Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger set to mix it up as Chambers and Wilshere handed starts

Jack Wilshere and Calum Chambers will start against Doncaster Rovers tomorrow night, as Arsene Wenger looks to mix up his team for the Chupacabra Cup.

Wilshere’s last start was in May 2016, while Chambers was in the line-up for the opening day defeat to Liverpool last season.

Both players have since spent a season on loan, at Bournemouth and Middlesbrough respectively, and are now back in the fold for the upcoming campaign.

The manager was asked about the team he’d be selecting for the game, he said, “It will be a similar team to the one that played against Cologne.”

And on Chambers, he continued, “Yes, he will be involved against Doncaster. Jack Wilshere is involved too.

“Mesut is training again, but for tomorrow no. He has a little inflammation of his knee.”

There’s no room at the inn for Mathieu Debuchy though, whose possible involvement was met with a ‘No, no’ from the manager.

Meanwhile, the club await the results of a scan on Danny Welbeck’s groin to put a precise time on his absence. Initial reports say he could miss at least four weeks, so fingers crossed it’s nothing more serious than that.

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Wouldn’t it be great to see 4 at the back instead of a back 3? Pigs might fly.

I’m actually going to watch this match tomorrow so I hope a few first team players start as well.




I thought it was Cucaracha?

Das Neck


Why not

Actually no.. no it wouldnt. We did solidly with it last game, on top of that people spent the best part of 10 years asking for a change of formation from wenger. All of a sudden, they want to change back.

Funny we don’t here the old “definition of crazy is doing the same thing and expecting different results”

5 games in, yeah results havent been 100%. But we are no where near as messed up as people seem to believe. Media soap operah stories aside, we could have a very successful season.


Can’t see any first team players making this one mate.

Is this game on tv anywhere??

Bendtner\'s ego

Is Debuchy even registered with the squad this season?

Heavenly Chapecoense

Wenger definitely mistreating Debuchy. This guy has enough quality to be sold to a Spanish or French side.

Ashish Chandra

See his latest interview, Arsenal allowed him to leave for free. But he couldn’t find a club that could afford his wages.


I hope Debuchy is putting his Gap Year of paid leave to good use by enrolling in a retraining program.

That wage cut is coming whether he likes it or not.

Ben Rivers

Yes he is, because debuchy is a whinging little spursy. If he had got his head down and worked hard when he lost his place he would be playing maybe 20 games this year. He’d be in contention. But Hes a pleb. And wenger is showing us his balls. They are glorious


No disrespect to Wenger but I don’t want to see his balls.


Yes, but after you sell him there is no guaranty that the guy, who replaces him as manager, would play Debuchy.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

I really don’t know what Debuchy has done. Surely he could get a game against a lower division team with little or nothing riding on the result.

Stringer Bell

I guess you answered your own question, you really don’t know what he’s done

Wenger\'s Nose

do you? is it a persistent attitude problem? grounds to not consider playing him/ rehabilitating a good player into a squad weak at right back, but not grounds to dock his wages?

i can’t believe that this is still about him agitating for a move a couple seasons back? maybe he is depressed or something and just not cutting it at training?

does anybody actually know?


Before the Arnautovic shove injury, he was actually a very good player for us. He was keeping Sagna out of the France team at the time.

I genuinely don’t understand – why can’t he play ad well now as we’ve seen him play, just after he signed?

I feel like there’s an inside story somewhere


Maybe you guys haven’t watched the few performances since his agitation for a move. He has been absolutely poor. I understand he has had injuries, but why waste time on a player who has shown zero commitment to the Arsenal cause. He doesn’t deserve playing time.


Would love to see Nelson out there and hopefully AMN too, once he actually played in midfield he looks useful. If he can’t play these guys against a damn league 1 team then when will they?

Spanish Gooner

agree on AMN – him, the Jeff and liverpool’s bench warming maestro ripped Southampton apart in the cup last year when playing in midfield


AMN was played at right back for that game IIRC, but at least that’s somewhat more natural than him at left wingback the other day!


Isn’t The Jeff still injured? If not, I’d love to see him out there. Reiss Nelson, too.

Andy Mack

Jeff was on the bench against Koln, so I don’t think he’s injured…


It’s a dangerous bench.


How do you get that Wilshere and Chambers will start? Was it in the question? His direct quotes don’t mention it.


Exactly, the word ‘involved’ could mean anything from a 90th minute sub appearance. There’s been a lot of assumptive journalism going on here recently.
I have infinite respect for blogs but it reminds me of last month when they were flat-out sure the Jeff was getting transfer listed. Completely unfounded statements that seem to have no other benefit than receiving clicks.

Hereford gooner

I’d hardly call news about Callum chambers starting a league cup game clickbait. Sure what you say has foundation but give the guy a break – it is not easy making a living from running a blog, so even if this was clickbait then I think you can be mindful enough not to criticise (simply form an opinion that does not need to be shared and move on)

Man Manny

The whole sentence is that “Wilshere and Chambers will start warming up with others” before kick off. Was on Sky news.

Prince Reiss Nelson

What tragedy would have to befall arsenal before arsene picks debuchy?


Debuchy being fit would probably help. It seems that he has been injured.


I don’t know whether to feel sorry for Debuchy or not ?


Perfect time to put him in the shop window, other league 1 scouts will be in the building!


What does it matter? AW was willing to let him go for free and no one wanted him lol It’s sad because I think if he is healthy he isn’t a bad player.


Why ‘no , no ” Debuchy?? He could be a decent back up for Hector…
Would love to se him play again in red n white for sure!

Ox in the Box

He is injured.

J Dizzle

For real? Do you not remember the last time we fielded him for a few games? He was terrible! So slow and easy to get past.. terrible positioning. And that was at RB! It’s much more demanding to play at RWB as you need to add something to the attack.

Would much rather a younger player gets a chance.


I remember the one time he played last year (albeit for 15 minutes), we looked pretty sharp down the right.


Agree, vs Bournemouth he actually looked very good. Think he’d be good back up for Hector tbh but unfortunately think he wants more playing time now.


Lol no I don’t remember. What games were these?

J Dizzle

Other reasons why we should forget about him:
– he was super unfit after 3 months with one injury (dislocated shoulder)
– he wasn’t up for a fight for the place with Bellerin
– he would rather collect his fat wage packet than play first choice at a smaller club


Who can blame him for your third point???

David C

well we can’t play Bellerin and Monreal again so not sure who goes in at the back. I wonder if Elneny will be a CB or MF today.

COYG! Don’t underestimate these guys today, they’ll be up for it!

My Wig smells cheesy

The game is tomorrow


still don’t want to underestimate them today though.

Bon Jello

No it’s today, and tickets are free to anyone called David. He should definitely go… ?


why cant we play bellerin or monreal again


maybe save their legs?


Bad idea, look what that did to Marco Asensio.


Hopefully Tolaji Bola will be called up. He’s on the cusp of making the transition to the team and has been in the matchday squad before.


“No, no….” Did he say it like Consuela from Family Guy? I like visualizing that way….


I approve this post…Giggity

P.S. Who the F downvoted it?!


Having known this fixture was on the horizon you would hope that Wenger has charged Mert with the task of practicing with some of the acadamy back line and using Mert with them so they are used to playing with each other and have Mert to to look to during the game

Donald\'s Trump

That sentence needs more merts

Jimbo Jones

Mert 😉

Wenger\'s Smirk

And lesser punctuation.


Do you really think that its going to be academy players only in the lineup tomorrow?

Brown American Gooner

I still rate both Wilshere and Chambers. I think both can be contributing squad players for us.


Don’t see why Debuchy would get an opportunity to play and to prove himself.


How about: – we’re paying him more than £60,000 per week to play football for us – he’s practically the second of two experienced right back options at the club, and if (when) option 1 gets injured he is the natural replacement – if we want to sell him for actual money then it’s good for clubs to see he us a)alive b)remembers what a football looks like c)can actually kick said football rather well and is worth buying (we were prepared to let him go free of charge in the summer which is economically desperate indeed) – see point… Read more »


I believe this is his last year of a contract. By the time Jan transfer window opens up whos going to pay for a over 30ish RB? No one wanted him for free this summer.


What happened to Adelaide? I remember AMN and him had a great game against Southampton when we won 4-0. I wonder what happens to these adelaides, bieliks and zelalems..

Bendtner\'s ego

Believe he’s still rehabbing an injury.


He could be in the squad

Mike P

The Jeff’s been injured but he was on the bench for the cologne game so I guess he’s nearly ready for some cup action


He didn’t train today though so he must have some injury problems.


No offense here but do you actually follow Arsenal?


You needn’t bother typing ‘No offense’ when you follow it with an insulting question.


how is it insulting?

I’m asking him a legit question because GZ has been hurt since end of the season, KB just got hurt within the last month, the Jeff has been hurt since the middle of the summer.

Wenger\'s Nose

legit question? asking somebody who is on the comments of an Arsenal blog inquiring about the fitness of youth players whether they follow Arsenal?

Isaiah Rankin

Was Arsene Wenger doing an impression of Consuela the Maid from Family Guy when asked about Debuchy?

“Nooooo, nooooo”


blimey, are you sure you can spare them wenger, you fucking idiot, if they are good enough for this match then they are good enough for the first team, make your mind up or cant you do that


Nice username.


thank you


You’re supporting the wrong team Ronaldo!


You are definitely the king of idiotic remarks


prey, do tell


so you cant back up your remarks then


Are you the fat one on the ridiculously self-absorbed one?

Bon Jello

Sorry to pick you up on that, I normally wouldn’t, it’s just you’ve created a truly harrowing image with the above sentence.


That would make a lovely picture. ????


@assistantref you mean Trump?




idiots, thumbs down me all you want, but what I say is true, and YOU know it

John Lukic

Would you like a bigger spade? Might be more efficient….

cultured determination

best time to give youngsters and squad players some game time.
neils / chambers/ per/ holding/ nelson
elneny/ jack
iwobi/ theo

Andy Mack

Who’s Neils?

Bai Blagoi

Why Ospina? Last year Martinez was the League Cup keeper, and this now seems perfect opportunity for Macey to start.

Also, why risk Giroud? Chuba Akpom was waiting whole year for that chance.

Also, I would like Jeff instead of Elneny, if possible..


I think The Jeff’s still recovering from injury, and I hope we go four at the back instead of three. No way either Cech or Ospina make the squad.

Maitland-Niles, Mertesacker, Chambers, Pleguezuelo
Bielik, Wilshere
Walcott, Iwobi, Nelson


Anybody else have a feeling that Wilshere is going to play a lot this season. There is no way Ramsey will stay fit all season and Jack is the most natural player in that posistion (if santi is still injured). Hopefully we can see Jack cira 2011 again


Errr I think not, wilshere wants to go to westham.


Yeah because everything you read is true lol besides he’s talking about this season not next.


don’t matter, hes off, that’s all that matters, you are in deniail

My Wig smells cheesy

Your quite irritating

Andy Mack

Why would he want to go there to play championship football?

Spanish Gooner

Don’t understand why he won’t use Debuchy – he was a very good player (I thought he might have been better than Sagna) pre-injury and since we don’t have any real backup RB it wouldn’t do any harm to give him some game time


My thought exactly!
Given that he is our second best RB, why won’t AW let him get in shape?
This is just plain stupid.


He’s fu**ing injured!!

Bai Blagoi

Arsene never uses someone who does not trust. Guess that was the issue with Szczesny in the end.


Things are starting to get interesting…..


Team for tomorrow

There is no point starting Giroud/Theo against lower league opposition, keep them as an insurance policy on the bench.

Andy Mack

We saw that Theo desperately needs playing time, so I’d be surprised if he doesn’t start (and probably get subbed off around 60-65 mins).


Does he need it more than the kids? This maybe our easiest opposition (on paper) for the season. Theo will get game time but he’s fallen down the pecking order unless injuries hit. Europa league is made for him.

Andy Mack

As he’s 1st team player, yes he needs it more than the kids. Although I think a few of the kids will play as well.


Strange, strange the case of Mathieu Debuchy.

Play Pires.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Pires is probably closer to match fitness than Debuchy. Whether he’s injured or not trusted Debuchy’s played bugger all football for quite a while.


Cue Welbeck to be out till April


Chambers deserves a shot. Holding has had a poor patch,naturally he’s still young and there is no restriction playing both. Probably like to see Per tutor Holding for the middle. Chambers was an excellent Rback so revert to original natural role IMO. On the left, maybe the ever Mr Versatile my man Ainsley. Midfield should be Elneny and Jack. Further forward like to see Iwobi continue (he was good against Chelski) and definitely want to see Reiss. Maybe Walcott too but if things get difficult, looks like Alexis will continue to gain time on pitch with maybe a short stint.… Read more »


Honestly, all this talk about which players are going to get a chance both young and current squad players is great. This is a match I’d love to be able to watch. Keep the happier times going!


And the Ox goes to ….. misery! Poor old guy 🙂


I’m setting the over/under on Wilshere’s season ender at 48:17. Bets must be in one hour before kickoff.

Windell Wignal

Debuchy is done at Arsenal when he came out and said what he said about the club in public so There’s no surprise here. When you still pick up wages from a club you have no right to say such things about your employer…he had the chance to walk away for free but refused because of greed it shows what sort of professional you are….Wenger is right not to trust him…he might score and own goal for spite.

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