Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Video: Mikel Arteta pre-Leeds press conference

Mikel Arteta met the press ahead of Arsenal’s FA Cup third round clash with Leeds on Monday evening.

Here’s what he had to say.

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Beautiful lego haired bastard


He can’t change that is hair is perfecto 😉


His* I got distracted by the beautiful Lego haired bastard

VAR will solve the problem

I would b more than happy if we beat the mugsmashers and win the Europa league…doesn’t matter where we end up in the league. Just fucking beat them! Do what Fergie’s team did to us to break our Invincible run.


Mikel Arteta is one class act. I for one am seriously impressed with everything he has done over such a short period of time and fully expect this improvement to continue.


I just hope we stay consistent and avoid injuries. We also need to be a bit more clinical in the final third so we can finish games early and sit back until the players get used to the physical intensity.


When you have whole set of questions you can ask the boss but the journalists keep on asking the same questions like xhaka and auba transfer which arteta answered in his last interview itself.


The type of performance we seen in the first 30 minutes against Chelsea, and the first 40 minutes against United, we’ve seen before. Think the FA cup final against Chelsea, where Ozil was a beast, and we out fought Chelsea all over the pitch. The second half in the 5-1 win against Fulham last season, the second half in the 4-2 over Spurs , the 2-0 home wins over United and Chelsea last season, and even from the 40 minute mark in the 2-2 draw with Spurs this season, we absolutely battered them, then down to 10 men against Villa,… Read more »

Frank Bascombe

The difference now is that, if they don’t consistently produce the effort, he’ll get rid of them. I don’t think he’s a bluffer and I doubt the players do. It’s a huge job to get this Football Club back where most of us, the manager included, feel it ought to be. I’m on board but then again I wanted him as a coach, while he was contracted to us as a player… He WILL lead us back to the Promised Land.


Emery correctly tried dumping Ozil, and the fans turned on him. You can only put players of quality in the stands, if you’re getting good results, otherwise the player you dump for a lack of effort, soon become the solution to all your problems, football fans generally have short memories, and honeymoon periods don’t last forever. Ozil has worked hard for 3 games, he’s not really influenced those games, But the type of effort he’s been putting in, makes up for his lack of end product, but should be the minimum requirement expected from a senior player. He’s not had… Read more »


The difference for me is that none of the games you refere to I was thinking, this is the plan, this is Emeryball. The Fullham game came closest. And in this last three games I have seen a gameplan and a team playing like a team, playing for each other, for the first time in many years. And when we couldn’t keep up the high intensity from the first half, we actually sat back and defended as a unit, and we all know that Arsenal can’t defend. And that our CBS are crap. Still Luiz delivers a man of the… Read more »


We’ve also had performances like that in Wenger’s last years as well, wins against top 6 teams at home. What we lacked then is consistency to keep up those performances, which comes from strong motivation and a solid game plan. The players need to know this is the new normal and can’t be a one-off. And if they aren’t capable of doing this consistently we need to look at upgrades. That is the only way to be competitive in this league


It makes me so angry that despite being favourite the last time around, the board pussied out and went for Emery instead of Arteta. 18 months wasted, and team actually regressed despite 200 million pound investment.


A very sad truth. Arteta still has a lot to prove, but hopefully he’s making an impression on all the fans on here who said we’d be foolish to hire him. It was a bold move, but one made, as you say, 18 months late.


It’s not 18 months late. You people are just impatient.

It’s far, far better for Arteta to take over Emery’s mess than for him to follow a legend like Wenger. The season is basically a write-off and he has loads of goodwill from fans. Timing couldn’t be better for him.


But everyone and his brother was saying that Wenger was the one who left behind an irredeemable mess, and if you forget, we all gave Emery loads of goodwill between June-January (and many were praising him right into the summer), so I don’t see how the timing is really all that different. You make it sound as if we’re somehow better off that we went through 18 months of Emery, which is patently absurd. It was the wrong appointment — difficult to see that at the time, but very discernible in hindsight. Arteta has gained more experience and earned another… Read more »


Why do people keep trying to claim that Emery’s failure is proof that Arteta (who’s now coached exactly 3 games in his solo managerial career) would’ve succeeded?

The mistake we made was *who* we chose, Emery (nobody’s first choice), when we should’ve gone for a stronger attacking tactician like Julian Nagelsmann or Antonio Conte.

It was not a mistake to appoint an experienced trophy-winning coach after Wenger, no matter what hardcore Arteta fans say.


On the flip side perhaps it’s good that he had that extra experience. From everything I’ve read it was last season where he really started acting as a quasi-manager, taking teams talks etc. As frustrating as Emery’s time was, if he simply acted a placeholder to get us a better prepared coach now it’ll be worth it. It also gives Arteta way more goodwill to play with- the only way really is up!

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

More than 90% of fans were opposed to the appointment of Arteta when Wenger left. Now, we change our mind retroactively and blame the board for not appointing Arteta the first time. Fans make sure they are right after the facts. Arteta has been a very good surprise so far.

Frank Bascombe

To you.


I stated my disappointment on here about the Emery appointment and was ridiculed as people told me it’d be a big risk to hire Arteta and Emery is the reasonable option. But as stated above, maybe the additional 18 months at city have helped him more than it harmed us. We finally got him and I hope he’s here to stay for a very long time.


Like you, I literally stopped watching the PL after when Emery was appointed. Even my football-savvy friends had shown his distain for that decision.
Restarted watching Arsenal for now at least.


I loved him as a player and Captain and I’m absolutely loving him as our Manager, he’s pure class and Arsenal will go from strength to strength with him in charge. I’m just so grateful that the club had the courage to ignore his lack of experience and go for him this time, it was a brave decision and it was the right decision.


It’s crazy how Emery used to build up teams like Sheffield and Newcastle and Arteta talks about dominating teams, being the best team in the country. There has been a change in tactics but the change in mentality has been so obvious as well.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

To the defense of Emery, all the managers big up smaller teams they are preparing to face. Emery also said he wanted to make Arsenal the best team in the world and we made fun of him here.


Hmm not in the same way. There’s a difference between being respectful and outright trepidatious. Emery seemed fucking terrified before every game by the end.


It takes a very special team to make Watford look like world beaters with over 25 shots on goal. And how about the game vs Liverpool on matchday 3? We didn’t play too bad and had dangerous moments, but I see relegation teams who did not defend so deep against Liverpool. That was cowardice and downright small team mentality. I told my missus after that game that Emery is done for me as Arsenal coach, he doesn’t get the Club, and that Arsenal was unrecognizable to me.


I have to say I was sceptical at first but everything he has done so far has been really impressive. Let’s hope he’s backed by Raul & the board, we can still get top four and win the Europa.


If he can get us 4th and win the Europa League he’ll be instantly the clubs greatest ever manager LOL as long as its either/or because if we do achieve both and Sp*rs end up 5th we’ll be carrying them cunts into the CL ? ?? that!! ?


Andrew, in the main page of arseblog.com except your article rest all are throwing an error once clicked. It’s getting redirected to arseblog-com_web. I think it’s an invalid domain. Pls check with your IT guys.

Kentish Gooner

Wow, you sound like my boss!


I give them “clarity and direction”

That’s literally what was missing from Emery

Paul Roberts

It’s all great but my biggest surprise is how good our passing is all of a sudden! I’m think it is because of Arteta’s tactics keeping the team more compact making the passing easier?

Paul Roberts



And the confidence, he’s given them tactics that help everyone excel and given them back their self belief, I’m loving it.


Which has changed more, the attitude and approach of the fans or the attitude and approach of the manager?

Paul Roberts

The fans gave the new manager a clean sheet as they do and Arteta has been excellent. That’s it imo.

Right across Sunderland!

Exactly. It’s like I said to someone recently about the scenario of Bergkamp coming back as a coach. My argument was that it would be too pricey, as we’d have to pay for his rose bearers to constantly throw petals on to the very ground that he was about to walk on.

To be honest, if I saw that the god of Dennis was about to walk into a puddle, I wouldn’t throw my coat over it. I would throw myself over it.

And if you wouldn’t then you are not a real Arsenal fan.

Fart Overjars

“clarity, direction and spirit “

Right across Sunderland!

When this page loaded on my phone, Arteta’s eye was covered for a split second or so by the YouTube arrow as the page shifted in size. It made him look like the Terminator.

It’s a sign.

I’ll get me coat.

But it really was a sign though…

Right across Sunderland!

Not a sign that he’s a cyborg from the future out to kill the mother of a military leader yet to be born, I hasten to add. More that he’s a tough coach who will plough our team through walls. Or something like that anyway.

I’ll get everyone else’s coat while I’m at it then.


As some people mention before, it remains cautiously optimistic. We’ve seen performance like that before. Unai’s first season in charge, same people wanking off to Arteta here were gushing over Emery like wet schoolgirls believing there was a difference to late Wenger… Consistency in effort is the issue. We will see a spoike in performance bc players want to believe the new manager can exact change. Unai has clever tactics and that has helped. Had we not won against United though and the goodwill would have evaporated very quickly. OTOH what is an unknown is whether Arteta can enforce the… Read more »


Meanwhile Leeds…Nketiah? Hope we don’t make this one too difficult. Unai IMO struggled this season between rotating players and keeping a consistent selection. Again Sanlehi did him little favour in market neglecting urgent and longstanding Cback requirement preferring to extend on Koscielny (who frankly did us a massive favour we did not take advantage of). Also CM was over reliant on Cebellos (A Ramsey replacement at best) and wide play was with risk losing Iwobi and banking on Pepe. What kind of dynamics emerge this window and how much more say Arteta can exert is going to tell us better… Read more »


Good to hear he wants to keep Xhaka. I’m sure that’s music to many people’s ears.

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