Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal transfer round-up: Tierney, Claude-Maurice, Torreira, Nketiah

It’s the latest transfer round-up as we scour the depths of the Internet to bring you the stories that matter. And by matter, we mean ‘Are probably a load of nonsense’, but hey – it’s summertime, the window is open, and it is what it is.

Let’s begin.

Kieran Tierney

Arsenal need a left-back this summer, and the Celtic man has been on our radar for a couple of yeas now.

The Scottish Daily Mail have a story this morning suggesting a bid is ‘imminent’, and that Unai Emery has ‘told his board that the Scot is the kind of signing who can help drag the club out of its current malaise.’

He’s an exciting young talent, no question, and our interest in him goes back to the Wenger days, but as ever with the source you have to take it with a pinch of salt, so the Poo-o-Meter remains high enough on this one.

Alexis Claude-Maurice

The Lorient attacking midfielder has been strongly linked with us over the last few weeks, but it appears he has his sights set elsewhere. Speaking to L’Equipe he says:

“I want to join Gladbach. They are a club that focus on young players, there is a good structure, they are playing in the Europa League. I like their project & it suits me.”

If it sounds like we’re missing out to a smaller team, perhaps the fact we’ve got a plethora of young attacking midfielders coming through the Academy might well be the reason he’s going somewhere else.

The appointment of Freddie Ljungberg has made it clear that some of his U23s are going to be integrated next season. Not to mention the widely expected signing of Gabriel Martinelli, so perhaps we weren’t as interested as the stories suggested?

Lucas Torreira

His agent is in the news again saying stuff about how the midfielder would be excited by a phone call from his former Sampdoria manager who is set to take over at AC Milan. It’s typical summer stuff from an agent though, they don’t close any doors, and there’s just no way we’re going to sell Torreira this summer.

Especially not to a club run by Ivan Gazidis.

Eddie Nketiah

The young striker has been linked with a loan move to Charlton, and on the face of it that makes some sense. He’d play Championship football, and hopefully get regular minutes.

However, if Arsenal take a youthful approach to the Europa League group stages, he could well get some important minutes under his belt, and if it doesn’t work out a loan move in January could be on the cards.

Danny Welbeck has gone, we need someone to back-up Aubameyang and Lacazette so we don’t run them into the ground, and Eddie seems a good choice in that sense, so it all depends on how Unai Emery views his readiness for next season.

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So much transfer b*ll*cks, 98-99% of it (there was a study) will never happen.

Let’s all relax, enjoy the summer and come back invigorated for the new season, when we’ll know exactly who was bought or sold and can save time thinking about lots of things that won’t happen.


And yet here we are.

Cultured determination

I like the enjoyment of the transfer window. I used to like it a lot more 10+ years ago when we were linked in baptista and whoever, and watxhing those new players come in, like hleb, rosicky etc. Nowadays though…


Read that ‘Anderson’ another player we were linked with, has been offered to Spurs for 30mill! Way out of our bargain bin price range.


The Torreira stuff does worry me a little bit if I am honest. The Italian government are lowering taxable income by 30% for foreign workers. Ronaldo is over there for this reason. It must’ve been behind Aarons decision to move over there as well. Conveniently Pogba’s agent has also come out and said he would love a move back to Juventus. So with those huge profile tax avoidance cases involving lots of La Liga players in Spain, and we all know how high the tax is in the UK for people earning over £100K a year. It honestly wouldn’t surprise… Read more »


If Nketiah is gone for loan, who is going to be the thrid choice striker? Nicklas Bendtner?


Park Chu young


Francis Jeffers


Nah Freddie is going to be player/assistant coach!


The Jeff.

Or Markus Berg, famous for missing great chances for Sweden in the World Cup last summer…


Le Jeff was part of the France team that beat England U21 yesterday. Gendouzi was on the bench! Just saying…. COYG.


Takuma Asano of course


He ain’t no passing craze


Fuck the window man. I spent the last 48 hours watching youtube videos of Caude-Maurice now i gotta nurse a broken heart. Almost a done deal, terms agreed with the player they said. Fuck this.
Anyone know if Martinelli plays on the left?


Probably a stepping stone to Bayern

They use this method to get players on the cheap …


Window men keep our cities clean. Have some respect.


As I full time window cleaner, I appreciate this


40 mil… 40 mil…

Please the fans need to calm down a little bit.

Richard Krivonozka

He plays Left back. Left back in Brazil.

Ko Aunglinn

What the fucking board doing? Don’t say anything about transfer window.?who is we chase or how much near or not? ????


English please?


Do you speak a second language mate?


Good Ebening

Post January Blip

“What is the board doing? Why aren’t they telling us who the club is going after and when we can expect to make these signings”?

Not really an expectation I’d have of a board, cards close to the chest and that but hey.

Cultured determination

We used to keep our cards close to our chest.. until we realize now we have no more cards… that all we have left to hold on is a sandwich kroke gave us.. a shit sandwich

A Different George

FFS, we are lucky we have a chest.


Sorry to disappoint you dude. Transfers don’t happen that way! Nobody from the board keeps updating you on the proceedings. We get informed only when there is a done deal. Like Wenger used to say.. “you will know it when I know it”.


I know they suck but i just can’t imagine they actually that “sucks”. I mean they are two slow on both buying and selling.

Elneny, Jenkinson, Mustafi are still there.
Also Mkhitaryan, Ozil with their ridiculus salary are questions that need to be answered right after the loss of Europa Leauge final.

I think they just… don’t have the direction. What are they planning? Keeping them all and fall again next season or selling certain players to boost the budget?



English motherf**ker…do you speak it?

Lack of Perspective

Fucking hell man. How intolerant are you?

Even if you dont agree with the posters questions. Fair play for having a stab stab when its clearly not the mother tongue.

I am used to a bit more class and humuor on Arseblog comments. If you like this site you should be wanting more engagement with it not less.


Im thinking (hoping) arsenalistas comment comes from a pulp fiction line and not really intended as a full offense to the first comment….

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

“perhaps the fact we’ve got a plethora of young attacking midfielders coming through the Academy might well be the reason he’s going somewhere else.“ I mean, let’s call a spade a spade here. He literally said it’s because they have a project dedicated to bringing youth through. That’s something we were known for back in the day and how we managed to get talented youth. We’ve lost that in recent years in pursuit of the likes of Xhaka, Ozil and Mustafi. Answer sure there’s plans now, but there’s still question marks on if Emery himself is even pro-youth like that… Read more »

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

Speaking of youth and Emery, how bad will his decision look if The Jeff has a great tournament to carry on from his very good last season? I believe he’s playing centrally for France….in place of our own Guendouzi.


Creative avie name; top points for that.

Double negative for accusing Emery of having the control on what happens to The Jeff.

Recall: he wasn’t getting minutes under AW, either. Like many “exciting” youth players, perhaps he just wasn’t up to snuff.

And why so quick to blame emery? And w/o any credible evidence. That’s fucking ridiculous.

Let’s all just ease off on the negativity, especially during another moronic xsfer window.

Good morning.

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

“And why so quick to blame emery? Without any credible evidence?” Tbf, I imagine many people aren’t aware of the fact that just last week The Jeff himself said that towards the end of the pre-season after the assessment was done, it was Emery who informed him they wouldn’t need his services, as he the competition was fierce and he felt he had already what he wanted. For whatever reason, it wasn’t reported on this site (not sure why), but The Jeff made it clear it was Emery that decided he didn’t need him, which makes sense he would make… Read more »


Hk47 is that you?

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

I don’t get the joke.


Eh, I’m not too worried about that yet. France picks striker after striker before they even put Lacazette in the squad FFS. It could just be a playing style decision.

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

It’s the u21, not the first team, it’s not the same lazy coach making the decision.
And tbf, they did win the world cup, and beat us at the u21 game.

I agree it could be stylistic, largely because of Jeff’s dribbling ability (he is one of Europe’s highest dribblers). But equally….that’s a quality we’re sorely lacking, no?


Jeff is a year older and has probably featured more in the French U21’s Guendouzi has had a good campaign for us and looked much more the part than Jeff ever did when he made his few 1st team appearances.


I’m afraid Torreira comments are similar to what Reyes (RIP) said and are not to be dismissed lightly. It is easy to forget that he is a very young man far from home and no matter what is on his contract if he is unhappy that will ultimately show on the pitch. Also fuck off Gazidas.


Oh, yes, poor lil man. But he wants Italy, not Uruguay: this is not that closer to home compared to England.


The weather certainly is closer

A Different George

And he apparently found it easier to pick up Italian than English. So, he’s in a more physical, faster league, with crap weather and having trouble speaking the language, and he’s not sure this was a smart choice. So, could go either way–though very unlikely to happen this transfer window.


Excited to see something on Tierney, and I hope it is true that Emery has made such a statement. It’s not just about Tierney, though I do like the player a lot–it’s about getting in a proper left back again to allow for more flexibility formation-wise. I really don’t like this team with three at the back along with two strikers up top, especially with the predictable Kolasinac barreling forward down the left side. A back four of Tierney, Holding, Sokratis, and Bellerin wouldn’t be too bad, with Koscielny and Chambers mixed in along with one of the young guys.… Read more »


Don’t need Lback (unless free) We have more pressing priorities. Lback can wait another season if we don’t have the optimal solution just yet. Monreal can extend one more season as he is in better nick then Koscielny for similar age. Monreal in a traditional back 4 if we can switch to that next season otherwise Kolasinac as wingback. Kolasinac can also further improve. It cannot always be about buying simply bc you think we have not been good enough in certain positions. A nit of measure needs to be applied vis-a-vis as mentioned priorities in other areas plus what… Read more »


Tierney won’t be available again.
We’ve chased him for years and he is a quality lb.
The time to get him is now.


Nketiah could be our Origi of Emery gave him enough chances….but he rather run his two strikers to the ground.


Yes, and Barcelona run Messi and Suarez to the ground. You play your two best players as much as you possibly can. It’s called wanting to win.

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

How did that work out for Ramsey?

Group Captain Mandrake

To be fair, you don’t really need to run Ramsey into the ground for him to get injured.

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

You don’t but it doesn’t help when your medical team tell you he’s greatly at risk but you decide to ignore it because the player said he wants to play and accordingly to the above, it’s called wanting to win.

It’s like the last 10 years of Wenger’s reign, where he routinely overplayed players till they got injured as we all lamented he rotated a bit more has been lost.

Let’s also not forget such overplaying has carry over into next season’s, coupled with so many of our players not getting the summer rest they deserve.


I agree.

We need to be wary not to run the strikers to the ground next season.

Plus we have priorities in other areas more pressing.

Nektiah has been efficient in front of goal to number of appearances both for us and for England. He just has a neck for goals.

I don’t see the harm in keeping him around and giving him a go.


Torreira and his agent are truly playing an ugly game. Well, this is common among certain agents and players, ok, but it’s still an ugly game. The Arsenal fans should wonder if this guy really likes the badge, then. But well, they don’t…


It’s really the agents. At least 90% of them are money-grabbing scum.


I don’t think Torreira is going anywhere. They are just preying on stroeis about him having a hard time adjusting in England. And truth be told he did not have the stellar season some fans want to will themselves to believe in. His season was mixed with plenty of mistakes as well. Later half of season, teams got a grip of Torreira and knew how to deal with him, bully him off the ball at times. But he will learn this being his first season and we don’t have the luxury of numbers or quality in that area Cmid to… Read more »


“… missing out to a smaller team”

Depends on what you consider small or big these days. Gladbach is a club with a rich history and huge support. They also only lost out on a CL place on the last day of the season.

Does that sound familiar?


Forget Gladbach.

West Ham put down 24m for Fornals.

We are (if rumour was true) chasing a ligue 2 player.

Sure Guendouzi you say but lightning rarely strikes twice (unless you are the press working on gullible Arsenla fans)


I know that Raul Sanllehi is f*cking up but i’m glad that we miss on Maurice. I mean 20 mil for this league 2 kid is too much. If he costed 5 mil like Guendozi i would say it as a blow.


Even at 5m, I don’t see the quality. Generally for creative players you pay for what you get. 20m you may as well wait to see if prices come down on Carrasco or Ziyech who are rumoured at 30m. If market competition thins out, apex predators are done, we may be able to shave off 5m on the better options which makes a 20m buy for this ligue 2 player seem frankly foolish. Too many people on these threads will themselves to be excited over the next shiny new thing. Anything besides Mustafi or Ozil will do for them. BUT… Read more »

Lucas Sam

Gladbach just lost Thorgan, it would mean a better chance at first team then being our Welbeck replacement. Sentiments aside, this is a good move for him career wise.


Prob media generated or agent induced rumour.

I find it hard (frightening) to believe we are in for a player that BHA and Norwich are also competing for.

meanwhile the likes of teams just below us are showing higher ambition.

West Ham put down 24m for Fornals.

Just saying. And there are people on these threads all too happy to see this fellow from Ligue 2 who looked (on highlight reel at least) just average.


We have been so boring on the transfer front. Nothing interesting so far.


Which is why most people simply don’t understand how markets work. It isn’t a fixed price like a supermarket. Its a dangerous game (much like poker) There are 10 apex predators above us which preferably get satiated and drop off in competition before we move. The price would have sweated off a little and we have more bargaining power mostly toward end of window. Which is why MOST deals (not just Wenger’s) come in at VERY end last minute of window. Too many people have their heads stuck up their arse complaining about Wenger’s “panic buy”. You don’t panic buy… Read more »


Please stop saying vis-a-vis.

A Different George

You know, you’re right–I had no idea how markets work. Thanks. Could you please post at greater length so I can understand more?

Richard Krivonozka

No inbound transfers are going to be announced before 1st July. Can you imagine parading a new player in the old Puma kit? That’s not going to happen so you might as well all chill for a couple of weeks.


The least concern.

A Different George

The Guardian’s transfer summary (of official deals, not rumours) says David Ospina went to Napoli for £3.5m on June 15. The official website still lists him as our player, on loan. So?

BTW, Ospina kept a clean sheet and made one stunning save for Colombia against Argentina in the Copa America a few days ago. Yes, he did fall down injured at one point but, after a short rest,recovered nicely.


Thank goodness the rumours on Maurice are exactly what they are, media generated trite. I want to think we are a bit more together transfer business-wise but have to say am low on confidence at the moment and expect anything can happen. As mentioned yesterday we need to be very concise with our efforts. 1) We have a limited transfer kitty so we want to spend on quality for two or 3 positions rather than dissipate effort. 2) As much as we think we can generate additional income (say 20m over the 40m we are rumoured to have set a… Read more »

Paul Roberts

I’m not reading that mate! Ever thought about becoming an author? 🙂


Please stop

US Gunner

Tierney would be great. We need a Scot in the team…..look at Robertson !


I’ve got to admit, I find all this transfer bollocks very boring these days.

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