Saturday, July 27, 2024

Torreira fit for squad to face Wolves

Lucas Torreira, our spicy Peperami of a midfielder, is available for Saturday evening’s showdown with Wolves.

The Uruguayan has been sidelined since the FA Cup win against Portsmouth in March when he fractured his ankle.

With a run of very tough fixtures ahead, it’s great to have him as an option in midfield at a time when Matteo Guendouzi has squad managed himself out of the picture. It remains to be seen whether Mesut Ozil gets the nod, his back is still giving him hip.

We don’t appear to have picked up any other injuries in the 4-0 win over Norwich.

Calum Chambers, Bernd Leno, Pablo Mari and Gabriel Martinelli continue their rehab and are various degrees of unlikely to feature this season.

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The good news just keeps coming 🙂

Del Boy

He’s definitely a red peperami!


Interesting to see where he will play .
in the 3-4-3 he and Xhaka should mean he has the licence to go forward but I guess with our upcoming fixture list we are more likely to be playing 3-5-1-1 and he can slot in beside/behind Xhaka and Saka . either way great to have him back.


Wouldn’t mind trying a 4-3-3 either- may as well use this time to experiment a little. Can’t see us catching Utd or Chelsea, so why not. Xhaka, Torreira, Ceballos could have quite a nice dynamic to it.


please let him stay injury free. He’s twice the player Guendouzi and Özil are, so I’m glad he’s back. I remember the Portsmouth-fans giving him plenty of stick when he got injured.. I almost crushed my pc in rage..

let’s stick with Ceballos, Xhaka and then rotate between Torreira and hopefully a new CM.


Oslogooner, I don’t think you’ve watched enough Arsenal games to see how good Guendouzi and Ozil are.


I’m sorry, I’ve been one of özils biggest fans since we signed him from Madrid. I even have our yellow away kit from 2014 with his name on it..

I love him as an attacking player, but he’s just not good enough anymore. He gets left out of every match.. is this really the kind of attitude we want at Arsenal?

I want players that track back and always give 100%. like Keown, Dixon or Winterburn..

Those players would have screamed özils ears off.. and for good reason.


Why are you comparing an attacking midfielder to 3 defenders? Even at his peak Ozil was never great in defence


I’m not comparing them, I’m just saying maybe show the fans and your fellow players that you care and that you want to win..

you don’t have to be a defender to defend.. It’s a team effort, and it starts with the attackers.

just look at LFC, City and what they are doing, everyone is pressing not just defenders.


Portsmouth fans are twats. Especially that old fat twat with the top hat, braids and that fucking Bell. What an absolute creature he is.


you are definitley right to a certain extend but i don’t see the point in sluggin a overtempered 21 yr old guendouzi off by praising him. should be twice the player down to his maturity and experience tho.
but torreira over doozy all day.


This is one of the few games I can see us getting a win (hopefully), so the more fit players the better


Here’s the point. This isn’t the first time I’ve said it, and it won’t be the last. Believe me, all of us are going to see Guendouzi come back against Wolves and prove all you doubters and bashers wrong. You’ll see.

On the other hand, Torreira is great news. Maybe when he and Guendouzi get going again, that’ll shut up the rumors about our No. 29 going to Real or Barca.

Inspector norse

The problem is if you have to keep coming back saying he will be back that means he has not come back. Unfortunately he has not just stagnated he has regressed as a fotballer, but there is a good fotballer inside there, but he has not been good this season. Hopefully we will see a better side of him next season


Also, what’s a peperami?


It’s a bit of an animal

Giuseppe Hovno


Teryima Adi

He’s our terrier.

Mayor McCheese

Our pupperoni.


Now this is more like it. The sooner this little dude is back, the better.


Those who hate Ozil for what happened to him before and now, we cannot do.anything to change management minds..So let’s just wait till he complete his contract…It is not his fault…


Nice try mate, but you can’t educate the Anti Ozil Mob. Thick as pig shit, the lot of them.

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