Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Maitland-Niles continues to attract suitors

Wolves and Newcastle are the latest sides to be linked with a move for Ainsley Maitland-Niles.

Rumours surfaced towards the end of last season that the 22-year-old was weighing up whether to stay at Arsenal having struggled for regular game time under Mikel Arteta.

The boss admitted at the time that he’d not played the versatile Academy graduate as much as he might have liked but did hand him starts in the FA Cup semi-final and final. Ainsley excelled on both occasions and the boss was delighted.

Since then Brighton have been linked with a move and the Mail now claims that Wolves and Newcastle are also sniffing around a player valued in the region of £20 million. There was even some nonsense about Sp*rs being interested but that sounds so ludicrous we’re just going to ignore it.

As Arteta and Edu look to reshape the squad, starting with the recruitment of another centre-back, increasingly likely to be Lille’s Gabriel Magalhães, and faces in midfield, possibly Atletico Madrid’s Thomas Partey and Lyon’s Houssem Aouar, it’s obvious that we’ll have to let players go.

Matteo Guendouzi, Sokratis and Lucas Torreira have all been linked with clubs on the continent, Juventus are said to be interested in Alex Lacazette and there are question marks over the long-term futures of Calum Chambers and Rob Holding.

Premier League sides can do business with all clubs until 5 October and then have an additional 11 days to tie up any other deals with clubs in the EFL; that’s 56 days, which in football is a very long time.

As for Ainsley to Wolves. We wouldn’t want it to happen, but it’s not a bad pairing.

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£20m when Solanke went for £19m?

Outrageous. AMN should be going for at least £35m. £20m shows we still cannot sell sensibly


We could have sold him for that price if he would have played more.

Kanu Believe It

Solanke was pre covid and Bournemouth were didddled silly.


Solanke was one of the reasons Bournemouth got relegated. He was non productive. Another good move by Liverpool.

Kanu Believe It

Not disagreeing with your point over RMN mind, gotta be worth more than 20m.


It’s all relative. If Dani for instance costs 20m instead of 35 pre covid then it doesn’t really matter that AMN is going for less than he would have last year. We’re selling to fund purchases


100% correct. I’m sorry that some other Gooners can’t see that because they are probably going to be very disappointed. It isn’t a question of “we want £x million, or that’s it”. OK, we don’t get £x million … so now what do we do? We have to keep a player that Arteta doesn’t want and we also don’t have additional funds to help Arteta re-build the squad! Who loses in that scenario? Clue: the club’s name begins with “A”.

Aussie Henry

Is it Aston Villa???


Who is Dani?


If I’m not wrong she’s related to Kylie – better known as common teenage boy’s obsession in the early 2000’s.


Kylie Walker?




Sorry, but it isn’t really a question of “selling sensibly”, it’s selling realistically. When push comes to shove he’s worth only what another club will pay for him, the same as anything else. If we don’t like it, we don’t sell him – but if we don’t sell him we can’t raise additional funds for Arteta’s re-building! Arsenal hope to offload many players in this window – there’s a story in today’s Telegraph that a dozen are on the list, including AMN. While I’m sure we’d like top dollar for all of them, we aren’t going to get in most… Read more »

Gus Caesar

Exactly. We’re not in a position to demand top dollar for the squad players that everyone knows we need to shed. He’s on the transfer list and, if we want to sell him, we’ll only get what someone is prepared to pay for him.

Diaby's Left Peg

But why sell a guy who’s just helped us win a semi and final and can play well across 8 positions?

Jo Jeffery

It’s ridiculous to let him go when we can find a place for Cedric. Been with us since he was six? And he’s been really strong recently. Where are our values.


The signing of Soares backed them into a corner. At the time I think we all thought it was sensible, get an experienced international right back as back up and maybe competition for Hector. You had AMN wanting to play more midfield too, so the club figured they couldn’t count on him as backup RB. More bad timing than anything, but it does feel wrong to let such a promising (and performing) academy kid for a pittance.


The loan signing was sensible, making it permanent and losing AMN because of it is increasingly looking daft…


Why is it daft? The 5m Blogs keeps citing for signing Cedric on loan sounds like in reality it was primarily just us covering his wages. Cedric is a player that Arteta has publicly said he scouted at City and really liked & also can play proper fullback on both sides – not just a wingback. AMN is a good wingback but struggled defensively when he played as a pure fullback under Emery. The reality is we have to sell to improve the squad as our starting eleven just isn’t good enough to compete for the top 4 over the… Read more »


AMN are one of the few players in the squad who is good defensively one on one. Stupid to let him go. Cant wait to see Cedric versus Traore next season.

Timorous Me

I always thought the Cedric loan and subsequent signing might have been related to AMN voicing his lack of interest in playing RB/RWB. Obviously he walked that back later on and played there again, but we don’t know exactly what was said behind the scenes. Anyway, I don’t think Cedric is particularly great, but he seems perfectly fine as a backup right back, unlikely to win us games but also unlikely to lose us games. And he knows his role in the squad. I just don’t think we’ll be losing AMN because of him; I think he was more cover… Read more »


Just a simple thought here. I know how fans here lose their heads when it’s suggested a British player might leave the club ( I won’t use home grown because our continental home grown players don’t bother most). Like Coq who was a starter at some stage didn’t generate as much sympathy as say Carl who was clearly out of his depth at Arsenal Then anyone who remembers the meltdown on this sight when Lansbury, who was yet to break into the first team squad, hinted on Twitter that he was done here. People went as far as calling for… Read more »

Vieira's VapoRub

In hindsight, you could argue had Calum Chambers not received a serious injury in Arteta’s first game at the end of last year, we might not have been in the January transfer market for cover at right back. Consequently having permanently signed Cedric Soares, sadly displaces Jordi Osei-Tutu’s long term future at the club, and possibly one of Calum Chambers or Rob Holding too. Personally, I am very much against the signing of Cedric Soares as I believe there are better, more efficient, cost saving solutions within our setup. Let’s not forget when he signed, he was injured. And if… Read more »

Gus Caesar

I really like Cedric and I think he’s miles better as a full-back than AMN. Cedric has been excellent for Southampton and Portugal, a consistent performer playing to a higher level than his teammates. I even think that Cedric could put Bellerin under serious pressure next season. I don’t get the urgency people are displaying to write off Cedric. Cracking signing and for only £5m he’s an absolute bargain. It’s time we move on from the players who have dragged us down to 8th in recent seasons…

Drogheda Gunner

Couldn’t agree more, what’s with all the hate for cedric, played a couple of solid games for us so far. I like amn I think he’s decent but if he wasn’t English I don’t think there wud be as much of a fuss with the fans.


I’d much rather offload Kola and keep both AMN and Soares.

I don’t see what’s wrong with Cedric. Let’s not forget he was Portugal’s RB in their 2016 win. Yes he’s gotten by with age but that’s even more ideal, Bellerin can study off him and Cedric more than knows he’s just a back up.

P/S: if both Papa and Kola goes we really need somebody else to get in the opponents’ faces. ?


Kola us fifth best paid lb in works no one will pay his wages , and give us a fee.
Would rather keep him for numbers than let him leave on a free and we pay off his wages.
He creates a decent number if goals a season


What’s the feeling about AMN potentially leaving? Personally I want him to stay but starting to wonder if I’m in the minority.

I don’t know if this’ll work, but maybe use the thumbs up and down buttons like a poll (up = stay, down = go).

I know the extra cash would be nice, but am generally reluctant to see a decent academy player go.


I’d like to keep him but if it buys us half a Partey or a third of an Aouar that probably makes more sense for us


You look at some of our players they’re good and Arteta is getting the best out of them, but you look at some of the players we are allegedly trying to sign and seems apparent some of the current crop have limitations. Speed, size, range of passing etc.

Greg in Seattle

Falling in love with players that are in the upper third of an average lot is a recipe for mediocrity. I like AMN but am heartened that we are looking to upgrade even from his level. Arteta managed his ass off to get us Europa but they know it’s not a top four, or even a top six side. You’ve got to sell a good asset to get a better asset.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

And herein lies the conundrum, I like AMN but there is no doubt those players are better and would be a better addition to the club.

Rohit Arora

As much as it is important to see an academy player becoming a part of the squad, I think it’s equally important that we start making good amount of profits on player sales like other clubs do. We are not Barcelona or Madrid or Chelsea or City or PSG.. we need to have a good balance between buying and selling, and I personally feel that AMN is the perfect balance there. He is a player that can fetch us a decent price while also someone who is not difficult to replace in the squad.


Imagine paying money to downgrade to Soares from AMN. Unless we’re talking £30 – £40m plus it’s absolutely not worth it. He plays R/L full back to a high standard and can step into central midfield. He’s better than Kolasinac and Soares and given fitness concerns/ game time management between Tierney and Bellerin would see plenty of game time. Liverpool have James Milner, AMN is just a younger version who traded in the brawn stats for technique and pace. They’d have to be stupid to let him go on the cheap and make a rival team stronger without replacing him… Read more »


What if that 20 m gets us 1/2 towards Partey or all of Dani? We’re selling AMN for a fair amount bc he’s English and helps clubs with the homegrown rule.


1 step forward and 1 step back. Selling a player who is a genuine boon to your squad to a rival club should be the absolute last resort. Sell Xhaka or Torreira, Sokratis, Kolasinac, Holding or Chambers, Mustafi, Elneny, Mkhitaryan, Guendouzi. That’s a conservative list of 8 genuinely disposable players who they are either lining up better options for or already have better options in the squad. There isn’t a better AMN in the squad and there’s no rumours linking the club with someone of his versatility. And Wolves already have arguably a better starting XI than we do, we… Read more »


the fact that Arteta is selling him means that Arteta does not view him as a major talent.


Sell Xhaka? You must not have been watching Arsenal under Mikel.

That said I’d like to keep AMN for the exact sentiments OP has raised, solid back up in more than one position. Wishing we’d let go other players instead – Elneny, Torreira, Guendouzi, Chambers, Papa, Kolasinac, Ozil, and probably even Mustafi (he’s been immense under Arteta but if Gabriel comes in we’d have one too many CB’s).

On paper if all that goes thru we may well afford all of Partey, Auoar and Gabriel. But obviously, I’m sure there aren’t many suitors.


Finally, somebody is pointing out that he can our Milner. Doing the boring, dirty work!!

A Different George

I am not weighing in on whether to keep Maitland-Niles, nor on whether we should have bought Soares. But, whether he fits into our plans and budget or not, the idea that Soares is rubbish is ridiculous. He starts for Portugal. He won the European championship. He’s not Carlos Alberto, but he’s a fine player.


Not saying he’s rubbish, but he’s not an improvement on AMN, and I see no reason to voluntarily regress the quality of a squad we’re quite desperate to improve while making a rival club that much stronger.


We don’t have a starting 11 good enough to compete for the top 4 over the course of a season. We also don’t have the money to just buy players which means we have to sell to buy. We’re not selling AMN to pay for Cedric. We’re selling a squad player to fund a new starting CB, midfielder etc. It’s not a straight swap with Cedric as many on here seem to think it is.


What are you even talking about? We’ve already signed Cedric, so how would any of what you’re saying make sense? Obviously any talk of a “swap” refers to Cedric taking AMNs place as the understudy RB/LB option. In mine and a lot of others opinions that’s a downgrade, point 1. And point 2, there’s a host of other saleable assets with far less potential upside to keeping that AMN. They should be the first to go. And point 3, even if he does absolutely have to be sold, selling him to a team that is a direct competitor for European… Read more »


a huge chunk of the comments on here including yours are complaining that us selling AMN is somehow linked to us signing Cedric and if we only hadn’t signed Cedric then AMN wouldn’t leave. AMN is a squad player who is being sold to help fund the purchase of a new starter. He’s a useful player but doesn’t obviously get into our first eleven and can be moved on for a very sizable fee for a marginal player due to the English/homegrown premium. If Arteta viewed him as a major talent (Saka for instance) then he wouldn’t be selling him… Read more »


Your reading comprehension is impressively shit


Arteta clearly doesn’t share your opinion of AMN which at the end of the day is all that counts. I suspect your opinion of his ability is heavily skewed by the fact he is an academy grad in the same way that so many people on here love Holding. Neither are good enough to start for a squad contending for the top 4 imo and both hopefully are sold to bring in players that are good enough.

Drogheda Gunner

Here buddy your 100 percent right this guy is never going to get it, you might as well be talking to the wall. Lol

David Hilliers Arm Cast

I don’t ever remember Soares being that awful
when he played and remember him being better at crossing than AMN who definitely lacks in ability when going forward. I don’t want to see him go but if it will help bring in better talent I’m all for it.

Drogheda Gunner

Calm down where not selling Ronaldo


Every top side needs decent, adaptable squad players. We would be mad to sell AMN. Kolasinac, Soares, Torreira, Guendouzi etc fine but not Ainsley.


If it’s raising money to buy players, how much can we get for Soares to help us buy Partey/Aouar, 30M? 30M +1?

Soares staying makes more sense if we are keeping one of Hector or AMN. At their young ages, none of the two will be comfortable being on the bench for us and they command a reasonable fee. let’s not think we could keep Seaman and Jens and sell Poom in their prime. You need a Poom/Wright for a guaranteed starter


if we get rid of kolasinac, our full back options could be in the following order:

LB: KT, AMN, Saka
RB: Hector, AMN, Cedric

Have Ains be the backup for both KT and Heccy, Cedric can be RB in cup games with Ains getting a run in midfield.

Would be bummed to see him go, but would Wolves would be a great fit for him if we’re selling him. Should be around £30m though.

Scott P

Yeah, personally I’m not a huge fan of the idea of Saka being our only LB backup for the entire season. Imagine Tierney gets another long-term injury, then we’re forced to play Saka there virtually every game, potentially hurting him physically and developmentally. Saka can certainly do an excellent job at LB, but if his future is further forward or even in midfield, that should be his primary focus.

Scott P

Oops, I guess I forgot about Kolasinac. If it’s between Kola and AMN then give me AMN!


Right. Who is a back up for Tierney if Kola goes and AMN leaves? (And Kola should go.) The guy is okay with being a utility player for Arsenal, which is a valuable commodity. Also, is Tierney bullet proof? From his first year, far from it. So let’s sell AMN, and then find it hard to replace him? Sounds like Monreal from last year. Lastly, the player looks to be ascending in his play, so yes, we better get a good English player amount if we sell. We shouldn’t be selling players on the cusp of improved play just to… Read more »

I miss Bergkamp

That would be an good argument if only AMN was ok being a utility player. As he wants regular starts in midfield the argument is voided


Heard all of that plus, “My best position would be as a winger”. Also, “I will play where the manager wants me.” Maybe he isn’t totally happy, but he is playing at the Arsenal. Lots of talk hence the six shits.


AMN is a solid player but he can’t pass, cross, dribble at an exceptional level. Yes he defends like a pro, but he has to be convinced to do that.
He doesn’t want to be a one dimensional defender, but he isn’t good enough for anything else.


We’re going to end up with a team full of players who can pass like deep lying playmakers and some really fast attackers by the looks of it

And maybe a few tricky dribblers

Ya gooner

He’s a good passer, certainly better at passing than bellerin. Before he had concentration issues which made his passing look slack but a focused amn is good at holding om to the ball. He’s also a good dribbling is also one of his stronger points.


The question is? does AMN feel that he can be a starter in the “new Arsenal” set-up? If he believes that, he stays; if not, he goes.


Seems insane to me to sell him when the need for homegrown players is increasingly important, but I guess that also means that his price could be inflated (Ox, Iwobi). But in current transfer climate, when most clubs are on a really tight budget, any fee we get will likely be disappointing. I would prefer to keep him and actually give him a bigger role next season (not a starter in the PL, but a common sub and a player to take a central role in the cup competitions) to see what Arteta can bring out of him. But Arsenal… Read more »


He’s one of our own. And a good one of our own at that.


I personally really like the flexibility that AMN offers to Arteta and the team. With him in the squad, it gives Arteta the scope to alter and adapt our tactical setup in-game, and before game can keep the opposition on their toes as to what formation we will play. The analogy used recently (on here I believe) was a swiss army knife. Players with this skillset are a vital component, I feel. Milner at Liverpool is one, but I feel AMN is a step above Milner, in terms of quality. He’s still only young, seems to be improving, and with… Read more »


Milner is a way better player than AMN. Respect the guy.


To clarify, I feel Ainsley’s potential ceiling is higher than Milner. Milner is currently ahead of him yes, as Milner is a seasoned pro – but I feel Ainsley has the potential to scale greater heights.

Not sure why you feel I am not respecting Milner though? In my previous post I said players such as both AMN and Milner are vital components to a team.


I think the problem with your argument is suggesting a decent talent like AMN is superior to a guy who has has been a regular starter for the 2 dominant sides of the last decade and won three league titles.
I agree that a young, versatile, improving, English player who was picked on merit and proved his worth in the FA cup final should be kept if at all possible.


The problem is AMN doesn’t want to be that guy, he wants to be in midfield and be THAT guy.


I think he may have changed his mind recently, he was far more positive before the cup and he’s improved a lot with Mikel, it seems crazy to sell him just when he’s coming into his own.


Eh, at the same age Milner was captaining and was the talisman for Aston Villa. I’m an AMN fan as well but you’re pretty confident to say AMN has a higher ceiling.


If AMN was at Aston Villa he could probably be their captain and talisman also, but he isn’t, he’s at Arsenal.


If he was at Aston Villa now, maybe. But we are talking about 2006 to 2010 Aston Villa here, who finished 6th in the premier League 3 times in a row in these years.
That is quite comparable to what Arsenal reached in the last 3 years.


Sell Kolasanic and keep AMN as cover for LB

Greg in Seattle

One fetches you 25-30m and would be dissatisfied in a backup role if you kept him, and the other might get you 8-10m and isn’t good enough. Honestly, I’d sell both and look for cheap LB cover for KT, even from within our youth levels. My feeling is we need to invest in the spine.

Note my preference is to keep him, just don’t think it’s a reasonable expectation.

Merlin’s Panini

I’d rather keep Ainsley but if we have to sell then I would be ok with it being to Wolves with a buy back option. Anything but Sp*rs.


I think the whole matter of AMN centres really on answering the question: If you keep him, how much game time can he have in the season?
Pretty little, methinks.
So if selling him could fetch you some funds to strengthen other more critical areas, then why not?
Much the same thinking that ended the Arsenal career of Alex Iwobi

Dave cee

This is a fair point. Does anyone really see AMN in the first 11? And if so would they be happy with that? With Dani gone, for the time being anyway, there is potentially a slot alongside Xhaka. I wouldn’t mind seeing that given a try, but I’m not totally convinced. Ainsley has played well in the Cup at LWB, is that enough to trust him to play week in, week out in CM? It’s not that long ago he was given considerable stick for switching off and being a bit sloppy. I think there is real talent there but… Read more »

Smiths big nose

AMN to Spurs is a done deal, just a medical to complete, will be announced next Monday/Tuesday. Spurs want him, he wants to stay in London, he’s been offered a decent salary

Lac, Sac & Craic

Alright mate, thanks for the information that you couldn’t possibly know.

I don’t understand the mind of these ITKs. What do they gain from it?


If he was French would anyone be making such a big deal about it? He’s a squad player at best and if we can fetch 25 for him that’s great business and allows us to fund more important areas of our squad


Right. But at the end of the day, if someone offers, say, £20 million are we really going turn it down and risk having to keep a player that’s not wanted and not giving Arteta additional funds? Saying “no” means we lose both ways.


Maitland Niles is all physical without any flair. Wolves and Newcastle need to improve their football if they want to aim for top4. So instead, how about a world class German playmaker, WC winner…for free…just saying

Dave cee

LMAO, I thought you meant Gotze for a minute! Forgot about that ass clown on our books


I understand that he represents some value in the market, but he is so tactically and positionally versatile! Arteta clearly wants multifunctional players that can do different jobs in the team – even within the course of a single match. Moving AMN on doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me.

Dave cee

Just announce Gabriel pls

Gus Caesar

I think I have a different opinion on AMN to most people. As much as we all love seeing homegrown players make it, I think it clouds people’s judgment. I don’t think he’s good enough. He’s certainly not got the vision or technique to play in midfield and he still isn’t consistent enough to get a run in the side in any single position. He’s a handy squad player, but it doesn’t sound like he’s willing to be used as our Swiss army knife anymore which is where I think he’s most useful to us. Needs must right now –… Read more »

Merlin’s Panini

Yeah, he’s like a serious Eboue. Does a job in most positions.


Wolves would make a fine club for him. As would Newcastle if they get their much debated change of ownership. Not Brighton though. Not that horrible low rent Stoke wannabe Orch cunt home of gob and foulmeister Maupay shitheads.

Go to wolves, son. Or better, stay with us.


I don’t mind AMN. He’s like a homegrown Elneny. A good functional player. He’s not the man to get us back into the Champions League, but the money we get for him can help us get someone who can and balance the squad at the same time. Insert a buy-back clause for double what we sell him for. If he becomes a star and we are back in the Champions League, we could afford to get him back in.


If he has to go I’d love it to be Wolves, think they’d be really good for him and I’d be happy to see him do well somewhere. Rather see him filling in as our resident squad man, though, a younger James Milner who can fill in anywhere


“a younger James Milner who can fill in anywhere”

This made me picture AMN filling in at the ironing board!


Now I’m picturing holding up a shirt he’s ironed and nodding non-commitally while thinking that he’s done a decent job but I bet a specialist ironer could’ve done better!!


British and not a huge earner.

He brings alot of versatility to the squad which we can’t replace.

Really doesn’t make sense to me, unless the replacement is also very versatile.


He is Arsenal from age 6, one of the few who we could say really ours. I would rather sell Toreira who the manager doesn’t believe in to start than to loose a good utility man.


I wish Amn the best it makes me sad as he is very low on the list of players I would sell (I wouldn’t sell actually ) and would suggest Wolves who regardless what you think of them have shown that they can polish and develop players and play good football.


Also if we are selling one of the fastest (and imo best tacklers ) in the league for that discount price we better have decent add ons and a first option .


Having signed Luiz to a longer contact, seems three at the back will be more common than I originally thought.

So to lose a player who can adapt in game to play Central or wide to alter the formation seems very strange.

Who else can do that in a midfield role? Tierney can do it in a wingback to left CB switch. But we really don’t have that much ability to morph.


Surprise Arteta has deemed him redundant Always said his “natural position” is at fullback. He’s played either left or right for 4 seasons plus now. And he’s been nonchalant at times chiefly bc he has superb recovery speed. He needed a bit of maturity and I thought over last number of features (particularly when he deputised left side with Tierney tucked in against City), he loooked improved. On that note Kolasinac still the more experienced operator on the left in lieu of Tierney (Kola should not be played further infield) but I thought the margin between him and AMN was… Read more »


Firstly AMN doesn’t want to play RB so Bellerin backed by a portuguese international is that department…with Saka able to play right wing back just as he is left wing back. we will be using 3 CB’s so the high numbers makes sense and we will surely let 1-2 go in the summer and I’m hoping with big wages of 90k go with it. AMN is in competition with Dani, Xhaka, Tor and dare i say Willian, Wilock, Ozil, Miki, Elneny and Guen (atm) and any other big talent in the youth ranks pushing for pre season features. Our squad… Read more »


We are likely not to get what we wish for most of our sales considering current conditions. Likely there seems a lot of opportunity foor swaps or make weight deals. Roma as purportedly interested in Torreira and we may go for Diawara. Napoli waiting on City for Koulibally (Even if they already bought Ake which makes this deal a whole lot less likely) and in turn depends who they can sell (Otamendi, Stones) which leave us open to sign Manghalles if United don’t hijack it. Then Sokratis maybe to Napoli or they may just push for Manghalles again since player… Read more »


Worth noting current Sevilla side now in finals today has Monchi on helm.


Absolutely idiotic to sell AMN!


I don’t want him sold, the fact that so many clubs are interested is proof that he’s a good young player with potential. I’m sure he wouldn’t go to the other lot, that’s just media/maureenyo stirring, and Brighton are a horrible team. Wolves sounds a decent option if he has to/wants to go, he’d fit in there. He’s just starting to really progress, so I’d rather we keep him.


Pleasee don’t sell him. Plea3e please please.


Why we can’t sell for more? Is our selling teams so, useless? We have not had any good sale where we made a reasonable profit for like ages. This guy is entering his prime and we saw his concentration levels and his ability to do the dirty work for team. This is such a useful attribute… sell Rob Holding


I’d like to mention Iwobi here, but generally I agree that we unfortunately don’t sell well.

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