Saturday, July 27, 2024

VAR decisions to be shown on Emirates screens

The Premier League has announced that when VAR is introduced next season, incidents which highlight the decisions the officials have to make will be shown on big screens inside the stadia.

That means necks will crane towards the ones inside the Emirates Stadium as we discover the penalty we thought we were going to get has actually turned into a second yellow card for a player diving his fool hole off.

In a statement released yesterday, they said, “The Premier League has created graphics which will be displayed on giant screens to explain any VAR-related delay to a match, and any over-turned decision.

“Additionally, if the VAR believes there is a definitive video-clip which helps explain an over-turned decision to fans, it will be broadcast on giant screens.

“In addition, the Premier League is investigating the possibility of messages and video-clips being viewed on handheld devices via an app.

“For clubs which do not have giant screens in their stadium, VAR communications will be made via a combination of PA announcements and messages on scoreboards.”

The only two grounds in the Premier League unable to screen the incidents are Anfield and Old Trafford who only have a couple of genuine Sorny CRT televisions rather than big jumobtron type things.

As for VAR itself, its implementation will cover ‘clear and obvious errors’ or ‘serious missed incidents’ when it comes to goals, penalties, straight red cards and/or cases of mistaken identity.

Andre Marriner was unavailable for comment this morning.

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SB Still

What are the chances that we would still suffer bad decisions against favourites with the authorities, like ManU?


Given some of the ridiculous handball and minimum contact decisions I’ve seen given over this season, the game is just going to be slower and more persnickety. Plus we’ll lose the spontaneous joy of celebrating a goal as VAR gets called upon for every slight suspision. And we’ll still argue about whether it was or whether it wasn’t after the game. Man, football is so simple. How do people manage to ruin it? Bored of the money. Bored of the officiating. Bored of UEFA twats. Bored of the expense. If I didn’t breathe football, I’d seriously try and find another… Read more »


Maybe take on a conference level club as a second team? It’s closer to what you describe, many are fan owned and in the UK clubs like Dulwich and Lewes are very forward thinking. It’ll help offset the stressing here about Ozil’s pay packet and needing to win competitions solely for the Champions League income, plus, the club’s could do with the support.


Yeah but the football is dire. I tried that with my local lads Cheltenham Town. I’ve become accustomed to a certain standard of football unfortunately. That’s how they get you.

Arse City Blues

“Andre Marriner was unavailable for comment this morning.”

Heh 🙂


Well, this will certainly make it more difficult for Aubameyang to score against Everton..

Jokes aside, hopefully VAR won’t be as farcical as we saw at the World Cup. But it will surely be the cause of a lot of debate during the season.
The VAR decision in last night’s game against Portugal & Switzerland shows both the pro’s and con’s of VAR.


VAR was not farcical at all at the World Cup. How can a piece of technology that shows exact what happens be anything but good eliminating mistakes and cheating. It has been used for many years successfully


Because it led to an absurd amount of penalties, especially for handball – and frankly, some of them were ludicrous.
Admittedly, it has improved since, especially in Germany and Italy. But it still has it’s flaws.

Tankard Gooner

I think the number of penalties from handball is going to increase from next season anyway, thanks to the new rules that are going to be enforced.


VAR is very good but don’t be fooled. It’s not there to get decisions correct. It’s there to give the ref a clear picture so s/he makes a personal judgement based on a clear picture. Remember the guys in the control room include a qualified ref so they can just make the call. In most cases with offside they just do by informing the ref. Watching the bundesliga and how fair their system works and how players, managers and fans respect and agree with the outcome almost 100% gives you a sense of appreciation for technology. However, I have some… Read more »


Just imagine Mike Dean getting to do the VAR-sign and knowing he has the full attention of everyone..
Actually makes me a bit sick.

Dark Hei

Imagine him doing the VAR sign and appearing on the big screen.

Tankard Gooner

Imagine him doing the VAR sign and then watch himself on the big screen


Did you watch the Bundesliga last season though?
VAR hasn’t been used well at all, even though the refs got more decisions right than wrong, some have been outrageously wrong even with the help of clear pictures/replays. It all comes down to the refs used in the video room. There is still lots to improve which is normal. However my confidence in Premier League refs isn’t very high.


That’s exactly the point I was making. It’s not there to get decisions correct. It can’t measure intent and aggression. It gives the ref the chance to judge, IN HIS OPINION, and make the call. This means the ref is still in charge but reviews what he might have missed in real time.

Remember the guys calling him to review are refs too but it’s not their judgement. It’s all down to the ref. So VAR didn t make outrageous calls. The refs did. In the end the poor refs get punished .

From what I watched, I liked


Allow to to join in just lough ?

Ya gooner

Football is stupidly corrupt and var won’t fix that especially when it’s at the ref’s discretion to use it or not. They can choose to listen to the video ref or not under the current rules when it should be the opposite way around.


That should be a big picture of a cock for Harry Kane

Tankard Gooner

Yes, but there are young impressionable kids attending these games, so how about a drooling chicken with one leg?


A male chicken would get the point across …

David Hillier's luggage

“In addition, the Premier League is investigating the possibility of messages and video-clips being viewed on handheld devices via an app.” Need to have decent data signal in the stadiums for starters, which is a whole challenge within itself


I think VAR is the best way the sport can go tbh. Refs just aren’t good enough by themselves, and showing the definitive overturns on a big screen, can only be a good thing.

It’s just going to take time for everyone to get used to it. Maybe years. And in the meantime it’s going to seem like a real mess, ruining the game.

Papa Large, big shot in North London

Hope the lads are practicing chipping the ball at defender’s arms, there are penalties to be got.

How is Mike Dean going to make it all about him given VAR?

Will there actually be anything done about simulation given VAR?

Many questions.


Classic mention of Mariner…Dean’s another one. Even Oliver who started off well has now become over fussy and card happy.

I propose a referee league standing system. The two poorest performing Refs for the (half) season get relegated.

Floppy Gloves

I feel like they need to add a time limit to reviews. If it takes watching multiple clips 30 times then the decision on the field was close enough. Put a 30 second timer on the Ref’s review screen and shut it off after that.

Fart Overjars

Im an idiot for not knowing this already but does the referee call for a VAR check if hes unsure? Or does he get alerted by an official when they notice it?

Its probably controlled from the stands by a lone clairvoyant with an etch a sketch.


Actually, if a player (k***) found deliberately diving in the penalty area, the other team should be able to claim a penalty. Shouldn’t it then be fair?

Matt of the Day

Did anyone see the second penalty awarded against South Africa in the Women’s WC yesterday? That right there is a VAR disaster!

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