Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wilshere out to prove Arsenal wrong on his Emirates return

Jack Wilshere, who still looks odd in a West Ham kit, says he’s looking forward to returning to Arsenal when his new club face the Gunners on Saturday afternoon.

The midfielder ended his 17 year association with the club this summer when his contract expired and, after consultation with new boss Unai Emery, realised he wasn’t going to play as much as he would have liked.

He stayed in London with a move to the London Stadium, and it’s an early season visit to his old hunting grounds during which he wants to show the decision makers at Arsenal they were wrong to let him go.

“I’ve got to try and block all the emotion out,” he said.

“First of all, I’ve got to concentrate on football and I quite fancy our chances. I obviously know them really well.

“They’ve got a new manager, but I know the players, so hopefully it’ll be a good time to play them.

“It’ll be a strange one for me as I was never able to go there and play when I went out on loan as you can play against your parent club, but it’s one I’m looking forward to.

“It’s down to me to prove a point to Arsenal that they were wrong to get rid of me.”

While everyone wishes him well in general, let’s hope the curse of the former player isn’t in play this weekend.

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We weren’t wrong to get rid of him but I wouldn’t be all that surprised to see him play out of his skin this time

Dave Crawford

Perez could be the bigger danger




Agreed? Arsenal fans just wow me at their footballing ignorance. A player who lacks a complete sense of positioning. I thought he was sure of making the Spanish team if given Coruna chance.


we was VERY wrong to get rid of him


We didnt get rid of him. He was offered a new contract but turned it down

doc holiday

same thing


I think the more accurate statement is that we were wrong to offer him contract but with no guarantees of first-team placement at a wage lower than he expected.

I really doubt that we were wrong to adhere to this position.


He owes arsenal his life, he was treated like a prince at arsenal, and we didn’t let him go, he chose not to take a contract that based on him being fit – and after all the years he was injured for the majority of the season, that is beyond reasonable. Love jack but I hope we thrash West Ham.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

He didn’t choose to go. If you are let understand you can stay but will spend time in the stands and you have been English international and the golden boy of the club, would you accept it?
Arsene told him last year he had to fight for his place and he did just that.

Hank Wankford

He owes his mum his life no? And possibly his father i was thinking

doc holiday

he owes arsenal, NOTHING, in the end arsenal treated him like dirt, shame on arsenal


Of course we will. He walked aimlessly against United, absolutely nothing outstanding about his game as it also wasn’t with Bournemouth. Wilshere’s story is simply a case of a player not knowing what he is worth; a player thoroughly pampered into a crass sense of entitlement. Wilshere, I said it, was Van Pesie, of a different colouration. Ramsy is going down that road as well. How does Arsenal manage to breed these children of vipers.


Let’s hope he freezes.

Pat Rice and Beans

He often did that at Arsenal.


Yeah, um … not really.


He has already frozen. I said he moved aimlessly against United. He, Walcott, Coquelin, Gibbs cannot even shine in far lesser clubs, which summarizes our dismal performances in the past decade.


I don’t mind if he scores..or whatever. As long as Arsenal win.


I always mind if we concede. Would be good to get a clean sheet to give the defense some confidence. He decided to leave, I don’t care how he does at West Ham or if he scores goals. No time for sentiments.


I wish him well. But then I’m not a dickhead.


To be fair to him, is there anyone that doesn’t look odd in a West Ham kit?


Have to disagree. Since Arnautovic is a bit (or rather a huge chunk) of a cunt, theit kit fits pretty well


Tevaz was the worst looking dude

Dominic Ighekpe

Can we get Lanzini from the hammers? We need a player of his quality in our midfield

Public Elneny

He’s good but he’s currently very injured


The window is also very shut.


I’d take Lanzini, but I’m much more interested in Doucore, the Watford midfielder. He seems to have it all, stamina for days, good on the ball. He made an insanely good assist too over the weekend. Im sure Watford would want like 80m for him though

Matt P

He’s looked pretty average so far for the Hammers.


“Everyone’s looked pretty average so far for the Hammers.”

Fixed it for ya 😉


Everyone’s looked pretty average for the Gunners so far too, to be fair.


not the 19yr old frenchman in midfield.


Most look average. That being the definition of the term.


So most of City’s players looked average last year? And most of the Invincibles looked average?


We might see him tear us apart in the first half before his glass ankle shatters tripping over a water bottle in the second

Crash Fistfight

What an odd statement. Arsenal didn’t “let him go”, he decided not to take up the contract offer they put forward. This, because he seems to think he should have been guaranteed playing time, instead of fighting for his spot in the side.


That’s his main problem if you ask me. He always blames others for his own shortcommings. Self reflection = zero. That’s why I think he won’t get back in the england squad. He’s not willing to challenge himself. Unfortunately I think Özil is very similar in that regard.


Sure for Özil and in addition he is far less good than Jack!


Disagree that he’s not willing to challenge himself, I can’t think of a bigger challenge in football than playing next to Mark Noble! If he doesn’t get back into the England squad it won’t be because of his attitude, more likely because of Southgate’s preference for more athletic midfielders like Ox, Henderson, Loftus-Cheek etc. He’ll have to rediscover his engine and power to challenge them IMO.

A Different George


Wild bill

Henderson is easily more athletic than Wilshere.


That was my first thought as well, but only he and Emery know what was said in their meeting, so we should not make snap judgements on him just because we are not informed. Contact was on offer, but if the coach led him to believe he had little chance to play, then good for him to move on where he could earn his salary. I like a man who would rather go somewhere else and compete rather than enjoy the comfy seat on the bench.


Why would we offer him a contract around 100.000 a week, if the coach says he has little chance to play? It was rather the case that the coach probably said there are others in front of him in the pecking order and he has to convince him that he has earned a place in the PL squad. If Emery doesn’t like him at all, he wouldn’t have been offered a new deal. I think Elneny, Xhaka and Maitland-Niles, who have all extended contracts recently, haven’t been assured a place in the starting line up and have signed nevertheless. But… Read more »

My Arse-nal

“It’s down to me to prove a point to Arsenal that they were wrong to get rid of me.”
Fuck off Jack, we offered you a new contract which you turned down. He could have stayed just like he could have stayed the season before last but decided not to fight for his place and go on loan to Bournemouth.


This is unfair. Emery told Jack that he’d be unhappy with the amount of playing time he’d get.


“Fuck off Jack”
Jaysus, what are you, 12 years old and just learnt how to swear?

He did some amazing things for Arsenal. Got out of the gate early, was poorly managed by the club, and played hard. Scored a lot of quality goals, and is top talent. His future just ended up lying elsewhere.

Honesty, what on earth is wrong with people.


Nope, he’s spot on.

Jack could have stayed, he chose to leave. (More than once I might add). It didn’t work out, it happens. But hey, if that’s how he wants to motivate himself, then fine’ish – just keep the fictitious pity party to himself.

FWIW, he won’t prove us ‘wrong’ because he’ll never stay fit.

My Arse-nal

Homer, I’m not disputing the fact he scored some great goals and did some wonderful things for us, I’m simply having a small pop at his comment of Arsenal getting rid of him, which is simply wrong. We wouldn’t have offered a new contract if we wanted rid.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

You conveniently forgot last season where he accepted to fight for his place. A new manager kind of told you he didn’t want to use you. What are you suppose to do ?


I hope we smash them 4-0.


Why stop at four!!!! fingers crossed for five or six, they are woeful

Granit(e) Hard!

Well, i understand his sentiments, even though for many reasons i dont agree with it. For instance, we didn’t let him go, he let himself go!….so the only response i have to his comments is …”bring it on Jack!”

David Hillier's luggage

“It’s down to me to prove a point to Arsenal that they were wrong to get rid of me.”

Didn’t we offer him a new contract, but HE decided to leave as Emery didn’t see him in his full strength starting 11? Or I did I completely miss-hear the last interview he gave?

Doesn’t sound like us getting rid to me.

Canon Fodder

As much as I like Jack, it was usually a tale of hype over substance with him. Ramsay scored more goals last season than Jack did in his entire senior career with Arsenal. I think that he only scored one goal for Bournemouth who were not too keen on keeping him.


Not sure this is a West Ham kit though. Sure he didn’t sign for Villa?

A Different George

Or maybe Burnley. I used to be Prime Minister and I’m pretty sure I support one of those clubs.


Might be the right time to look at how Walcott and Oxlade-Chamberlain have fared since leaving. I guess Theo’s been doing well enough and the Ox has had a few good performances, but in the end probably everyone would agree that it was no mistake to sell them. With Wilshere we’ll have yet to see, but so far he hasn’t impressed much

John C

We’re crying out for width, both of those players haven’t been replaced and it shows.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

At least, Micki replaced Theo.


No he replaced Sanchez

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Judging by his performances he replaced Theo, lol.


Dont think either was particularly gifted or clever when playing wide..Theo offered goals from wide but he wouldnt be a threat throughout a game like someone like Zaha who continously antagonises the fb. AndOx was just as inconsistent and did not have good numbers but was great at carrying the ball up or through the pitch. Im all for selling Ramsey only if we could get Dembele.


It was only not a mistake to sell them from the point of view that they suit the styles of their new teams more than they suited ours. But what that ignores is that our style has been absolute bobbins for at least a couple of years now. The fact that Liverpool and Everton fans are more than happy with them should be instructive. I followed Ox closely last season and his improvement under Klopp, in his best position, was staggering. Neither City or Roma could handle him in the CL in the middle of the park. He always had… Read more »


I disagree entirely. Neither has been a great success. Walcott has done very little and Ox is just as inconsistent as he was for us. We got good money for both of them and haven’t missed them at all


Well again all Id say is listen to the fans from those teams if you wont listen to me! Even Henry was forced to walk back his comments on Chamberlain such were the quality of his performances. And again, Walcott starts in this Arsenal team easily.


so far the only player we allowed to score against us and then cheer him, is Eduardo.


If santi does I will cry, tears of joy and sorrow.

A Different George

If we were leading by enough and Giroud scored a consolation goal, I would sing his song.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Not a chance as goal differential may decide if it is us top four or Chelsea.


Could happen . Hopefully we draw Villarreal at some point in the europa.


Get rid of him?! There was an offer on the table and no new managers gonna guarantee an injury prone player game time. What are they smoking over there, eh?

Godfrey Twatsloch

He was offered a contract and he left for West Ham. It’s is a fine club so enjoy the experience. End of story!

Looking forward to seeing Perez play.


Yeah, if anyone that’s left the club, he’s the one with a point to prove. Kinda hope Perez scores, only if we win if course

Ya gooner

If Perez scores it can be against spurs and utd not us.


Wish him all the best but by his own previous admission we didn’t let him go, he chose to leave after we didn’t guarantee him a starting line up spot!

All The Gear No Idea

If he really truly believes he was good enough to play for Arsenal he would have stayed and proved it. He’s got nothing to prove to us or himself because he threw that chance away by leaving. Also, the fans need to keep up this amazing support they’ve shown even throughout this sticky period. COYG!!!!


all the best jack, and have a great game, we ALL miss ya


Let me rephrase it: Afan misses ya! And also erm, Afan.

Godfrey Twatsloch

AKA trollfan.

Nic Bell

Watch Jack play long straight balls over Mustafi. Makes Mustafi go into meltdown every time.

edward spencer

Prove Arsenal wrong for getting rid of him?
Didn’t they offer him a good contract but turned it down as he wanted guaranteed start

John C

Football has moved on from players like Wilshere whom require time on the ball, the intensity level has risen considerably over the last 4-5 years, and he doesn’t have the pace and energy to be considered a top midfielder now. I mention it the other week, Wilshere (along with Ozil and Xhaka amongst others in the current Arsenal squad) were coached to play 2010 football where the technical level was higher but the energy level lower and retention of the ball was the most highly valued commodity. In 2018 midfielders and attackers are expected to be able to play in… Read more »

A Different George

I don’t think I agree, but this is a very interesting analysis. I wonder how a player like James Rodriguez, who combines that quick, bursting energy with tremendous technical ability, would do in the Prem? Or, imagine, Zidane?

John C

Players that combine energy and technical ability do very well and play for the very top teams (Sane, Mane, Kante, Mo Salah, Kane, De Bruyne etc etc).

Zidane, i don’t know as he wasn’t noted for his energy, in fact many of my Italian friends always thought Pavel Nedved was a better player because Zidane would go missing for 4 or 5 games then be brilliant on the sixth.


Zidane was one of the greatest players in the world and your assessment of him is utter rubbish.

John C

It’s not my assessment of him but several Italian friends whom at the time told me that for every 10/10 performance from Zidane you’d get 5 or 6 5/10 ones, whilst Nedved would give you consistent 8 or 9 out of 10’s week in week out.

Using that criteria I’m not sure Zidane would be a good fit for high intensity football.

Wild bill

Nedved isn’t talked about enough. Monster of a player.

John C

He was Cazorla-esk in the way that he was two footed to the point that you didn’t know which foot he prefered and so consistently brilliant he was taken granted

A Different George

Now you are making me wonder if I was too generous in my assessment of your post. Only De Bruyne is the sort of player I thought you were talking about–not just someone who runs endlessly (sometimes with great effect, like Mo Salah), but someone who retains the ball, who can carry it past defenders in a burst and can also pick a pass. (I should say, Chelsea seems to be trying to turn Kante into this sort of player–they will get a pretty good, maybe very good, attacking midfielder at the price of losing the best holding midfielder in… Read more »

John C

I don’t know if you’re generous or not, judging by your response my guess you not an impartial or unbiased observer if you don’t think the players i’ve listed to couple both high intensity with technical ability. Any impartial observer would say they’re all a step up from anyone in our team.

As for my italian friends, they all agreed that whilst Zidane was a better player, Nedved was the more consistent one. They all formed that option by watching them week in week out, something i know i didn’t do and a dare say you didn’t either.


2010 Barca worked as hard as anyone tbf but otherwise it’s true there’s been a shift away from a pure possession focus and towards a bigger focus on pressing and transitions. Which players do you reckon we have that fit this style though?

John C

It’s difficult to say and i guess that’s why Emery has basically kept the same team as last season to see who can make the transition, i guess they all deserve the chance to see if they can. But for me it difficult to see which of our current midfield(Wengers players, not the two new guys) and attacking midfield can play that way. Maybe Ramsey but he’s a bit of a maverick. Maybe Iwobi but he often looks like he’s won a competition to play professional football for the day. Xhaka doesn’t look mobile enough but maybe he could play… Read more »


I think “jazzers” sums up the squad Wenger left behind pretty nicely. Of those players, going purely based on this new style, Ozil, Xhaka and Mhki will be under threat the most. Agree that Mhki just looks too flaky to rely on, and looks especially ill-suited out wide. There’s been a shift away from pure playmakers on the flanks to all-action forwards and I don’t think he really fits the bill. Xhaka just looks too ponderous on and off the ball against high pressing teams. Unless the opposition sits deep the game simply passes him by. Ozil will also have… Read more »

John C

That’s the thing isn’t it, I believe our players are technically better players than most but the level of intensity now makes that redundant if it isn’t matched with the hard running. We don’t know if any of these players are capable of that part of the game as they just haven’t shown it with any consistency.


Completely agree (Especially the Lingard Alli example) and its very evident when you look at the style of football that had to be introduced to defeat tika taka. This is why players like Ozil and Mhki are struggling in some ways. Ozil tryed hard against Chelsea but it literally isn’t in him physically..Even back when he was younger at Madrid uner mourinho he would work hard and please Mourinho bu he would be subbed alot after the 70min mark .

John C

Exactly, this new breed of player and style of football is the evolution to counteract the the Ozil’s and Wilshere’s of this world and the highly technical ball retention style that was pursued a few years ago. Teams pursue the high press and cut the ball out before it even gets to the Ozil’s of this world, which has made attackers the first defenders and defenders the first attackers, which is a complete flip from how football was played but it means no longer can a player like Ozil elusively drift in attack waiting for the ball because the ball… Read more »


Jack may have supported West Ham as a kid, as did Ray Parlour and Tony Adams before him, but he still has Arsenal in his heart.
I hope he has a full and successful career at West Ham and wherever he ends up, I was sad to see him go but I understood the reasons and it made sense for both parties.
I’m sure that the Arsenal fans will give him a great reception and I hope he has a great game and Arsenal win 5-1.


Many silly comments here. Nonsense like, “Oh, no Arsenal offered him a contract but he didn’t want it so he lacks perspective, he’s weak, blames others…blah blah blah.” Come on, grow up all of you. The contract had no improved terms or numbers, was heavily incentive-weighted, and Emery said he’s not going to play much in the first team. What the hell would you do if you were an elite footballer in his shoes. IF any of you have professional jobs, and if your managing partner tells you: Look, we like you, but you get no raise and no bonus… Read more »


Wenger offered Jack a similar contract which he probably would have signed but it was the change of manager that made the decision for him. He said so much in his farewell note. If we can’t beat West Ham then I really will start to get worried


Improved numbers? Seriously? He signed a very good contract years ago and has failed to live up to the expectations in a big way since. Why on earth should Arsenal offer him improved conditions when he was never worth was he has earned for years? That’s ridiculous. He signed the last contract when he was seen as one of if not THE English hope for the future. To say he hasn’t lived up to that is a massive understatement. So he should have been happy to get offered a deal to have another chance to show that he’s good enough… Read more »


“It’s down to me to prove a point to Arsenal that they were wrong to get rid of me.” Sorry, Arsenal did not get rid of you, you chose to move on.

Monkey knees

3-1 Arsenal, Jack nets a late consolation goal. He and Perez have good games and get the “first goodbye” that they deserve from us.

Sànde Class

Just very sad to witness the metamorphosis of a true ex Gunner to what is now just an entitled Gooner. Guess this was inevitable when a sensational young player gets wind of the obscene amount of money that has been prevalent in football this millennia. :/


Shouldn’t underestimate West Ham.

We may think we are in clear air now bc we got two difficult matches out of the way but these sort of games can also be dangerous for us (complacency in particular)

Hammers bought a lot of players so they are still bedding in. They haven’t won either but we need to make sure we do our business against them first.


Completely agree, I’m no less nervous for this game than for either of the previous two; Ham are just as desperate for points as Arsenal, and we are so easy to score on that a clean sheet against ANYBODY actually feels like a long shot. Even drawing with West Ham will feel like a loss, but I’m not super confident. Arnautovic will have his way with Bellerin like every other left-side attacker has.

Sànde Class

Like Blogs kept repeating, putting things in context doesn’t imply in any way that we’re underestimating West Ham yo. While it is disappointing to see that WE ARE NOW talking about “not underestimating” West Ham of all teams (regardless of their players, manager etc), I seriously ly think we should all look at our new look Arsenal FC in a much more positively pragmatic light.
And the way we played in both the games gives me immense belief that our team is very much on the right track. 🙂


Sande Class, agreed, didn’t mean to come off like a total downer. I must have written that straight after watching the Chelsea highlights…

Sànde Class

Sometimes it is indeed better to let “shit out” whenever it inevitably goes down. 😀 So it’s absolutely fine my man.


I truly hope our midfielders step up and prove Jack wrong. Thus far Guendouzi has been excellent with his energy and drive. Fantastic long range ability for passes too. Needs to be aware of tracking runners into our box Granit for all the negativity directed against him has flaws but generally is better than many make him out to be. I think his substitution was partly yellow card motivated but hey, people weren’t complaining when Viera took yellow cards for the team and generally he was great in the 10 minute spell that saw us come back against Chelsea. The… Read more »


Like your analysis, but sadly we do not have the players to suit Emery’s system. The 2 centre backs, Ozil, Miki, Xhaka, Ramsay etc etc. He (emery) was dealt a poor hand, an hotch potch squad + a few dodgy signings. So does he carry on with this style & mix & match or change to suit the players we have. Chelski fans are already drooling about Sarri-ball. I hope Emery is given time but remember he was sacked in Russia & Paris and his best finish was 5th with Seville. Pep & Klopp or Allegri he is not.


He still won 3 consecutive Europa Leagues and wasn’t exactly a failure at PSG. At least unlike Sarri he has won trophies. He was praised for the improvement he made with Sevilla which earned him his place at PSG. Maybe no Pep but still has class.


Pep always does well at the richest clubs in the country. I wonder why?

A Different George

No doubt he gets the players he wants, almost whatever the cost. But anyone who watched Man City play three years ago and now cannot help but give Guardiola credit.


I really thought that I was in a minority of one in my appreciation of Xhaka. I believe he is unfairly maligned and am looking forward to see him play as a deep lying midfielder as he plays successfully for Switzerland.


But are you literally not seeing how incredibly slow he is? And the multiple times per game he just straight up gives the ball away? I mean, these things just can’t be forgiven, even with his fantastic passing ability. He would never, every start for any of the other top 6 teams, not in his wildest dreams. I honestly cannot believe how slow this guy is sometimes, it’s miraculous that he’s playing top flight at all. We are so easy to beat in the middle when he’s out there, it’s just a fact. Elneny doesn’t have his passing range or… Read more »


Mhkitaryan gave the ball away much more than Granit.

Torreira lost the ball more as well.

Watch the game again.

A Different George

Torreira was basically responsible for Chelsea’s third goal.


Yeah, Xhaka’s not the only one who gives the ball away in any given Arsenal game (obviously), but he sure is the slowest. His comical slowness PLUS his tendency to give the ball away is what’s formed my opinion of him – I just think it’s a terrible combination of faults in a player, but I hear you, the turnovers are not unique to him.


“It’s down to me to prove a point to Arsenal that they were wrong to get rid of me.”

Go f**k yourself. I get enough of this shit in American sports.


Always feel bad for Jack just like Diaby and Rosicky we and they never got to really show what they could do. Yet were good enough for us to know barring injuries they would have been world class. When Jack emeged there was no one like him especially English , but he was injured for so long at a crucial period where football as a whole just intensified and advanced without him.


its the right attitude from Wilshere. But I hope we obliterate them.


What are the odds of him clattering into Torriera and being taken off in the 28th minute?


Wrong to get rid of him? Didn’t they offer him terms and he declined?

Island gooner

The place to prove them wrong would have been at the club. Stay, fight for a place, show them he has the ability. That’s if he really believed in himself and if he really wanted to remain at Arsenal. Merit has to be earned under a new manager.

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