Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-2 Chelsea – player ratings

A day in which the ‘What might have been’ feeling is high. What if Lacazette had scored from that great chance he wasted? What if the referee had given Jorginho that second yellow card he deserved? What if Bernd Leno hadn’t made that awful mistake?

Another defeat, but there were things to like – particularly in the first half. We were hard-working, aggressive, compact and took the lead through Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

However, Chelsea’s two late goals condemned us to our fourth consecutive home defeat, something which hasn’t happened since 1959.

Still plenty to work on.

Read the Arsenal 1-2 Chelsea report and see the goals here

Here’s how the players rated this evening.


The ratings are now hidden by default until you vote, but if you just want to view the ratings and the comments, flick the switch at the top above Bernd Leno. Also, give the ratings a few seconds to load.

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Agree with all of this. COYG, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Hiiiii guys

We still played well overall.


For the 1st time in ages I feel properly deflated by a result. Why? Because the boys gave it their all. That’s all we as fans ask of them as a bare minimum and they did that today. Gutted by the defeat and the manner of it but I seen plenty of positives over these 2 games with Arteta in charge. Play like that and 9 times out of 10 we win. Onto Man Utd next, let’s get 3 points to start the new year in style!

Reality check

“For the 1st time in ages I feel properly deflated by a result.”

Same here.. can’t feel like that if you have nothing to lose. Results will come soon, I am not confident I am absolutely sure about it, as certain as one can get. We had a defensive shape about us today, Chelsea didn’t create a proper chance untill they luckily scored. Forget the team at the moment, Arteta knows what he’s doing, just needs some backing, both by the owners and the fans..


Good points, more importantly good riddance to 2019 tas been a shit year……

Fred Garvin

I wonder when the last time was that we had such a shit calendar year. 2019 can fuck right off.

Rectum Spectrum

I know, right? it’s like we’re almost back to the arsenal we know and love, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory against a top 6 rival.

Anders Limpar

Arteta is not a miracle worker. 80 minutes of positive improvement vs 10 mins of the same old shite with the same old shite players is not a bad return for his first home game. The result and nature of the result is massively disappointing but there are already fresh shoots of hope. COYG!


Agreed, this the best we’ve played to a man for quite some time. Let’s hope for a bit more positivity in the comments.

Naked Cygan

How can you honestly say the 2nd half was the best we played? We had a great first half, I give you that much.
1-0 up, and parked the bus second half when we know we can’t defend. We were awful, like a chicken shit parking the bus at home, when we knew the win was there. Also, every player ran out of steam after 65 minutes. wtf is up with that?

Steven Morrow’s Arm Cast

Would argue that the press and effort they showed before that caught up to them. They worked harder as a team in the first half than in a while 90 just a month ago. Different system, different fitness requirements. It’s pretty simple, now put some bloody pants on.


Naked Cygan “also the players ran out of steam after 65 mins” that is the result of Emery. The lack of fitness is startling, no wonder we spent 90 minutes chasing shadows against Man City and have had our goalkeeper peppered all season. It will take weeks for us to get up to pace of the new gaffer and his demands.

Yes the first half was outstanding and we will get better as the weeks go by.


We can’t do it 90 min with these players. Plus the injury doesn’t help. Arteta gave me a hope. We’ll be a different team next season


I agree mate. We were absolutely and comprehensively taken apart in the 2nd half. I realise people want to see the light but, for me, that was no different to the Emery-fare we were served for the first few months of the season.


Apart from the fact that we absolutely and comprehensively took them apart in the first half. Which is something we never did under Emery.


And you still get downvoted fir stating the obvious. Yes we were way better until Lampard brought in Jorginho and Arteta had no answer to.that at all. I am worried about it because I can see thepositives but inability of Arteta to react to obvious change of tactics from Lampard is worrying. And that sub came before the sevond half but still we changed absolutelly nothing. This one is on Arteta.


We don’t really have the squad to react and the time spent coaching different systems. He knows the players limitations.
Klopp lost games when he first joined, it didn’t start looking good until the next season when he had a pre season to train and get the players to understand his ideas.
This team has been playing relegation form for over 6 months. You can’t change that in a few days. The fact he got that first half performance out of them is a fucking miracle and gives me a lot of positivity about him as a coach


We lack quality, but if we’d fought like that for the other 19 games… then we’d be in a better position. How long until these players down tools again? I think it’s just a matter of time, but the players deserve credit for the way they grafted today. Saka looked out on his feet in the last 20 minutes, and Ozil and Nelson who played brilliantly first half, both faded early in the second, we just ran out of steam. I think we missed Xhaka today, if he’s on his way out? Then he needs to be replaced adequately, otherwise… Read more »

Wilsheres Middle Finger

A brain fart from Mustafi and Leno cost us.
Leno’s is forgivable given how consistant he usually is.
Also, how was Jorginho’s 2nd not ruled out by VAR for pulling down Torriera??
Such a shame to lose from a commanding position.
There was a lot to like about the way we played and a lot of really good performances.
In particular I thought Auba, Luiz, Torriera, Ozil, Nelson, Saka and AMN played really well.
Onto Man U we go.


I was surprised to see a stat on bbc saying Leno has the most errors leading to goals in the PL since August 2018. Consistent indeed. I do think Leno has been one of the few positives this season, but that stat is pretty damming


That’s because he has had more shots against him than any other goal keeper. He also had the most shots saved if that helps you understand better.

Emerson’s stats would be a lot worse but most teams never get to shoot against him.

Damo Dinkum

I saw that, I’m seriously wondering if it’s an error. He’s had his questionable moments but before tonight’s howler I can’t think of a single mistake leading to a goal that he’s made. Can anyone enlighten me?

The Voice of the Noise

He made one, last year I think, that allowed Charlie Austin to head in the winner. Actually a bit similar to the one he made yesterday.
Other than that, I’m struggling myself to find the others he’s supposedly made.


According to BBC, Leno is shite as he has made 5 errors leading to goal last season and two this season. However DeGea is the best even though he made 4 last season and two this season.

My thoughts BBC are shite since they folded to Ferguson bullying.


Willock so woeful he doesn’t even get a mention?

Steven Morrow’s Arm Cast

He had a great opportunity to hit the target.



He’s not ready for Premier League football. You can throw in as many young players as you want, it doesn’t automatically mean they should be playing.

Chances like the one he had are unforgivable to miss, you can’t keep making allowances because players are 20 years old, when we are hovering above the relegation zone in 2020.


Really haven’t seen any reason for him to replace Ozil in last two games – he just couldn’t get up to game speed and added nothing up front or at back.

I hope he can become a good player but more work needed yet.


Ozil was out on his feet. We had to change him as he would be at risk of serious injury. And what other choices do we have on the bench. Blame the squad management and buying of players, not the player.

Naked Cygan

1. Can’t blame Leno, every keeper makes a stupid mistake in every 30-40 games. He has been outstanding all season with all he had to deal with.

2. Great first half, shocking tactics to park the bus for 45 minutes when you can’t defend. why not grow some balls at home and go for the 2nd?

3. No matter how bad Pepe is, he is still by far 10000 miles better than Nelson.

4. The ref should be fired for not sending off Jorginho.

5. Ancelotti 6-1 Arteta

6. 24/38 (We still need 14 points)


Get your Ancelotti vs Arteta negativity the fuck out of here

Naked Cygan

Let’s check back in 18 months and see what song you are singing. There is a difference between negativity and plain stupid decisions made by the club. You don’t like my comment don’t read it.

Ancelotti 6-1 Arteta is a fact.


It was a brave decision by the club, not a stupid one. If you think Ancelotti would have better results with this team after the complete mess Emery left behind him I think you’re deluded. Mikel is doing a fantastc job, the players are on board and improving and the results will come.

Vava voom

Emery didn’t leave a Mess, he saw their fitness was poor and brought on a fitness regimen which our lazy players headed by Ozil took arms against and downed tools. That man got us to a major final for the first time in almost 15 years.
Now Arteta too has seen the lack of fitness. The early press tired them out and it was just a matter of time before we were breached really. After downing tools they are now finding out its not easy to Pick it up just like that.


Emery was shit scared of every team in the premier league and changed his tactics every five minutes. By the time he was fired these players had zero confidence, didn’t know what they were supposed to be doing and couldn’t even string two passes together. If that isn’t a mess then I don’t know what is. He blew the top 4 by resting players for the Europa league final and then blew that by the most pathetic, negative tactics. If he had been fired when he should have been, straight after the match in Baku, we wouldn’t be in this… Read more »


Yes Vonnie, Ancelotti or Benitez would have been safer, reliable options. Plus I think both would have loved to be at Arsenal. But it is what it is. Lets see what happens it’s going to be both fun & heartbreaking for awhile.


Go away. Your negativity is sickening


Go to support Neverton then you naive besserwisser prick

ian Canham

Mate – get over yourself


Nelson played well, particularly defensively where he really put in a shift. Certainly not to blame for either goal. If Pepe isnt in the squad, it is because Arteta clearly does not trust him to do what Nelson is doing.

I do think, however, that Pepe should have replaced Lacazette and that it should have been done around the 60 min mark. It wasnt happening for Laca and think Pepe would have suited the counter attacking game we were playing better.

Greg in Seattle

At this point I’d rather see Pepe at striker than Laca. He has pace and dribbling and we need get him some goal opportunities to get him going. We have to cultivate this investment, and give Ozil someone more dangerous to feed.


Agreed I thought Nelson was far better today than the last match. I think Pepe is a huge talent and will come good as the season draws to a close.

Reality check

It’s not parking the bus when a lightweight midifield gets dominated by one of the best midfields. Even then Chelsea didn’t create anything special, they were lucky to win. We defended well untill Leno made that mistake. Before Chambers injury, We absolutely dominated them and could’ve scored 2 or 3 more..


Ancelotti is a world class manager. That’s a fact. But Arsenal decided to trust Arteta to build something at Arsenal. Ancelotti would eventually leave because the club would never spend what he demands. But arteta might turn out to be a great manager. And he might be able to build something special. We have to give him time. Look at how bad Man U were after Fergie left. They spent like crazy and are still not a top 4 club. Our billionaire won’t spend like that. So Arteta is a better fit. I have faith that be will come good.… Read more »


Congratulations for winning the Toxic Supporter of the week trophy

Wilsheres Middle Finger

An impressive achievement really, given how hotly contested that trophy is.

Ciaran Flynn

Saka and AMN deserve higher than Ozil. They ran their socks off! You have to put into context the experience and difference in compensation between that pair and Ozil. Ozil is not delivering enough for us for the money we pay him. Laca is so lacklustre, we cannot depend on him if Auba goes. Pepe should have started on wing and Auba up front today.


Saka and Ainsley are meant to defend, Özil is meant to start attacks. If he spends his time defending, then when we get the ball, nobody starts attacks and the game slows down. Simple. When Auba and Laca defend, good… but when we get the ball, Nelson, for example, can run his a** off, there is nobody in front to do something and then hop, he loses the ball. And btw, we were still winning when Özil left. The endless question: what does “delivering” mean? Do you think Guendouzi delivers because he runs here and there and here and there?… Read more »


That really is a poor argument. You defend and attack as a team. All the teams above us have equal or better creative players but they all do the dirty work as well. Unfortunately that’s why they are above us. It really is embarrassing to watch Ozil press as he slows down at the end so not to make a tackle. I wonder if only able for half a game then maybe should be getting half his wages.


I don’t think you understand football.


Just watched Liverpool match and currently watching City.. I can’t see one player who doesn’t tackle or is afraid to tackle. I know it’s also about closing passing lanes but the press should be made when the ball is played to the player and should be quick then slow down to assess players touch not stop and back off.

Fred Garvin

Say what you want, but Ozil hustled out there in the press and did some good (for him) defending today for the first hour or so. And he had the Chelsea back line running scared in the first half before we switched to nearly total defense in the second half.

Monkey Knees

Snagger – admit defeat when you have it handed it to you. Bye bye now.


Sorry my bad to expect more than half a game and the odd tackle from a player on 15 million a year.

Henry XIV

Some souls hate one another even before they were born.


Apologies accepted! Cheers

DB10s Air Miles

Oh dear…..

A Different George

I thought Aubameyang was brilliant coming back to protect Saka, making tackles near his own area, breaking up plays. And that was part of our problem in the second half. We don’t want a golden-boot contender to spend so much time in his defensive third. (This is not criticism of Aubameyang, he had no choice. And it’s not blaming Saka who is both very young and is playing entirely out of position.) And we don’t want Ozil to have to come back to get the ball from the back line, we want him moving to a place where, when he… Read more »

alex alexsson

I’m more than happy to slate him when he’s shit but thought Ozil’s 1st half was one of the best individual performances i’ve seen from any arsenal player this season


Me too…at a point I just shouted Ozil got is mojo back!


Ozil also ran his socks off. Leave the hate at the gate so far he has been a positive under the new gaffer.


Really ran out of steam after the first half. What are these strength and conditioning guys doing? Sport science my arse.


I think it will just take time. After half a season of not playing with any kind of intensity, I think it will just take time for the players to get used to playing like that for 90 minutes.


Spot on. I’m watching Liverpool vs Wolves at the moment. Non-stop running and action on the field up and down. And they don’t look anywhere knackered as we did after 45 minutes today.


More down to spending every game in our own half trying to play on the counter. Should improve over the next month but I fear there is no chance of the top four because of it.


I’m curious about this as well; I know our guys didn’t thrive under Emery, but at this level, you’d think they’d be able to hoof it for close to 90. As well, I can’t understand why we are so injury prone but Liverpool are hardly ever injured – and they play with higher intensity than we do. It always feels like we are the most injured team in the league right around January – and it’s mostly defenders!


Credit where it’s due! Arteta is trying and its visible on the pitch as well. Let’s get behind the Coach n the boys! #coyg

Reality check

Didn’t feel anything when City spanked us but still feeling sick today. That performance merited a much better result. Jorginho was lucky to be even on the pitch let alone scoring from a goal keeping mistake. People need to get a grip, Chelsea have been playing great away from home, have a healthy, setteled squad and one of the best MFields in the world. Kante, jorginho and Kovacic are no mugs, i think we gave a good account of ourselves, especially with our injury situation.


Lacazette was appalling today and looks totally unfit. When he closed down he puffed afterwards like a 40 a day smoker. Astounded Arteta kept him on the pitch. Blogs said he worked hard but I thought he was levels below the rest of the team, including Ozil, which is about as damning as you can get.would like to see more of Pepe. We are desperately in need of some more midfielders. Guendouzi has gone off the boil and we cannot rely on Willock to fill a hole. Positive signs from Arteta but we need to get in to the transfer… Read more »


Another “what if”

What if Guendouzi had been shown his second yellow and conceded a PK in the first half? The other what ifs would not likely have mattered. I can’t believe that he lasted the 90 without getting himself sent off.


Couldn’t agree more. He does stupid shit like that every game and get away with it. Can’t believe his rating for this game. He was woeful. Look at the second goal as an example of what he brings us. Loses a header, jogs back, yells at his teammates and then throws a fit that they scored. Disgraceful. Lacazette was also terrible but at least he was trying. Guendouzi just needs to not play. Period.


Guendouzi wasn’t playing and if Xhaka was available I don’t think he would have been playing today. He has no discipline.

Henry XIV

I always thought we have a problem in Guendouzi.

Greg in Seattle

I do not see Arteta relying on Guendouzi at all. We have no depth without Xhaka. I see Ceballos slotting in next to Torreira when he is fit.

Crash Fistfight

I think it was outside the box, but it was a clear yellow as far as I’m concerned, so we should have been down to 10 for about 50 minutes of the game. Chelsea were already better as soon as they changed formation, so I could only see us losing if that had happened.

Not sure why no one else has mentioned that but lots are moaning about Jorginho. Obviously the Arteta honeymoon period is in full effect.

A Different George

I think there are important differences. Guendouzi’s foul was outside the box, and more important, it was off the ball by quite a way. That means the referee is less likely to see it clearly enough to be certain how much contact, who initiated it, and how serious the contact was. No referee should give a foul in that situation. (And, because it was outside the box, it would not be subject to VAR review.) Jorginho’s foul was directly in front of the referee, it was quite obvious, and quite obviously a tactical (intentional) foul, not an attempt, however clumsy,… Read more »


Credit where it’s due! Arteta is trying and its visible on the pitch as well. Let’s get behind the Coach n the boys! #coyg


I know it sounds odd but that’s the first time in over 2 years I’ve actually felt gutted at a loss. And I’m including the Europa final. All the others had an inevitability. This kind of did in the last 10 minutes but boy it fucking hurts!

I’m not sure how to feel about this. Does this mean my belief is coming back? I’ve got to take some type of positive from this. Surely that’s what it is.


Still a long way to go but even seeing torreira just stay in his cdm position by design made you feel hopeful that Arteta with time and investment can turn this team around. Also hard to ignore just how badly the referee cost us. I just hope the players can stay positive because it must be very deflating to get nothing from today.


There was a point in the season when we had all players fit but it happened under the wrong manager.
Arteta needs help from the board, get a replacement for Xhaka ASAP. Get a defender. He needs players in the squad. This is were Sven was crucial, we need players.


An utter shit show that Jorginho wasn’t sent off while Lacazette gets a yellow for complaining. Lacazette needs to go back to the bench and Pepe needs to be given a run of a few games, move Nelson to the left and Auba up top (at least until Martinelli is back).

Liked the fight we played with today and the start, but as the announcers in the US kept saying once Mustafi came in there was bound to be that mistake by him that would lead to a goal which happened.


Mustafi is certainly not to blame for the second goal. Ask Guendouzi…


Add Saka spectating instead of helping for 2nd goal. Though lots kf positives from every player today. Little less from laca and gendo


Saka was hurt.


Every game I have watch Abraham he turns to his right foot to shoot. Mustafi doesn’t play him like that. In fact he starts to move left when Abraham first gets the ball and then comes back to his left when Abraham turns. Too much room to give someone that deep in the box, but yes, there was no one in the midfield to stop the original pass.


I’ve glad this didn’t gloss over the judo throw by Jorginho in the lead up to the equalizer as well. What’s the point of correcting decisions if VAR isn’t even going to look at that?

Steven Morrow’s Arm Cast

If you’re mad at that, you should be mad at Chelsea not getting a penalty for Gendouzi doing the same thing in the first half.


That was not inside the box and was off the ball.

Steven Morrow’s Arm Cast

You’re saying they both weren’t off the ball?! I’m confused as to your point.

Torriera goes down so easily sometimes I wonder if he has a balance issue


Start Pepe and Nelson against Man Utd with just Auba up top


When Chambers left the pitch I went the bookies and done Chelsea to win, we are so much worse when he’s not on the pitch,


Saka was at fault for the second goal, he did not properly defend and follow his man, looked injured or exhausted? Nelson should not start ahead of Pepe, he has no end product and cant cross the ball, he will maybe be good but now he is just running and not creating anything. Gueduzi OMG he is starting for us tells it all, he has power and runs but he never ever creates anything no passes, no goals nothing….just running his socks off anybody can do that. We looked better today but what is in Arteta’s head of not substitute… Read more »


A good effort first half unfortunately not sustained second half where we lost control again in midfield, were wasteful with few opportunities, soaked up too much pressure and something eventually gave. 1) Leno – Harsh rating. But yes, a colossal mistake. Still you wonder if we have benefit from having someone (like say Torreira) on the line who can watch the play during set pieces and react to these sort of potential situations. Also could have done much better for the second goal. 2) AMN – He’s been doing well thus far. Some good play particularly first half including an… Read more »

Paul Roberts

Santori could you elaborate on that?

DB10s Air Miles

Brilliant ?


Arteta should have brought pepe earlier and withraw lacazette, Aubameyang could have take the position of lacazette

Duakeez Jay

The boys played well and hard in the first half but the midfield lost steam, including Lava. He should have been subbed instead of Nelson…
Overall, they played well, connecting and making use of the ball. If they keep going at the first half rates to the blast of the whistle, they’ll become world class again.
I love Laca but he’s unfit at the moment…
We must take advantage of great signings however we can

Duakeez Jay



Laca is becoming Welbeck. Hard work but can’t score now. It is shame , he’s better than this. And why are we cursed , injury after injury every season. I hate it

Olivije Žirod

Giving Mustafi a rating from 5 to 5,5 just show how bias we are as a fanbase. He had a very good game. Chelsea more or less were not dangerous at all. Niles, Mustafi, Luiz and Saka all had very good performances. Blaming only Mustafi for the 2nd goal is just lazy and a bias analysis. We really need a scapegoat, don’t we?


He could have been more aggressive but there were 3 of them on the break and we were not cautious having been drawn level. Its double jeopardy for old Mustafi. If he tries to make the tackle some pundits think he should and misses it, they would be two on one on Luiz (not the quickest) . Then same old voices will be having a go at him for being impetuous. Its bullshit. Most people are looking for fault only. We frankly needed to control the game better. A mistake was always waiting to happen if we cede too much… Read more »

Olivije Žirod

Both Luiz and Mustafi did right not to press Tammy. We got so many goals because of that in the past. One of the biggest mistakes defenders do in this situation is to press when they are on counter. You need to back off and regroup. What Mustafi did wrong here was that he was caught on the wrong foot when Tammy got the ball. The 2nd mistake came from Saka who didn’t cover the space properly. Guendouzi was again appaling there. He does this for almost every goal we concede. I wouldn’t even say it is laziness but more… Read more »

Paul Roberts

AMN Ledge today!

Mustafis World Cup Medal

is it just me or is anyone else beginning to think pepe has an appearance clause in his contract?


Gutted for the lads they looked much better for a majority of the match…unfortunately the same old came back to bite us but you can tell arteta is making a positive impact quickly..I am personally a bit tired of guendouzi , another subpar performance and his shenanigans aren’t worth the trouble , lucky not to get called for the tug on abraham

Right across Sunderland!

I thought we played well. Very unlucky.


Enough with the “a few Luiz moments” crap. It shows your bias way too much and there were none of those this match. And a 6 for Willock? He was utter crap today – Ozil was contesting for the ball more 1v1, after 75 minutes, then Willock did with fresh legs. Willock and Guendouzi are polar opposites: Guen will go in 1v1 and put overly hard pressure, often drawing a foul but also causing a lot of opposition turnovers. Willock gets 2 yards from the opponent and concedes the possession with no contest. You won’t see a bad opposition pass… Read more »


It looks 100% on what we have been dished up over the past 12 months. We need a few additions, but I also think our fitness levels are poor. (Compared to Wolves for example tonight at Anfield). I’m trusting Arty and his “plan” will get us going in the right direction before we get into a relegation scrap. Seeing empty seats before the end is sad – what I would give to be able to attend. There are thousands who would if seats were available. Unfortunately, every game I see in the EPL has me thinking that it (The English… Read more »


Wolves were robbed today by VAR. And Sheffield.

Right across Sunderland!

Are you saying LiVARpool got yet another VAR decision in their favour? Surely not?


Can we please sell Flopazette? His incessant whiney attitude was cute the first few games but grocery stores are not selling all the eggs he’s been laying the past 18 months. I just don’t see his worth to this squad. Sell him back to France with a free Mustafi and get a pair of decent cover at the heart of the back. Might we benefit from no European ball at all next year?

Right across Sunderland!

I’ve been watching ‘Narcos’ with the Mrs over the festive period.

The level of corruption that Pablo Escobar caused within the Colombian judiciary, the armed forces and police departments is nothing compared to the corruption within the VAR process.

I’m no tin foil hat type, but LiVARpool, Tottenham HotsVAR and ChelsVAR (sorry) get decision after decision in their favour. If that wasn’t a foul on Torreira then I’m a monkey’s uncle.
Thought we played welk. We was robbed.

Wilsheres Middle Finger

ManchestVAR United and City! It all makes sense now. Pass me the foil…

Paul Roberts

Leno is a brilliant keeper in my opinion.

Olivije Žirod

Last season he made quite a few mistakes and I was critical of him many time. This year he has been brilliant. He made a mistake and I already forgot it. Hopefully he can forget it too. The first save against united will be massive. If he make it all will be forgotten, if not his confidence will will be shaken.

Right across Sunderland!

Investigate those making the VAR decisions. Something ain’t right.


I feel we are at least at the level of pre emery ball which is a huge positive. We are in games to be undone due to individual errors which seems like the arsenal of old. Hopefully Arteta can weed some of those failings out, and get us to compete again. btw what a shift put in by El Capitan!!

Right across Sunderland!

If the budget for January is £50m, then spend it all on those cretins in the video booth. It seems to me that they’ve been bought.


We didn’t win because we didn’t deserve to win – simple as that. We led for 83 minutes and they hadn’t really troubled us and we lost concentration and were punished for it. I ask you, who will be happier tonight – Arsenal fans because we kept them pegged back for 30 minutes, played better than we have for months yet still lost or Chelsea fans who will say they played badly yet still won – its just so disappointing. The positives are to win games and climb away from the relegation zone (we are six points above relegation and… Read more »


I feel pepe should have come on for laca onnthe 80 minute mark .. laxa was way too tired by that point and gave away a needless foul ..

Tony Hall

I am going to focus on the positives, we were really good in the first half and well deserving of our lead. We had some bad luck (Jorginho should have been off for that foul) and Leno made a very rare mistake that combined to give them a goal. There were some really good individual performances today, Auba, Luiz, Torreira, Ozil, AMN and I think at the end fitness levels got the better of the team. There used to be a time when the Arsenal players were still running around at 90 minutes and very fit, that will come back… Read more »


How the f*ck did Jorginho stay on the pitch after that foul? And then he scores after shoving Torreira?? Can we say an absolute travesty of justice???
Never mind the howler by Leno.

And then we folded.


Let’s not forget Craig Pawson is the reason why we didn’t make top4 last year.
He gave that awful decision Chelsea’s way against Cardiff where they should have lost and Chelsea ended up in top 4 one point above us and poor Cardiff got relegated.


Pawsonofabitch ranking is correct, perhaps even overstated at zero! His lax approach to Chavs fouling was weird, especially when Guen had his card for a fairly honest challenge.

There should have been several Chavs on yellows earlier which could have limited their comeback – especially if second yellows were to follow.

However, how the hell we just allow players the freedom of the pitch to run at us is ridiculous – where was our foul/block? Guendouzi rugby tackle earlier this season was lesson we’d learnt I thought.


Laca hasn’t looked right since he scored that goal that kept Emery in his job for a while longer. Psychological damage. He needs to get over it and move on, it’s a new beginning for everyone.


Bit harsh on Laca, dont forget he was our best player last season. He came back from that injury with less confidence, and needs time to find his feet again. We all know he can be brilliant and in my opinion he’s a lot better player than Auba. I did notice that blogs is sometimes dont want to mention the mistakes Auba makes. Its not fair to start scapegoating one player when they are clearly struggling finding their lost confidence.

Steve Morpurgo

I like the organisation and the work rate, i now have optimism

New member

Second half was awful. The second goal especially. Torreira, Guendouzi and Willock are too far in front. Even Saka as well. I know we wanted to push for a win, but it was too risky.

Honestly Mustafi’s rating is a bit harsh on him. Yes he was not close enough to Abraham. But we let Chelsea run from their penalty box to ours with no one close enough to stop it. I think the midfield should share the blame too.

Lacazette needs to find his form too ASAP.


We miss Alexis Sanchez

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