Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ornstein: Arsenal in bid to sign Inter’s Perisic

According to the BBC’s David Ornstein, Arsenal want to sign Inter Milan winger Ivan Perisic on loan for the rest of the season and would be willing to part with £35 million to make the deal permanent in the summer.

The San Siro giants are apparently open to selling the 29-year-old Croatian this month to fund a deal for Belgian Yannick Carrasco, who was also linked with the Gunners earlier this month.

The World Cup finalist has long been tipped to move to the Premier League with Jose Mourinho coming closest to signing him for Manchester United in 2017.

Does it make sense for Arsenal to splash cash on big wages (and potentially a big transfer fee) for another player heading towards the twilight of his career just 12 months after recruiting similarly aged Henrikh Mkhitaryan and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang? Probably not.

That said, it’s possible the club’s hierarchy is increasingly worried about the long-term damage of missing out on the Champions League places again.

On the plus side, he is a winger of considerable experience.

Earlier this week we were also linked with a loan deal for PSG youngster Christopher Nkunku, while Denis Suarez also remains on the radar.

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Olivije Žirod

Waste of money.


Not if it’s an ‘option’ to buy. We will decline the option after he wins us the UEFA cup.


Guys at the moment I’m sure any deal can work for us either perisic or Suarez can help

Kwame Ampadu Down

Sorry Olivije, bit confused. Aren’t you always banging on about fans being negative?


I spend enough time worrying about my own bank balance. I refuse to worry about my football teams too.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Why are no defenders on the radar. One would think that would be the area on highest priority list.


Where is the poo-o meter on this one?




He’s good, but turns 30 in February. Not what we require, we need much younger, not someone who has about 2 years at the top. Especially considering he’ll want about 200k a week.


Which is why we want a loan! We all agree that we need a quality winger, Perisic is quality loan signing.


Hope we do get him on loan only. That would make a lot of sense. buying him, would not.


Maybe we are buying him so that he gives us enough cover till players like nelson smith rowe and AMN step up and perform to the expected level. Much like how we bought sokratis and lichsteiner. I would love if perisic comes to arsenal. He would be a short term fix as well as another leader in our dressing room


Also effectively we are going for cheaper players – young, older, fallen out of favour.

Seems like maybe it’s a combination of the two. Could be a smart approach, if we execute it right.

Tom Gun

Totally agree clins. Nelson needs a couple of years to become (hopefully) top level and having Perisic there as a mentor and being top level for 2 years would be perfect.

Cannon and Ball and Arse'n'all

I agree also Clins. We definitely need some quality out wide, but what message does it send to Nelson, Smith-Rowe and Saka if we splash out big money on a player that is going to be in the team for years to come? We were quite fortunate that Nelson committed to a new contract before going to Hoffenheim on loan. We are increasingly seeing British youngsters being recruited by european teams, and this is giving them a lot more negotiation power at a young age. If there is no obvious route to the first team then they will leave and… Read more »


And he was a fucking beast in the WC. I thought he was Croatia’s best player.


Until then he’s 29.


He’s closer to 30… (sorry I can never resist this)

Thierry Walcott

That’s how it works..

Faisal Narrage

“That said, it’s possible the club’s hierarchy is increasingly worried about the long-term damage of missing out on the Champions League places again.”

Short-terminism is exactly what led us to where we are. If this is the demand and call by Raul; Perisic, Banega and Suarez then yeah, I can see why it would clash with Sven’s vision.

If this is Raul’s great plan then we’re in trouble long term. This is not the vision I’d hoped for.


They are selling Perisic to fund transfer budget for Carrasco. I’d say we seriously go for Carrasco this window, because player of that quality would not be available at the price of Carrasco in the summer, in these days of overinflated transfer fees.

Arsene's zip

I turn 39 in February… Is that why they haven’t called me??
Happy to do it for less than £200k a week.

I mean, someone will need to watch the kids for me on a Saturday afternoon, and I can’t do Sunday’s cos the wife does a roast, but otherwise I’m in.


Panic loan. Mslintat is grabbing low hanging fruit. We should be building for the near future but we are adding stop gaps (Mhkitaryan, Lichsteiner even Sokratis to some extent) The club as per usual doing things on the cheap. It will continue to self perpetuate of course if we again miss europa as it will be an excuse to penny pinch to tailor our cloth to our budget. Nelson has a future on the right wing but we are so bereft of wide players at the moment it should not be a problem adding another either left or right side… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

So you’re still going to blame Sven for this, even though it’s already known he’s leaving in a few weeks, with one of the said issues that Raul and Emery have seemingly ignored his recommendation?

No doubt you’ll be blaming Sven for our next summer transfers if they go wrong too.


Who had blaming Mislintat on Santori Bingo?


I really like him but we can’t keep splashing money on players with no resale value.
I’d love for us to go all out for Ziyech at Ajax, he can play both centrally and wide, good passer/dribbler, not unproven but still lots of potential to grow with a big league move.
Would probably not be too expensive either.


Good aggressive player, but £35million seems a bit steep.


Dunno if he was younger he’d probably cost double that nowadays


Ajax is not going to loan out ziyech as they are still fighting for the title and are still in the CL. They will probably ask around 40mil for him if they are willing to sell him, so that is not really cheap.

Make Arsenal Great Again

I’ll wait Ziyech or Carrasco in the summer than splash on a 30 year old Perisic


The rumor is we are getting him bc they want to buy Carrasco


The resale value has been part of the problem. The transfer team has saddled us with too many older players. Lichsteiner, Mhkitaryan for example. It affects the sell on value. Meanwhile we gave away younger players with potential with little fight. Ganbry for example we should have promoted when Ox was being evasive with his contract. The likes of Carrasco and Suarez at very least are close to prime age. Considering the money asked for for Dennis, he is a much better buy but the club is being pennywise pound foolish and there has been little consideration given to strategic… Read more »

Cannon and Ball and Arse'n'all

We also need players who are at their peak if we are going to get back into the CL – and players tend to peak at 28 / 29 / 30.
All well and good having a team full of youngsters who we can flog for big money – but if we’re not finishing in the top 4 then we won’t keep them and will become a selling club. Look how it is working out for Monaco

alex alexsson

Undeniably a good player but no resale value and realistically best days are limited. please lets learn from our mistakes!


At some point we’ve got to compete. I will close my eyes and bid 35 mil for a player like Perisic. If i were a CB/full back i would have nightmares the day before i play against the likes of Auba, Lacazette, Ozil, Mkhitaryan, Perisic. Assuming 3 out of those 5 start the other two will definitely make an impact from the bench and at this point that is all Emery needs. Options. We will recover that 35 mil when we finish top 4 or win the europa league. Some day when some somebody is desperate we can always do… Read more »


It’s only through balance that teams win or stay in contention. Case in point, Liverpool.


I sense desperation by Arsenal. If Stan was willing to invest to help get us back into CL then this prolly wouldn’t have happened.

Sucks balls that I’m losing confidence with the Board every day.

Gareth knight

Agreed. But what gave you any confidence in the board ?
They have acted like complete amateurs for the past decade.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Big dictionary and you stopped at amateurs heh.


Everybody wants the club to be more desperate – lack of desperation is the biggest gripe against Stan Kroenke

Croat here

Painfully average. Suitable for Arsenal then.


He’s well above average. The age is the worry. Is he 29 then or 30? I know he close to 30, but I’m looking for some clarification here as to what age we would categorize him since he is so close to 30.


Well there are a few schools of thought on this …


Before or after the loan arrival?
Before or after an option to buy?


But yes, let’s give UE time, let’s see what Klopp did and let’s UE enjoy all the time in the world: soon he’ll make us PL champion and CL champion. The problem of this is that UE doesn’t have the same pedigree as Klopp at all… And it’s not by saying to one of your (most important) players that it’s better for him to leave, to put a defensive team when you need goals, to change tactics each game, to play game minds (apart from paint ball games), well, having no real game play… this is not a way to… Read more »


Unai Emery has won more international trophies than Jurgen. What was that about him not having the same pedigree as Klopp? Did you mean to say that Unai is a class above Jurgen?


Also, hasn’t Jurgen lost like 5 big Finals in a row?

Don’t think we want to imitate that.

Kwame Ampadu Down



If you are a half as good at defending on the pitch we can really use you mate.


Do not want


No wonder.Thats the Raul way.We chose that one over youth way of sven.Hope it works out.


What? Sven was responsible for Mkhitaryan, lichtsteiner and Sokratis – doesn’t quite fit your narrative.


Lich was collective.Mkhi was no ones.he was the best option for was that or let him go for free/to city.And regarding sokratis it was well mentioned that sven wanted diallo.but we opted for exp and cheap so he recommended sok.

The question is whats up with u creating narrative against him?


We survived without Sven before,we will continue to do so.No hate on Sanellhi.He has his area of expertise and that tends to be well known players in prime and for money.Not saying its bad but it is what it is.

Crash Fistfight

Survive being the operative word.


We did very well without Sven.

Wenger and Law got us Kosceilny, Monreal, Giroud, Santo Carzola.

Whether they bought enough is a different thing but Mslintat does not even come close to matching Wenger’s acumen in market.



No, that’s not the question. You’re trying to paint the Perisic signing like it proves Raul and co favor old players vs Sven who prefers young players. I have no idea where you get your information from, maybe it’s solid – but to minimize Sven’s part in the older players signings is disingenuous. I’m sure you feel Guendozi was all him.

I have no issue with Sven, I just don’t think you have evidence for what you’re claiming (yet). Also the Nkunku link, how does that fit?


Nope.I feel Guendouzi was both him and Emery.Torreira as well.Only Mavro and Leno was 100% him.And Which one of my claim you are gonna refute? Please enlighten me? I am not hating Raul here.He has his style as I said.Everyone has their own style and preference.If you are expecting different,well,fare enough.Maybe he will change.Stop looking for arguements everywhere.At the end of the day its just an opinion.You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to.Good day.


You have an opinion, I have a counter opinion. I present reasons why I support my opinion, you give yours. It’s called a debate in good faith. For instance, if you have solid information (itk) that Leno and Mavrapanos was all him, while Sokratis and Lichtsteiner was forced on him I can’t refute that. Because, well, I don’t know that for sure. All I was saying is you don’t have evidence (yet) to claim Raul and co push for older players vs. Sven. And to support your argument I thought you cherrypicked the transfers, assigning more responsibility to Sven for… Read more »


Conveniently they want to blame Raul when Mslintat is the one in charge of transfer dealings. Raul merely negotiates the deals. There is fault in both camps but these people who like to toss off to Mslintat have their own agenda. He has been average for us at best and we can (should) replace him. Even Torreira has not been all that. Consider last game we did not have enough authority in midfield, where was Torreira? Against Soton, BHA and Liverpool he gave away or was robbed of the ball at least 3 times leading to goals. But instead people… Read more »


Absolutely agree.

Some people clearly tailoring things to suit their narrative.

Refuse to see it for what it is.

Mslintat has made poor decisions (as Raul).


Mhkitaryan was not the best option.

We could have sold Alexis to City for slightly less but Mslintat wanted to do the deal for Mhkitaryan (ex Dortmund), We were beholden to United and Raiolla thereafter when we could have gone for Mahrez earlier.

Mslintat is culpable for a lot of poor decisions. He is the head of transfers.


Love your “this a fact” style scoops mate.keep at it.


Soo wrong on so many levels



1) We could have sold Alexis to City. It was his preferred destination to link up with Guardiola.

2) Mahrez was more than available in that window. HIs preferred destination was London.

3) When we left United as the only bidder, effectively we had to take Mhkitaryan or nothing.

Why don’t you try substantiating your comment?


This is not the profile we’re looking for. That’s obvious to anyone but AFC management.


Would be a great addition to the squad even if he wouldn’t be eligible for Europa League. Why are people obsessed with age and resale value? We’re the Arsenal, we’re not supposed to be a selling club. Juventus got to the Champions League final 2 years ago with a team full of over 30’s. We should buy Benatia too, who is for sale for 10 million euros but looks to be going to Qatar.

Faisal Narrage

Juve are ridiculously rich and one of the biggest clubs in the world and dominate their league.

We are “obsessed” with age and value because we’re seeing first hand the damages of the short-term thinking and how it’s got us where we are now.


Did you see Forbes rich list published this week; Arsenal are richer than Juventus.
Arsenal are also one of the biggest clubs in the world, in gate receipts, tv money, advertising revenue, and social media. We shouldn’t need a business model based on resale value for every single purchase. Perisic would be a terrific addition to the squad. Sign him on a loan at least and see if he adapts to the Premier League.

Reality check

Arsenal did go with long term planning when it was all about youth system and young players with potential, where did that leave us..


Hope we get him. He sure will help.


Well unlike some of the players we have been linked with – he is a really good player. But – no sell on value. Meanwhile Barca snapped up Frankie De Jong who is reckoned to be one of the best young players going and are looking at another brilliant Ajax youngster to add to an already star studded squad. So the gap between us and the top tier grows ever wider. Persic would work – if he hits the ground running, scores and creates ; helps us back to the CL – which in turn, makes us more attractive to… Read more »


Are you aware that frankie de jong rejected besti pl team in years and PSG, we will never have a chance to sign players like him, mbappe and co. we can sign talented players like gendouzi that no ine know and hope one of them become a fabregas. Gendouzi is so far good.


I wouldn’t dispute any of that. But it doesn’t negate any of the points I made in the first post.


Why would we need sell on value for a loan player?… Do you even read?


I’m working on the assumption that he – 1/ succeeds for this season :2/ we buy him in June. Do you even think ?


Sky suggesting we proposed a swap loan deal with Ozil. Now that would make sense. Sadly Inter don’t seem to want to play ball. So no Persic and we’re stuck with Ozil.

Crash Fistfight

I’ve never been a huge fan of the player. I’m even less inclined to want this to happen due to his age, potential wage demands and the fee involved if it’s an “option”.

No thanks.

Micky Tayrian

Would potentially be a great signing but I’m wondering if this is Arsenal’s yearly PR transfer bullshit a la Thomas Lemarr


Thomas Lemar I remember the name, when we bid 100 million for him about 10 seconds before the transfer window closed so it was too late to get the deal over the line but at least we can show the fans that we made a substantial offer.


Well, if we are serious about CL qualification this year, we need experienced players now. Young players for the future won’t get it done now. Truthfully it looks like we are going all in on it now. It means though that we are pushing the rebuilding of the team farther into the future. These are all stop gap moves that are designed to secure the CL now. If it does work, great. Then you start to sign young players to begin the rebuild. If it doesn’t work, you are another year further along with no progress. People get discouraged, apathy… Read more »


At this stage, anything is better than nothing. The thinking behind this is we have no requirement to buy him. BUT if we have players available that have longer prospect and better resale value bc of age plus have tactical potential for the squad, we should be getting them now rather than the summer. BC in the summer we will have other positions to fill and if we should be out of CL (again) we will see more excuses to cut our cloth to our means. Plus the market in the summer will have more bidders besides us many of… Read more »


Is it wrong I’m more interested in the Sokratis not bad statement?


This is what call a panic buy.


He’s at Juve. Maybe we could work him into an early move for Ramsey.


Not even panic buy anymore…we have entered the panic loan era.


Another Sven Mislintat find from Dortmund…..


Low hanging fruit.

Expedient to him.

At his convenience with no regard to what we need both tactically and in strategic terms.

Lord Bendnter

We are a Joke…and everyone knows it


You are a joke and everyone knows it.


Apparently it could be a swap deal with ozil at the end of the season and not the payment of 35m….i know arsenal will get perisic and one between Suarez and nkunku and then we are done

Make Arsenal Great Again

Another old player on the decline. It seems that’s our new recruiting strategy


Perisic plays on the left. So does Iwobi, also Auba plays on left when Laca plays.
So, why do we want another left winger?


Not ideal.

Iwobi can play right but is stronger inverted on the left side.

Nelson next season can play right though.


i don’t know about y’all but i would rather take a £20mill risk on a certain 25yo than even loan perisic with option to buy. lets face it…we are europa quality at best now. we should focus on rebuilding the team. with our defensive capabilities only humiliation awaits in the ucl.
tbh even in europa this year i doubt we can get to semis with our current squad. its a sad state we are in but what we need now is a rebuilding plan based on youthful players…not 30yo seeking a nice pay day.


That 20m player will likely cost more in the summer as many competing teams will free up money to come into market.

Plus if we do not have CL footy again, we will be a less attractive destination for them.

They have circumstance to move now just as Mahrez had in January.

but there has been a deliberate attempt to ignore this in favour of more mypoic concerns

Thomas b

By all means, he is a very good player. But do we want to spent 35 mill on a guy who soon turns 30?I would rather see us trying to build a team with younger talented players, who can grow and develop together over several years. For me, this is bad business…


Signing a 29 years old with high wage and no resale value when you cannot compete wth the big boy isnt the way we have to go when you are in rebuilding mode
Whave run out of “war chest” because we are dreafull on the transfer market
Fine if only on paid loan.he is very good player.bad if we have to agree to sign him next summer.


Mate we’ve always been in rebuilding mode. Do you realize that Ozil, Mkhi, Auba and Laca’s contracts will be up for renewal in couple of years? This season is already over wrt championship. We have only 2 seasons left to get the best out of this lot who are in their prime. Let’s get Perisic and compete for CL and PL. Emery has shown that he’s capable of benching anyone. He won’t find it hard to bench 2 out of 5 amongst Laca, auba, mkhi, perisic, ozil. Let’s get perisic and compete or else we’ll be relying on iwobi’s and… Read more »


He’ll be 30 in a week. I know he’s not 30 until he’s 30 yada yada yada but before he will actually play for us, he’d be 30 and by the time we would sign him if we wanted to, he’d be closer to 31. So loan deal, yes. Purchase, no. Certainly not for 35 mil


Reported by The Ornacle, so it is so, 0/10 o. The poo meter. Whether it is going to happen – separate story.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

I miss Wenger.


He bought very well which is how he grew the club. Ramsey for all the moaning on AFTV Arsene bought for a mere 4.75m from Cardiff. Even if we should let him go for free, the cost has been ammortised over the years several times over. What we are doing now is seeing the woods and not the trees. We were holding out for someone to take Ramsey now for 10m so we can get him off our wage books. We should just take the loss and have him gone period (whether we should be letting him go of course… Read more »


Another ageing player with no resale value. You would have thought that a club with strict spending limits would have learnt a lesson by now. Let’s hope the usually reliable Ornstein is suffering the same kind of form as Arsenal.


Can’t arsenal at least pretend to be in for a defender?

Getting older players isnt that bad, it’s our level now. We’ll hopefully get some younger unknown players on free transfers on the summer. Again this is our level now.


I don’t think we can get a defender. It depends on Sokratis. if he is OK, there is no emergency. Koscielny will also come back into availability. meanwhile short term we run a risk with just Mustafi. Likely we will have to play a back 3 with Lichsteiner and Monreal flanking. Many people have been bleating on about a back 4 but frankly when we presided over our unbeaten run, we were in a back 3. Bottom line is we don’t have the Cbacks to carry a back 4, the midfield have got back to poor habits and some fullbacks… Read more »


ANOTHER left sided player? We have Iwobi, always deployed on the left, Aubamayang is better on the left, if you’re shunting Ozil out he’s far better on the left, Ramsey plays over toward the left on attack, Kolasinac effectively attacks the left. WHAT ABOUT THE RIGHT SIDE??!! We now have no Bellerin, no Danny, no Riess Nelson (who is almost there but not quite ready anyway), and Auba is marginalized out there. Who knows, maybe that’s the plan to continue to play a heavily left strong side, avoiding the right as much as possible, but I don’t get it. It… Read more »

Drew Dewsall

At 28 he still has probably 4 good years in him. He’s a quality player if we could get him I’d be more than happy!


He’s 29, until Feb 2, then he’s 30. Because that’s how it works, or so I’ve heard.

So I guess that means we’re down to 2 good years.

Crazy we’ve gone from a club that wouldn’t extend at 30, to one that possibly pays 35m at 30..

But if it’s a loan until end of season and other options aren’t panning out, I’m down with it.

Drew Dewsall

Ah I misread that I though it was 28. No way to pay £35M for him in that case. How he’d fair in the Prem is anyones guess but a loan would be a great option. As long as no obligation to buy at the end.


Just stop at ‘…until Feb 2’.

The ‘that’s how it works’ joke was not funny to begin with, and gets more lame with each use.

Drew Dewsall

Personally I’m liking project geriatric!


Adding quality players to the squad in my opinion is the way to get set for the immediate future. Wouldn’t it make sense to sign those who can help us achieve champions league qualification rather than going for young ones with potential. Now that Sven is gone us jumping on young talents without real scouting might backfire. I say this because we were shambles yesterday against united for a defence to play offside they need to be on same wavelength which we couldn’t because of regular changes in back four (the two goals for united in first half) and Guendouzi… Read more »

Tasmanian Jesus

Very good player. And 35 mill seems like pocketchange these days in football, so might be allright.
If anything made any sense we should be going for Carrasco ourselves. But that would be a permanent transfer and a fee now in January, and since we only can do loans now…I guess this is our option.

Papa's Got a Brand New Bag

This is what I don’t understand. If Carrasco is going to cost us a similar amount in the end, surely there is a way to structure that deal that takes into consideration our current ceiling and greater financial freedom in the summer.

He’s a better buy.

Monkey Nuts

Pocket change we don’t have until the Summer and by then we’ll be looking at other gaping holes in our squad. We’re in last chance salloon for bringing players in. Can’t afford to make anymore mistakes, hey Granit and Mustafi.


We can make it happen this transfer window.

Letting Ramsey go early would free up 110K

BUT we are fishing for 10m from Juve. Considering Wenger only paid 4.75m, I’d be willing to take the slight loss and get in a new player we need.

Plus we could have also put on Mhki on market. At 120K, plus Elneny for 55K that would have freed up 285K. enough for two players who have capabilities in positions we actually need.

This Transfer team is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.


Ok this got pergatoried in moderation a couple hours ago, so apologies if they both show up now.. Another left sided player? We have Iwobi, always deployed on the left, Aubamayang is better on the left, if you’re shunting Ozil out he’s far better on the left, Ramsey plays over toward the left on attack, Kolasinac effectively attacks the left. What about the right side? We now have no Bellerin, no Danny, no Riess Nelson (who is almost there but not quite ready anyway), and Auba is marginalized out there Who knows, maybe that’s the plan to continue to play… Read more »


Jeez. Purgatoried again.


Attempt #3: Another left sided player? We have Iwobi, always deployed on the left, Aubamayang is better on the left, if you’re shunting Ozil out he’s far better on the left, Ramsey plays over toward the left on attack, Kolasinac effectively attacks the left. What about the right side? We now have no Bellerin, no Danny, no Riess Nelson (who is almost there but not quite ready anyway), and Auba is marginalized out there Who knows, maybe that’s the plan to continue to play a heavily left strong side, avoiding the right as much as possible, but I don’t get… Read more »


Mkhi is the future of our club.


Unless we get a right side player, he does have a very large role to fill for the rest of the season. Let’s hope he heals up and gets back up to speed quickly.


He’s not ideal.

He was OK tucked in with Bellerin overlapping but AMN is not in the stage of development yet where he has as good balance going forward and defending.

Right side has been a perpetual problem for several seasons now.


How it was decided to let Nelson off on loan is beyond me.

Ditto saddling us with Lichsteiner and 90K of salary for a season when we could have had Chambers.


Is he a right winger? I just hope he’s not too extreme.


Any help at this stage better than none.

We lack players who are technical enough to beat opponents on one on ones.

Which is why Emery was keen on Dennis and Carrasco.


I figured my joke would be lost on some.

Paul Roberts

Not sure about the hair?


We could use a third Sideshow Bob on the pitch. Or maybe another Auba style birdhawk?


Its a bit of a directionless mad scramble for a panic loan. Perisic is a good player but at 29yrs has less up side. Loading on yet another 29/30yr old with a high wage bill. He is OK short term. Perhaps the loan will exclude a requirement to buy which gives the club a bit more leeway. At this stage, anyone who can add a bit of threat down our right will do. We have AMN anchoring at Rback for the duration of the season and he will need cover (experience) plus someone to provide the threat further forward. This… Read more »


hopefully now the kronkes understand that their nice investment will lose its value unless they put some more funds in.
another wasted season. wonder how long emery will put up with this horror show if he doesnt get the players he needs.
this is what happens when you gamble with a squad hoping to get fourth.


Considering he is an ex Dortmund player and is 29yrs, more than likely to happen. Actually I’d take him cos we just need someone out wide. It has been neglected for far too long. He has good height on him so he can also function as an alternate to one of the strikers in 2 up top (considering Welbeck is out) but primarily is the wing play we need. Some have remarked upon the fact that he plays out from the left which is Iwobi’s stronger position as an inverted winger. BUT Perisic looks two footed and Iwobi can also… Read more »

Gooners & Roses

Like A New Kim Kallstrom.


Yes, apparently our transfer team is doing wonders with panic loans.


Kim Kallstrom proved to be an effective player who was especially reliable for set pieces. My only problem with him was that he wasn’t used more.


Trade for Oezil?


This could be the reason.

Inter were reportedly keen on Ozil but I think it may depend on Jack Ma or some entity buying into the club to add funds.

They won’t be able to pay 350K so us loaning Perisic with option to buy (not commitment as with Dennis) plus a fee goes someway to offset Inter for Ozil’s potential salary.

Who are all depay’s

Don’t we have a really exciting prospect winger available to recall on loan right now?? Save the money and bring back Reiss!


Yeah but someone decided to ship him off to TSG. Great call.


Filling the squad with experienced, but relatively old players, is a gamble on a quick promotion to the CL, in 2020 at the latest. If that fails, Arsenal will be left with the necessity to make 4-5 big acquisitions. It will be a strategic tipping point: Either invest heavily – and in the short term more than positive cash flow – or find our place in mid table with Everton/WestHam/Leicester. Half empty stadium for many fixtures. Honourable, but so much more boring.


We can commit toward buying players with better long term resale value but the short sighted policy seems to be to see the woods and not the trees. We hold off for 10m for Juve to pay for Ramsey now when in all honesty he only cost Wenger 4.75m. Take the loss I say, free the 110K up and commit to Dennis. Whilst we need some experience in the squad, we are too heavily weighted with 29/30yr olds (or beyond) – Sokratis, Monreal, Koscielny, Lichsteiner, Auba, Mhkitaryan, Ozil. Adding another won’t be the best of options even if we will… Read more »

Jack but

Just sign him

Merlin’s Panini

He’s a good player but I’d rather have Draxler. I don’t know how well he got on with Emery though…

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