Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta reveals how Guendouzi can get back on the boat

“If they want on the boat, they are more than welcome and that’s always my mindset.”

So said Mikel Arteta last week when asked whether Matteo Guendouzi has a future at the club. 

The French midfielder has now been absent from the matchday squad for three consecutive games and when asked after Wednesday’s 4-0 win over Norwich why that was, the boss replied, “things have to change and nothing has changed.” 

So what does ‘being on the boat’ mean? And how is Matteo going to get back aboard HMS Arteta?

Ahead of the trip to Wolves, Arteta explained: “Players that respect the values that we want to implement, that are 100 per cent committed to our culture and players that are accountable every day for what we demand from them.

“Players that are ready to help each other, fight for each other and enjoy playing together. That’s what I mean by being on the boat. 

“You behave like this every day, you are very, very welcome here and we want to get the best out of you and help you to enjoy your profession with us.”

It’s pretty clear that Guendouzi isn’t just being punished for his involvement in the unseemly melee after our defeat at Brighton. The 21-year-old was also dropped in February after a bust-up with the coaching staff at the Dubai training camp and his behaviour has been under the microscope ever since. 

He’s not the only one. Arteta is happy for it to be known that he’s keeping tabs on all his players and not just when they are on the pitch. 

“Now we don’t spend as much time [on the training ground] as we used to before, but you see that [if the players are on the boat] in every reaction; what time he comes into training, how he comes, how ready he is, the way he communicates, the energy that he brings, the way he transmits his feelings to his teammates, the way he reacts to certain things, the way he behaves in training, during games. There are a lot of things that we can [decide if we] pick you.”

While it’s pretty obvious that Arteta won’t tolerate shirkers, he isn’t ruling by iron fist alone. He wants his players to be open about their problems so that he can help them. 

“We all had moments when you doubt about your future,” he said. “You can have a difficult time with that but the conversation has to be open and you have to create an environment for the players that they can trust you to express their feelings, even with me.

“If you do that, you are always willing to help them, to try to guide them, to give them clarity, direction and the support they need to feel comfortable and to make them feel they are in the right place.”

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Adams Jnr

Man, super impressed by the way he talks, and communicates his vision to all.around him. If I was a player I’d be completely on board! So clear and open.

Forest gooner

You mean on the boat?


Fair from the Skipper!


Arteta is strict. I remember henry discipling a player to align chair properly at monaco. Hopefully arteta wont go that far ?


Henry is a Legend and the statue says it all. But as a player I doubt I’d be interested to be coached by a TV pundit. They talk lots of rubbish all the time with their super slow motion clips and cameras.

A good example is when Henry disrespected Giroud for the “benefit of his employers” and their narrative and still wanted to be involved with coaching the team.

The less said about Legendary Valencia coach Garry Neville the better.

You look at Arteta talk about values and you love him more.

Artetas Assistant

You didn’t request this info but Henry is the opposite personality of Mikel. Mourinho/Henry/CR7/Beyoncé/PDiddy/biblical Jacob are opposite personality of Wenger/Mikel/Klopp/Messi/Andrew Mangan/James Gunnerblog/biblical Esau.




What are you on about mate???


He’s had 6 months total and I for one believe he is a great manager. Would still be a great manager if he was running a chip shop or Amazon.

Artetas Assistant

It’s the same thing; an Organization

Artetas Assistant

HMS Arsenal, Captain Arteta

Michael Bolton Wanderers

Time to grow up Matteo

Artetas Assistant

If he doesn’t have the guy he’ll listen to talk sense into him, He might need to learn the hard way.


Hope he can get Guendouzi onside. But in the meantime, a good chance for Maitland-Niles to get some minutes and show us what he can do in the middle of the park.


It’s funny to see Arsenal fans criticize Arsene for not being strict with the players and also criticize Arteta for being strict. If Arteta feels Guendouzi has wronged the club or doesn’t want to get on board, Guendouzi can leave. Discipline is the difference between becoming a Zidane and becoming a Balotelli


I think talent, hard work and dedication is also the difference between Zidane and Balotelli.


I think in this instance a professional footballer hard work and dedication = discipline

Either way that’s what Guendouzi needs, and if he can pull his socks up he has a real chance to be a top player. Hopefully Arteta can get that out of him but if not he can jump ship


Haven’t seen a huge amount of criticism for Arteta being strict. Thing about criticism is if it’s communicated well and comes from a legitimate origin, then its fair game. Arteta’s communication, publicly at least, has been exemplary. I imagine it’s been even better with the players directly, where messages don’t need to be curated to avoid misinterpretation by the press.

Dave cee

I don’t see anyone criticising. Emery was strict and it seemed to rub the players the wrong way. Arteta looks to have found a good balance. And he just communicates with such clarity. There is no bullshit with the guy. I love it

Charlie George

Not sure how disciplined ZZ was in that World Cup final! ?

Giuseppe Hovno

I wish Arteta was my boss

Artetas Assistant

Job opportunity for me fr ?‍♂️

Artetas Assistant

I’m ready to step up


In other words, no more loser mentalities are welcome at Arsenal F.C. I think it’s the best thing to happen to the club in a long time.


In this difficult season, it’s comforting to know that we now have a manager who has a clear vision of what it is he wants, is able to communicate that vision to the team, and doesn’t let players skirt their responsibilities. I continue to be super impressed.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Hope results will follow. Emery went 20 games unbeaten and his training sessions were well strctured. In fact, he brought Saka to the first team and was the coach in place where Martinelli came. Just trying to say success will depend on performances put in by players.

Dave cee

Yes, but hopefully after the transfer window it will be a quite different group of players


We’re gonna need a bigger boat

Teryima Adi

And the saga continues.???

James Kipchirchir

Gendouzi is good with his fighting spirit but one major weakness that cause losses to arsenal is that he hold the ball too long trying to show off. He can of tremdous help to the team he passes the ball immediately


Matteo Guendouzi has a history of clashing with coaches and moving on. So far the trajectory has been upwards, because he’s a very talented young man, but eventually that sort of behaviour catches up with you. He was spoilt by Emery and allowed to run all over the pitch leaving gaps behind him, now he’s being asked to apply himself properly he doesn’t seem interested. Being gobby isn’t being strong, if he wants to run away then hopefully we can get a nice price for him.


I reckon he was protecting the kid, he knew he would be a target for the opposition, Arteta rules


Dear Mikel Arteta:
Spot on! Players need a team that are supportive and a coach that’s the same. They should be able to talk to you–you’re a good coach.
Hopefully, things work out and Guendouzi gets back on the boat (hahaha).
P.S.: Guendouzi, talk to Arteta. Get yourself back on the boat ?. All us Goobers miss you!


Guendouzi still looks like the same player when he joined.

Ceballos has altered his game to suit the system.

This is due to improvements on the training ground. And that includes the player accepting it.

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