Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ozil and Torreira set to miss Olympiacos trip

Mesut Ozil and Lucas Torreira will not fly to Athens for Thursday’s Europa League first-leg tie with Olympiacos but Pablo Mari is fit for selection.

Despite training today, Ozil misses out for ‘personal reasons’ – apparently the birth of his child is imminent – while the latest bulletin from the medical team says Torreira is currently ill.

The club have suggested that the Uruguayan could make the trip on his own if he makes a rapid recovery but it seems unlikely at this point that he’ll be risked.

Pablo Mari is fit after 45 minutes of football with Arsenal’s under-23s on Monday so it’ll be interesting to see if Mikel Arteta includes him in the travelling party. Rob Holding and Sokratis are also vying for a start in defence if the boss decides to rest David Luiz and Shkodran Mustafi.

Full-backs Kieran Tierney and Cedric Soares are due to return to full training next week, slightly ahead of schedule.

Calum Chambers continues his recovery from his ACL operation.

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With all of that money and expert healthcare, there is reason to worry about the immune system of Mesut Ozil. On a serious note, I fear for his health if it stops him from playing this much. If it isn’t serious then he is just playing all of us. I’d prefer to believe that is not the case. Either way, it is bad.


Read da ting.


He’s not sick this time.

Inspector norse

Yes children Are a disease.

Post January Blip

Guessing you didn’t actually read the article?


did you actually read the post?


Ozil isn’t sick, the article says he’s missing for ‘Personal reasons’ due to the birth of his child. It’s Torriera who is sick.


It literally states it’s because his child is imminent and that it’s for personal reasons.


Bruh, you couldn’t even read the bleeding 100 word article?


Did you even read past the headline? Don’t answer that, it’s obvious didn’t. Mr and Missus Ozil are expecting a baby. Don’t thank me, just read more.

Crash Fistfight



When the article clearly says it’s because of the “imminent birth of his child”, one is left to wonder what on earth ‘all that money, expert healthcare, and Ozil’s immune system’ you refer to, have got to do with it??


When you are desparate to get the first comment and get lots of upvotes….


Yeah I thought about the same thing.


Did well on getting downvotes though! Keep going and could be challenging Fatgooner…

Man Manny

Did you read the text?
Good God!


Seems we have a Classic case of someone only looking at the headline


See if people like you weren’t so thick, you wouldn’t be slagging off Ozil, or Mustafi, or Xhaka, or Arsene Wenger before them. It’s not their fault that you’re a complete idiot, so why should they be criticised for things you wrongly perceive them to be doing?


Love to assume that someone’s immune system is boosted by their bank account balance, and also not have read the article explaining that someone would miss work for the BIRTH OF THEIR CHILD.
Do you also complain when your co-workers take time off for important family or life events?

canon fodder

G-Man, did you read the article at all??!! His wife is about to give birth to their first child. What has that got to do with his immune system?


To reply to all, the message in no way explicitly stated I was only referring to this occasion. I am only discussing the issue as a comment on this post. However, if you like, we can all pretend that the sick note for parental leave on this occasion is the only time Ozil has ever been off sick. In my opinion, he’s used them all up.

Billy Bob

Give it up man, you are talking pony and you know it


Wow, that’s quite a comment-sinkhole. Can you still hear us down there, G-Man?

canon fodder

dig deeper mate; you’re not going to get out of this one. You decided to bring up historical sicknesses but not his sublime play against Newcastle on Sunday. If you have nothing positive or constructive to say, silence is an option.


Ok, well that’s good. I’d say you were a bit off topic then.

Because his past health and attendance has fuck all to do with being there for the birth of his first child.

And I certainly hope you’re not suggesting he should be denied that.

DB10s Air Miles



Haha, looks like G-Man figured out how to clear his cache and come back to downvote his critics multiple times..


Ooooo. That comment’s going to leave a mark.

Damn. No ‘delete post’ option when you need one most. Perhaps something to take note of for future reference.

I like to think of it as a measure to encourage reasoned comments. The Carrot. Of course there’s the Stick, too, because let’s face it – it’s a rare day that a carrot provides much motivation. Some folks, maybe. I’m thinking taco. Or maybe a good, fresh stroopwafel. Coffee or beer, of course, but they might be a bit difficult to hang from a string.


This right here, Ladies and Gentlemen, is who the S*n and other red tops target and why they still exist.

Reactionary, already has their mind made up, the attention span of a 5 year old and zero self-awareness.

Exactly the sort of person who can be led on a rant of their choosing with just a single headline.

Bravo G-Man, for raising awareness.


That’s the best post of the whole page. You can tell he reads the S*n, watches Geordie Shores, listens to TalkSport (I sometimes listen to it too, but only because I am amused by people’s ignorance, whereas he listens to it for education), idolises the Kardashians, and is a quintessential “useful idiot”.
I would take issue with you saying that he has the attention span of a five year old though. That’s highly insulting ……………………. to five year olds.

Petit's Handbag

With all of the money your parents spent on education it’s a worry you can’t read


I agree, how we could do with reading the post first right!


lets give G-Man a break… i admit when I saw the headlines, I thought the same thing. The overall sentiment isnt wrong…. next thing you know, Ozil will be missing games because the baby kept him up all night lol


Who thinks Arteta will stick with Martinez throughout the cup competitions? Not me.


Not saying he’s not competent enough. He’s definitely been decent but Arteta doesn’t seem to me to be that kind of coach. But we’ll see. I hope AMN we play our strongest team whilst maintaining a sort of balance with rotation a la AMN and co.

Reality check

I don’t trust Martinez, 8 years is enough time for an audition, time to make a decision.


Whats he done wrong? hes been outstanding, im confused?


I want to see AMN feature.


The world is not ready for Ozil Jr


Nurse : Right, we are going to take you through to the delivery area.
Mesut (whispers to his partners bump) : That’s where daddy works.


That is so Carl.


F off Carl


On the subject of the peter crouch podcast, did anyone ease up a bit on their hatred for Mike Dean? I’ll admit I did.




Outstanding, double H!


Arseblog sir, is there any reason why all of my posts and replies are suddenly ‘awaiting for approval’. They’ve been fine until the new site design, and ever since then I’ve had the same thing on each post.

Wilsheres Middle Finger

Yeah, how dare Ozil get distracted by his wife giving birth to his first child.
He should man up and pack those emotions away given the salary he’s on.
The sooner footballers are replaced by robots the better as far as I’m concerned.


Ozil is sick, didn’t you see G-Man’s comment?


Don’t mention the G word …


It good he has to have a rest


you hate to see it


So we’ve gone from: Ozil needs better players to flourish, he’s too good for these lemmings, it’s not him, it’s them…. Giroud is rubbish, Ozil needs to work with a striker with better movement Ozil is upset from being blamed for Germany’s poor performance in the World Cup, how can you possibly expect him to perform at his best? Emery doesn’t know how to use Ozil, it’s Emery’s fault Ozil’s sick….. again.. trained fine, found out he wasn’t starting, come down with sickness, again… and again and again… Ozil doesn’t do away days outside the M25, how can you possibly… Read more »


You really are a misery aren’t you. You are the waste of space. Good luck to Mesut and the lovely Amine, I hope all goes well for them and baby Ozil.

DB10s Air Miles

I trust this was sarcasm? If not then #8 was incredible!

Anders Limpar

I absolutely agree. One decent game against Newcastle, at home, and it’s like the last 2 years (8 million or so in wages) has never happened.


Yeah that Newcastle game was the only “decent” game he has had in the last two years, right?!
The problem is that you are not knowledgeable enough to notice great performances from a player like Ozil, because his qualities are not as obvious as those of players who run through defenders and score from 40 yards. You probably wouldn’t have even known that he had a good game against Newcastle if the commentator hadn’t told you.


Outstanding evidence of a persistent campaign against a player. He was a such a waste of space on Sunday. As Arteta said, clean slate for everyone — if only some of our fans could be remotely mature in this regard.


The only reason you slag off Ozil is that the media slags him off. If the media said Messi is useless, you’d critisise him too.
You’re the waste of space mate!

Thierry Walcott

This happened with Vegeta just before the Tournament of Power… Where the hell is Whis when you need him? smh


On another note, I’ve been posting positivity on this site for 4 years now and I’ve never had such an overwhelming reaction… Maybe 4 likes at best. Shows what sells in this age lol. Now I know why people troll.


Don’t be tempted to the Dark Side lol


I think positivity or negativity isn’t the point. You have to be aware that posting comments on an article you haven’t read could easily backfire, right?


Hey, you had theFirst comment, went off topic, criticized one of the players (who is showing improved form) for taking a match off for the arrival of his first born, and were more concerned with voicing your personal agenda toward the player than the content of the article.

That’s kind of the perfect storm to get some stick.


How can you only NOW know why people troll? Surely you knew they troll for the same reasons you troll. Do you really know so little about your community of trolls?


G-Man, it was an honest mistake. Ozil has missed so many games for personal reasons, illness, and weird injuries, that he suffers from boy-who-cried-wolf syndrome now that he has a really good reason to miss a game. Dont stop posting or contributing. You are welcome here – people are real quick to judge and call people trolls


Yeah – people really are real quick to judge. Like those people who read the headline of an article but don’t bother to read the article itself, and then make foolish assumptions. Fucking trolls they are.

Paul Roberts

Congratulations to Torreira on his imminent arrival. 🙂

The Far Post

Trying to better G-Man’s contributions today, Paul? 😉

Paul Roberts

Achieved I think? 🙂


I don’t think we will miss Torreira. Guendouzi can cycle back in all fired up. Or Ceballos can continue. Torreira is better defensively but we need to strike the right balance with attacking enterprise at the moment and Granit has been much improved with tackling and awareness. As for Ozil, his role can either go to Ceballos or Guendouzi higher up or indeed Willock. I personally would like to see how Ceballos works higher up the pitch closer to the attacking line. Guendouzi (Tantrums aside) may also have decent ability in that pocket if somewhat more combative. Willock was decent… Read more »

Naija Gunner

That’s a rather good news


About time he had a little Ozil ?

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