Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Dani Alves an Arsenal target

According to reports by Spanish media outlet AS, Arsenal are interested in the possibility of signing Brazilian star, Dani Alves on a free transfer.

The former Barcelona, Juventus and PSG right-back is out of contract after leaving Paris Saint Germain and is looking for a club that could offer him a whopping signing-on fee new challenge.

If you squint a bit, it sort of makes sense for Arsenal to pursue Alves. We’ve got an in via Edu, he’s one of the most decorated football players in the world game and has experience playing for some of the biggest clubs in the world.

He’s also available on a free transfer and we need another right back with Bellerin still returning from injury, Lichtsteiner departing and Maitland-Niles and Jenkinson not looking assured in that full back position.

On the other hand, Alves, who from the outside looks like an irritating prick, is on stupidly big cash and at 36, you’d have to wonder whether he can cut the mustard in the Premier League. Lichtsteiner’s rough adaptation to English football at the age of 34 showed it’s not easy.

Much like the link with Marcelo, we think this is nonsense. It’s raining poos.

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We should bring him in


Totally supported, the fact that it didn’t work for Lichtensteiner doesn’t mean it won’t work for him, He could improve the younger players in the team.


Lich was well known for his stamina and running before he came to us…. Alves isnt

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Alves was well known for his goals and offensive skills. The guy was even used as a left wing with Henry on the bench many times at Barcelona. Quality is extremely important. I saw that with Mahrez at the AFCON yesterday. Five seconds to go in the game against Nigeria and Mahrez hit a free kick from another world into the net. City had to win 15 games in a row to win the title so Mahrez acquired the very highest level of winning mentality. I was supporting Nigeria but I have to bow to sheer quality.


Oh, yes, Mahrez, the constant sub, made City win the title all by himself.

Dave M

“Alves WAS well known for his goals and offensive skills”

A Different George

This is nonsense and he is not coming. But people who think he’s not good enough for English football and compare him to Lichsteiner have apparently never watched either of them play. He was clearly the best player on the pitch a week ago–also on that pitch, among others, were Aguero and Gabriel Jesus (both of whom do okay in England) and Lionel Messi.

At Barcelona, he was the best right back in the world for years. He might still be.


Are you really comparing one of the best right backs of all time and who had a great season, and could even be a midifielder just with his technical skills and passing with Litchsteiner and his mortal remains? Litchesteiner was never close to Dani Alves level during his career, and in his last season at Juventus he already showed signs of being done. Dani didn’t.


C’mon, you can’t compare Lichtsteiner with Dani Alves!


True, but “He could improve the younger players in the team.” was what was said about Lichtensteiner (specifically in relation to the defence, in his case). That turned out to be complete pants as we all know. No, bringing in players at the very end of their careers, no matter how illustrious they have been, isn’t the way out of our troubles – if there is one. The problem is that with money so tight now, and in the foreseeable future, we’re not in the position to push through many, if any, “normal” transfers.


But he is such an irritating prick


fanni alves

Paul Roberts

He’d be our irritating prick though.


agree.. bring in diego costas aswell, we need a few of these types to give us some much needed bite, the opposition EPL players know we are a soft touch, we need to change our DNA we have too many showponies who can’t handle aggression.


so 2 thirds thought I was talking out my arsenal eh ?, ok accepted, just a bit depressed why we can’t get any player we go for anywhere near to signing, my point of getting players in with a bit about them surely isn’t lost? our midfield is one dimensional and easy to workout with a defence all over the place. if we don’t do anything soon it’s gunner be another season of who. .


I’ve given up being an arsenal supporter (or supporter of any other club). It’s been a very long ride (supported for 21 yrs this beloved team through thick and thin). Great memories (infact I just had dream ljumberg and pires scoring goals). But right now following arsenal is just too painful. I don’t recognize this club anymore. I will completely remove myself from following anything related to this beloved club. All the best fellow gunners.




He is better now still than lichsteiner ever was.

My Cousin Vinai (Formerly Faisal Narrage)

This place is funny. Everyone is so desperate for signings. I remember all the comments when Litch signed last year; “Decent squad option” “Will make a fine back up to Bellerin” “He’s back up, he won’t get to play much anyways” (my personal favourite, that one) “He’s experienced and will bring leadership to the dressing room” “He’s versatile and still has a good engine” Plus everyone believing all the PR about his body is like a 20something year old and he’s fit-as-a-fiddle. Honestly, it’s like fans just don’t learn. The grass is always greener when it comes to signings or… Read more »

Naked Cygan

We should stick a picture of Stan Kronk Bastard between each poop.


How about just making a smiling Stan Kronk poop

Cultured determination

Bring him in.. as a coach

Okechukwu Jude

If there’s any chance of this happening, I would say, bring him in and make him captain. Say what you want about this man but he is a serial winner, loads of strong mentality and constant pain in the opponent’s butt. Sign him up please. He will shout the demons out of Mustafi.

My Cousin Vinai (Formerly Faisal Narrage)

Could literally associate this comment to Litchsteiner last season. Everyone loves his shithousery at first too.


All this will do is poison Bellerin’s mind to go to Barca. Arsenal have to be super idiotic to even think of this move.

Northern Gooner

I very much doubt Bellerin will feel threatened by a 36 year old.

Players need competition and for their place to be routinely threatened, otherwise complacency sets in.


Not threatened. He will do what the Barca stars did with Fabregas. Slowly turn Bellerin towards Barcelona

North London is Redder

Alves isn’t particularly a Baca fan and his departure was acrimonious. I live in Barcelona and the general feeling is that he’s a great player but a dick.

Dr Zebra

“Towards the Barc side…”


I think the only way this would influence Bellerin to Barca would be if Alves talks him into it. Which is still enough of a realistic consideration to not touch this. But it’s fiction anyway. I hope.


The poo is raining down even more than that waterfall in Wonka’s chocolate factory.


Another power move by Emery to bring in some support in the dressing room.


Arsenal should get Matias Vargas of Velez sarsfield.. He would be our very own Hazard…he is an arsenal fan and wants to come over….arsenal should take this chance if not they could regret it


Might be difficult considering he’s already signed for Espanyol….

North London is Redder

The same Vargas who yesterday signed for Espanyol?


Its unfortunate for me to say this, but why would he want to come to us? We are a car crash atm


$$ or £££ in our case


“On the other hand, Alves, who from the outside looks like an irritating prick, is on stupidly big cash and at 36, you’d have to wonder whether he can cut the mustard in the Premier League. Lichtsteiner’s rough adaptation to English football at the age of 34 showed it’s not easy” Your opinion skews the opinions of most readers here i have to say, You dont like Dani Alves so we shouldnt sign him, same way you think Koscielny is an angel and we should “wait for his side” other than just say he’s behaved like a prick and is… Read more »


He is also 2 years older and having a career in borrowed time


Under no circumstances.


Haha haha. Only if he took a massive pay cut to Lichtsteiner’s level on a single year deal. And still no.

Hey Arsenal, stop throwing away money short term on past-it players with no return value! If we’re supposedly self-sustaining we can’t afford it!

Do we really want a long time former Barca right back hanging around with our Bellerin, who has already been hassled by reports linking to them year after year??


Alves is still an absolute beast. We should definitely bring him in whilst Hector continues his rehab.


But of course people on here claim he’s not good enough for Arsenal. I suppose CJ and AMN are better?

My Cousin Vinai (Formerly Faisal Narrage)

You do know it’s not a binary choice between Dani Alves and AMN/Carl, right? There are….*gasp* other players in the world. Some even in Brazil, that we haven’t heard of yet.

Also his wage demands will be ridiculous.

But what players will compete with him, mentor him, and bring a much needed champion’s mentality to the club? All without destabilising him by adding direct competition to him and costing a bomb?

I know it didn’t work out with Licht, but that doesn’t mean they won’t with Dani.

Torres to Chelsea didn’t work, but that doesn’t mean Auba to Arsenal didn’t. It’s completely flawed logic.


‘Him’ being Hector, obviously.

Tony Hall

No thank you, he is a graduate of the *Didier Drogba school for the finer art in diving* and a sneaky, cheating toerag. I don’t care how much he has won !


To paraphrase General Mattis in Generation Kill: “Not only no, Arsenal, but fuck no!”


No thank you.


On a free but not really. Will expect a signing on bonus of a few million plus a salary of at least £150k a week. Could even request a 1 year deal with a player option for another year. This free deal could actually end up costing £20 million in wages and bonuses. We aren’t signing Dani Alves.

Juan Cornetto



why we need an aging cheat is beyond me, our transfer dealings once again cause embarrassment, expect sixth or lower, teams like Leicester, Wolves and Everton will pass us


Looks like we’re stuck with what we have. Even Celtic have rebuffed us again. This new structure seems no better than the Wenger/Dick Law era. The chief Exec goes because he’s supposedly not happy with Emery’s appointment. Then Sven goes cos amongst other things ‘the Dennis Suarez’ debacle.. Rip it up & start again!

North London is Redder

I call Spud troll

Mick Malthouse

This is a full 10 Poos or 12 Kroenke’s, dependant on your preference of scale.

Moscow Mule

Surprised to see all the negative comments.

Yes, Lichtsteiner was a disappointment even though he was brought in to be a back-up RB. But Lichtsteiner had not just won a continental trophy as a captain of his country before we signed him. Alves on the other hand..

Not to mention Alves can also play higher up and even do the job as LB if needed. Getting him on a free to play back up for Bellerin for one season make perfect sense to me.


Can we replace the poo’s with Spurms? I mean “what do you think of Tottenham?”


Well, even if there’s only a wisp of truth in it, it shows how for we’ve been reduced as far as transfers go, doesn’t it. Recruiting elderly players, no matter how illustrious their career, looking for a (well paid) sinecure at The Emirates isn’t the way forward. Granted, what the way forward is will be very problematic. Because of the financial position, we appear to be relying upon a combination of greatly extended instalment payments, an imaginative use of add ons, loan backs to the selling club, and generally anything that cuts down the money we have to find “up… Read more »


Can someone explain to me how we ended up in this financial position? From being top dog to having to take up payday loans and pawning the seats at the Emirates to pay for players…makes me want to heave.


Ah, hell no (and my wife is a Brasilian).


On a one year deal, while Bellerin recovers and we find out if Osei-Tutu will make the grade? It’s not ridiculous. Those comparing him to Licthsteiner really need to behave themselves! My main worry is that such an obviously offensive-minded full back will need a pacey and competent CB and DM to cover the space they’ll vacate. Not sure Xhaka and Mustafi fit the bill…


The words Dani and Alves when put together make sick involuntarily rise in my throat whilst also giving me dark thoughts about shooting rods of red hot metal through the back of his knees. Only him and Ruud van Nistleroy have really ever done this to me, I’m not proud of it. I was only able to avoid this as I write this by constructing the sentence with an “and” between Dani and Alves. Please do not let him become an Arsenal player. It may be the end for me. On a lighter note that reminds of a trick sentence… Read more »

Shropshwire Lad

He’s 36 for christ sake,its young player’s we need.


Our wage bill is already a car crash, let’s forget adding to it enormously with a 36 year old

Public Elneny

Oh fuck off

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