFS Wenger…

Stuck on repeat...

Very true. Especially as in the meantime our midfield has been, well, a bit shit. Not saying that playing the Ox there really may have fixed anything, but I can’t see it as being any worse.

Anyway old news now…or is it. I can see us being stuck with both Alexis & the Ox. Damn it, so much faffing around.


Can’t care less about all this transfer stuff anymore


Cya Ox. Enjoyed the time you had at Arsenal. Especially the videos. 🙂


Rot in the reserves. He used to be one of my favorites but this hard line stance about his position has made him look such a cunt.


Why is he a cunt because he doesnt want to waste his life playing a position he doesnt enjoy? just to suit you and Wenger? life is short


I don’t always enjoy my job but i do it all the same. And for a little less money than he gets.


And? He’s been doing his job. He just doesn’t want to sign AGAIN to do a job he doesn’t want to do. So the club would prefer to sell him rather than see him go for free when his contract runs out as he is prefectly entitlted to do. You’d re-sign a contract to do a job you don’t want when you have a chance of a job you DO want ? If so, are you deranged? People say players shouldn’t be motivated by money but as soon as they show they aren’t – as Ox is doing – they… Read more »


PL winnning manager doesn’t even see him as a CM. So its not just AW that doesn’t see him there. Even if he stays and go through the emotions this season and walks away for free next summer where is he going to go? By then Liverpool will be loaded with CM as will ManC, No way ManU would want him, He has already rejected Chelsea because he wants to play CM not WB and Spurs can’t afford him unless he is absolutely determined to play CM then he will have to go to a mid table club and prove… Read more »


It’s his career. He should have a say in it, and this is it. There should be no hard feelings on either side if no agreement is reached.

Clive St Helmet

What a fabulously ridiculous comment.

“Man who dislikes job changes employer to do job he prefers. What a cunt he must be”.


If we were good I could sympathise but why would anyone wanna play for Arsenal right now???

Stringer Bell

I would

Faisal Narrage

Because in truth, I don’t imagine Chelsea would want you at 200k a week.


I hate comments like this, just makes us fans look like children. Good luck to Ox and let’s look to the future instead of slagging off every single player with the temerity to leave


I’ll prefer he joins Liverpool over chavski to be honest.


Prefer most things to Chavski but not sure it’s that much of an improvement


Move over Game of Thrones; Arsenal Transfers is the new prime time show. Coming to you live from the Emirates!

What a cluster fuck scenario ?


Chelsea and Liverpool fighting for Ox.

In Game of Thrones world this would be named “battle of the bastards”.

Clive St Helmet

And our transfer policy would be the red wedding.


Total carnage


Let’s hope Arsene doesn’t turn into a white-walker …. wait. I love the guy and wish he had gone after the FA Cup win over Chelski (that seems a long time ago). He must need the money cos of his divorce. He’ll go after he World Cup when he gets France job. Hope we can compete in Europa League./FA Cup.
Draxler, Aguero for Sanchez swap, Lemar would be good.
Ox and Alexis are off, as is Mustafi. So says Bran the three-eyed crow.

Clive St Helmet

I wish I shared your optimism but none of those transfers in are happening.

Realistically the best we can hope for is Mahrez and Evans in, with Ox, Alexis, Perez, Mustafi, Gibbs, Debuchy and Wilshere leaving. Obviously I want to see Alexis stay but it’s not going to happen.

Faisal Narrage

Mad King Wenger Tageryian.

Yorkshire Gooner

In the words of the great Brian Potter, “I want to moonwalk, son, but life’s a shithouse”


Oh ffs, whatever. Let’s just not see any more Hector on the left, ever. Ok? Give Ox a couple U23 central mid warmups and see what happens. Based on the last match he and Ramsey were a dead wash so wtf.

But is he a deep CM? An Attacking mid? Box to box? Or a headless run-beyond-the-strikers CM? Anybody know? Seems most likely in competition with Ramsey and Elneny to me.

Stringer Bell

And there’s a major part of the problem. Would Ox Ramsey or elneny get in any other top sides midfield. Not a chance in hell.

The Truth

Could he actually do much worse centrally than what we have in there at the moment, though?


he will not do worse, but better then xhaka and reamsey i Doubt it. Everyone is slating xhaka for his mistakes in the middle vs pool, ok he did makes some unnecessary mistakes but the guy tried to play a ball so we can counter instead of shoot it in the steads. Please watch carefully the pool gam you will se that xhaka sitting in fron the back 3 with no one from the attacking midi fled in front of him to pass surrounded buy 4-5 pool players pressing him watch closely, ramse is almost level with welbeck as second… Read more »

Stringer Bell

Well said my man. Check out where Ramsey was for the Stoke goal as well. ??


Yet again it is not ramsey’s faulst, it is the manager if you don’t learn your positoning and what you need to do then you will seat on the bench till you learn like murinho did with martial and mihtariyan. And what wenger does is send ramsey and say to him your box to box mid you can score goals every game which frees his mind to play as a striker and abandon his positon. Don’t tell me that if murinho or conte becnh ramsey and let him know what he will need to do if he wants to come… Read more »

AW Bootbeer

I wasn’t against Usmanov. I’m from St. Louis and cringed the moment I heard Kroenke was buying Arsenal because I saw first hand with the Rams how he manages his assets.


I think he bought Arsenal before he had control of Rams? I thought he was minority owner of the Rams until after the death of the previous owner.


But it’s not the first time is it? His loose passing/clearing has now directly led to 5 goals conceded in 4 games, going back to the community shield.


You have a point


Exactly this as I’ve mentioned on here too. And if Wenger is playing Welbeck and Bellerin ahead of Lacazette and Kolasinic then I’m not sure we can trust his judgement on this


Oh yes he could?


Don’t worry lads. There’s still time to ship off a few more before Thursday night.
Also, “nice move, Ox”. Look at all the comments he was given here in another news thread. “He’ll be playing right back at Chelsea”. Yeah, he’s obviously stupid. I like him. Knows what he wants, goes after it, doesn’t take “a shitload of money” but sticks to his principles and gambles for the right move. I can respect that. I would have, had he not been at our club. Not “his fault” that our player management is utter rubbish.


Damnit. Should have been “He’s obviously NOT stupid”. *gets up to get more coffee*


I’m not a coach or anything but he can only play the attacking midfielder role. He loses the ball way too much in midfield and gets carried away with his passing instead of keeping it simple like class midfielders.

He may get better with time, but that time is clearly not here. So nothing wrong with the player management in his case.

Kentish Gooner

I know it’s Arsenal all over, but I can’t believe we were being linked with Mbappe, Lemar, etc. Ox & Ozil were 99% likely to sign a new deal and Sanchez was 50:50. Then I realised that Jack hasn’t even had a mention and Perez is basically being held hostage. Now it’s a day before the window shuts – we’ve signed a decent striker that sat on the bench in the last match, not one player has signed a new deal and the club is in turmoil. I know it’s like this every season but for some reason that early… Read more »


“P.s. Why haven’t we sold Perez?!”

We’re trying, but Debuchy said ‘no cutsies’.


This happens every year mate. Signed Cech earlier then same shit. Signed Giroud early then same shit. Signed Xhaka early then same shit.


I am starting to wonder if Wenger didn’t bench them to spare them the humiliation

Yankee Gooner

Anonymarse, I had the same thought: keep them out of the side that was about to get pasted and protect them from the fans’ reaction.


Christ, he’s even worse than Theo. Yeah, yeah, he’s sticking to his guns, but honestly maybe the fact that Wenger and now Conte don’t see him as a CM should tell him something? Are ‘Pool even interested? Has Klopp agreed to put it in writing that he’ll play CM? He seems to buying or trying to buy an awful lot of (established) CMs at the moment.

As the risk of thumbs-down hell, I think he’s a bit of an idiot.


I couldn’t agree more. So thumbs up from me mate.


I doubt he’ll be out of a job due to his stance on this matter. The lad can hit a football and Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool want his services. Why NOT seek a move to a team that’ll play you in the position you desire? All the best, Ox.

Tyler Briscoe

When Van Persie penned that letter stating that he wants to leave to win the league, I completely understood, the trend at that point showed that we displayed such little ambition with respect to our signings add consequently our ambition and NOTHING has changed since, not really. Like it or not, when the pundits and ‘naydayers’ said things like ‘Arsenal need tougher, more experienced players’ – They were right. ‘Arsenal need 4-5 more world class signings’ – They were right. They were however wrong about one thing.. ‘Maybe if Arsenal finish outside of the top 4 it will shock them… Read more »


Arsenal’s problem is not signings but Wenger, signing players wouldn’t make much difference if we have a sentimental manager. Look at Kola and Laca, he couldn’t drop Oxlade or Welbeck so he dropped d better options!!!


Ox and his decision making. Sigh !

Cyprus The Immortal Gooner

The problem is that he can screw us really bad if he turns down the move to Chelsea. We lose 40m and get stuck with an average player that wants to leave. And if he delays this then we might not have the time to get a replacement. Just piss off Ox…


Perhaps we do get screwed, but not by Ox. He didn’t choose the timing. If we do get screwed, it’s up the arse, by the arse.


Yes, but he could have chosen the timing. He could have handed in a transfer request a long time ago. Liverpool is not the field of his CM dreams. Maybe he should tell S’hampton he will come back for peanuts just so long as they play him centrally – it’s not about the money after all. Who knows, they might bite. (Actually, while I’m on S’hampton – can we never buy any of their wunderkinder again?)

Make no mistake, he’s screwing us over. Just pray we get rid of him before he gets injured again.


He did refuse to sign a new contract. I suspect the terms were clear between his agent and Arsenal (central or move), yet Arsenal decided to prolong matters thinking Ox will just take the extra money and forget all about playing centrally — or they knew they’re going to let him go but decided to wait until the last few days of the transfer window. Whatever. Let him go and try to sign a better replacement. Shame but if neither party is willing to budge, that’s that.

A Gunner with Psychic powers

He is about to become a rebel deadwood.

An upgraded version of previous deadwoods.


To be honest i cant see why we dont play him in a CM position, yes Ramsey is abit better but not much, but thats because he is used to the position. Ox has more threat for a backline than Ramsey has

Ciaran kelly

Fair play to the lad for not just taking the money, but if he stays he can’t play anymore he can go to the under 23s unless everyone is crippled


Sorry but fair play. Not a money motivated player who seems to want to develop in a preferred position. Maybe wenger knows something we don’t but if we keep playing players out of position and show no ambition is it any wonder they want to leave.


No team that could afford to buy him would play him centre midfield.
I hope he’s sold regardless.

Aleksander Włodarz

Fuck you Klopp and your greedy teeth !

Draped in velvet



Haha. He reminds me of Animal from the Muppets.

Aleksander Włodarz

false teeth i should add


I can see him staying, getting his chance in central midfield due to our usual injury crisis. Then leaving on a free having had the best season for us he’s ever had. Oh to be a gooner.


Let him rot in the reserves , I don’t ever want to see this lad in a arsenal jersey again.


He should have been given more chances at CM here. Looked good when he’s played there, Milan and Bayern spring to mind, and it’s not like we’re so good there he can’t get a game. Could have provided the dynamism we’ve lacked there for a while. There was a school of thought that if Wenger doesn’t rate him there then he can’t be good but as of late I’m less inclined to trust Wenger’s judgement…


Thats 2 games? lol maybe he just isn’t a CM lol imagine giving him 180k and guarantee of playing CM and realizing later on he can’t play that position? He refuses to play another position? Trying to sell him on that salary to any club that knows that he only wants to play CM lol smh move him for whatever. Let him be another clubs expensive mistake.


Good bye Ox. Those bursts against Milan is a good memory.. also the cricket video with Theo. You have a good right arm!


we tried to sign suarez some years ago but Liverpool turned it down and lied about a release clause that we met, they even went ahead to insert a clause in firminho contract prohibiting him from any future arsenal move. If am in position to sanction this deal I will tell ox that is either you join Chelsea or sign a new deal by 02/09 but u are not having Liverpool move even if they come in for you. failure to do any of this you will rot in the stands without a game in the first team (and I… Read more »


Totally agree. We should flat out refuse to even respond to Liverpoo, apart from a ‘What are they smoking over there?’ tweet.

Eric Blair

I like the cut of your jib


I think we should let him go to Liverpool. Chelsea will make him a tactically sound player but at Liverpool he will do the usual dribbling all the way to touchline stuff. We should take 40 mill+1 pound from Liverpool. But, you are 100% right in saying he is destroying the career of manager and ridiculing the club.


No he will not be tactical sound if he goes to Chelsea. He will be the same Ox, Only difference will be he will be an expensive mistake for another club. At least Chelsea can afford doing that lol Liverpool on the hand isn’t stupid enough are they? lol


This is a good twist though, LOL.
If Liverpool eager to land Lemar, i think we’ll have Ox in our club for at least one more year.
It’s become more interesting towards the end.


Take the money Ox!

Jean Ralphio

If he stays, bench him and play Nelson.

David Hillier\'s luggage

Players need to realise they don’t pick the team, the manager does. Did Lauren complain about going from midfield to right back? No, he won a shed load of trophies. If he wants to play central midfield there is a place for him… in our U23s.

Clive St Helmet

The is always the option of, you know, trying him in central midfield for a few games. He can’t do worse than Ramsey and Xhaka have done recently.

Although trying him there could turn into another “hold my beer” moment.


It seems as Liverpool will low ball us for a fee. If that’s the case why don’t we take Sakho in exchange?

He’s proven in the premier league, French (he shoukd fit in easily) and should facilite Mustafi leaving if that’s what he & the club want.

Evans seems keen for City so this makes a lot of sense. Which probably means it won’t happen!


Firstly, Liverpoo publicly ridiculed us with the Suarez saga. Remember ‘what are they smoking over there?’ So they can go fuck themselves. Wouldn’t give them the time of day.

Secondly, Sakho is a sack of shit.

Crash Fistfight

Sakho’s shit.


He is confused. When are we going to sort this out?

Merlin\'s Panini

This summer has gone from promising to total fucking shambles. We look like a joke. I bet Lacazette is wondering what the fuck he has done signing for us. We had a dearth of decent centre backs, don’t play any of them and sell one and are about to get rid of another only to attempt to replace them with Jonny fucking Evans. We shift our whole defence around to shoe horn a player to play out of position, where he doesn’t want to play and it makes him look like a cunt when he wants to leave. I do… Read more »


Therein lies the reason he played like a cnut on sunday


If the Ox wants out, then he should be forced out! Its either he takes the Chelsea offer or sit out the remainder of the season as an outcast! I would have sold him a long time ago, but hey, I dont call the shots!

Honestly, would you want to sign for Arsenal at the moment if you were a professional footballer?


If he stays,I cannot see that Ox will be some difference beetween fourth or fifth position.So I think we are pretty in solid position in this one.Unless he wants to sign two year extension with buyout clause,he should spend his time with reserves and u23 team with World Cup in horizon.And I know that some will said it would be unfair but that’s the same people bemoaning Wenger’s decision to put him in the team week in and week out and shift Bellerin on left side.


I would do the same. If Liverpool dont come in for an offer, it’s fuck off to Chelsea or enjoy the under 23’s for a year.


Honestly I’ve had enough of ox at this point. Send him to China so he can finally and realistically play his CM role.


Mark my words….. Ox will be playing in the Turkish league within a few seasons (as a right back).

He can fuck off and play with the likes of van persie and nasri!!


Keep Ox, Wilshere. Sell Xhaka, Elneny,Özil, Alexis.

Play Ox cm and he will flourish.


I thought that was sarcasm and was going to vote up. Luckily I realised that you are serious…. and voted down instead.


40 million and he can go to Liverpool. Hopefully we can mug them off with their Coutinho money. Sell one more player for 25 million (preferably Mustafi) and i think we will have enough money to sign a top class midfielder/forward. Preferably M’bappe OR Muller for more than 100 million. I’d even be happy with Mahrez and Seri double deal for 80 million.


Looks like we are getting rid of Ox and mustafi and buying van dyke and mahrez.

I would be quite happy with that to be honest. Both signings would be upgrades for our 1st team and may give us the players to actually play three at the back effectively.

I personally think we must get two defenders if Mustafi and chambers both leave.


Fuck off already! If he ends up staying at Arsenal for another year he should be sent to train and play with the youth team. Enough with the pisstakers.


He doesn’t possess the right mental attributes to play in centre midfield. He does, however, have excellent technical attributes and is an impressive athlete. He’s a wingback in other words.


Why are we not after Riyad Mahrez and Draxler? Honestly, how do you all feel if Ox leaves and replaced with Mahrez? I for one see that as progress.!

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