Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lucas Torreira deal expected to go through after €30m deal agreed

The Guardian report this evening that Arsenal have come to an agreement with Sampdoria over the signing of Lucas Torreira.

The Uruguayan international has a release clause of €25m which is only applicable if the entire sum is paid up front, but paying extra has been deemed acceptable to the Italian club and allowed the transfer fee to be paid in installments over three years.

The 22 year old is in Russia preparing for the World Cup with his country, and the report says a five year contract is on offer.

Arsenal’s interest in the player has been confirmed by the BBC’s David Ornstein, but his update is a little more circumspect.

Central midfield, and defensive midfield in particular, has been a problem area for a while now, so it’s good to see us addressing this seriously ahead of the new season.

The Ornstein Tweet mentions a goalkeeper too, and there are rumours suggesting we could be after Barcelona’s Jasper Cillessen.

The Dutch international has been very much second fiddle at the Camp Nou, and there’s also reported interest in Bayer Leverkusen’s Bernd Leno – although he’s been linked with a move to Napoli.

It does look as if the midfield signing is close to going through though, and we can worry about the keeper afterwards.

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This is very good news. He looks like a cultured hustler to me. Got a good feeling about this signing.


He looks like a nightmare to play against


I’ve only seen the Youtube clip, but I have quite reasonable jumped to the conclusion that he is a future ballon d’or winner.
He certainly seems to have a little bit of a N’golo Kante about him.

Extremely interested on how Emeri will line us up in the coming season.


Was going to say that exactly. From his YouTube videos (which I know are all that matters) he does seem like a South American Kante. Racing around midfield aggressively, combined with a quick release. He could end up being a great signing.

One of them is lying!

a cultured hustler!….love it!


So we’re signing “Fast Eddie”?


I like the sound of a “cultured hustler”, but I have no idea what it means?


Sounds like pretty much everyone at a high society event to me.

Flamini might have found the perfect business partner!


Shares a lot of traits of Santi but looks hard as a small nail.

Something rather Joe Pesci about him.


Has bite and can play a bit.


Good name. What song can we do around Cultured Hustler? The one that goes original gangster?

Xhaka Demus, no Pliers

Really enjoying the proactive start to Emery’s tenure. Hopefully this goes through and we strengthen the GK position too. While the WC will provide a distraction, I can’t wait to see us back on the pitch (even in the hideous new kits). Looking forward to seeing how Emery intends for us to play


I’m enjoying the efficient way the club is going about its business too. If Wenger was still around this deal would be dragged out all summer before we finally pulled out because “zer price waz more than my valuation”.

Let’s get a goalie now.

One of them is lying!

That fault should be laid to Ivan…who should have pulled out the cheque book once wenger said yes to a player…A manager shouldnt have to worry about the price tag!…Ferguson would have never bought Ronaldo or LVG would have never bought Martial if they worried about pricetags….blame solely lies with the board for never getting Wenger the players that he wanted…

Prof Wenger to Emerytus

What is efficient about rumours? Other than the guy from Liechtenstein, who did we get? Boy Adli failed, Sokratis was supposed to be done and dusted and hasn’t happened yet.
I am being more pessimistic than Fatgooner. I need to see a doctor.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Wenger did our best transfer business in January but people are eager to credit Emery and the new guys for getting Lichtsteiner and wanting to get Sokratis. Atletico announced agreement to sign Lemar !

A Different George

Yeah, but that just means they are about to lose Griezmann.

The Swede

Sokratis is done but not announced, you can see that in Ornsteins tweet.


Sokratis smacks of MSlintat ex Dortmund lazy signing.

Not fond of it. Uninspired.

Keeper, maybe we should make a play for Szsc. Juve just signed Perin.


Fatgooner you FatFuck!!


you mike fuck.

Yankee Gooner

For the record, we’ve officially signed one player on a free transfer. And I don’t have the stats at hand, but I’m going to assume it takes longer to make a world-class, transfer-record busting signing than an out-of-contract 34 yo defender signing. Lots of speculation that we’re close on a number of signings, and let’s hope they’re right, but we’ve all read these headlines before.


Wasn’t torreria linked with a move to naples too? Sucks stealing numerous players from other teams noses but hope that means they will be quality!


We did that a few years ago with a South Korean striker…

Faisal Narrage

Why does it suck?
How do you think transfers work, exactly? Without not other competing bids?


It’s just nice to be back on the good side of it for once!

Ozil, sanchez, Cech, all had no other realistic suitors when we came knocking. So this is our first transfer in a while that we would have had serious competition for and won.

Andy Mack

Ozil only became available at the last minute when most teams had already sorted their squad and spent their money, otherwise there would have been a lot more clubs chasing him.
Sanchez turned down other options to play for us, including wanting to live around London rather than up north.
Cech wanted to stay in London and play for AW, so what other clubs had that available?


Oh yeah, that’s part of my point. This is the first time we have won a ‘transfer battle’ in a while.
Good direction to be moving in!

Andy Mack

So you’d rather we paid more because of competition than we were clever and getting players at a better price…. odd.


We will pay 30M more than its release clause to beat Naple !

Andy Mack

No. we (reportedly) are paying €5m more than the release clause.
Maybe that’s because of competition or maybe it’s because of a preferred payment plan.


Looks like a good signing. If they keep up with adressing problems like this they are going to win a lot of good will from the fans.


It feels, um, weird.


We finally signed a Uruguayan. Wenger would be thrilled.

Damo Dinkum

This one seems to bite less human beings though, so that’s a plus

Bergkamp 3:16

Never seen him play and also know better than to judge from a YouTube highlight reel but for some reason he looks the part. Also looks like this is the death knell for Jacks career. As much as strength is a necessity we’re well stocked in midfield considering AMN signed a new contract. Can’t really see a way for him in the team.

Hope we get this deal closed ASAP.

Prof Wenger to Emerytus

Don’t you think, he can have a career elsewhere ?

Bergkamp 3:16

Of course he does. Should have clarified that I was referring to his Arsenal career.


Why is it a death knell for Jack’s career. Why can’t we have a quality squad? Given injuries and the number of games in a season I’m sure everybody will get playing time.

Dat guy

I hope our new gk can teach de gea a Cillesson


i hope we get cillisen.a bit old, but he is the only one i can see with all the qualities that arsenal need. if not him we have buy allison or oblak. all of those would be too expensive

Lord Bendnter

Personally, I think that more than anything else, it’s the empty seats in the stadium that has really shaken the board. That’s why have to be much more proactive this summer


Am sure that’s a factor. It does seem to me at least that Ivan is willing to address problems, just has been hamstrung over the year by Wenger. Hopefully this is the year the gloves come off. FFS I mean, if true, we’ve just bought a quite good DM which is what we’ve all been crying out for years.

Lord Bendnter

What I’m trying to say is that it wasn’t the departure of Wenger that took off Ivan’s gloves; it was the empty seats..

You may sell every seat, but if on the TV screen the stadium is empty, then that’s bad for business


I honestly believe we will spend moderately for a top 6 club. So quite Alot by our averages.
This will be strategic in that they are distancing themselves from the wenger era by trying to look like we are less frugal now, therefore the kronke’s public image looks better as they are the ones who look to be willing to invest.


Agreed. BTW wasn’t swearing at you just excited.

Scuba Steve

His YouTube highlights were 10 minutes of the same aggressive ball winning tackle. Sure, it’s a “best of” video, but his style was truly enjoyable to watch considering the dearth of that particular skill in the arsenal midfield.


seems to base his whole game round interceptions. An ACTUAL defensive midfielder


We had that in Coquelin for a season or 2. Also in Song for the same amount of time. Hopefully, this one is allowed/encouraged to continue doing that and just that for longer


If I catch that video might have to make sure I’m alone with a hankie. I think Emery has set the tone here by “pressing” for players that are more aggressive and want the fking ball.

Guys it looks like we’ll be getting a new Arsenal without abandoning the planful and disorienting passing-art typical of Wengerball.


I am so happy that we are focusing on fixing the defence for once! Whether or not these signings go through (or pan out) it is so REFRESHING to see the hierarchy have identified and are taking action to fix the weaknesses I spend my late nights here in Aus screaming at the tv about.


This seems strange for us to actually be buying people we need. A cover for our RB, CD, DM/CM now we are looking at a GK as well. If we get all these across the line and a winger its a very different transfer window for us then usual.


Don’t want to seem ungrateful at the business we’ve managed so far, but I’d still like to see us pull something extra out of the bag as far as our cb situation goes. With Kos badly banjaxed, our current options are basically youth prospects and Mustafi (and there’s already some uncertainty about his future). Feel it will take a bit more than an ageing Sokratis to give me confidence in that area of the pitch.


I agree with you id like one more cb if possible. I think that might be budget dependent though and id rather us not sign another one for the sake of it and us being stuck with them.

Hopefully this isnt the case and we bring in a top quality one. It would just strengthen my point though of how un Arsenal like this is.


What about Mavropanos?


Could be too young to rely on for the first team week in week out.

Public Elneny

I agree that we can upgrade our CB options further, but I feel like the biggest scope for improvement in this area is through coherent tactics and organisation, rather than new faces.

Prof Wenger to Emerytus

Saw comments like this last year because we are always linked with players in all positions. Remember Peter Cech, Mustafi then Xhaka and our problems were supposed to be be solved with the solid backbone ?


I still dont think Xhaka is naturally a DM. Cech got old and we had our eyes ripped out with Mustafi.

I have more confidence with our new setup. So far they have done well with players bought over the last season.


BTW I like Xhaka… I think he is a tough tackling CM but not a classic DM like many might have been expecting.


Hope he does well, but 1.68m defensive midfielder? Not much taller than Santi… Why couldn’t we get someone the size of Matic?

Men With Ven

Plenty of good, small cms and dms…

Kwame Ampadu Down

We don’t necessarily need someone big. We need someone hard, preferably dirty too. The only periods in the last 12 years when we have looked close to being good enough to being a title winning side we had either Flamini or Coquelin in the side…how Arsene continually reverted to going without that type of player despite the clear evidence having one made us a MUCH better team is something that I will never understand.

If this lad fits the bill, we will not make a more important signing this summer.


Wow, you’re actually spot on there. flam-coq-tor?


The Coq was well underrated by many of the fanbase. The Coq could tackle and be a bit nasty and that was his strength… of course he done dumb stuff too like that pathetic attempt on Hazard in 2017 when he got brushed off to easily and Hazard went on to score. But because he didnt play the magic pass or have the footwork of Santi, he didnt get the applause he deserved.



Mayor McCheese

Yeah, except that Makelele pretty much settled that argument over a decade ago.


That was over a decade ago and the league was different then. We don’t exactly have a lot of height or physically in the team. We can be brilliant and still get done from set pieces.


We conceded 8 goals from set pieces last season, tied with 6 other teams like Man U and Sp*rs. The former is stacked with Mourinho’s fave tall players. Hardly a major issue.


How about N’Golo Kante?

Public Elneny

I literally cannot think of a single diminutive French defensive midfielder who is bossing it for Chelsea right now.

And we’re actually pretty decent at defending set pieces (5th fewest goals conceded in the league from set pieces). Also as he’s likely to partner one of Xhaka/Elneny, rather than replace them, we won’t be taking anyone out of the team who’s of much use defending them anyway.

Faisal Narrage

Did you whisper this into Wenger’s ear when we were looking to sign Kante?

Prof Wenger to Emerytus

Do you know a guy named Kante ?


Have you seen the size of Chelsea team compared to ours?


Chelsea’s average height is pretty much similar to ours. Man City won with the shortest squad.

A Different George

Chelsea lost some of their tallest players: Matic, Costa, Terry. It’s Man United that is really big: when they set up a wall against a free kick it can include Matic, Pogba, Lukaku, Smalling, and Fellaini. But I think Santi could still score against that.


Sharpness and intelligence outweigh size when it comes to defensive midfielders…ever heard of Claude Makélélé?


You could afford that if the rest of the team was at least average height. We don’t have much height in the team. Like I said I wish him well, but it can still be a concern for me.

Imagine him alongside Mkhi and Ramsey playing vs United (Pogba, Matic, Herrera).


Man City won without a Mourinho giants gallery. I think you’re worshipping height to the point of delusion, and also underestimating Arsenal’s height. Most of the players along the central spin are around 5’11” , and that includes Mikhi.

Find some actual stats to back yourself up. The average height stats don’t support you. Maybe the headers won stats might, although that’s highly doubtful, as Arsenal’s actually quite average height, contrary to your imagination.


1.68m is the exact size of n’golo kante. get a clue.


Plays very similar to The Coq, but he is a bit of a lightweight for the PL INHO



More similar to Santi in gait and dribbling but only thing is predominantly right footed.


No real comment on his quality, not seen enough of him, but I do really like the photo being used of him. He’s got a proper, good old fashioned “Don’t F with me” look about him.


I think he’ll be a great player.
But I don’t like this whole ”he looks like a no nonsense player” talk football fans engage in often. We said the same thing about Xhaka. Can’t judge a player based on that.

Thierry Bergkamp

Not exactly a big beast that I’ve been hoping for, at just 5’6. If he joins, hopefully he does the job


Agree I’d prefer a bit more height but some of the best DMs were not tall.

Marscherano, Kante Makelele. Santi did a fantastic job for us too controlling the tempo and holding the ball.

We have problems holding and the players we currently have (jack aside) cannot turn with the ball.

We need better control in midfield in tight confines. With someone like Torreira, we only need one to hold which frees others up to expand the play for us.


Very well said!


2013-2017: Please sign a DM.
2018: Arsenal sign a DM.
At last. Here’s hoping he works out.

lovely arse

Was Wenger the ditherer all along? Such expedient biz.. This guy looks the part for sure.


Sokratis was confirmed? Did I miss something?


Been told the deal won’t be finalized until July–at the behest of Dortmund– so the deal can be placed on next year’s books.



Ornstein basically confirmed it with:
#AFC also want a GK after defensive signings of Lichtsteiner & Sokratis (announced July)

Pat Rice and Beans

Looks like a South American Kante due his frame and combativeness.
I’ve followed a couple of Samp and Uruguay games last year, the guy has potential and a knack for screamers:

PS.: We should go for Leno, hell of a keeper.


wonder if Szsc is moveable since they just bought Perrin.

Bendtner’s ego

Never heard of this lad.

What are his current Football Manager ratings?


That’s one deal i really wanted it to go thriugh, the guy is really good…and for €30 million, i think it a bargain.


He looks like a very skillful player which we need to control midfield better.

Positioning looks solid and he has a hard edge about him despite his lack of height (maybe because of)

Only down side is the height but both Elneny and Granit are 6′.

Still, we may need a bit more protection against Fellaini tactics.

BUT expect he can muscle it with one of the taller players. Iwobi should IMO also be in the mix in deep midfield 2. There’s of course also AMN.

If we get Torreira, it will give us better capabilities with or without Jack.


This looks like a more inspired signing. This fellow looks robust and possesses the sort of technical ability to hold the ball for us in midfield much like Santi. In fact whilst predominantly right footed, he carries many of the traits of the Spaniard. Slight down side is his height but we need the quick feet in midfield and steel first and foremost. Age is also very good with plenty of mileage left. Even if Jack should decide not to renew, this will more than fill the gap in capability (I suppose we will need to push AMN into midfield… Read more »


The dud is tiny.


This does still throw up a few questions, of which particular interest is of Maitland-Niles’ options:

– The raft of defensive reinforcements means that he probably would not be needed as backup there
– The defensive midfielder addition only a couple of years older than him means he is unlikely to feature much at that position either
– Since these are the only positions he has featured at, I was wondering – What next for him?

An expected promotion in terms of squad number and Emery seems interested in him too. But where exactly is he going to feature?


I think the new guy will be our main DM in he premier and Maitland-Niles will be the main European Cup and league cup DM. Great way of breaking him and keeping him ready for injury’s


This is more like it. When we were linked to Praet, I wondered why we would go for him instead of Torreira. Good thing Praet was just a smokescreen for this.
We now have the profile to fit how Emery likes his midfield.
Xhaka = Motta
Torreira = Verratti
Ramsey will be just in front.
Torreira can play with/inspire of Xhaka and with Wilshere and Ramsey in a 2.
Superb signing if we pull it off…shame the Sokratis and Lichtsteiner signing downs it all

Tas Gunner

Its a cardinal sin thinking xhaka can play the way someone like Motta used to.The guy almost renamed the Makelele role into the Motta role.


Just a more expensive Coq!


Good news but I was hoping to see AMN get a chance in the middle. Seems unlikely with Ramsey, Xhaka, Elneny and this lad wanting to play there. I suppose that with the loss of Santi and Wilshere, it makes sense to sign this guy anyway.

The Bishops

Get bro.

The Bishops

Get in bro


Big problem is that he also plays with shirt number 34, I feel a scrap with Xhaka coming.


Could it be Mekelele type of guy?


This is a well good signing!!


Ok, I guess. IMHO he looks diminutive and will need time to adapt to the PL. He’ll need to be eased into it which is why we need depth and experience in the squad. For that reason I don’t think this automatically means Jack is being sold.

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