Saturday, July 27, 2024

Emery: Ozil is improving in training

Unai Emery says Mesut Ozil has shown an improvement in training in the last few weeks and made clear that the door to first team football is not shut for the German.

Despite a promising pre-season that saw him earn praise from his coach, Ozil has featured only twice so far this season, once apiece in the Premier League and League Cup.

There have been mitigating circumstances, not least the moped attack he and Sead Kolasinac experienced on the eve of the new campaign, but it’s widely acknowledged that the club’s highest earner has fallen down the pecking order in the eyes of the coaching team who preferred to give game time to the club’s Academy prospects.

Ahead of Monday’s game with Sheffield United, Emery said: “With Mesut, this year started in a difficult [way] for him.

“In pre-season he worked well and was playing matches, but then he had the problems with Sead and it stopped. After that problem, he was sick one week and then he lost a lot of training to continue working and [finding] his feet.

But the last two or three weeks, he’s improved with us in training and I think he’s feeling good. I didn’t [promise] him that he’d play because I want to make sure he’s ready and is available in training, and also giving us every day a good feeling in training, then he can play.

“My idea is to use every player and he is one in the squad. He has very big skills, the quality we will need in the next matches. I am happy now with how he’s improving and training every day. He is one player more in the squad.”

At the start of the month, justifying his decision to exclude Ozil, Emery said other players were more deserving of a place.

Asked to clarify his comments, the Spaniard said: “It’s because at that moment maybe physically, maybe also with more rhythm, it depends on each match what we need.

“Other players were in front of him at this moment. Now, I am telling you I am feeling better with him every day in training and he is another possibility in the squad now to play and to help us.”

For his part, Ozil, in an interview with The Athletic’s David Ornstein, made clear that he’s happy to stay at the Emirates and fight for his place, going so far as to state that he has no intention of leaving before his current deal expires in 2021.

He said: “I want to be part of the side, I want to support my team-mates to succeed. I’m not training all the time just for the sake of it, I’m ready to play.

“This should not be about me or the coach, only the club. I have to give everything, be fit and focused, and I’m training hard to be ready.”

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Just start putting him on the bench at least, Emery!


Nonsense…keep giving Guendo, Willock, et. al. those minutes and places! Those guys are hungry!


To what end? So we can drop points against Watford and the shittiest Man U team in living memory?


Pretty sure Ozil started against Watford, only coming off well into the second half…


He started yeah, and we completely collapsed after he was taken off


Ridiculous and laughable account of the game, we were dominated the entire second half!

Martinellis belly

He also created a goal with a beautiful pass that no one else in the squad could have executed


“that no one else in our squad could have executed”. Really????

*Surprised Pikachu face*


They arent on the bench you retard


Its 2019. Can we stop calling people “retard”. Thank you.


Calm down asshole

Kran Stoenke

I can find hunger at my nans back alley where kids play day to night. But sadly in today’s world and footballs highest tier, quality is needed as well. Not saying the lot you mentioned aren’t quality, but ozil just happensto be more creative. Something arsenal are lacking in lately.


Looks like the problem has been resolved. Finger crossed.

Reality check

May be Emery wants him to show the defensive work-rate that he expects in the training before he sends him out on the pitch. Either way, there are many who probably do worse than Ozil but still don’t get treated like him. I just don’t think it’s all Emery behind the Ozil fall out. I think Raul or Vinay or both are quite dirty and hard handed in the way they deal with things. The Ramsey deal pull out, Kos hung out to be spat at and then letting Ozil thing brcome a media interest. All very unArsenal and unArsene… Read more »


But we really don’t know. Raul came out to parrot Emery’s talking points re: Ozil. Can we just hold our hands up and agree that we don’t really know what’s going up behind the scenes? Even that can be a virtue. Ozil is no saint. He’s NEVER been one to lift the team when things don’t go our way (which, to be fair, is almost every game these days). All the Ozil advocates should take a chill pill. When Fabregas, Hleb, Cazorla, Rosicky were members of this teams we weren’t constantly making excuses for them to have the team built… Read more »

Fred Garvin

Yeah, so his final beautiful goal against Liverpool at home in Wenger’s last year, the 3-3 draw, that didn’t lift the team and bring us into the lead?
Lazy talking points.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Maybe Emery read the latest article here and decided that maybe he should play Ozil if he wants his Golden Boy captain to actually have a purpose in the team. Is Arseblog going to be the key to making Arsenal play like a Premier League team once more?


“For his part, Ozil, in an interview with The Athletic’s David Ornstein, made clear that he’s happy to stay at the Emirates and fight for his place, going so far as to state that he has no intention of leaving before his current deal expires in 2021.”

Yeah…you think?! 350k/week…OF COURSE he has no intention of leaving.

Reality check

Would you?

COYG 1001

My interpretation:

Ozil: Use me or I leave on a free with no contribution … you are not freezing me into a transfer.

Ownership: UE, Get something for my money

UE: Of course, at this moment of ownership attention, I’ll find a treason to climb down and use him.


Actions speak louder than words, Ozil needs to do his talking in training and on the pitch, he’s been largely poor for a very long time.

Still think we’ll see a midfield 3 of Xhaka, Guendouzi and Ceballos on Monday.


Arsenal needs a new AM


So a 31 year old World Cup, CL, and La Liga winner is training well… He should train well blindfolded and with a bad case of food poisoning.


He never won the CL- he was going up against the great Barcelona sides which meant his only silverware with Madrid was the year they won La Liga.


We really need to sort this Ozil drama out. This is not good for team moral. Hope he discovers his form, and start to provide us with his assists. We really need his creativity!!!


I have many questions about Emery as a manager but with Ozil I give him the benefit of the doubt. Ozil must’ve known for longer than most that he’s not favored by Emery, and while he’s within his rights to sit and get paid, it says a lot about his desire as a footballer not to have asked for a move over the summer.


I once heard Aguero is pretty crap in training.

Dave M


Mentally Drained Gooner

Mesut performs best when teamed up with goal scoring wingers (Ronaldo, Sanchez). Give him a run with Pepe. Might just work. Because I think pepe is not getting the kind of through balls where he’ll have just a couple of players to beat or get clean run through. He is being made to beat the whole defense line because he is receiving the ball near the halfway line. And this is because we lack a link between our strikers and midfield. Also I have a feeling him and ceballos would enjoy each other’s game on field. Do I make any… Read more »


Yes. Ozil should play as one of the front three. Forget him in the mid-field as his defense is a bigger liability. This is where Ceballos becomes the link with the front three. Really, we can’t handle the likes of Sheffield with both Ozil and Ceballos on the pitch? Or are we just going to continue to play down to the oppositions level away from home?

Yolo Toure

I agree in that I don’t know why we aren’t playing one of torreira / willock / guendouzi, alongside ceballos and ozil in some games (note I said some, not all). This would – in my mind – be similar to when we had that magic midfield of arteta / cazorla / wilshere, except with a bit more stability (I loved arteta but reckon one of our current crop naturally have a bit more defensive nous about them).

Anyway, I guess all any of us can do is see how it plays out.


Pepe has had a few chances too. The problem is, he just needs the confidence and composure to convert them.


Are we backpedaling there, Unai or have you finished grounding the lad?

A Different George

This story increases my (already increasing) belief that Emery is full of shit. He is saying that not once–no matter at home or away, no matter the opponent’s style or personnel, whether starting or off the bench–not once would Ozil have made us a better team. He cannot actually believe that.


This seems pretty straightforward honestly – we have a 31 year old highly paid inconsistent player who we want to leave but who doesn’t want to leave. Add in he primarily thrives in a system (#10 with no defensive responsibilities) that no major team in any major league in Europe plays anymore. We’re giving his minutes to younger players to develop them & also to likely encourage Ozil it’s best to move on.


Exactly that, not sure why it’s so hard for people to understand. Instead they’d rather believe there is some kind of bizarre global conspiracy against Ozil and Emery, Raul et al are in on it. There are a lot of sticks to beat Emery with, but the Ozil situation is a poor one. If this was any other player, he’d be commended for pulling an expensive under-performer with no long term future. Just wish he applied the same logic to Xhaka!

A Different George

No global conspiracy, just that Emery is not telling the truth. My point is that the decision not to play Ozil in *any* game is not being made for football reasons. You actually admit this (“likely encourage Ozil it’s best to move on”). Here’s what I believe, and tell me you disagree: If Ozil played, at least in specific games, we would be more likely to win that game.


So is Raul a liar as well?


If Ozil played we may be more likely, after all he is a good player. But going on how he has played for the last 3 or 4 years, it’s just as likely he doesn’t make a difference, especially in the big games. The more important questions are does he fit a system with Pepe, Aubameyang and Lacazette, and does playing him mean more suitable players (Guendouzi, Ceballos etc) miss out or have to play in sub-optimal roles? Do we want to play a non-goal scoring, non-pressing 10 at all, especially at a time where most teams have found another… Read more »

Ace Boogie

Xhaka physically can’t press either..


Xhaka challenges for the ball. Ozil struts around and shirk 5050 and bodily contact. It’s funny when people accuse Xhaka of ducking when Ozil is the last guy who will take a shot to the face. Waste of talent on a mentally weak coward.

Laca New Signing

Nonsense. So how much has the team been without Özil? How many goals have Ceballos and Guendouzi scored and how many chances have they created so far?

There’s a saying in my community that goes like: “when a hyena wants to eat one of it’s puppies, he first accuses it of smelling like a goat”.

Özil is just a scapegoat.


We’re the mighty Arsenal, we do not play the pressing game! We DO NOT play the pressing game EVER, we’re the ARSENAL.

Play Ozil at least in some games, it’d make it easier to find a suitor of sorts. Who their right mind would buy player who never plays at all?


and there goes your logic! if he rates ozil so low, then how come xhaka makes the team?? this is the hard thing to understand.


Difference is obvious that Xhaka puts in more efforts in training and Ozil doesn’t put nearly as much, also Xhaka shows more commitment while ozil shows less!

Ace Boogie

Just making the point that people use “ozil can’t press and doesn’t do enough” as to why he’s not in the team. All the effort in the world doesn’t make up for the fact xhaka still cannot press either with the rest of the team meaning we as a team cannot press. The cup games, while I understand the opposition is miles different, there’s a much different feel and energy about the team without him in there. I’m not advocating one way or the other for/against xhaka, just making the point that while all the things ozil cannot do, he… Read more »


I get it’s popular to hate on Xhaka and heavens k owe we’re asking him to play a position that doesn’t suit him, but the guy has been a key player and named captain for virtually every team he’s played for including us under Wenger as well

Ace Boogie

No hate really, just pointing out the obvious. Ozil’s detractors say he can’t press and doesn’t work hard enough. He’s still a premier chance creator. Likewise, xhaka cannot press, is slow in the ball and we have to play to HIS strengths rather than the teams when he plays, however he’s still a fantastic passer and conductor. Both need the right personnel and structure to flourish.


I can’t speak for others, but I think Ozil and Xhaka are both not good enough (or at least not performing well enough) for us, for different reasons. Emery’s persistence with Xhaka does make me scratch my head; I get why he’s picked in theory but it clearly doesn’t work in practice! Anyway, sticking with him is not a reason for Emery to demand less of Ozil!


hopefully sticking with him will get both sacked soon


Its obviously “emery” fault that xhaka is captain for wenger and switzerland amirite.

Also it’s emery’s fault that ozil got found out at wc. He’s so obviously past it and people are still jacking off to prime ozil 8 years ago.

Kran Stoenke

Blaming ozils defensive responsibilities when Watford got 20 shots at goal in the 20s minutes arsenal played without ozil………….


@kran stoenke – no one on this thread is blaming Ozil for Watford’s shots so really not sure why you’re chiming in with that. There’s a really large body of work when it comes to Ozil at this point – no one is arguing about any particular game here.


No player should walk into the team.
Ozil was not exactly a fan favourite last year with some pretty dismal performances tbh, but the situation is now made worse because the team still doesn’t function without him either.
If he’s fit, and willing to fight for the team he should be in the squad, if he isn’t willing to then can we really complain?


whether he is in the squad or not, the team will still not function. guaranteed 100%. as sure as xhaka is starting

Forest gooner

We may finally see Laca Auba Pepe and Ozil start together. COYG!


How convenient?? Today he is improving, next week he doesn’t deserve to play. cut the bullshit, if you are not going to play him then do not play him and stick to your guns.tired of this saga.


Emery is trying to create a meritocracy… and he is trying to reinforce the behaviors that he likes. I havent been a fan of his tactics, whatever they are, but I like the way he is managing the Ozil situation.


comparing thumbs on my comment vs Skinnyarse below…. I seriously cant believe how down the fanbase is on Emery. My faith has been shaken by some of the performances this season, especially Watford, but there are many positives about this team and how the team has managed through this transition period. We are in a good place to be top 4. The future is bright. London is red. Cheer up people


I don’t think Emery knows how to utilise the players he has in the squad. We actually have really good players. Either he doesn’t know how or he doesn’t like them.


In other words he won’t be in the squad

Thierry Bergkamp

Reading an Emery interview is about as boring as watching one of Ramsey’s


Atleast have the balls to say , ” no I won’t play him , no matter what ” , maybe he doesn’t fit the system or maybe there’s a personal spat. Atleast show some spine, if not on the pitch atleast in an interview.


“Maybe people don’t like that I have a good contract? I don’t know or care.” – Mesut Ozil

Cliff Bastin

Playing Ozil means either a 4231 or a 41212.

4231 – assuming Xhaka has nudes of Emery, this means dropping torreira or guendouzi.

41212 – This actually looks a bit tasty with ozil being behind laca and auba but it means dropping Pepe and will put huge workload on Tierney and Bellerin.

Remember when we were shoehorning ozil at the top of a 352 with alexis? That was weird.

Monkey knees

Emery backpedalling due to vocal fan displeasure. He’s been found out, a large number of fans are displeased with his “football”, and this PR exercise to try and calm the fans may be too little, too late.

Yankee Gooner

Similar situation as last season, if I remember.

Canuck Gunner

I want to see Ozil given a regular run of games to see if he can regain top form, but I just don’t think Emery knows how to use him effectively (and that is not just limited to Ozil). Ultimately Ozil’s job is to create chances. According to, Ozil was either #1 or #2 in the league for key passes per game every year from 2013 through 2018. Last year he dropped to #13 (still lead Arsenal). So even the last couple of years where admittedly he wasn’t his best, he still created more chances than anyone else we… Read more »

Monkey knees

The sooner Emery goes, the better. Our football is shocking. If not for Auba, we’d be 17th, and 10th would be the best finish we could hope for.


This is Mesut Ozil ffs not some regular player. Only Thierry Henry has provided more assists in a season than him. Absolute bullshit


Holy shit, that photo! Haha.

Caption competition gold.

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