Friday, February 7, 2025

Wenger: I’ve turned down Premier League jobs

Arsene Wenger says he’s turned down Premier League jobs because he’s too much of an Arsenal man to manage another club.

The former boss was speaking ahead of an event last night where he got to meet James from Gunnerblog and also pick up an award from Legends of Football. He was honoured by former players such as Lauren, Sol Campbell, Lee Dixon and others at a gala event in London.

In an interview with beIN Sport this week, he said of his reluctance to take another job in England, “I’m an Arsenal man and after that I’m a professional. I can’t stop working.

‘I decided to move out of the Premier League because I am too linked with Arsenal. I had opportunities to work in England but I turned them down.”

As for which particular clubs, he continued, “I don’t want to tell you, because there are people in charge and it would unfair to them.”

Wenger was also asked about his successor at Arsenal, Unai Emery, who has guided the team to third place in the league so far, but whose football remains unconvincing at times.

“I’m not here to judge coaches,” he said. “I am a supporter of Arsenal Football Club, so I just support him and hope he can win games and plays a type of game that I like.

“A club like Arsenal is a huge responsibility and one of those responsibilities is to play attractive football.

“After that I think the most important is to support the team, support the club and win the games.”

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Classy as always!


Baba Wenger!

Number one penny

Baba theirs.

Laca New Signing

Baba Yao! ?


“A club like Arsenal is a huge responsibility and one of those responsibilities is to play attractive football.”
Take a note Unai


Full quote please…

“But he can win games and he plays a type of game that I like…”


..But that quote comes before. Rather I read it as:
I am a supporter of Arsenal FC, so I just support him. But he can win games and he plays a type of game that I like.
A club like Arsenal has a huge responsibility and one of those responsibilities is to play attractive football.
Emphasis on the final sentence, not the second. And if he’d watched on Sunday I can understand why.


AussieGooner, that’s not the full quote. Actually The full quote is embarrassing.
He puts playing attractive football ahead of wining games, more so the latter being the least important aspect.


is football not an entertaining game?

If there is nothing to attract you to watch what is the point. I much rather play sports than watch and that is where winning is everything. If i am watching a game is it too much to ask that it is entertaining. Who wants to watch shit on a stick?

Bob's Mexican Cousin

If by stick you mean any type of stick and by shit you mean Spuds then I’m alright with that.


Also the period where we attracted a lot of new fans is when we played great football and won nothing.
All i am saying is there is a balance between the 2 and you are trying to find any excuse to beat the great man with.


and we become known globally for our attractive football. countless top players came to our club because we played the best football, this is a fact that has been repeated many times. this is what sets Arsenal apart from the pack, what makes us special.

Better the Devil You Know

That’s not what Wenger said.

“I hope that he wins games and plays a game I like. “

All in the future tense so asking the question “will he”


Thank you,people can be so biased these days.They just see what they want and/or hope to see.


“But he can win games and he plays a type of game that I like. A club like Arsenal is a huge responsibility and one of those responsibilities is to play attractive football.”
He really hasn’t been at the Emirates for some time.

Dave M

Maybe he just watches the cups and Europa league? Because we’re playing truly beautiful football there and getting rewarded for it!


yeah, 2 1/2 good games in more or less meaningless competitions make up for 8 horrible performances in the league, right.

Dave M

I guess like Xhaka you ducked when the point came flying towards you…


the point was what exactly?

Dave M

I never said the cups games make up for the league games, hence I think you missed the point by claiming I did…I just stated things do look good in the cup games.


what a wally, i cant believe you buy into that ducking narrative from those waste of space sky commentators. Even Roy Keane(Who would never holds back) clearly explained that the ball deflected at the last moment and was travelling at such speed that it then misses xhaka whos head was perfectly placed to clear the original ball away. but when it comes to granit xhaka we alllove to slag him off yet when jack the englishman grealish pissed himself at aubas freekick a week before no one said anything. scouser the spit merchant should not be on the screen as… Read more »

Dave M

Mate it was a joke… I don’t think he exactly did a good job of heading the ball clear, but he probably didn’t actively move to get out of the way (though only he knows). Doesn’t excuse the fact that he was standing on the 6-yard box marking no-one when the rest of the team was rushing out to close down, nor the fact he was chasing behind Pereira the whole way before hauling him down, nor the fact he wasn’t in a more defensive position to protect the break when the ball went to the other side of the… Read more »

Reality check

Dave M
You’re obsession with criticising Xhaka is understandable but atleast get your information right.. Xhaka didn’t duck, if you look at the incident again, i am sure you wouldn’t miss the all important deflection off Sokratis..


Why would he like Jose lite football?


That is not the correct quote from the article, unless you are taking it from a different source. In that case please provide a link?


FFS read what is written.There is I HOPE at the begining of that sentence BG

Xhaka's Left Foot

what a subtle message to Unai.

Maul Person

Not that subtle!


“Winning games” is his least priority, so he says…exactly why he had to leave. Harsh but true.

Dave M

I hope if he chooses management it’s international. He is a classy man and gave everything he had at Arsenal. Absolute legend. It’s definitely the right choice not to come back to the EPL, not just for the fact he could never manage another club, but just WAY too much stress. Hence why I think he should head to international management – less stress day-to-day and less round-the-clock media focus. Maybe a smaller club in France might be ideal, but steer clear of the big teams Arsene, you’ve proven yourself as an absolute legendary manager of the game – take… Read more »

Tony Adams Nose

I’ve always hoped he would become an official at FIFA. He the man for the job, understands the game and will never be bought.


“I’m not here to judge coaches,” he said. “I am a supporter of Arsenal FC, so I just support him.”

Something a few round here could learn from!

Support your team. The classy way like the Wenger way.


Constructive criticism of any aspect of the club, including the coaching and style of play doesn’t make one a lesser supporter.

Lack of Perspective

Not sure some of the vitriolic baby-out-of-pram rants coming from some serial cry babies on this blog’s comments section are that constructive. Hardly even register as criticism, they manifest themselves into a type of pubescent tantrum.


Yes, there’s a lot of good, insightful commentary on here every week that’s a credit to the fanbase.

There’s also a lot of ranty “I hate Emery” and “he’s shit because he doesn’t speak good English” stuff that sneaks in which is not constructive, and absolutely does make someone a lesser supporter.


Very much agree on both points. And enough of the “good ebening” nonsense from some people on here; seems like a default when they don’t have anything constructive to write. English isn’t his first language, we all know that. Not speaking English well doesn’t automatically make someone a poor manager.

Reality check

“Constructive criticism” is quite different from the constant witch-hunt that goes on here. Criticism after the game is understandable, emotions are running high but always picking on a player and trying to turn every comment section of every article into a player bashing exercise is more like bullying than support.


I Love Wenger


Absolute class, as always.


I too would turn down Watford tbf. 😉


Seriously, what’s wrong with some people here? Give some respect, FFS.


a joke.


I’m sure it isn’t any of City, Liverpool, Manchester United, Chelsea, Tottenham and Leicester. I too would not be too keen about the rest if I were him with his prestige.

But big ups to him. He’s got class. It is a good way to be.


You are sure because what?


Bc there’s no way Liverpool or city are firing Klopp/ Guardiola nor sp@rs Pochettino after they made the cl final. Ole had just been appointed as well so pretty much rules out United. Hope ale Prof finds something that brings him happiness whether it’s managing or something completely different

Dave M

You think manfester untied wouldn’t rather Wenger over Ole (even Chel$ki preferring Wenger to Lampard)? If Manure didn’t inquire for Wenger’s services then they truly deserve the state they are in!


I think Wenger did some great things for Arsenal & we should all be grateful for that. But the last few years were just awful – both style wise & the deterioration of the squad. Man U needs a squad rebuild – very unlikely they are going to bring in a 70 year old manager who was struggling badly the last few years.

Dave M

I don’t think that was because he became a bad manager. I think like anyone he became too comfortable in what was working and he wasn’t adapting to the changing game enough and you could see he was becoming visibly exhausted from the stress of the situation (he looks healthier now than he did in his last few years). I’m sure time away and reflection has made him realise where he made some of his mistakes. Does that mean he should come back to Arsenal? No, I don’t think it would be right for him or the club. But I… Read more »

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I think he got tired looking by spending half his time trying to cope with all the poor support he was getting from Kroenke and old slippery Gazidis


@redsky; I see why you defend Emery’s negative football so much. You’ve channelled your hatred for Wenger into blindly loving that fraud.


nah. I think the football is bad, never defended it. Only I have a perspective that this being a transitional period after 22 years, we can do without pretty footy for now.
If the coach fails at achieving top 4 this year, then I’ll be joining you sad pack of moaners in calling for his head. minus all the insulting.


Classy Wenger! A certain Portuguese douchebag could learn a lot from him.

P.S – Still feels odd to have this news article filed under “Former Managers” 🙁


It’s been said time again but flawed as he was towards the end of his reign the man is pure class. Also I’m finding great amusement In the ever increasing and louder whispers floating around Man United and Wenger being the man to save them.


….to save Man Utd???

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” – Napoleon

A Different George

Napoleon is like a new signing.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He’s an Arsenal supporter. He wouldn’t touch that team with a bargepole if they were drowning in a cesspit of their own making.

Oh! They are!! 🙂

Cultured determination

Next psg manager? Real? Barca? That would be lovely. Sorry for the speculation. Im not as classy. Noone is.

Crash Fistfight

I’d really like to see him manage PSG.

He’d win Ligue 1 (because why wouldn’t he) and he could have a shot at winning the Champions League with those players (he couldn’t do worse in the competition than their last few managers so I think there would be some level of freedom there).


Never understood this sentiment where people want Wenger to go somewhere where he can easily win things. Is he a child or something? Does he need training wheels?

The man already had a wonderful career. Why not just accept him as the flawed genius and regular human he is, instead of pining after some fantasy version of Wenger


i understand what you’re saying, but many arsenal fans, especially his supporters to the end, believe he would do better in a richer set up.
Me personally, I don’t think he’d be that great. And whatever element of uncertainty I had was washed away when we lost the league to Leicester of all clubs. Given the state many of our top 6 rivals were in, we were the most stable, squad had talent, we were richer and more resourceful than them, and more importantly: The title was won by a meager 81 points tally.


A Different George

You know, Chelsea lost the title to Leicester too. So did Man City. So, even, did Spurs.


@different George the point really is more we had a stable squad & manager while everyone else was going through major upheaval = that really was the best chance we were going to get in a long time to win it. Liverpool & Chelsea had fired Mourihno & Rodgers mid-season while City had announced they were replacing Pelligrini, making him a lame duck. Wenger is pure class & I really liked the guy, but that was the year that made me realize he couldn’t compete at the top anymore, at least not with Arsenal. There’s no shame in that either… Read more »


we had giroud upfront and bent referees screwing us over every game.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He worked for Kroenke and Gazidis that year. I wouldn’t put it all on Wenger. The Club wasn’t exactly throwing their all into supporting him for the last few years. The Kroenke’s have only started helping out a bit since they found out that getting rid of Wenger wasn’t the cure-all they expected.

Crash Fistfight

Just to point out, I don’t fall into the “supporters to the end” camp. I thought he became stale long before he eventually went. However, I’m not an Arsene Wenger or PSG fan, so I really couldn’t care if it would be a successful appointment or not. I would, however, like to see how he would do with a team full of brilliant players as opposed to the dross he had to work with in his latter years at Arsenal. That is mainly because I think his style of management relies on having players good enough to implement it, so… Read more »

A Different George

I’ve said this before–I always thought Wenger would take charge of a francophone African team.

Jack but

Arsene Wenger, a compete man

Jack but

I wish I get to marry his daughter

Maul Person

Wtf? If you liked Billy Ray Cyrus, would you want to marry Miley? Like… how do you know whether they’re cut from the same cloth to any degree?!

One of the weirest comments here so far.

Arsene Knows

I’d love to see Arsene coaching again.


so hes pretty much ruled himself out of every job but 1, the arsenal job


Lack of Perspective

Definitely been offered the United Job. 100%


So Wenger turned down the Rochdale job?

Do me a favour, Arsene! You’re finished as a top manager and you know it! Nobody big wants you any more!

Get yourself a nice nice job in the media and the just relax and enjoy it!


Quick question Fatgooner, what do you do as living? And how would you compare yourself in an analogous world of football management. Be honest with yourself.

Lack of Perspective

Who is fat and a complete whinge-basket?

Allardyce? Redknapp? Could go on…. but it does not look good


I eat for a living.

Wenger was a brilliant manager in his day but hung around the club for far too long and turned us into a joke. That’s why I have no time for him. The new management have spent the last year cleaning up his mess.

He should go away now and stop pretending he is still a top boss. He lost all credibility in his final few years at Highbury.

A Different George

His final few years at Highbury? An unbeaten league title, two FA Cups, a Champions League final?


This is basically true whatever the hysterical denunciations that may try to pretend otherwise. Arsene was a great Manager for us and is a good football man. But the only offer that I heard was Fulham, before Ranieri took it, last season. Would he have done better than Claudio ? Maybe. But we will now, never know. PSG could be a possibility as could Marseille or another top French team. But the days of making the Inter’ or Barca’ shortlist have long gone. Nothing wrong with that. And I can’t believe Arsene will want for much financially – ever again.… Read more »

Sean Strauss

Allegedly he was required to stay around for a few years after the emirates move. A request by the financiers if I remember correctly.
After that, I’m glad he didn’t let have Gazidis have free reign. That would have been epic in the wrong way.
Another thing I’m grateful for is the academy. Despite what any new coach may say, you’ll always see the Arsen…DNA. Probably why the kids look more familiar in the cups.


Agreed. People act like AW was doing all this out of the goodness of his heart. He was among the top paid managers in the world without any responsibility to win, and the current state of the squad and the toxic nature of our fanbase is in large part down to him. People forget how AW was only too happy to cover for ownership and take the club’s side over the fans if it meant another big pay day. How he resisted any sort of change. Quite why so many fans love the guy unconditionally just illustrates how good a… Read more »


Fatgooner likes to troll, just ignore him then


No! I love my club and it hurt me like hell watching Wenger taking us for a ride.


fat fakk yells at cloud

Crash Fistfight

Don’t hate me for saying this, but I wonder if one of the offers was Newcastle? Wouldn’t you rather Arsene Wenger as manager than Steve Bruce?


astley would literally jizz in his pants if he managed to get wenger in.
the amount of money he could ‘swindle’ from the club would make him pass out.

Dave M

Told my Geordie mate this and he literally LOL’d

Bacary & Kolo

“‘I’m not here to judge coaches,’ he said. ‘I am a supporter of Arsenal Football Club, so I just support him and hope he can win games and plays a type of game that I like.'”

This is what my boss says about employees before he fires them.

Yankee Gooner

If you don’t work in sport, that’s a pretty odd thing for him to say.


I support Wenger and I am so grateful. But let’s be honest wtf is he gonna do in the premier League with any of the other teams. His era is over.


Reading between the lines, unless the question asked was loaded, this seems a little pointed by Arsene.


Ah blogs you missed a classic clickbait headline – “Former manager Wenger takes a dig at Unai’s Arsenal.” I fully expect some of the tabloids will run with this and use the last quotes to justify the headline.

Tony Hall

It’s been well over a year since we said goodbye to le prof and still people feel the need to criticise him on here … classy !

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