Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: We made mistakes we should not make

Arsene Wenger says Arsenal made mistakes they should not have made as they went down 2-1 against relegation-threatened Bournemouth. 

Despite Hector Bellerin putting the Gunners ahead in the second half, the Gunners squandered their advantage as Callum Wilson and Jordan Ibe netted twice in four minutes to turn things around for the home side.

Speaking to the BBC after the game, Wenger said he was frustrated by the collapse.

“We were 1-0 up and suddenly we lost two goals and we don’t know where they came from. It is very frustrating. Overall we have to look at it in a very objective and harsh way – we made mistakes we should not have made.

“The team that fights against relegation will fight and you cannot afford any concentration mistake.”

On whether his decision to take off Calum Chambers and put on Aaron Ramsey made things worse for his side – the home side netted just seconds after the switch of Arsenal’s formation – Wenger added:

“One-all was not good enough for us. We had to win the game. I think if you look again at the second goal we made many mistakes and that is what we paid for.”

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Just stop. Please its making my head hurt….
Another season and half of this 🙁


Thank f*cking God we didn’t equalize and we were spared the MENTAL STRENGTH bullshit.

And glad I got to miss the game due to some festivities, I didn’t feel the pain when I wasn’t watching the game live. Wenger has cured it ALAS!! Sucked the passion out of me. WOW


In the past few years it always struck me as odd just how much Wenger focused on mentality in his interviews. It was always we showed mental character when we won and we need to show more character when we lost. Now I am starting to think it was just because if he didnt say that stuff he would have to say we lost because of poor tactics or poor coaching. And that would be on him. Its never his fault.


Yep. He’s been at the club 20-odd years. He runs it from top to bottom. All the players are players he’s brought in. It’s totally his fault and nobody else’s. If the players are making mistakes, they are Wenger’s mistakes. And I can’t watch it anymore….


I went out to look at sofas instead of watching the game – this is what they have done to me…

Thierry Bergkamp

I hope you found what you want.



Did you go for a leather upholstery? Or did you go for a nice material finish?

And was it a nice innovative L shape? Or just yer standard sofa?

Mayor McCheese

I wish I had looked at sofas instead of watching this game. I think the next time the game’s on, I’ll just look at my sofa instead. It’s a grey IKEA special, by the way.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

How about Arsenal fans arrange a “We would rather look at sofas instead” protest at the next game. That should get the message across.

Merlin\'s Panini

Or a “DFS sale this way” banner.

Runcorn Gooner

Or a “Hide behind the Sofa” day


we,ve made mistakes all season, we should not make


Sums up our whole situation pretty well, not just on the pitch

Thierry Bergkamp

How about the last 10 years or so

Chippys chip

Signing your last 2 contracts were your biggest mistakes wenger. Just go , with kroenke, pleaae.


Been making the same mistakes for 10 fucking years…. it’s his job to stop those mistakes….


Too many inexperienced young players who haven’t played much together. No wonder they make mistakes. We shouldn’t be in this situation.

Faisal Narrage

Yeah because our experienced players don’t make mistakes either.


I like the potential of today’s back three. We’re not going to win the league or probably finish top 4 even. Might as well start getting them the experience they need. Rebuilding isn’t fun, but watching with a hopeful eye on the future isn’t so bad. Even if you changed our poor/unfair results we wouldn’t be topping the league this year.


Absolutely and that’s why put yourself in Alexis shoes u will want so much to get yourself to an ambitious club.


Yes, letting you sign a contract in the summer.

Thierry Bergkamp

Would give you 2 thumbs up if possible


I triee

Petits Handbag

As a matter on interest, would people prefer me, a man you’ve never met to be manager over Arsene Wenger??


I’ve never met Wenger either… lolz


Seriously, at this point i would dig up my granny and put her in the dugout and she would do better. Wenger is so so past it. I love what he did a long time ago, but that’s exactly what it is, a long time ago. I am beginning to dislike him now because he is becoming an enemy to the club now, please just let go man. We are so mediocre now, also take that actor Xhaka with you.

Thierry Bergkamp

He somehow has the board thinking he’s always been the right man for the job. The man is a genius


He is… for the board at least. A bussiness couple have been milking these fans, not giving a fuck about any football values at all. Kroenke has many businesses club franchises but none have a manager with economic degrees. none but Arsenal “football” club


“We were 1-0 up and suddenly we lost two goals and we don’t know where they came from.” – Wenger

The thing is, most sane people, know where they come from. Defensive solidity has never been our hallmark under Wenger, but now that you remove a potent attacking threat out of the mix, what do you get? Isn’t it very clear? It’s there for everyone to see besides Wenger.

Very sad to say this, but Wenger is going the Brian Clough way, and I hope for his own sake, he steps down before his legacy is further tarnished.

Arse McWeng

Yet we keep making them…
over and over and over…

Monsieur W, you said it.


On in the official transcript, he also says:

“I am surprised by the kind of mistakes we made today. It’s very unusual and very difficult to explain.”

Unusual. Yeah.

SB Still

After the 2005 CL run to finals without conceding a goal, I don’t remember a season when we were known for our defensive solidarity! If he is surprised, I’m surprised Bould and Lehman haven’t told him anything and more so that they were defender and GK respectively. I actually had to leave for an appointment when the match was at 70 mins, I was worried that we had scored too early (!!). Came back and watch the game at twice the speed to watch a rather predictable final 20 mins. We need a game to be 0-0 till about the… Read more »


We scored in about the 96th minute v Liverpool in about 2010, and still had time to concede a penalty equaliser!

Faisal Narrage

Must be boring working for blogs. Posting the same stuff.

Waiting for Djourou to show up to tell us how the team needs to fix up and fight harder.


He made mistakes throughout the season.. he has been taking fans for a ride


Well at least he didn’t state the bleeding obvious …….


The only thing as bad as performances like today is listening to these interviews from AW. No accountability on his performance, no accountability on the players performance. Keep milking the cash cow and everyone is happy enough


Same old rinse repeat this year though it comes in early it’s only January after all.

Next one will be we have to learn from this bla bla bla but we never do and never will under Wenger!

We are rudderless, not only as a team team but also as a club!

Why didn’t Kolasinac play if he was on the bench? In his correct position? Why does he always hve to experiment and fuck things up in the process?

Sorry forgot to add we will hve to learn from this?


Blah, blah, blah. And next season when we start with a loss here and a loss there plus a few draws against crap teams, wenger will blame it on the world cup.

Thierry Bergkamp

Fucking hell!!! We still have another season of this.
Thanks Edzo

Easy tiger

Just when we had opened up a gap to burnley, we lose against bmouth. Our luck will never change.

Thierry Bergkamp

Burnley is now our rival. I’m actually here laughing out loud

Bring back David Hillier

What is Wenger playing at? He knows what a solid defense can do (the ‘five stalwarts’ he inherited from Bruce Rioch), he knows what a midfield enforcer can do (Paddy), he knows what a striker can do (Wrighty, Henry) yet he continues to sign and play these moribund bunch of shitehawks. I do blame Wenger, and I sincerely hope he does go at the end of this season. But he won’t. I blame that mustached cunt stripe Kroenke. He can fuck right off. But he won’t. Ho hum.


He didnt made a mistake he is the mistake


The definition of insanity. Repeating the same thing over again and expecting a different result. Welbeck and Iwobi in the creative roles. 3 games in a row, 2 losses 1 scoreless draw.


I am absolutely tired of listening to this man’s bullshits!


I’m more excited about gutting the team and starting the rebuilding process than I am watching the rest of this season.


Mistake 1: Not making you leave the club on a high after winning the FA Cup last season Mistake 2: Not bothering to coach basic defending properly Mistake 3: Neglecting to sign a decent, world-class goalkeeper and defensive midfielder Mistake 4: Shoehorning players into roles which they are not suited to or coached properly at Mistake 5: Let Stan Kroenke buy into the club Mistake 6: Charging ridiculously high ticket prices for year after year of weak capitulations to teams we should be equal to or better than Mistake 7: Not making the buck stop at the manager, who should… Read more »

Stuck on repeat...

Agree with all, except we HAD a world class goalkeeper & there wss no need to buy one…but we sold him.


Lol, world class on the bench in Turin.

Gooner de Tijuana

Arsene makes mistakes he shouldn’t all the time. Yesterday Valencia played Deportivo La Coruna. It was interesting to see 3 recent ex Arsenal players on the same pitch. Coquelin had a fantastic match yesterday for Valencia. He was solid defensively as always and was the first outlet to move the ball out the back. Gabriel looked strong at back (definitely believe the language was an issue for him at Arsenal) and won most of his individual duels. On the other side Lucas Perez (on loan but not coming back) was also fantastic putting in a sumptuous cross that resulted in… Read more »

Dave Hyland

Why does it keep happening while never being addressed? Why? What the hell are they doing in “Training”?

Jimmy jump

It’s going to be a cheer heard round the world when wenger finally goes


Wenger’s post match interview did not make any sense

Donald\'s Trump

Oh man, just watched the interview on MOTD. I feel sorry for him.

Please retire and buy a yacht.

Stewart Pearson

Wenger: “We made mistakes we should not make”

Yeah, no shit Sherlock!

Stuck on repeat...

Dearest AW & indeed AFC for that matter. If you believe that it is (& I quote) “very frustrating” at the moment, when you have a) direct control & say over the matter, & b) are being paid exceptionally well to do so…Then you have absolutely no concept of what it is currently like be a fan & supporter who has a) zero say or control, & b) is asked/expected to pay for this shit show. Can we not simply fire the lot of them, & field our under 12 team for the remainder of the season? I would even… Read more »


Unfortunately we have been making these mistakes for many seasons now again and again. Same thing.


Mistakes : 1) Instead of promoting Szsc, have Cech compete, he sells the Pole. 2) Instead of retaining a fast improving Gabriel, he sells the Brazilian and entrust two young defenders BEFORE they have shown delivery on promise. To top it, he tries to sell Mustafi. 3) Instead of retaining one of our best tacklers and practically the better option to cover the flawed Granit, he sells Coquelin and is happy to consider (again) two young mids in AMN and Willock as back up BEFORE they show delivery on promise. Oh and there is the mediocre Elneny 4) Instead of… Read more »


When your manager don’t know why you are conceding goals. You know you are screwed.


Its going to get really ugly as the season goes along or someone we are going to fall into 4th if not even 3rd and call that progress.


The mistake was made in 2008, when Wenger should have been gone. Everything that has followed has been a shit shower of pathetic excuses ever since, each dispelled with ease and painful embarrassment. I said he needed to go at the time and was scorned. Well, here we are. Club (Kroenke) to supporters: shut up and keep buying the mediocrity. Fuck that, I stopped spending on this scam years ago. I’ll check results but you’re mad if you think I’m allocating time to watch this insult of intelligence. Save yourself the stress and gain some self respect, avoid this mess… Read more »

Bergkamp\'s boot cleaner

Do you have any advice for 2028?


If Wenger’s still managing, sure: continue as above.


No Alexis. Pointing out mistakes due to low player quality.

Is Arsene trying to tell the board that their transfer policy sucks?

Highlighting what will happen if we dont replace Ozil and Alexis properly. And further, that the squad isn’t good enough either, against relegation fodder.

Forget getting fired. I think Wenger would walk.

Kroenke is an american Mike Ashley. No manager worth his salt would take this job.

Merlin\'s Panini

I’d just like to congratulate Francis Coquelin on his season of Champions League football next season.
At this rate we’ll be lucky to get Europa League football next season. Fucking disgrace. All those players and the manager need to look at themselves and remember who they are and the club they are playing for, apart from Jack. He was quite good and has been since his return. Where the fuck is his new contract? We’ll be lucky if he still wants to sign it they way we are going.


Just stop talking.


Don’t we worry guys, next time we beat some Huddersfield 5-0 we will all hear the Arsenal fan base justify Wenger and ask for him to stay.


Can we not just get rid of Arsene now and put Jens in charge until the end f the season. At least he wouldn’t be talking rubbish all the time. Arsene has become an embarrassment.


Seriously just shut up and show us the true honour you’re made of by not staying to term and lleaving now.

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