Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Liverpool ‘open talks’ with Arsenal over Oxlade-Chamberlain

Reports this afternoon say that Liverpool have opened talks with Arsenal over a deal for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.

Earlier, the 24 year old rejected a move to Chelsea over fears he wouldn’t be played in his preferred central midfield role, with his preference to move to Anfield rather than Stamford Bridge.

Although the reigning champions haven’t yet given up hope of doing the deal, it appears as if the Ox must have had some assurances from Jurgen Klopp about where he’d play if he joined the Merseysiders.

The issue now remains the fee, with an opening £30m bid from Liverpool reportedly rejected as Chelsea’s offer came closer to £40m.

We’re not very good at the whole negotiating thing though, and given there’s so little time left in the transfer window we may be forced into accepting a lower bid rather than face the prospect of losing him on a free next summer.

In fact, the Times are reporting that we’ve told the England international he is no longer wanted at the club, which is hardly giving us the strongest hand as we try and sell him.

We’ll have a transfer deadline day live blog on the site tomorrow, so you can follow all the outs and ins (haha) and we’re already getting in the supplies for what promises to be a long, long day.

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The Director

Set the price at 40M + 1. Good riddance.


All teams have buying discussion. We have sales discussion…
News of Seri , Lemar???


Liverpool haven’t signed them yet.


If they’re selling Coutinho?
And the way their trying to spend, I wouldn’t be surprise?
Then at this stage £50,000,001 for Liverpool and £40,000,000.99 for anyone else.
Otherwise tell him he can play left wing back for the under23s for the season


I genuinely cant believe they’d want him considering they’ve just watched him jog around passively for 90 minutes whilst they had our pants down.

He’ll do nothing over there.

He’ll be finishing his playing career at Stoke like his old man, unless Mark Hughes relegates them first.

Heavenly Chapecoense

They want to buy him as a token of appreciation for the service rendered last Sunday.


Brilliant ??

Runcorn Gooner

Kieran Gibbs- Proper professional footballer.
Chamberlain- Not.

Donald\'s Trump

Why? Don’t get it.

I’d do the same.

Purr Mertesacker

You’re not a Proper professional footballer either, then.

Donald\'s Trump

You’re a propah footballer arnchoo tyrone?

Course I am.

Dan Hunter

I don’t want that dog dribbling on my seats…

Your seats? Tyrone, this is a stolen car mate

Jack Action

Sure… and Pool offer a case of Gatorade and bus fare for Dick Law. They have all the leverage because if we don’t sell we’re stuck with a player that wants out, doesn’t want to play where we’ve been playing him and has one year left.


He can go to Chelsea or Liverpool for 40M or whoever is willing to pay the highest fee. If he is not happy with that, he can sit on the bench or on the stands on a world cup year. Alternatively, he could avoid that by signing a contract extension with a release clause so that he can still leave in future whilst Arsenal getting some money. He is a player Arsenal invested a lot of time and money in, the terms of transfer has to be reasonable for both parties.


Go away Ox! Go wherever you like. Ruin them by having them pay excessive wage for a sub, 4th choice center midfielder.


Our hand was further weakened by the fact that we left him in the dressing room after the game on Sunday.

Unhappy camper

Thought we left him in the dressing room before the game


We told him to pack his stuffs from our locker room before headind to Anfield .. That’s why we left him there hanging…. No time to deal with ungrateful players….

Runcorn Gooner

Thought we left him in the Liverpoo dressing room after the game.


Actually, I think he didn’t come out.


It’s not easy to come out when you work in the football industry.

Vin Unleaded

Well in, sir.


That’s exactly what a serious team would have done instead of turning the fate of a player who can’t start 5 games in a row for us into a saga. We should be sitting here thinking “I couldn’t care less if Ox goes because we have already signed a right-sided wide player/wingback”. But if Bellerin gets injured in the next game, we’re back to Debuchy. Telling Ox he’s no longer wanted is like telling your mates you dumped your girlfriend last night, when she left you and moved out two weeks ago. We look weak and pathetic. Jesus, get a… Read more »


Yeah, I get why people are upset considering the context, but whatever, he was a squad player that was injured a lot. Not much more to it, it’s not like we’re missing his phenomenal prodoction in goals, key passes and/or assists. But of course it stands for so much more.

Lord Bendnter

Wouldn’t surprise me if Sakho becomes part of the deal with Liverpool

J Dizzle

Is that a joke?


Everything could happened with this club because we became a joke and no surprises there.

We wanted to sell mustafi for 35mil and spent the money for evans thank god he is going to city.


sahko was palace’ best defender last season.

he is better right now than chambers or holding.
i would compare him ability wise to Gabriel


Gabriel sold for £9m
Gibbs for £7m
Sczcesney for £11m

We are fucking mugs when it comes to negotiating player sales.


Kevin Wimmer sold by Sp*rs for 18 million. Guy had made 30 appearances in his time over there.

For a club blamed with prioritizing finances, looks like we aren’t even good at that.


Our problem is the ridiculously inflated wages we pay for second string players. Buying clubs discount the fee to cover the extra wage demands for the term of the contract.


It was still more then what GAbriel did for Arsenal? I don’t even think Gibbs made many PL appearances last season or even the season before that. What do you expect to get for players that don’t play?

A Gunner with Psychic powers

Would rather have Evans than Sakho , less humiliating.


Could do worse. But wenger will term him into a wuss, play him in goal and then he will be out for ‘3 weeks’ that invariably turns into a whole fucking season. And I’m a ‘glass half full’ kinda guy

Terry Neill - never again

And Emlyn Hughes.

Jack Action

Yes… we’ll send Ox plus 50m in cash to help them buy vanDijk.


may well get emre can from them.


Don’t think so. His contract runs out soon and apparently there’s been some contact with Juventus.

But yeah if we had proper leaders at management-level they’d be bidding for him and Firmino just to mess with the Scousers.

Donald\'s Trump

How would that mess with them? It’s not like they’d be itching to leave a team on the up to a team in shambles. It would have literally no effect.

Jack Action

Never in a million years. Can is actually good…


Tomorrow is gonna be very very interesting. I’m in a way delighted he didn’t go to Chelsea.


For the first time in years, I’m looking forward to the last day before the deadline. I expect absolutely nothing, and somehow, I can only be pleasantly surprised. I don’t think for a second we have anyone coming in, and frankly, I’m OK with playing what we have – in the right positions. I can look at my arseblog feed tomorrow, and feel completely relaxed. Somehow, having your expectations lowered beyond anything I would have imagined half a year ago, makes tomorrow quite an enjoyable prospect. Lean back, and watch the world burn. I expect Sanchez to go. And I’m… Read more »


It’s the path of least resistance perspective, right? 6th place is the new 4th place……

Ted E.

In a way, pre-qualifiers to Europa League is also a trophy


Spot on odalgooner. I will be happy to watch us regroup with people who want to be here playing in their right positions. Let the adventure begin!

Lord Bendnter

If Lemar goes to Liverpool and Grzegorz Krychowiak to West Brom, we will officially have the shittiest transfer negotiators of all time.


But hey we’ll have retained Debuchy and that’s what really matters….


Does anyone else think that Debuchy could still be a decent back up to Hector? He played well before the injury and could easily get back to that level.

All it needs is for him to accept his role as back up and decide to put a shift in. I know he threw a hissy fit when Hector replaced him, but if we can’t sell him and he stays here – surely he has to knuckle down and contribute all he can?

Maybe that’s wishful thinking!


You must be joking, a guy that has basically given up on professional footballer and was happy to pick up his large check and wouldn’t move on. Same goes for Gibbs, although he at least kept his head down.

Ted E.

Burnt bridges, man


It’s not about negotiations I don’t think. It all comes back to the fact that AW is a cheap, cheap man. Other clubs realize that you have to pay big money to secure top signings. AW still thinks he can play hardball. AW, look around, literally NO ONE else is playing hardball these days. You have to pay up for top players, its the new reality. I truly thought with him feeling the pressure he’d go all out on transfers. It’s unbelievable to me that his priority still seems to be to respect the clubs finances. Why? At least spend… Read more »

Lord Bendnter

You know I would incline to agree with you, but not entirely. We did spend 42m for Ozil and have spent big bucks on Mustafi and Xhaka, at least in the perspective of the uninflated transfer market at that time. So I feel that perhaps it’s not entirely the issue of a stingy AW, but perhaps it has a bit more to do with the club hierarchy and the actual amount of funds they are willing to spend in the transfer market, regardless of whatever bullshit ‘warchest’ number they throw out to please the fans.


Problem is the ‘warchest’ numbers they throw around is what gets the fans backs up when they dilly dally and spend fuck all. It was accepted by me certainly when we was paying off the stadium, but doesn’t wash now. I know we’re a private club and keep things out of the media as much as they can, but it makes the fans speculate wildly which is completely understandable! When they do make statements: “We have a £150m war chest” “We will compete with Bayern Munich if we’re patient” This summer will be a catalyst for change” You wish they… Read more »

Don Cazorleone

Even without any warchest we have still made £33m from our sales so far. If we make £30m on the Ox, and £60m on Sanchez that will be £123m… Minus Lacazette’s fee of £46m and we are left £77m in the green from this window – plus any cash reserves we had, which in this current climate we can conservatively expect to be around £100m. Where are the fucking signings? If this window closes and all Wenger has done is line Stan’s pockets, I think it will be the final tipping point of the scales. There’s no coming back from… Read more »


No, he doesn’t think he can play hardball. He thinks he can spot underrated players and train them to become stars in Arsenal. Well, he mostly extinguish their talent. Lukas Podolski, Lucas Perez rotting on the bench.


I’m guessing the three people that down voted this comment are Wenger, Ivan and silent/sinister Stan!!!


The problem is that our Dick is, like Wrighty said, “spineless” !


If we were any way tough, we tell Liverpool it’s 40 million or nothing. If they pull out we tell ox, it’s Chelsea or the reserves. Does he risk it with a World Cup next summer?

J Dizzle

That’s actually a great shout!


Well said!


Spot on. was thinking the same myself

Unhappy camper

I’d be surprised if klopp gives assurances on playing position. If ox does go it’ll be interesting to see if he can step up to the demands klopp will put on him. Perhaps a true test of how comfortable it has been at arsenal


If Ox does well at Liverpool/Chelsea it just shows how poor AW and his coaching staff are.


Except Ox may accept the risk a year in the reserves, given 1 Arsene probably wouldn’t stay true to the threat and would probably play him and 2 he can leave on a free anywhere he wants the following year.


Whoops, meant to reply to Gar14 … d’oh!


Well he would have to run his backside off, now that would be a novelty!!! Don’t think he has the stamina and would likely get injured!!! Oh I do hope liverpoo sign him mwhahahaha


Assurances from I Klopp? So are they tapping him up?


Seeing how this has played out the tapping up happened way back

Donald\'s Trump

Everyone taps up.

Why would a team bother making a bid if the player isn’t interested. It’s a stupid rule


I think you’ve been reading BBC sport. Good article tbf

Donald\'s Trump

I have but I also knew that already. How come you only heare of bids for a player who is interested. Very rarely do you hear of a bid and the player turns it down out of hand.


Little wonder he played like that on Sunday,i really want to see him break into klopp’s team.

Merlin\'s Panini

Bring back Park Chu Young and Kim Kallstrom it is then…

Lonely in an airport

Ox to Liverpool. Maybe but John terry is still a cunt

Yankee Gooner

What a plot twist!


I would sell Alexis too. Then include Sterling in that deal (he mainly played on the right last season) and buy Draxler (whose best position is the same where Alexis plays today) for the price of the Ox.

After that we would be quite well positioned to start a new chapter now or 1,5 years later after Wenger.

Lacazette, Sterling, Draxler, Iwobi, Xhaka, Bellerin, Holding, Kolasinac…

None of them is older than 26.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

I have never been a big fan of his. He can fuck off. However if he was to be sold why did he play him in all 3 games so far.

3 out of 3 games is a bit much for a player who has been told he is surplus to requirements dont you think?

Lord Bendnter

Honestly, if his transfer doesn’t go through, I wouldn’t even include him on the bench for the next few games. You do not wear the Arsenal jersey and give a crap performance like that at Anfield, esp when the manager has started you in all three games at the expense of the position of our proper right back. Same goes with Sanchez if he starts giving crap performances because he doesn’t get his move. That should teach the other players a lesson too, that regardless of your talent, if you are disrespectful to the jersey, you don’t wear it. I… Read more »


Spot on


He’s a squad player/ borderline starter who neglects defensive duties – we have plenty of those already. We should simply tell the Ox join Chelsea or Liverpool or you won’t play again this year. The reasons he wants to leave – career development – aren’t going to change so playing the guy to the detriment of the team is just a waste of time. And we could use the fee to go get someone else who has more potential / wants to be here. That said this probably ends with him running down the contract, Wenger jamming him into the… Read more »


Well said. But I can’t help but feel at least some of the players have lost faith in the manager.

Do the players want to play for him any more? Do any (good) players want to join us?

I supposed we’ll find out the answer to the latter tomorrow.

Ulysses 32

The manager has been so odd with selection and positioning, nothing would surprise me. The Ox could be in goal next game.


If AW doesn’t bring anyone in before the deadline then I honestly wonder if he’s in full meltdown mode. Supposedly this is his “clearout” of anyone who doesn’t want to play for AFC.

That’s all well and good, but this is basically Arsene’s last stand, and he’s choosing to tear it all down? Very, very weird. Would pay a lot of money to hear his honest reasons for what is going on right now.


Yep, exactly. Even by Arsene standards, it’s utterly bizarre.


Tell Ox and Ward, either they accept Chelsea, or get Liverpool to up the offer, or he’ll spend a great portion of the season improving the U23s. If he’s happy to do so in a World Cup year, all the best to him.

The days of our f*%kery should be over!

The Limp Bar

Knob Creek is what we’re up right now

Indian Gooner

GTFO Ox! As soon as possible please!


Its like amazon sale in arsenal. Players leaving so cheaply.


I have no idea why we continually leave things until the last minute on so many negotiations in both directions. We always look to be in panic buy mode so late in the window when we have to pay a premium and get players that often don’t fit what we need.


I like Oxlade-Chamberlain and Sanchez as players. But if you don’t like it here, if you don’t value being paid tens of thousands of pounds a week and being adored by 50.000 people every weekend, then we don’t want you either. Get out!


Thats 60,000 for the record

Terry Neill - never again

My word what an extraordinary coincidence. No Scouse tapping up here I trust. #GO (Gazidis Out)

Mr Mark Hussey

Cannot see him getting into Liverpool team just look who in front of him.

David Hillier\'s luggage

I know he’s probably off to Juve next year, but I reckon we should test Liverpool’s resolve with a bid for Emre Can (who’s contract is up in the summer too), then pull out of the Ox deal last min. Just to fuck with them.


I won’t surprise if we accept those 30M from Liverpool or maybe lower, since rumors say Arsenal not welcoming Ox again if it fails. Afterall we reject 10M offer from WBA to sell Gibbs and choose to sell him for 7M.

Easy tiger

Amazing skills in negotiation. We are a gready club yet sells for less than we rejected. Wtf is going on.


In someone´s head all this makes sense. Not mine and mine has proved to be quite useful at times… yes at times not all the time obviously


Mental really.

Tomorrow will be tough.


So, Arsene Wenger thinks you aren’t much good at centre mid.
Antonio Conte thinks you aren’t too hot in there either.

Have you given any consideration to the possibility that their combined knowledge of football is a little greater than yours?

No, didn’t think so.


Wenger is clueless though, you can rule him out.
The fact Conte want Ox is amazing though, it proves he has some potential.
Kudos to Ox for having such confidence if he can play CM.


Leave. And never come back


Wenger gives Ox the idea he can be a midfielder. Ox wants to play in midfield. Arsenal sell Ox to Liverpool and fuck up their midfield. 4D chess baby!

Jack Action

No doubt we’re suggesting Ox + cash for Moreno to play CB.

Easy tiger

That just might be true. Kill me jebus.


This isn’t a popular view but I think he’s going to be some player under a far superior coaching set up to the one we’ve got. And I understand him wanting to leave for his career. With a new manager I don’t think he’d go anywhere.

It Is What It Is

Preferred Gnabry….as a direct comparison, Ox ain’t shite.

I wonder if he’s ever stayed behind to work on his crossing? What a total bell end.

Hope I never run into him.



Easy tiger

This will end with mammadou shako going the other Way. Mustafi leaving. And ill be fine with it..

Donald\'s Trump

Reports coming in we have made a bid for Peter Crouch


Still can’t believe we got rid of Wojiech. Wtf. This club is fucking ridiculous from top to bottom. I despair. Really fuck knows what we are doing and where we are going. It’s losing its fun and I’m zoning out, life is too short and there are bigger issues in the world to stress over than the fact that we’ve sold our club to a us oligarch instead of an Uzbek one. The whole system is shit and our agency as a fan base has been completely removed. Story of our times.


So, still no transfer news on one Arsene Wenger ?


Arsene Is like an Irish mam. He sees no wrong in the players and coddles them to the point where don’t need to go to work, they’ve got no motivation and they’re living at home at the age of thirty.

Comfort is a killer

I know this because I have an Irish mammy


The Ox is the leader of the “selfie” culture that has become a symbol of the loser mentality at our club. Turtle fancies himself as a comedian, and his cancerous immature attitude will not be missed. In winning teams gone by, the 98 team, the 99 united team etc, his big time charlie attitude, would not have been tolerated. Michelangelo is very much a loser, and the fact that he think he is better than AFC speaks volumes about his lack of intelligence, and absolute arrogance. Yes Arsenal are a shambles at the moment, but he is partly to blame… Read more »


Or maybe we just play him in the middle from time to time.


with ox being our only right back the balance of the team will be just perfect.

Fingers crossed we’ll go for a new left back to join Monreal, Kolasinac and Bellerin before the transfer window shuts.


I’m sure the Ox is a lovely bloke and he always comes across as a man with a great sense of humour. I don’t blame him for wanting to leave as the club are currently a complete mess. The complication regarding this particular deal is that he’s a bit of a crap footballer! Athletic, certainly but his end product and his football intelligence are virtually nonexistent. I don’t believe for one minute that he is suddenly going to become a world class player! More like a top end journeyman. I just can’t believe that Liverpool would play him as a… Read more »

Godfrey Twatsloch

Let’s see how Klopp tolerates periods of lacklustre performances week in week out.


I totally blame him for leaving. This get out while you can rubbish is getting old. If only he played for the badge.. Ask Gerrard, Pirlo, Xavi, Bergkamp, Adams… also Giroud


hooraaay, who cares how much he goes for, as long as he goes.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Knowing he’d be up against players better than him he chickened out on Chelsea and went for a sideways move to Liverpool. He should get more playing time there and good for him. Still don’t particularly wish him well. Hope we get as much money as possible out of him and then we can close the door of this sad chapter.

Joe Bloggs

Seems like its a done deal. Don’t understand why anyone would pay the money for him and dont think he will be a success.


Good luck to him, Liverpool fan and Wengers want to keep him killed our side. Only problem is it’s 3 weeks too late!


Ornstein said Liverpool agree for 40M pounds, good business, finally!!!
We can buy VVD or Seri now (if they want to join).


Why would VVD or any decent player want to be at a club going nowhere. Kronke had his chance to get rid of Wenger but we won a trophy on his 1 visit of the season, so all’s hunky dory with his investment. It will be ironic if Gibbs, Mustafi & all who leave will suddenly become good, with proper coaching


“Oxlade-Chamberlain to sign 6yr deal with #LFC & becomes Arsenal’s all-time record departure fee. Unlikely that #AFC will sign a replacement”

Jesus Christ… This is as embarrassing as it gets – You just fuckin’ called him “Arsenal’s Future”, now not only you’re selling him, you won’t even replace him?
Cheap bastard.

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