Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta: It falls on me to make the players compete

Mikel Arteta says he takes responsibility for Arsenal’s failings on the pitch but he couldn’t hide his frustration with the way his players threw away a lead to lost 2-1 at Brighton.

The Spaniard was noticeably irked when he faced the media after the match, just minutes after Neal Maupay had secured a last-gasp win in the fifth minute of stoppage time.

That it was the French striker who secured victory for the home side was a particularly bitter pill to swallow given he’d been responsible for Bernd Leno suffering a serious injury in the first half.

Nicolas Pepe’s strike on 65 minutes laid the groundwork for a hard-fought win but familiar failings at the back meant the lead lasted just seven minutes, Lewis Dunk bundling home a set piece from close range. A point would have been frustrating; the late defeat – a second in the space of three days – was infuriating.

“Obviously after a defeat [at City] you want to put the next result straight away to winning,” Arteta told

“I think we did a lot of things today to win the game comfortably, but we haven’t competed like you have to compete in the Premier League.

“We gave first goal away and we lost a few important duels afterwards, so I think it’s all our fault.”

Asked if there are concerns about the character of his players, Arteta chose instead to blame an inability to ‘compete’ for entire matches.

“Not about the characters, it’s about how you compete in a Premier League match and it’s for 100 minutes in this case,” he said.

“It’s for every ball, it’s for every action and the moment you lose attention, the opponent is going to push you.

“It’s not the first time it has happened and if you want to win football games consistently at this level, it’s a must and it’s a non-negotiable.”

He added: “I think they competed for large parts of the game, but in crucial moments when you don’t, you pay the price and that’s it. It’s all my fault obviously because I’m the one that has to make sure they do.”

The boss also admitted it’ll be hard to pick up his players ahead of Thursday’s trip to Southampton.

“Absolutely [it will be hard to do]. I think when you lose two games in a row that hardest thing to do is to lift the players up and believe again in what we are doing.

“The context of the last game against Man City and this one is completely different. I am much more upset today because I know the accident that happened against City but the accident today was provoked by us and it’s unacceptable.”

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Millions a year just doesn’t seem to be a decent incentive any longer


I said this way back when we got Arteta in, unless we were prepared to fully back him in the transfer window, then appointing him as the manager was a complete waste of time. And here we are 6 months later, and we still can’t beat Brighton. We couldn’t beat them with Emery. We couldn’t beat them with Ljungberg. And now we can’t beat them with Arteta. So what does that tell you? What’s the one consistency that hasn’t changed at all. The players. Spend some fucking money on some new ones that are better. They’re all shit bar about… Read more »


Well said. We need at least two world class centre halves. That unfortunately is not the short term solution, but it has to be the long term solution. I keep saying the same thing about Mustafi whilst hoping he proves me wrong – but every single game he plays in, that brainless space cadet proves me right again and again and again. We HAVE to get rid of him. I dread to think how many points he had now cost us with his mistakes, it must be getting on for a three digit total.


I think your basic analysis is spot on but we don’t have money to buy half a dozen 70m players. The only way that could happen is with Kroenke dipping into his 10bn, or selling out to someone who would. Neither seems likely.

mr conner r peden

Can’t see any transfer money coming r way, his just taken out a 3bl loan for his new American football stadium. Plus never put penny into afc, but takes 3ml a year for admin fees.

Public Elneny

There are good cheap signings and shit ones. Same with expensive signings, young/experienced, physical/technical, calm/combustible, whatever else   It’s not enough to have a transfer strategy focusing on bringing in high talent young players, or established proven leaders etc. If you have incompetent fools running the club, the majority of signings will still invariably fit awkwardly and underachieve, no matter the profile of the signing   What we need is a DOF/scouting department/whatever who understands what exact abilities are needed to fill the gaps in the puzzle that is this squad. Not just ‘we need a DM and creative midfielder’,… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

Harsh on Harry Redknapp

mr conner r peden

Come on give pepe a chance to adapt, Henry didn’t just take off, or Bergkamp.


Yup first thing first, fix the damn spine of the team. We have a solid keeper and a good striker (that doesn’t get to play as a pure striker)   We need a future proof spine. Get in a class CB and CM asap and improve things from there moving forward.   My worry is that with our lack of funds + covid, we will need to replace laca and auba in about 18 months. Regardless of whether one or both sign up an extension, they are aging fast. This is where I thought the pepe money was very stupidly… Read more »

mr conner r peden

Totally agree about youth, wenger tried that for 3 seasons and fell flat on his ass, can’t understand why martenelli isn’t being played instead of nkitieh or Nelson, then auba could be down centre where he scores goals, Luiz needs go, and saliba is arsenal player, Dutch league over bring him home now, we need desperately, bellerin is below par, holding needs game time as I do rate him, ozil needs to be played, Emery played this game with ozil & lost, we need partey ASAP or bring fucken Ramsey back. Cause no box 2 box player, ceballos hide try… Read more »


Spot on Karl. As soon as clubs start offering ridiculous money, it becomes a commodities game and you are using manipulations to bring in players and try to keep them. The problem is that this is a short term model that cannot be the basis for creating trust and loyalty. The thing I like about Arteta is that he is aiming to change the culture at the club from the bottom up – results will follow, but unfortunately this takes time and you need to cut out the rot before you see any growth. The proof for me will be… Read more »


The players seemed to be strolling through the match. After the Leno injury they ought to have been fired up, but instead they were shaking hands with Maupay. They should have given him hell and had him begging his Manager to take him off. His interview at the end ought to really hurt, basically saying the Arsenal team deserved to lose for their lack of humility. He forgot to add their lack of passion.


Reminds me of the Deeney comment. Horrible to hear but basically correct.

The Arsenal

and we defend our players continuously. Deeneys a prick he’s a cunt he’s fat etc but have the players he was talking to ever proven him wrong.
We have a bunch of spineless pussy manbabies. The reaction at the end said it all. Were was that energy when the foul initially happened or in a reaction when they scored or to honor Lenos injury by refusing to lose and hounding this team all over the park for the rest of the game.


They have proved Deeney wrong. He’s been derided. Missed that penalty. Bellerin the new age gent called him out. We even had Rob take the mickey outta Costa once. But it’s once a blue moon.   Rob’s won’t-be-cowered attitude, Niles no-nonsense athletic ability, Willock’s willingness to put the foot in, Kola’s fearlessness, Torriera’s scrappiness, Xhaka’s lumpen will kick you because I have no brain, Papa’s beefy bravery… None of this is harnessed.   These bunch are just too eager to be likeable all the time. Can’t make them winners like this. I’m sorry but Bould has done nothing or hasn’t… Read more »

Reality check

Fired up? They should’ve been in his face straight away, make a scene so that reff’s hand is forced, put some pressure on that arsenal hating idiot. However, our own idiots didn’t seem to care until the final whistle, what a bottle job. At least when Xhaka is playing, he stands up for his team mates. It was sad to see Leno confront Maupay himself and while going through pain too.

Can’t expect 100% for 100mins from a team that doesn’t get angry even when one of their own is attacked. Either they are cowards or they just don’t care.


We keep hearing about these “non-negotiables”, but I there has been no explanation as to what the term actually means. Like he’s said,”It’s not the first time (players didn’t do the non-negotiables),” yet there have been no real repercussions. Most times, a player sits out a game, “trains like an animal” and he’s back. Worst case scenario, he doesn’t play and still gets to earn 350 000 a week – surely the harshest of punishments.

Wilsheres Middle Finger

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Arteta could hold Ozils wages for not playing, would be the kick up the bum he needs.


Freeze his Fortnite account, he’ll play like Messi


Or the club wants him out and still freezes him. Guys, honestly when Özil will leave, it’ll be about £15-20M free. You won’t buy Mbappé, Messi and Ronalo with that so chill out. And if you wish to increase Auba’s wages, then ask why the club is ready to triple Partey’s salary.


Mikel Arteta seems like a nice guy but this is not the club for him. Its like graduating from University then becoming CEO of Apple – it just won’t work out.
Arsenal need an experienced manager not someone learning the ropes…


You’re right that Arteta is learning, but if you’re suggesting that another manager who is just more seasoned could come in and make a CL team out of this bunch of players, I couldn’t disagree more.


think some experienced managers could do a better job and some of Arteta’s team selection and subs have been awful

Paul Roberts

Like Unai??


to be fair Unai had fans singing we got our arsenal back. Unai was not the right fit but there are other experienced managers out there that are better than Arteta


I am not realistically expecting CL football but there needs to be some progress on the field, and some progress with player turnover ie get rid of the dead wood and get in some hungry young players. Can anyone see much progress on either? I liked what Sven was doing but then he fucked off. The Ozil situation sums up everything that’s wrong .. he adds nothing on the field to the point he can’t even be picked, and we cant find anyone to take him off our hands.


I always thought the clamour for Arteta pre Emery was odd, given he had zero experience and wasnt even an Arsenal stalwart. (I realise he had played a few seasons, but he’s not another Ray Parlour for example).

Frank Bascombe

Hey Leon, who do you think’s going to take the job then mate? A club that’s flailing, with an overly expectant fan base and a board that’s not prepared to spend? At least not to the tune of buying their way out of trouble. Mikel Arteta will become a great manager and if it’s not at Arsenal, it’ll be down to the likes of you. Well done.

Asrar Ahmed



No manager can alone save our soul, including Klopp.


maybe not but we would be in a better position than a manger learning on the job


Hi Heihaci, Leon, I disagree that we would be in a better position with another manager. Every manager is learning on the job – its dynamic, you dealing with lots changing factors and people. Guardiola learnt on the job at City, made changes and became successful. Same with Klopp. Yeah sure Arteta is a novice but he’s shown that he is learning at a faster pace than most managers and is proven to be capable of technically improving players. I don’t know who you’ll consider to be the best managers worldwide or best for AFC, but no one will be… Read more »

Wade Wilson III

Rare to be impressed by our performances. Genuinely need individual brilliance or rely on nit wit opposition.


Martinelli. That is all. Again, talking, talking. One name at the club that will run himself and opposition into the ground, most fans would name this player on first try… its actually very easy if you are not clueless.



Glen Helders left foot

Bringing on Tierney as a left winger ahead of Martinelli at the end was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me, the team selections and substitutions Arteta is making are nothing to do with experience simply someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Play players in their correct positions,simple. This performance would of out Emery’d any of Emery’s teams


Maybe he doesn’t train enough but as he doesn’t earn £350 000 a week and is not the target of the tabloids and pundits, then nobody thinks of putting his professionalism in question.

SB Still

2nd highest scorer in the team sitting on the bench, even when Saka was playing in the middle!

Also don’t understand the point of sticking Auba on the left, when we aren’t scoring anything. I know we aren’t creating anything either and as much as I would like Ozil off the wage bill, he seems to be the one who can help create some atleast against the likes of Brighton. Asking Saka to play in the middle doesn’t sound like a plan but more a desperate attempt.

We need a Cazorla II urgently!

mr conner r peden

Why ain’t he being selected baffles me,


I was hoping that Arsenal would have gone bankrupt during this crisis – it would have been a merciful thing. Now we have season after season of this to suffer.
Rebuilding exercise my ass…


You hoped we’d go bankrupt….?!
*****Spud Troll Alert*****


It’s a story about too much understanding, too much reward for nothing, lack of responsibility, and absolutely no one to grab this culture by the balls and throw it the fuck out of the club.

SLC Gooner

It’s nice to see him taking responsibility. But I’m starting to wonder about the coaching and tactics. The subs often make little sense. And Ozil might not be Plan A, but surely he’s still talented enough to be Plan B if we’re having trouble scoring. He can’t do much worse than the current crop of mid-fielders. Can we recall Smith Rowe?


ive been saying it previously but Arteta is out of his depth. Not sure why people have so much faith in him!


People have faith in him because of his long unbeaten domestic run until the enforced break.


winning 4 games out of 10 is poor. I guess some fans have low expectations!

Me from here

We will not be in Europe next season, even if we somehow get there (via FA cup), this squad can’t compete in short or long term. It makes sense to start a rebuilding project. We should sell the assets (laca and auba) now and let go of older liabilities to reduce wage bill. Ozil has become a poison to the team, arsenal should pay him off, if possible. Invest any proceeds to get good young players in needed positions. This Rebuilding will take 2-3 seasons since owners won’t inject cash for quick rebuild. I still believe in Arteta to rebuild… Read more »


Ozil has become a poison to the team”. Why? Ok, sorry, I should read the Sun.


Ozil was not even on the pitch yet some how he is at fault and poison..

Me from here

I’m not blaming Ozil for this game and I’m not even talking about this game. I’m looking at Arsenal going forward. Ozil’s presence in the team being the highest earner and senior player that’s not playing well or at all is a problem and a distraction. Rebuilding the squad has to be without him. 4 coaches/manager can’t be wrong. Who will depend on Ozil in a big game?


Compete, compete compete, yet the only player capable of competing and chasing down every ball sits on the bench for two matches with so many substitute opportunities. What’s really going on about Martinelli???
Btw, anyone notice how it’s usually difficult for our players to get the ball out from the opponent’s legs even when 3 of our players are marking 1 another players? Complete opposite of how they get to us and snatch the ball from their legs. This is really deep!


Really hope Martinelli doesn’t get his head turned while we bench him. His running and fight would have been very welcome today


You’re very correct, we need his fight and running and he’s the best and only one to give that in this team.
Wondering what he doesn’t do well or what he does wrong not to have merited at least a few minutes in this team. Maybe his age counts against him which would be quite laughable. There’s nothing about experience in giving 100% by running and fighting which is exactly what the team needs.


We have reached the point where talking a good game needs to be backed up by delivering one.

Yankee Gooner

Backlogged post from 2010?

The Arsenal

We don’t even play decent football anymore. These results have been happening for well over a decade but at least we had fantastic football and frequent silky destructions of somebody to remind ourselves of what we were and could be.


Too right.   Its not his fault because this is his first full true tenure on the helm.   As I mentioned before his signing, being a second under the shadow of Pep and having to man manage on your own entirely different affairs.   Which is why there was always a risk appointing him.   Club did the right thing trying emery first.   1) Tactical   Problem for Arteta is not tactical (He seems to have a decent enough knack for innovative ideas… as appreciated by Pep)   Today he tried a 4-2-4 with Saka and Auba interchanging… Read more »

Santori's only fan

I gave you a thumbs up for being invested enough to write a long post.


A lot of chatter and moaning about lack of Martinelli.   I wanted to see him on too.   BUT lets just be clear the way we are playing, even he may not make the difference.   Something fundamentally has to improve in our transitions in midfield.   We are slow to bring the ball out from back.   Every set piece IMO should be opportunity for us to pounce on their disarray before they can regroup. Instead we are the ones in disarray.   We need to be like coiled springs on set pieces and know before hand who… Read more »

Santori's only fan

Did “Ziyech” not sign for Chelsea?


I hope I’m wrong but giving the job to Arteta was nothing more than a punt! Today was painful to watch but the team picked against Man City was ridiculous! At this moment we are light years behind city and the team picked and tactics was a joke!! Back to basics from now on, set up not to lose and go from there


When was it that we were even close to City!? Been watching too many reruns from the 2000’s?


What does it matter when it was? My point is we turn up and try to outplay them when that isn’t gonna happen at this moment in time! Lesser clubs than arsenal will have more success at city being set up better tactically

Asrar Ahmed

“Trust the process”… what’s the process?


Some people under the delusion that we have the luxury to clear out in the summer. They have it in their heads that certain pet hates will be sold.   The reality is we will more likely sell some of our better assets. As I mentioned before, the likes of Torreira, Sokratis have not featured much ahead of far less experienced players.   Auba and Ceballos likely will not continue with us without CL and seem on auto pilot.   I’m not even sure if we can hold on to Lacazette if there is a strong effort to get him… Read more »


The initial team selection was strange at some points (i.e. Kolasinac), but the late changes were weird and makes no sense, I have he makes sense of that in consiquent interviews/press conference.


I think Arteta is gonna have the same problem Wenger had : I think his kind of football is only doable when you have great players. I think he’s the guy who can take a good group of player and make it a great team, with solid team plays, possession football, attacking with flair. I think it’s the same with guardiola. You give they told they turn it into solid diamond. But I think their style is not very well suited for a team of underdog, not so talented. In that case, what you need the most is fighting spirit,… Read more »


*you give them gold sorry


After so many incidents, Arsenal still think they can train monkeys to defend well. Mustafi is a proven flop, error prone. Rob is a proven flower vase, he can’t react according to situations, can’t kick, can’t clear…. And Bellerin keep sending the ball to opponents. This defense is pure flop and Arteta think they have a chance, still refuse to chance


Dont forget Kolasinac, the worst Arsenal left back I’ve ever seen, and that includes Santos. Winterburn, Silvinho, Cole, Clichy, Gibbs, Monreal .. read them and weep.


You forgot Kenny Sansom in your ‘read it and weep’ list. He was even better than Winterburn and Cole.


Fair point. Just before my time watching live though. Can’t believe what’s happened to him, poor sod.


The full backs are far from ideal (Hector is good, but even he can be prone to stupid mistakes) but the real problem lies at the centre of the defence. Since the departure of Adams, Campbell, Keown and Toure, we have had a never ending stream of clowns. The one exception to this was Kos – and even he was prone to the odd howler or five (that League Cup Final defeat to Birmingham was down to him). Our overall defensive awareness as a team needs a complete and thorough root canal job. This club is exactly where we were… Read more »


Never mind the scratched vinyl sound bites, GET RID OF MUSTAFI AND SORT OUT THE FUCKING DEFENCE.

Essex gooner

I feel sorry for Arteta.
I wonder if we will even break 50 points.Looking at our remaining fixtures, you can’t expect much from Liverpool,Wolves and Leicester – those teams are all much better.
You’d hope we will at least compete against Spuds – maybe a draw(fingers crossed)
Which leaves four so called winnable games, Southampton, Norwich,Villa, Watford.Who knows what we will get from those games, you can be certain their managers will be targeting us as beatable,easy to wind up,and just not very good.


Southampton away doesn’t look winnable to me. Don’t forget they have Danny Ings, the south coast Messi.


Play the under 21s and save “first team” for FA Cup v Sheffield Utd … away … last chance for trophy.


Pity for Arteta will run out soon, especially if he keeps putting it out there that it’s his responsibility. No team is scared of us and they know we will crack under pressure and cannot play on the break we’ll enough. Mikel has inherited a molly-coddled set of players – even the younger ones – and needs to figure out how to change that without being able to change players much. We have to recognise that top players will not come without enormous wage incentives and that’s where this spiral started. Sorry to say, but even Spuds have managed to… Read more »


Arteta has barely improved this squad so far. I don’t expect them to play like peak Barcelona. But Arsenal are still getting a lot, and I mean a good part of the basics of football wrong. They neither attack or defend as a unit. Arteta spent so much talking about how football is about positioning and off the ball movements. But it’s ironical that we have absolutely no off the ball movements and players don’t even know how and when to make runs. Players cannot pick out the right pass. Ceballos was holding on to the ball too long. Guendozi… Read more »


You can’t polish a turd Mikel. Time to dismantle the squad getting rid of all the bad apples and start again.


I feel like Arteta is a good thinker and has a way of instructing his players but clearly his leadership and management skills are questionable. He also seems very soft, unable to spark and aggressive and hungry team. If these players are playing like this after so long away from football, without any passion or drive then God knows what is in store for us Arsenal fans.


Joke of a club


Rough em up
Injure one of their key players
Score a late winner.
Its been happening for close to 15 years now. At least back then it cost us, now its the difference between 9th and 10th in the league.
Its a long long road back.


I notice that everytime arsenal got a goal they become complacent…


Arteta is out of his depth I can see the problem but don’t have the solution he is learning on the job failing badly.
On more thing, FA! Arsenal Careers matter,

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