Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thierry Henry: Something’s wrong at Arsenal

Thierry Henry didn’t hold back in his criticism of Arsenal after their 4-0 defeat at Anfield on Sunday, saying he wanted to get up and leave rather than watch the humiliation continue.

He also said the performance against Liverpool is why players like Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil are not willing to sign new deals.

Speaking on Sky Sports after the game, the club’s record goalscorer said, “It was unwatchable, at one point I wanted to leave. I don’t relate to the team and I don’t think a lot of the fans do.

“That is a problem. The word I have used for a long time is comfort. Everything is comfortable at Arsenal.

“Everyone can stay, you don’t try to find out the player you can be, it’s ok to play well, and if you’re not playing well there’s not the pressure you should have at a big club.

“You are not even competing. It’s on them to change it, but everything is nice and it cannot be like that.”

And on the players who are in the final 12 months of their deals, he insisted they won’t sign becuase of days like this.

“Why would he stay after watching this?,” he said. “After this type of performance? That is why they are not renewing their contracts.

“There is something wrong with Arsenal at the minute.”

At the minute is being kind.

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my name is bob

“at the minute”
more like “at the past three-four years.”


At the past decade – and that’s being charitable.


In fairness if Wenger had money when he had Cesc, Van Persie etc he might have done better. We were pretty good back then but we were always short in some key area.

Right now we seem to alternate between kicking ass and being fucking useless


I think that RVP left for much for the same reason Sanchez is desperate to: he had no faith in Wenger (though very likely lots of affection). I think a crucial moment in RVP’a disenchantment came when Wenger subbed a very new Ox against United and he did the whole ‘what are thinking?’ thing with his arms. It the kind of decision we saw today in the benching of Lacazette and have seen a thousand times since.


We could have got Alonso back then if we budged for an extra 3m. Could have got Toure relatively cheaply but didn’t want to “kill” Diaby and Denilson’s careers. Yeah, we could have done better regardless of money. As for kicking ass and being useless, that says to me that a better manager could get more out of most of these players

Mesut Ozzle

I disagree. This team isn’t a patch on 07/08 and that “era”. We had a clearer recruitment policy and an obvious direction in playing style. It’s a mess now.


It was a mess then and more of mess now

Mein Bergkampf

Urgh, watching it back on MOTD2 is just disgusting. Having to listen to Danny Murphy and all those other pundits telling us what an embarrassment we’ve become. Makes me want to puke to be honest. If I had any pride left, it went today. C’mon Arsene, can’t you see what you’re doing to our club? Have you no perspective, no realism? Can you not see outside of the little bubble you’ve created for yourself? How can someone so intelligent not see the damage their tenure is doing? I beg you, let us go. It’s over.


The day I chose Arsenal as my club, it was till death do us path. It hurts especially when there’s a problem and no body is interested in addressing the problem. It really HURTS


wenger needs to be reminded that we’ll still be with arsenal long after he’s gone.


Dude anymore of such performances n dat ‘death’ might come too soon

planet ape

don’t kill yourself man, and if you think about ending support…that’s not an option. Arsenal till the end even if it means to go through times like these

Matt P

Intelligence is no barrier to obstinacy, delusion and arrogance.


Great comment. Summed up nicely. We are an embarrassment and it’s disgusting. Someone said it right earlier – if he doesn’t leave soon this will end in a very messy divorce.


I don’t need idiots like Murphy and Carragher to tell me ANYTHING. I can think for myself. Fucking half wits who have walked into these jobs, for no apparent reason other than they can wind up supporters of clubs they never played for. This IS an Arsenal problem, and it’s got fuck all to do with other clubs or their prima donna former players!

Maul Person

They are pundits. It’s their job. To analyse games. Don’t be so bloody precious!


We don’t need those pundits to tell us nothing. Paying attention to them is like adding gasoline to a raging fire just to know the cause.


Except the pundits were actually spot on this time. Read Danny Murphy’s column on BBC sport about arsenal. 100% accurate description of our tactical inadequacies


There’s something very dirty happening in the background, I feel! Wenger’s recent statements about board, transfers and team selection borders on trying to incite fans or board into action. I feel, by saying that he is satisfied with the transfer activity he conveyed to fans that he doesn’t have approval to buy more this window and then he gives go ahead to Mustafi to leave and selects a team full of out of position players, talks about board overruling him on Sanchez – I feel Wenger doesn’t want to publicly & openly speak about his predicament but wants to convey… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

Did the board tell him to bench our £50m striker to play Welbeck? Our the Bundasliga’s best LWB to play an out of form RB in the left?

Let’s stop making excuses to make Wenger sound like some kind of Martyr. If the board don’t want him to spend, then maybe it’s because they’ve finally lost faith in him too, like the fans and now players have.


That is the whole point! He sends a weak out of sorts team out to play in the week of transfer window closure. As much as you hate Wenger, he’s not dumb enough to make his costliest asset sit out – in fact, last season people were baying for his blood because he wouldn’t leave Ozil out! It’s a GoT at the backend and either the board has to bend to him or sack him, which I honestly don’t think this board is capable of at this moment. Also, there are not many top class managers around, who would take… Read more »


The only person/people we can assuredly blame is the owner and/or the club board. For all we know Wenger is just as unhappy as we are. His major weakness may be that he just doesn’t want to give up on the club (possibly just as much as any of us). He should have probably left just to make the issues obvious but we all know how stubborn he is. He has kept on going and somehow got us to perform with some truly useless players) Maybe he is part of the problem but as some are suggesting he could very… Read more »


The unease started at least 6 years ago. No spine. No tactical acumen. Heavy defeats to our top 4 rivals. The scraping through the CL group stages. The squeaky bum last day of the season to see if we would make the top 4. And it has got steadily worse but now feels like an avalanche of failings. AW has lost touch with reality. And you cannot make the team selections he made in the last two games and call him rational.


cast your mind back a bit more mate, at least 10 years.


Yes, a culture of mediocrity that starts with the owner. Stan fucking Kroenke out.


And what is absolutely beyond my understanding is often followed by our fans


Think we are screwed really until silent Stan is ousted.

Samuel Peeps

Agreed, we need that gun toting, franchise relocating blood-sucker out of our club. The man shoots baby lions ffs. But let’s not pretend the rot hadn’t set it before he arrived, he’s just the facilitator now. We need both him and Wenger to go if we’re going to get our club back.

Michael Benson

Give us back our beloved club Mr Stan Kroenke. Just do the decent and go. I am happy to take over if you can loan me the club for a year to turn things around.
This is not an emotional talk it is what every caring Arsenal fan is thinking. Please go now as we can’t this any more. Thank you sir.

California Gooner

Stan Kroenke is guilty of 1 thing. Not firing Wenger. If anyone thinks a new owner will change things as long as Wenger is in charge they are fooling themselves


A new owner would likely fire Wenger. Any clown can see he’s the issue.


That’s the whole point though. An employee screws up – blame him. He keeps screwing up for ten years, you then blame the employer for keeping him.


Or forget keeping/firing him. At least put pressure on him to perform. That hasn’t happened since the days of David Dein.

It Is What It Is

Like he wasn’t performing when we had Dein? Or before the move? Wtf?


Arent the players with inly 12 months left part of those performances? You arent exempt just cos you havent signed a new contract.

Maybe if thats how they see it they shouldnt be involved.


It is because they don’t believe in the project anymore. Wenger can say all he want that players will give everything untill the last day of their contract. Well this proves him wrong.


What if there are other factors at play apart from ‘players not performing’. Maybe they see something we don’t. Maybe they see a lack of preparation, lack of tactical foresight, lack of winning mentality.


That’s a very fair perspective, especially considering how much they’re paid for the job, but there’s sometimes only so much you can do. Ozil and Alexis have been carrying this team for the last few years. Literally carrying the team with their individual brilliance, and sometimes it takes more than individual brilliance to actually pull the team together. Better tactics, better usage of your players (who let’s be frank are not half bad if we’re honest), and etc. Look at Ozil against Stoke last week, worked his arse off even when nothing was opening up for him. I won’t be… Read more »


I really can’t blame the players, most of them were played out of position! Bellerin should have been the right back, Kolasinac should have been the left back, Mustafi should have been the centre back instead of Monreal (yes, not holding). Liverpool were a pressing team and we had to counter for much of the game, the closest Cazrolas we have now is the Ox and Iwobi so either should have played instead of Ramsey (fucking half wit). Ozil was a touch out of form so we should have started either Iwobi or Ox in his position. Or Alexis should… Read more »


I agree. If Alexis, Ozil, Ox and Mustafi have any self respect, they’ll all force moves this week. I suspect two or three will for sure. I hope they do. They don’t want to be here, they want to go somewhere where there’s hope and leadership. Unfortunately I’m stuck here.


“Why would he stay after watching this?”

I’ve wondered that for so long now, why would players like Alexis want to stay at Arsenal? In fact, why would anyone with ambitions of challenging for the league want to stay? It’s painfully obvious that as long as Arsene is in charge we will be nowhere near challenging.

In fact, whenever we sign a marquee player I always wonder why they chose us… it really makes no sense to choose Arsenal if you have ambitions of winning league titles and the champions league.


I don’t understand why he sign those players when you don’t believe them ,why sign player you can not trust in a bigood game


They choose us, ironically, because of Arsene himself.

Troy McClure

Wenger’s reputation theses days isn’t great, he’s seen as a dinosaur. The huge wages on offer helped bring these players in, also the promise to let them do whatever they want. Would any other manager let Ramsey stroll around in the opposing penalty area, leaving the middle of the field wide open?


Not any more. They choose us for money and EPL opp.


Those players who said he came because of Wenger didn’t sign a new contract right now, they know the truth already, i prefer we sign a player who come because of our pride as a club, not because of the manager.

John C

“I don’t relate to the team and I don’t think a lot of the fans do.”

This is exactly how i feel and have for quite a while now


It is really damning when one of the club’s all time heroes says he can’t relate to the current team. If I was one of the current squad I would be embarrassed about that.

David C

I’m finding it’s hurting less because I know what’s coming and I’ve seen it so many times before.

Worst part for me is both my bloody brothers are Liverpool fans. They’re being polite because neither one has checked in on me yet.

Ask yourself this question: which team looked like they played a midweek CL qualifier?


We’re not even good enough to play a midweek CL qualifier any more. Let that sink in.

Mesut Ozzle

Honestly, as frustrated as I am with arsene I could never dislike him or forget what he achieved but I’m at a point now where I’m honestly sick of so many of our players. Whether Wenger stays or not this squad need a rebuild.


Who would take a coaching team of Patrick, Titi, Jens and Dennis with Wenger moving up to a director of football role?


I mean they couldn’t do any worse.
Wengers right hand man is Steve bould, an ex-defender. I think Steve isnt up to the job either but if Viera needed a defensive coach then maybe he can keep a job here otherwise we need new blood in the ‘brain’ of the club not the body.


Think we need somebody with a proven track record


Fuck off Wenger. No role. Greatest manager we’ve ever had, but it’s come to this because he doesn’t know when to quit and there’s no leadership above him to force him out.


If Henry were to speak of the elephant in the room, (Wenger needs to go ) I think it might provide some extra movement to the Arsenal revolution that has been brewing for a long time. It has to pop at some point — how it didn’t last season I don’t know. The FA cup saved him again and the losers in the board. It’s not about individuals, I could not care less who plays any more. Bring back Yossi for the fucking banter


I was really pissed of with Alexis. Its one thing demanding for more from the team but throwing your hands within the first 5 mins is being a borderline cunt-bag. Chamberlian threw his shirt apparently. There has been something wrong for years but shit has finally hit the fan…. which could be a good thing

Mesut Ozzle

That display from chamberlain was a disgrace. Utter contempt for the badge.


Yeah, but on the other hand, it’s at least as much on Arsene for playing him. What is he thinking? The guy just refused a contract. He shouldn’t even be in the team, much less starting in a way that mucks up the team shape completely. It’s absolutely mental.


Refusing a contract is not an excuse. He is still under contract with us as a professional he is expected to give his all when he is called up for. Lets not turn this on arsene, this is utter disrespect to the badge and the club that has been patient with him for so long.


I just don’t see that. He gives his all every time. He’s just fucking done with the circus that is AW.

Godfrey Twatsloch

I only watched the highlights so I can’t comment too much on the game but seeing Sanchez smiling on the bench…what the fuck? Fair enough he wants to leave and fair enough it’s falling apart at the seams and the rest but smiling in the midst of it comes across as cunty to the max. If I was BFG I’d give him a smack in the mouth for that.

Ramsey\'s Slippy boots

Do you really think he was smiling because he was happy? This “oh look he’s smiling…see, he doesn’t care about the club” tabloid nonsense is exactly why players don’t ever show an ounce of honesty these days. There is always some armchair psychologist ready to tell the world exactly and unequivocally what the player is thinking, despite not being able to even know what their closest friend really thinks at any given moment. Well, here is my 100% certain take on his emotions. He was clearly angry, he was going through the same emotions as the fans watching the game… Read more »

Godfrey Twatsloch

I can’t say with certainty why he did it as little as you can. All I know is that to me it looked shit.

The main thing is Wenger needs to go and we need things to change. Badly! But I’d like to include players with bad attitudes in the purge and over the last year it seems to me that Sanchez is one of them.


Who would want to join us right now? Basically it looks like we are going to lose over £50-70m worth of assets at the end of the season and no one worth a flip is going to want to come play for this team if Wenger is still in charge. The club is DESPERATE for new blood in charge.


Ozil, Sanchez, Ox and the rest of them are hugely responsible for what is happening on the pitch. Saying they won’t sign new deals because they are playing shit is taking the piss.


I don’t think it’s very hard to guess what has been wrong at Arsenal for the last 10 years.


And yet the fans do absolutely nothing to pressure the club. Its a ridiculous scam yet everyone laps it up like sheep. Year after year season tickets are sold out, every single game is almost full. On the streets I see people wearing Arsenals latest kits. For once let the greedy owners know they can’t get away with this any longer. Fucks sake. I’ve stopped buying anything from Arsenal the last few years, doesn’t make me care any less for the club, just that I won’t let the owners get away with this ongoing scam.


Yes. An empty stadium would send the only message Kroenke would understand. Keep hold of your season ticket though for when this shambles is over.


This is the mentality required Man Utd (pains me to say) did it and have now turned a corner. Needs peaceful protest at the ground and to stop buying merchandise. Doesn’t mean you love the club any less. Will always be Arsenal but the business men have to find the divide between success and business.


After the first goal i left bcs I see that the performance was not right


Do U know how much other clubs spent to improve their club this season. As long as arsenal refuse to buy quality, fighting relegation is around the corner.

Rhaegarbage Garbagegarian

Uhhhhmmmm i think we all know whats wrong at Arsenal lol

Bould\'s Eyeliner

Part of the problem has to be these fuckers who refuse to sign the contract. All of them can go, not fit to wear the shirt. No sense of urgency or desire from especially the Ox. Let him leave. I’d rather watch him succeed elsewhere than disrespect the badge that has brought him this far. Fuck him, fuck the rest, and fuck all the players who have been turning up to matches to moan and lose. It’s seldom that I’m in this bad of a mood after a loss, but for today was not just about losing. Henry thinks the… Read more »


There a multitude of problems at Arsenal – 1) The owner doesn’t care about what happens on the pitch & only wants profits. 2) We have a Manager who has done amazing things for the club but is way past his best, has too much power at the club and cannot successfully inspire his players. 3) Gazidis & Chips clearly wanted Wenger out of the club at the end of the season but the FA Cup success gave Wenger the collateral to go direct to Kroneke & plead for a new deal which he got, allowing him for to bypass… Read more »

Wenger\'s coat zipper

Usmanov. Maybe Kroenke has to be “gently persuaded” to sell off his shares? Who knows. I wouldn’t mind seeing a Russian mafia takeover, to be honest. At least the Uzbek is a diehard fan.

Make Arsenal Great Again

Spot on and well said.


Like you said it’s pretty obvious that Wenger is now holding the club back. Somewhat ironically Stan’s lack of involvement is one of the things that will make the Arsenal sporting director & manager jobs so attractive once Wenger leaves. You have an owner with tons of patience and who doesn’t meddle at all. My real fear is the longer Wenger stays the more the squad will deteriorate to the point where its a true rebuild once he leaves.

California Gooner

The board (Wenger confirms this) says money is available. The problem is Wenger is not spending wisely. He spent £35 million on Xhaka. League champion Chelsea spent £32 million on Kante – Wenger never lodged a bid.


I’m probably in the minority but I loved the Xhaka signing – he brings a skill set we need that really no one else other than Santi has. The real issue is that Wenger seems to have no clue that Xhaka needs a DM next to him and to stop having both fullbacks bomb forward constantly at the same time. We needed to buy both Xhaka and Kante and that’s the real issue. Ramsey has no positional discipline as he’s just constantly looking for the goal, which causes major problems as Xhaka isn’t really a DM – he’s more a… Read more »

Donald\'s Trump

Positional discipline can easily be taught.

Stringer Bell

if Ramsey needs to be taught discipline it probably tells you he doesn’t have a football brain. He has been here years and is an average player. He is not and never will be good enough for The Arsenal. The fact Wenger keeps playing him tells us Wenger has to go as well. If you ever played in a Sunday league game and were constantly getting caught so far out of position and leaving your team completely exposed, your mates would give it you. Why no one says anything is a huge part of the problem with us. To remind… Read more »


This. Been saying it for a while since it became obvious Xhaka desperately needs a top class DM alongside him.

I mean, it’s not that hard to figure it out. Looking at our manager, it probably is.


If they carry on like this, I believe they will not make top seven not to talk of to four

not so fed up

If they carry on like this Arsenal will get relegated!!! Same thing happened with clough at forest!!! Sad times!!!


Thought the same.
We will have to bring in big Sam to save us from the drop


Very painful. My dear ARSENAL FC




Blow it up. Sell Ox, sell any players that don’t wanna be here and start again. Put everything into Europa league. The league season is done so write it off. Start again and rebuild. Wenger should go but he won’t. What a utterly shite situation.


This. We need to focus on Europa League. Try and win it to get CL cos we aint getting top four. Then, at the end of the season, sell all liability players, sack the manager and start fresh.

Mate Kiddleton

We can blame Silent Stan, but Wenger is the one who puts a right back at left wing, leaves out his actual left wing-back, leaves his record-signing striker on the bench and lets the midfield do whatever they want.


This. Kroenke doesn’t coach and pick the team.


But Kroenke allows this shit to continue.


I love the man but he’s nearly 70 now. Let that bloody sink in for a minute. Yet he insist on running every single fucking thing in the club, the scouting, the transfers, the coaching, team preparation, the management. He’s opposed to having a director of football, when at his age people are mostly not senile anymore. It’s fucking scandalous.

Donald\'s Trump

I hate the man but not senile is a good attribute to be fair.

Not sure Wenger isn’t senile though.


Arsenal in a serious trouble


Taking a step back and looking at the lack of spending, players wanting to leave, hopeless performances and all the negative comments on the site here it’s not looking good is it.


We are going to be in profit if we sell everybody we want to sell and don’t sign anybody else


You can blame the manager? And it’s his mess. But the board and owner are the ones who are accountable, because they’re the ones who’ve rewarded this constant failure. We were promised changed… but again nothings actually changed. We’ve still got a team that doesn’t function properly. This is down to poor recruitment that’s opportunistic. Poor tactics and team selection. With our current options I don’t know how we’d fix our midfield? I got slated all Summer for suggesting we loan out Holding. But instead it looks like we’re selling Mustafi?…. we’ve got far too much to do to fix… Read more »


We haven’t got a team. We’ve got chaos. No responsibility, no leadership, no desire.
The shambles of Wenger’s contract last season has had a knock on effect, leaving players not wanting to sign new contracts unless they are too comfortable earning big bucks for doing nothing.
We are a lost cause while the owner, the board and the manager remain in place.


Change did happen. We got worse. Crisis at the start of the season, not the mid or end.


Wenger should be sacked NOW. Tuchel should be given the job NOW and a whack of money to spend by Thursday. And authority to rid the club of ANYONE he doesn’t consider good enough. Show some BALLS Arsenal. Act decisively for the first time in years.


This! We are spending obscene amounts of money chasing shitty investments. I’m not talking about the players. We have great players. But they’re not being used to their strengths. And we have a lot of dead weight. Not lacking in skill, but lacking in the desire to murder the opposition, teammates, and anything else that gets in the way of 3 points. I’m talking about an obviously catastrophic contract situation, rewarding players “up front” with huge contracts “to keep them from going elsewhere”. Fucking LET them go elsewhere. If they don’t want to play at Arsenal, they can play somewhere… Read more »


Could you imagine what a lift that would be for all of us. Tuchel or anyone half decent who could give these players a kick up the arse and a little technical guidance, and we’d easily challenge for Top 4.

Alexander Edwards

Away at Chelsea in a few weeks. This club is rotten at the core. Let’s rebuild from the manager down, and give the fans something to look forward to!


Henry was being polite by not blaming the boss.
Its the same old story.The defence is being ripped to pieces and yet the fm can still survive.
Who can ever forget the 8-2 massacre and the repeated heavy defeats to
the top teams.


No shit


Why should Arsenal offer big wages to the likes of Sanchez and Özil after a performance like this. They as well as everyone at the pitch today should take a hard look in the mirror and ask them selfs what they could do to do and be better for the club, the fans and for them selfs


What is wrong? The manager’s priority is to prove he is still the best in spotting talents. The most astute of all managers on the transfer market. He has to keep playing his ‘clever signings’ even if they are not suited in the role, or not good enough. I have been a blind fan of Mr Wenger. I couldn’t think of Arsenal without him. But over the last two years I have felt he has lost focus of his primary task. Instead of playing a team to win, he plays a team to prove he is right. That he still… Read more »


My same sentiments. All of us even the pundits also know that the lineups are absolutely jumbled up. And yet only Wenger still persists with the same at Stoke. And this time, putting a Welbeck as CF who can’t finish ffk.

Guess Arsenal will finish first before Welbeck can manage to finish his chance.


I can think of Arsenal without him. And it’s a fucking lot better than current situation.


I believe very few managers could do worse with squad and financial backing we have … that only suggests 1 thing?

Do we even scout teams anymore before we face them or does wenger say go play and see what happens… hes now adelusional old fart.

You cant blame the board for what happens on the pitch! No game plan no backbone! board are not perfect but i bet any other manager in the league could set us up to atleast ‘challenge’ liverpool today


Wenger has got to stop putting players preference over​ performance. Welbeck bench, Giroud or Lacazette, start. Wat kinda​ management is that. Replace monreal, he is bad for​ the 3 at the back formation.

A Gunner with Psychic and Healing powers

There is something sinister going on behind the scenes , the way the team played today wasn’t just usual wenger’s fault , i think there is more to the team than we know , players weren’t communicating with each other on the pitch , they weren’t caring about the game at all , at one of the goals i saw ramsey was talking to another player and not giving a damn about the game at all , there is some internal crisis between players , some probably hate each other , the defenders and the midfield lost the ball too… Read more »


Yeah it was … how are you playing players out of position and with no actual gameplan againist a on form liverpool! suicide the fact he even played 3 at the back i knew Mane n salah would be 1 on 1 so much … and im not even a coach ffs lol


In Mourinho’s last year at Chelsea, the players sabotaged the Special One on the pitch by playing shite. I’m wondering if our lads are doing the same to get rid of Wenger.


Kudos to them and to Chelski players. It shows that they love the club so much that they are willing to do what it takes to sack a manager who’s preventing them from winning titles.

Fact is Chelski won the title after Mou is sacked. Maybe the same can happen to Arsenal, like, winning titles.


I hope so. And Ranieri. Hurry up. I like the outcome of this thinking.


OR Wenger’s doing it to Kronke. What a twist that would be.

Dropping shareprices, fans unrest, big name players leaving. Get out while you can Kronke.

Of course it’s HIGHLY unlikely but it would be interesting nonetheless.


Sinister AW.

Sean Williams

Wenger blames the players. Every one else blames Wenger. Wenger is damaging this great club. Is it deliberate? Wenger needs to buy three or four players by Thursday or we will know he is sabotaging the club.


I think ex players like Keown, Adams, Parlour, Henry should tell the current players some home truths because some of them aren’t fit to wear the Arsenal shirt.

Talent isn’t enough. Without hard work, dedication & mental toughness talent is worthless.


I’m pretty sure no matter how bad Arsenal players are they are not worse than say, Bournemouth’s players. The problem is that Wenger is past his prime and it is clear that the players doesn’t care anymore.


This has nothing to do with the players and everything to do with Wenger. No prep, bizarre formation, no tactics, no spirit. The players see him for what he has become – a fucking joke.


Henry: “Something is wrong at Arsenal.” No shit, Sherlock. It’s funny how you don’t have the balls to come out and name your ex-boss for this fucking shambles, isn’t it? I know Wenger’s your mate, but Sky pay you an awful lot of money; so why don’t you do what you’re paid for and tell it as it is? And if you can get an interview with Wenger here’s a few questions you could ask: 1. Why did he play Sanchez when it obvious that the Chilean is about to leave? 2. Why did he play the Ox when he… Read more »


agreed, not one pundit said ‘sack him’. souness got close but still didn’t say it. Wenger has to go NOW!!


The NBC pundits in US (Robbie Earle and the yank with the quiffy hair) said it will only get better when Wenger is no longer there. It’s easier to be blunt from afar.


To be fair to Henry, even though he didn’t mention Wenger by name, he implied Wenger was at fault in a number of areas–in the comfort of the players, in the fact that no pressure is put upon them.

banjo string

Have some cake..
Strange how ?

Not now. Now i just want to drink and listen to blue Monday and stuff.

Though thumbs up yours arsenthat


William Carvalho….for the defense. Jean Michael Seri……to hold the ball and destribute. Riyad Mahrez to really attack. If Wenger does not buy these players he is deliberately trying to sabotage the club.


You play a guy who won’t stay for money he’s not worth in front of guys who signed bc they wanted to play for Arsenal and there should be no question about why they looked bad. And Ramsay cannot play alongside Xhaka. Ever again. He is an AM or let him go.


It’s because of Wenger and Kroenke!!!
Fuck me, I think everyone knows it but, still some fans fall for the same old bullshit just before the season begins.

He\'s got no hair but we don\'t care...

Unless there is a true consistent boycott of home games with a 40,000 empty seats, nothing will change.


Sould we also boycott Coke and occupy Wall Street while we’re at it?

NY Gooner

Unless I’m mistaken, Welbeck is our third string striker. Frankly, I’d put Perez over him, which makes him forth string. So why is he playing against a top club? Madness. Compare goal per minute of our strikers, and Welbeck should be sold his conversion rate is so low. Ultimately, a player can improve in many areas, but you can’t fix a player who chokes in front of goal.


Welbeck in front, Bellerine in the right!?


Wenger has become a problem, but he’s also a symptom of the root problem which is Kroenke. If you may indulge me, I’d like to bring in an example from another sport as a contrast. There was once a man named George Steinbrenner who owned the NY Yankees. Steinbrenner was a flaming asshole but he was also a fan of baseball and of his Yankees and he would never have let anyone Yankee manager skate along with substandard results. His penchant for firing managers for substandard results may have become a national joke, but it did get results on the… Read more »


Definitely, until the organization fails to turn a profit, Kroenke will not act, so the worst is yet to come.

A Gunner with Psychic and Healing powers



The name of the problem is Arsenal Wenger.


What Titi is talking about is Arsene starting the ox (a player who’s made it clear he no longer wants to be at the club) when there are youth team players dying for a chance to play for the jersey. What does the Ox do? He plays like he doesn’t give a fuck! That’s a fuckin disgrace by Arsene. Players like Ozil and Xhaka know that no matter how poor their form, they’ll still get picked. That’s what Titi is talking about being comfortable. Arsene doesn’t have the balls to kick Ozil to the bench and let him know that… Read more »


Even if Ox wants to leave he has a job to do on the pitch. I don’t think wanting to leave the club is an excuse for that terrible display. It is not Wenger’s fault at all IMO because any manager would IDEALLY expect players to show some professionalism. If anything the Ox performance is indicative of the attitude of modern day footballers. They don’t care about the club or fans. There is no loyalty. It’s the same with Bellerin. It’s not like the guy has been a world beater down the right hand side. All he does is overlap.… Read more »


The same problem every year… Kolasinac benched, lacazette benched, bellarin on d left wing back.. Ozil should be sold if arsenal wants to get serious.. Chamberlain is far below average too.. Dhaka and Ramsey are a mess.. Walcott scored 19 goals last season I don’t c y he should be benched..


Don’t worry. Diaby will be back after the interlul. He’ll be like a new signing.

The Big Ticket

I’m as worried/pissed off about the direction the club is going in as anyone, but for reasons that make literally no sense, I’ve always been an optimist when it comes to Arsenal. The current state of the club doesn’t justify optimism in the slightest, but I can’t help but think, after going through all of this as fans, experiencing our club’s fall from grace, just how much sweeter it is going to taste when we finally make our comeback and win the league. We are going to eventually come back from this right?


Every other clubs new signings hit the ground running but for some reason we need to give ours time to settle in to the hussle and bussle of the EPL. I’m so far beyond understanding what’s going on at the moment.


Conte summed it up perfectly, he is a coach and not a manager. Conte deals with tactics Wenger with politics.


And finances……

Teryima Adi

The Board is culpable. They had no business renewing Wenger’s contract. The man is past his use at the club with all due respect.

King Eboue

I know exactly what’s wrong and how to fix it:

1. Alexis Sanchez is spreading the bad flu virus. Get rid of him. OX too. Bring in Mahrez & Draxler. Promote Reiss Nelson more forward role.

2. Revert back to 4-4-2. Stop the three-legged CB nonsense, it is as annoying as the three-wheeled car in Mr.Bean. Replace Nacho with Kolasinac.

3. Wenger OUT. Thiery Henry IN.


442? Can we also revert back to the old offside rule and scrap the back pass rule.

442 is doomed to fail bcos of the lack of numbers in centre mid. We could play it like leceister do with 9 – 10 men behind the ball and play on the counter, but I don’t think wenger has the tactical acumen to make that work.

King Eboue

At this rate, Wenger must quit and let’s suggest who is the new manager:

1. Thierry Henry

2. Diego Simeone

3. Carlo Ancelotti

4. Sir Alex Ferguson

5. Diego Maradona


Where is TGMTEL on this list?


6. Eboue

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