Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wilshere reveals his Arsenal contract talks are ongoing

Jack Wilshere has confirmed that talks with Arsenal regarding a new contract remain ongoing.

The 26-year-old will be out of contract this summer and is yet to put pen-to-paper on the terms offered to him by the club.

It was widely reported that Arsene Wenger sanctioned a highly incentivised deal which would see the England international earn less in terms of his basic salary but with the potential to increase his overall take-home pay through appearances and achievements.

Obviously, now that the boss is leaving the situation is somewhat less clear. Giving an update on the situation to Sky Sports Soccer Saturday, Wilshere revealed, “We are still in the same position really. Not much has changed. We are still talking.

“Obviously the boss has left which has changed things a little bit because I don’t know who is going to be the manager next year and that can change things.

“But we are still talking and I am hopeful and the club is hopeful we can get something done.”

Asked whether he’s given thought to the possibility of leaving his boyhood club, he replied, “To be honest with you, I haven’t really thought about [moving somewhere else].

“I have said before that this is where I want to be and I have not really had much time to think about moving clubs.

“We have been playing every three or four days for the last three or four months so it has been difficult.

“I am concentrating on games and obviously the boss left so it has been a bad couple of months to be honest.”

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Ivan Drago

If this is where he wants to be then sign the contract. I’m sure he wants an increase in his wages too, but of he loves Arsenal as much as he says then surely he’d have better job satisfaction staying

Faisal Narrage

Let’s not be totally naïve here, not only do wages player a factor, but I imagine he wants to know if he’ll be a starter or not or a bench warmer.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

A fit Jack remains a special talent. If Jack has been fit all along, Wenger wouldn’t have bought Ozil. I still remember the two thunderbolts into top corner back to back in the same game for England.

Andy Mack

We’ve seen a few awesome displays from a fit and on form Jack, but nowhere near enough of them.
I really hope the ‘incentives’ package we’re offering him is good and that he can make use of it to earn more money than he ever expected, but the likelihood is that he’ll get injured every year and we’ll only see him make 2 or 3 masterful displays per year…

Ivan Drago

Yeah that’s true, but he, and I suppose the rest of the squad, have absolutely no idea about who’ll be first choice until the new manager comes in. And even then it could take a while for whoever it is to settle on the players and system by which point the transfer window will be closed.

Sign it up, and if he can prove his fitness over another season I’m sure his agent could then wrangle a better deal for him


“We have been playing every three or four days for the last three or four months so it has been difficult.

hmmmm, have i been missing games ?


His agent will be pushing him to go.

Agents love change, it makes them money, regardless of what is best for their player.


Wasn‘t Jack the guy saying „I don’t need an agent because I will never leave Arsenal?“

Andy Mack

He did, but he then got an agent….


Even taking into account both Jack’s highs and his lows this season, I still think the team looks better for having him on the pitch and providing that link between Xhaka and the rest. He may not be the Pirlo/Rosicky combination we all thought he would become, but I still think he oils our midfield engine and could be really handy for specific games.

He will be crucial for Atletico tomorrow.


Early season I’d have agreed but in the last few months when he’s touched the ball it’s slowed us down and looked ponderous


I think he’s been playing like someone nervous of getting injured lately. There’s a lot at stake for him, new contract, new club? World Cup place. Watch him sign a new deal then start playing with freedom again.


The implication then is that he absolutely has the ability, he just hasn’t harnessed it lately. I suspect the contract situation has played on his mind, stopped him from running the miles and making the challenges he usually does. Perhaps he fears getting injured and severely weakening his negotiating position.

Peter Beer

On another note…. has English / England lost the present continuous tense? Many articles/people (including Jack above) talk about “the boss left“. He hasn’t left, yet.. He is leaving Arsenal (that’s present continuous). Very strange. Is it just “Jenglish” (and the same for numerous others) or maybe because Arsene has checked out already?


Not sure how much truth there is in the rumour of Reiss Nelson joining Wolves on loan next season but I’d be worried about letting any of our youngsters anywhere near Jorge Mendes.

Andy Mack

He’s a talented lad and needs senior game-time, so I’d be amazed if he doesn’t go out on loan somewhere.
He appears to have a decent agent already and I’d be surprised if he goes out until he’s signed a new long contract.
But yes, it’s always a risk of catching something nasty when Jorge Mendes is involved.

Carlito Brigante

I hope he shines in the remaining games and signs a contract that suits us all!


He’s looked leggy and tired over the past couple of months. Doesn’t really bode well for his future.


If he wants to stay he’d best sign it, I can’t imagine many managers wanting to keep him

Andy Mack

I can’t imagine any managers not wanting to keep him, but I’m not sure they’d all offer him more than a squad position…

Frank Bascombe

Wilshere’s great at falling over, kissing the badge and getting acting confrontational with the opposition. Which, to some ‘shows passion’. I think it shows that he’s not the player he almost was, and in truth, never will be. He’d not get a look-in at Spurs, Chelsea or any of the big northern clubs but soft as shit Arsenal, entertain him in the same manner they did with Theo for years.


Can we just sign Max Meyer instead?



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