Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arteta is quizzed on Ozil…again

The press conferences are coming thick and fast for Mikel Arteta. No sooner does he end one Zoom call, he seems to be on another. 

By and large, you can pretty much guess the themes of the questions in advance. 

Outside of team news and his thoughts on performances, he’s usually pressed on transfer rumours (Thomas Partey? No comment), contract extension negotiations (Will Auba sign da ting? Don’t know) and disciplinary matters (Is Guendouzi in the stocks? Yes). 

And there’s always, without fail, a good probing about Mesut Ozil; our gifted midfielder, one-time record signing, highest-earner and regular absentee. 

On Tuesday, the boss batted away seven questions about the German. On Friday, ahead of the trip to Wolves, it was more of the same. 

The BBC and Evening Standard had already touched on Ozil when a reporter from The Express was handed the mic at the tail-end of the section dedicated to the written press. 

He started by posing a question on behalf of the Daily Telegraph.

After that…well, we’ll let you be the judge of things.

MD: As you know, we’re asking questions on behalf of other people in the room. Sam Dean from The Telegraph is concerned that Ozil has now missed two games with back soreness. Are you able to explain the precise nature of the injury and is it a chronic problem that might keep recurring over the coming years? 

MA: I don’t know, I’m not the medical expert to answer that question.

MD: But you’ve got some medical experts who presumably could tell you…

MA: Yeah, they could say that. But I haven’t asked that specific question. At the moment, the situation is like last week.

MD: I’m just interested, on Mesut Ozil’s injury record, in the three and a half years before he came to Arsenal he didn’t miss a single game through injury and now this is his eighteenth time that he’s missed games due to a medical problem. You were supposed to be injury-prone and I looked up your record, you only had 14 injuries in 15 years. It seems an incredible amount of minor niggles on one player. Is there something about him that makes him susceptible to this? Is it something the medical team can get on top of or is it just something you’ve got to accept?

MA: I think the medical department will try to assess the situation the best possible way and will try to treat him as well as they possibly can. Everybody is different and everybody adapts in a different way to treatment. It’s not something that I have much to say [about].

MD: If you’ll forgive me for saying, it seems you’re very blase about injuries to a player who picks up so much in terms of salary and who, presumably, could be such a great player…the fact that you don’t know exactly what his condition is seems at odds with a player of his stature. We hear about Harry Kane’s toe and ligaments every week in every minor detail and other key players, you hear about every single little bit of their injury and yet here’s a player who could be an integral part of the team, a key part of the team and you’re just leaving it to the medical department. Is that because he’s not particularly part of your thoughts at the moment?

MA: I don’t know. I wouldn’t like to compare players with different situations, different injuries. At the moment I just say what information that I have.

MD: You don’t seem to be asking any questions of the medical department, is that standard or is that just…

MA: I asked the questions. They give me the answers and they are enough answers for me.

MD: Fair enough, there’s no point going…

[At this point he posed a question on behalf of The Sun about Nune Espirito Santo.]

No doubt there will be more questions about Ozil on Saturday, whether he makes the squad or not.

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Auba is demanding a 3 years contract and a weekly 250k to sign. I say let’s sign him on.

SB Still

So far players on their last big contract Ozil, Sanchez, even Walcott haven’t done well. Its natural like it happened with Liverpool who were badly beaten by ManC cos they had already got the job done.

Given Auba’s age and one of the weapons is speed, which will be heavily impacted before the end of the reported contract he is seeking, to keep him motivated, a large part of the deal should be performance based. We don’t want Auba to become injury prone after the new contract 😉




Daily Mail isn’t it …




Brown. HP on a pre-match bacon and cheese burger? Lovely.

Public Elneny

If that’s true I say go for it. It’s not a huge increase from what he’s already on. And given his natural athleticism and reading of the game, I doubt he’ll decline that much in the next 3 years. He also doesn’t seem to be the type to go into cruise control once the contract is signed, unlike Ozil I was convinced we’d have to pay him 350k+ if he were to stay, but 250k is affordable I think, especially if Laca leaves. Would allow us to focus on other areas this summer other than ‘how the hell do we… Read more »


Ozil extension was a prestige matter. He had declined even before that. Auba, on the other hand, is at the top of his game. And I dont think he relies that much on speed.


It’s hard to be at the bottom of your game, never mind the top – when you don’t get fucking selected….?

A Different George

Without commenting on Ozil’s ability or effort or anything else, it’s important to remember what failing to sign him at that time would have meant. Would Auba have signed for the club that lost Alexis and Ozil?


If my calculator is telling the truth, that’s 13M/yr, 40M for 3 — I don’t see any possible way to get a better value on the transfer market. Either you keep Auba for a year, let him go for nothing, and spend that 40M for a lesser talent, or you sell Auba and spend the money that comes in on a new player…who is probably going to want a pretty nice weekly bump. [And with Ozil off the books in another year, that frees up more than enough.] Unless they think we’re good enough on the front line with the… Read more »

Teryima Adi

Great analysis ???


The Arsenal worry is that players generally go off the boil after signing big new contracts. Maybe not intentionally, but 31 is not that young.

Parlour’s Pay Packer

I’m sure there’s more to this situation that meets the eye, whether that’s an attitude problem, some form of illness or something else entirely. It’s such a shame as he could be a really important player for us.


Exactly. Still, there’s nothing quite like a medieval witch hunt for the baying toothless peasants to indulge themselves in. Ozil Out is the new Wenger Out.

Public Elneny

How did Arteta manage to keep himself from snapping at that journalist? Christ what an annoying prick!


I thought all of them were reasonable questions and he seem to have prepared regarding the injury records. Fair play to him and you have to be a bit cuntish as a journalist in order to get some reactions. It’s his job.

Public Elneny

Maybe, but it was pretty clear after Arteta’s 1st answer that he wasn’t willing to give a proper answer. It’s a situation that is isn’t in his control or in any way of his own making, or anything that he needs to be held to account for in the public interest or anything like that. We all know what is really going on with Ozil anyway, it’s not even a particularly interesting subject these days. And Arteta’s unwillingness to enthusiastically back him should be all the answer he really needs. No need to call him blase about the welfare of… Read more »

VAR will solve the problem

I thought they were good questions. Well researched. Although his intention was to lead MA to admit Ozil is no longer in his plans. MA did not commit…lol.
This is what happens when a good journalist works for the wrong paper e. g.Martin Samuel writing for Daily Mail. One of the biggest journalistic cunt ever.

Public Elneny

Sports journalism seems to be more based on creating trust between manager/journalist, so that they may be more inclined to divulge info in the future. This kind of questioning seems more suited to eg politics, where the intention is to expose covered up incompetency/hypocrisy/wrongdoing etc for the public good Disingenuous stuff like comparing Arteta’s injury record vs. Ozil’s (as if cruciate ligament damage is comparable to colds and ‘strains’), and questioning his relationship to the medical team is only going to discourage him from sharing info with this journalist, if that’s the kind of angle he’s going for They just… Read more »


If you hear the audio, it’s not quite as ‘hard-hitting’ as you might think.


But if Arteta had made a slip the headlines today would have been exaggerated out of all proportion.


Just like Arteta is training and teaching his players he is training and teaching his reporters. He will expect them to operate in certain parameters that prevent them from damaging and disrupting his players and his club….well played oh Captain my Captain Arteta

The Arsenal

I disagree these journalists are getting way too cocky and brazen. Too close to the game to keep it professional. and they are clever sly fuckers. Im not even a fan of Klopp but Geoff Shreeves for instance after the Man city game was taking the piss. Newspapers are dead, so the only way is clicks so what better way than controversy. Geoff’s very subtle needling was meant to get a rise out of Klopp and it very nearly did.
Why is Ozil the line of questioning when were winning and he is not playing.


Let’s face it, we’re all interested to hear about whatever is going on behind the scenes with Ozil. It’s the only value for money we get from £18m a year.


When he’s confined to the bench or not even in the squad. I think the Good Lord himself would have problems with influencing our midfield without actually lacing up a pair of boots and getting out there himself.

Dave cee

Actually I totally disagree. I found it refreshing to see a journalist challenge a manager and ask real questions. It’s the first time I’ve seen Arteta be less than crystal clear too. I think the journo had it right, Arteta just doesn’t seem that bothered whether Ozil is available or not, which is fine with me because I’d be happy if he never played for us again


This is better than the manager who after loosing yesterday to by karma said he did not want to talk to the assistant referee with the whistle that the real referee is sitting somewhere watching TV and making the calls??

Lady Gooner

Good God someone get Ozil out of this club. He’s so at odds with the culture Mikel is trying to instill. If we can pull of a Micky type deal, even with an agree ment like they’ll pay 1/2 of his wages for the last season while we pay the rest id say take it. He has turned poisonous imo. We don’t need his attitude among the young players


What culture?
Proof he has turned poisonous?
It isn’t his fault that the Arsenal gave him a £350k/week deal.
Same fans would have screamed that Arsenal is a selling club, if we had let Sanchez and Mesut leave then.
Hindsight is 20/20, but calling him poisonous is unfair.
He doesn’t pick himself.
Or is it because he is German and Muslim?
Are Juve fans going mental over the Ramsey signing?
He is on 400k and still injury prone…


Mate, you can’t reason with these people. They are a baying mob, wanting blood. Look at the way Wenger was treated by a sprinkling of the Emirates. Disgraceful behaviour towards Arsenal’s greatest manager since Herbert Chapman. Now we’re seeing the same happen to the best attacking midfielder this club has had since Liam Brady and (when he dropped deep) Dennis Bergkamp. People screaming for Ozil’s departure haven’t got a clue. Joe Willock? Don’t make me laugh. He’s probably a very nice kid with potential to be a useful squad player. A replacement for a (fully fit?) Mesut Ozil? Utter madness.… Read more »


Is it cos hes german and muslim? are you for real. hes been stinking the place out for 2 seasons, He obviously has a bad attitude otherwise why would 3 managers in a row drop him and make comments in the media about his commitment. maybe they dont like germans or muslims either?


Has it ever occurred to you that this ‘bad attitude’ might actually be Ozil’s frustration with the board and how this club is being run? Probably not…


ok ok we get it your an ozil fan. anyone who doubts ozil is wrong hes our best player since bergkamp youve converted me. Shame on the baying mob


Take the piss all you want. As it stands, we’re mid table, getting beaten by the likes of Brighton and are about to be trashed all over the Wembley turf by Manchester City. If you can come up with a better solution for our current midfield woes, I’m all ears…………..


having a bad attitude doesnt make you go from world class to relegation form with no seeming let off.

as a player coming from madrid hes playing worse than ceballos, who has at least put the effort in.

IF he disagrees with the board, then why hasnt he said it yet? when ozil is pissed he doesnt give a flying f***


If he disagrees with the board, he should just ask to be released from his contract and play for a club with a better board. For sure, they’d let him go, their answer would just take 5 days due to 3 days of non-stop partying and 2 days of hangover.


“He’s playing worse than Ceballos” ? He isn’t playing at all…!!! ?

Fred Garvin

If you recall, before the lockdown Ozil was playing regularly and well.
But don’t let that get in the way of your agenda


‘Relegation form’….? He’s not even getting picked! Fucking hell, what do you expect from the bloke?


Goon! Check his stats in Arsenal, top of the charts ever for any Premier League players, despite having miserable strikers, midfielders and wingers as teammate throughout the time Ozil has been there.


Exactly right on. And these so-called “pundit” fans have Ozil as the scapegoat?full of crocks

James Edite

Not German not Muslim…just lazy….it isn’t just expression…he does not give him self for the team…he is a liability….agreed with who just said it… he’s been stinking the joint out for quite a while….frustrated with the board…naaa not buying it…if you watch the games ..his half ass effort of the ball when it isn’t at his feet….laughable…press?…cover and track back?….. GTFO…ridiculous


‘Sticking the joint out for quite a while.’ So the games against Leicester and the Spuds last season and his run of games before lockdown obviously didn’t happen…. Nothing like an agenda to separate fantasy from reality, eh mate?


A lazy player running the top three distance of all players in Arsenal! lol Check the Arsenal stats lazy James lol

You are a laughing-stock mate.


Dude, Do you really know what is football?


It’s sad but true. Everybody would love a fully firing Ozil but something is badly wrong. As said above, three managers seem to have the same issue, and it would be unlikely they’re all wrong.

Honestly….i don’t think he really gives a fuck about his career anymore. The fight seems to have gone.

I hope he proves me wrong.


3 managers? Failing Emery (where is King Emery now? Lol), Manager 2: In between Care-taker that never head-coached a team, haha, is he a manager of any team now? And now Arteta? First time failing head-coach, crying foul?
What a joke has Arsenal become, lmao.


Nice try, Wenger did not have any problems with Ozil. Wenger’s most priced asset was Ozil. You keep mentioning three coaches? Nice try again. Emery + the care taker in between + Arteta. You seem to forget that the care taker was quickly demoted by fans and the club quickly. That leaves two. Clearly Emery failed. Emery had serious problems with every single super star he coached. He is a coach for a small team with youth players. More important is that he has been a failing coach for a while now – where is he at now? Arteta? A… Read more »


The blatant truth hidden about arsenal turning their back against ozil is because he ozil rejected a paycut under covid.


lol, correct. Ramsey 400k a year and injury prone and never available to play. I remember Arse fans going bullocks about him let go. Lol Exact phrase was let Ozil go and Ramsey stay for 400k a week. Haha

Dave cee

I said it the other day, if we can’t get rid of Ozil he should be officially demoted to the reserves and all 1st team privileges removed


Get Well Soon.


Wouldn’t you like to be on the board? lol


We do need, however, his skill, vision and ability to unlock a top defence at Wembley against Manchester City. We will not get to the FA Cup Final without him.


Kudos to ozil and his pr team who still have his fan club active even after him being shit for like 3 years. Last time ozil played consistently good was during contract fiasco. He was finished the day he retired from german national team. Before signing contract he was all bull-shit about playing for winning teams, champions league and all. How many times did you hear the same now ? He is so accustomed to the luxurious cozy life at arsenal that he won’t even demand for a move even if he is dropped for like half the season. Ozil… Read more »


The second best thing when Özils contract ends after saving his salary will be the exit of the Özil fanboys from our club, cause they will follow their idol to Mlada Chisinau, Traktor Chelyabinsk or whatever club snaps him up as free agent then. Won’t be Juve, PSG or Barca, that’s for sure.


Sorry pal. No can do. I’ve supported The Arsenal since 1971 and I’ll still be here on this page next season when Ozil has left. Still here, and laughing at the shit you write.


And you will try to make Arsenal Big Again by beating Brighton and co while recalling your dirty chants against Wenger.


You think he was finished last season? I beg to differ….https://youtu.be/TyE3cP27VoY


Can you check his stats and time of play and which quarter of play with the strikers available?
Better check that before shouting. You might get your sense back.


“Just fuck off and leave it alone pal”

Things you wish Arteta said

Grince Pooner

I don’t understand the Ozil hate. That man was right to refuse a salary cut and he is absolutely right to insist on playing out his contract. The club’s obvious effort to force him out is obtuse. Ozil should be on the pitch but I suspect he won’t be because this season is lost anyway and the management want him to “suffer” and leave this summer. It is not going to work. He can play and help us win or he can stay home and collect his salary. Ozil is not poisonous, Walmart money and our management might be. I… Read more »


Top post. Just about the best thing I’ve read on this page. Absolutely nailed it. Well said mate.

Wilshere's Middle Finger

What a breath of fresh air it will be when ‘The Ozil Situation’ is over and done with.


Apart from the stench emanating from our creatively starved midfield.


Journalists are scum. All of them.

J to the C

Eh, no.

Ray Smuckles

I’ll take things nazis say for $100 thanks

Joe Furey

Keep reading your own graffiti on the bog wall, then


What a fucking stupid generalisation that is.


One or two good eggs, but, for the most part, a rarity – especially nowadays. The chief anti-Arsenal element always used to stem from the Daily Mirror (Harry Harris – May 26th 1989 ‘You Don’t Have A Prayer Arsenal’) More recently, that fat Manc-loving cunt, Martin Samuel. What a creature from outer space that is.


He says while reading a website put together by errm sports journalists sorry i mean scum





These questions seem reasonable enough, but Arteta retains the right to bat them away as he seems fit. As I’ve said before, this squad is currently not good enough for us to afford leaving a fit Ozil out of the squad. Back injuries are complex – there could genuinely be a problem. Still, I for one hope he can return to the side ASAP. We’re going to need him against the better opposition, especially the City game.


Why isn’t anyone asking what kind of back injury Ozil has. Can it be seen on an MRI? Is it a slipped disk, a hernia, what is it? Is it muscular spasms? (which could be very real but are “conveniently” undetectable by any kind of resonance device). This bs has gone on for too long so the journalist was right to probe for more information. If Ozil has a specific chronic back problem why don’t they tell us what it is.


Its the made up type


Mate, your guess is as good as mine. If the player is genuinely injured – which I believe to be the case – then fine. If not, then I think the manager, whom I have a lot of respect for, is being foolish; we’re not exactly tearing up any trees at the moment.

Toure Motors

Almunia for pires, what a heart breaking night that was ?


If the history is a tale-tell sign, Any back-injury which Ozil himself doesn’t mention in a recorded video-interview is Arsenal’s way of saying – we left him out of the team for farcical reasons.

And I agree with you. If a player has an injury, fans have a right to know all the details. It can’t be a scapegoat reason for not picking a player. Fans must be enlightened as to why an asset that’s costing the team a lot of money is not utilized. It’s not fair to everyone including Ozil.

Louis wickett-padgham

In the tune of Bad Boys For Life…

He ain’t, go-ing nowhere,
He ain’t, going nowhere,
He can’t be played now,
Coz his bad back for life.


Is there an article I can read re Ozil and recent absence from the team? I know some people have had enough!

I haven’t kept up reading but what‘s happened since he was starting every game under Mikel?


I’m not sure that making the assumption that it is a negative attitude that is the underlying issue is fair. It could be a combination of things, could be personal issues, could be medical issues. The fact that Arteta has not been as open as he has been with, for example, Guendouzi, should be noted.

Jeremy DG

This is a fantastic point and I’ve long suspected that Mesut has struggled to get his head in the right place since the Germany thing blew up. That’s a pretty stressful situation for anyone and if you are not mentally 100% right you can’t expect your body to be either. I think we can do better than Ozil and should look to encourage him to take on a fresh start. That said, I can’t see him being poisonous when he is so universally loved by other players (also at his previous teams) and Mikael is refusing to publically reprimand him… Read more »

Greg in Seattle

Thanks for these comments. It’s my sense also that Ozil’s situation is sensitive, personal, and football-effecting, and the club is working with him.


Mad that people are still defending ozil in the face of the last 4 managers (yes Wenger dropped him too) the club and the rest of the team despite 3 years of absolute trash from the guy. The sooner the ozil cult moves on from arsenal (when he eventually leaves) I feel arsenal fandom will be a less shrill and ridiculous experience. I mean come on guys were here to support the team and the manager not just worship some guy because you like how he looks or how he played football 8 years ago. It’s so weird. Do people… Read more »

Uchenna Emmanuel

Weldone Guys. A solid performance and 3 points in the bag.
Good One Mikel.Arteta. we love you

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