Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Wenger stalwarts set to be released

According to Football.London, Arsenal have informed three long-standing coaches that their services will not be required once Arsene Wenger leaves the club.

The Frenchman’s 22-year tenure in N5 will come to an end on Sunday when he takes charge of his final Gunners game against Huddersfield at the Kirklees Stadium.

In preparation for the arrival of a new head coach, it looks as though Wenger-stalwarts Gerry Peyton, Neil Banfield and Boro Primorac will also move on.

Peyton, the goalkeeper coach, joined the Gunners in 2003, while Banfield and Primorac joined the coaching set-up in 1997, soon after Wenger’s arrival from Japan. Primorac had worked with Wenger at Nagoya Grampus Eight for three seasons.

Given their close association with the boss, questions about their future at London Colney were/are inevitable. They may well have been preparing to walk away of their own accord.

While Arsene Wenger’s replacement is likely to bring in their own staff, wholesale changes in backroom departments are not expected. Darren Burgess’ appointment as Director of High Performance last summer was one taken with an eye on the future. Moreover, the likes of Shad Forsythe, Head of Performance, and the medical staff under Colin Lewin’s stewardship seem set to stay. Vik Akers’ retirement as kitman should see his son Paul Akers take over.

It remains to be seen what assistant manager Steve Bould will do. He’s been at Wenger’s side since 2012 when he took over from Pat Rice and prior to that coached in the Academy. And will Jens Lehmann stick around to continue his coaching education? He only arrived last summer. One to keep an eye on, for sure.

In separate news, Arsenal confirmed today that Steve Gatting, Head Coach of the U23s, and his assistant Carl Laraman, have been suspended pending an investigation into allegation of bullying.

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Ferguson, over the course of his 26 years, would regularly switch out his coaching team. In the 2000s it is documented that every 4 years or so the head coach would change and, with that person, the wider team. It was done to keep the players mentally engaged and introduce new ideas.

The fact that Wenger and his team managed to keep the same staff going for so long is a testament to their consistency, but also the reason behind their fall.


Or maybe a bit of financial issues. I have a sneaky feeling things would have been different if we weren’t building a stadium and depending on youngsters to survive before moving them on. United in the meantime could improve on their playing staff with ease.

There wasn’t too much difference in the results while we were at the old ground before dismantling that winning team to help cut down the costs.


What team was dismantled? The only major players sold who were not passed their prime were Cole, RVP and Fàbregas.




Good riddance!

Bob Bobbery

Be a bit respectful, some of those men were part of great things at our club.


And also part of terrible things

Spanish Gooner

I’m looking forward to seeing what some of our players can do with a new coaching team


Hopefully you’ll take it whichever way it goes. Just as excited but still scared as well as there are never any guarantees

Mayor McCheese

I don’t have strong feelings about these departures, but one has to give Gerry Peyton some credit for the extraordinary feat of keeping a job for fifteen years in which every goalkeeper worsened under his care.

Laughing Stock

Wow, no thumb downs for that. The times they are a changin’

Petit's Handbag

Chesney, Fabianski have both moved on and immensely improved. The goalkeeping department has been unsettled at Arsenal since 2007 in my opinion. Cech has been heavily derided (possibly because of where he came from), but it is fair to say the years are not being kind to him.
A new goalkeeper with a new goalkeeping staff would be just as exciting as a signing as Ozil was.


Szczesny has been backup at Juventus to 40 yr old Buffon. Fabianski is set to play championship football next season. While its true results have not been spectacular under Peyton, let’s not pretend we ever had world beaters in the GK department.

Mayor McCheese

Hi Chinaman,

That’s a really interesting way to put things! Or…Szczesny has been identified as the successor to one of the world’s best goalkeepers, and Fabianski was let down by a terrible defense. Let’s not pretend that goalkeepers developed under Peyton.



Sànde Class

This exaaaactly.

Is Chinaman FatGooner in another name?


You could also argue that Cech, Ospina, Sczesny, Almunia, Fabianski have all been let down by a terrible defence during their time with us too.

Point is, it’s not all down to the coaching staff.

I’d like to see David Seaman return to the club, form a partnership with Lehmann and really coach our shot stoppers!

I know bid Dave has expressed a desire to work at the club in the past.


Thumbed you up. But, God! Don’t make excuses for Almunia


Do you know how many mistakes Cech has made in the last 2 seasons? Can’t argue for him plus we know out defense have been poor aand know how many mistakes they have made as well


The fact that Juve chose Szczesny as back up to one of the greatest keepers means that they must be impressed with him. It was a terrible mistake to let him leave

Spunky cleaner

I’m throwing my name into the hat.. my previous experience includes:
A failed trial at McDonald’s, and 2years working as a wank bank attendant in Amsterdam, where my duties included and were limited too.. cleaning up other people’s spunk, unfortunately I was dismissed from this position for getting caught using my tounge instead of a mop.
I also have a D- in Geography at GCSE level, and i’m a proud owner of a provisional drivers licence, that I purchased from some bloke for £2.50 on a recent trip to Bangkok.

Bould's Eyeliner

This is just disgusting.


Couldn’t agree more – the integrity of the DVLA licencing system is of paramount importance.

I Didn't See It

Agree completely. Geography was my favorite subject.


You try too hard fishing for thumbs up.

Lame and pathetic. Get a life. A proper one.


“Gazidis, Wenger and Bould walk into a wank bank…”


The tongue part made me think of Harry Kane for some reason


I have a disgusting image of him with his mouth open in my head now

I Didn't See It

Safe to say you got no references from the bank. Did you get the mop as a parting gift?

Sànde Class

Oaahahahahahahahahaha! Thank you sire!

Monkey knees

Failed comedic post. Tut tut.


Good, time for a rocket up the entire club back room staff arses. I’m sure an element of the playing complacency/sloppiness is down to them as much as Wenger. Too many people very comfortable.


I’m gutted that Vik Akers’s role has been filled… That’s the only role I could have ever filled.


Can you put on your shorts on a cold rainy Wednesday night in stoke?

Oh wait, that role is gone too. 🙂 haha you orcs



Sànde Class

What kind of a petty downtrodden peasant would ever be unhappy with a comment that takes a shot at the relegated foam mouthed Orcs?

As can be seen in the ZERO downvotes, none! ?


OK, own up. Who was it who showed one of the shambling troglodytes how to use the downvote button?

Laughing Stock

I’ll be surprised if the new manager doesn’t re hire Peyton, when you look at how good our goalkeeping has been since he’s been there.

Tas Gunner

avram grant seen at the colney… it can’t be surely??????


I know Boro and Arsene are virtually joined at the hip, and Neil Banfield was a key part of the Arsenal Academy for many years.

But I will never understand how or why Gerry Peyton was not moved on earlier, when nearly every Arsenal goalkeeper under his watch developed major flaws in their game.

Hopefully the major problems in Peyton trained goalkeepers vanish with a new man with fresh ideas at the helm.


Is anyone else getting more and more excited about who’ll be the new manager? Personally I hope it’s that assistant to Klopp.


Alan Pardew ftw


No love for Fat Sam?


I prefer Alan Pardew


or Pulis


How about Mourinho? Defensively minded, winning touch and just so classy.


It would be like all my birthdays and Christmases came at the same time


makes sense, but we have got to get rid of bould and lehmann aswell


Why Lehmann?


what does he do?


Do you know what any of them do afan? Why pick on Jens?


Everyone’s talking about Peyton with good reason but most of the best goalies have a solid defence and defensive midfield structure in front of them. Our goalies haven’t had that for over 10 years.

Evang. Simon

who coached Lehman….

Daft Aider

That would be Jens


Yes, but he wore a different hat and called himself Asparagus Man while he did it.

Public Elneny

Anyone else think that our most senior coaches being sacked points to an established manager being hired? Basically making room for someone who would want to bring with them their own coaching team.

I can’t imagine Arteta, Vieira, Buvac etc would have that sort of set up that would follow them from club to club.


The need for a new goalkeeper coach has been quite obvious, hasn’t it?



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