Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Tierney forced to self-isolate for 14 days, set to miss City clash

Kieran Tierney has been instructed to self-isolate for 14 days by the Lothian Health Protection Team after Scotland teammate Stuart Armstrong returned a positive Covid-19 test result.

The Scottish FA have confirmed that the Arsenal full-back, along with Armstrong and Ryan Christie, will miss tomorrow night’s European Championship play-off second leg with Israel and Nations League games against Slovakia and the Czech Republic. A team masseur and a physiotherapist are in the same position.

As a consequence of the situation, Tierney will presumably not feature in the Gunners clash with Manchester City on 17 October.

Scotland boss Steve Clarke, said: “While this is obviously disappointing news the most important thing is the health and safety of the individuals involved and the wider group.

“As soon as we were informed of the positive test, the Chief Medical Consultant immediately contacted the Scottish Government’s clinical adviser, who in turn alerted the local Health Protection Team.

“We have informed the respective clubs from whom we have borrowed the players and backroom staff and we now have to prepare for a huge match ahead tomorrow.”

Obviously, this is a very frustrating turn of events for all involved and we wish Tierney all the best while he’s holed up. It does feel like the gods are conspiring against him at international level, he’s only played once for his country since 2018.

With a host of players away for the next 10 days, we’re bracing ourselves for similar news from elsewhere.

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Johnny 4 Hats

I think we have to accept there will be a lot of this over the coming season.

What really pisses me off is that it’s while the lad is away playing games no one cares about and risking interactions with potentially dangerous other “bubbles”.

For fuck sake, it’s going to be a hard enough season as it is, give up on international football. No one has cared about it since Euro ‘96.


If they need international games to be played do it like a mini competition for a 14 day period and at some neutral location like a mini league for qualifiers. Friendlies can just f off.

When the clubs decided to go 3 sub rule this season, they cited as it being advantage to big clubs. But then the so called big clubs are also risking their players with such international games.


Just pray we don’t end up like St Mirren did the other week. Their first team goalkeepers all had to go into quarantine. They requests a suspension that was denied and signed a free agent the day before a league game. Stand in keeper met his team in the dressing room like a Sunday league team calling in mates last minute!




I find this odd. Liverpool and City (and other teams) were able to field players despite other squad members testing positive. They simply have regular tests for the other players. Why is this situation different? Can’t Arsenal pay for him to receive tests over the next week?


My thoughts exactly. I understand wanting to be cautious, respecting government mandates, etc., but this just seems unnecessary when we can easily handle the issue with a much more reasonable outcome.


Yeah, not sure I agree with the “presumably” here for that exact reason.

Belfast Gooner

I’m no expert on this but I think it has something to do with the Covid regulations in the jurisdiction you are in at the time when you or a close contact tests positive.
I read something yesterday about a player who tested positive while away on international duty but who only needs to isolate for 10 days because of where they had their test.


Positive test = 10 days
Around a positive person = 14
Around someone with symptoms = 14 or until you get a test

I don’t get the logic, but thems the rules.

A Different George

The logic is that there is a period of several days during which you may be incubating the virus but would still test negative; you would be able to spread the virus during (some of?) this period. Once you test positive, it is possible to know, through further testing, whether you continue to pose a risk to others (obviously the 10 day quarantine does not end if you continue to test positive).

Var Will Solve The Problem

Worst possible news. Probably the only player in the team that you can’t replace if we are playing 3-4-3 against City!
Lots of this covid tests return false positive. Hopefully that is the case.


I respect your sentiment but I request you to not spread misinformation regarding Covid because a lot of people all over the world are suffering already because of rumors and fake news regarding the virus.
The tests devised for the virus are pretty accurate and only a very very small percentage give a false result.

Paul Kayser

I respect your sentiment but I request you not to spread misinformation. The PCR test was not devised to detect viruses and is very inaccurate. A very small percentage give a positive result. I kindly suggest you do some research rather than repeating information from the TV.


False positives are estimated at between 0.8 and 4.0 % in the UK.


It’s not though is it. We were at one point conducting 100,000 tests with 700ish positive. The maximum false positive rate from that is 0.7 – which would mean every positive test was a false positive, when clearly people with symptoms were being tested, this can’t have been the case.


between 0.8 and 4% of the positive test of course, not of the tests in general.


Quite surprised at the number of downvotes I received on actual published scientific values. Well given the times, not that surprised really.


That’s not the definition of the false positive rate, which is the number of all tests which are falsely positive, I.e. the likelihood a healthy person returns a positive test result.

You describe more like 1-the positive predictive value.

If you’re right in any case, you’re saying the player that tested positive has a 96% chance of genuinely having the disease.


That is exactly it…well between 96 and 99.2% of positive tests do in fact indicate people are currently carrying active components of the virus.


No, you’re confusing pre and post test probabilities. The false positive rate is set. If you only do tests on people confirmed to not have disease, you would expect a certain number of those to be positive, that’s the false positive rate. I was arguing how this can’t be more than 0.7% from the government’s on testing figures, regardless of that journal article claims. If it were 4% of those 100,000 tests in July, 4,000 results would have been positive. Not the 700 or so we had. The false positive rate is not a ratio of positive test results (true… Read more »

A Different George

In fact, some tests are indeed extremely unreliable–but they likely produce false negatives, not false positives. This is apparently one of the reasons that Trump and so many of his associates have contracted the virus.

Var Will Solve The Problem

Most defintely I agree and I have no intention of spreading misinformation anywhere. Thanks for calling me out on it. It’s something I heard somehwere and should have verified before I opened my mouth. Was just clutching at straws here when it comes to key Arsenal players being available before a big game ?


4-3-3 here we come. Necessity is the mother of invention. Could be the thing that delivers us into our new tactical system:

3-1 Arsenal!


I just don’t think Arteta will start experimenting with the side this early against a top side. Xhaka will not be dropped if he’s fit. Kolasinac will likely take Tierney’s place in the back 3. All of this assuming that the rest of the squad comes back fit and not forced into quarantine (a Bosnia player and a couple of staff members tested positive yesterday so fingers crossed Kolasinac comes back fine otherwise the Arsenal will be down 2 leftbacks through this list of toughearly fixtures).


If Arteta is foolish enough to play Kolasinac, City will rip us to fucking shreds down our left. AMN is by far the better – and defensively safer – choice.

Not too fussed if Xhaka has to make way for Partey, either. You don’t buy a dog and bark yourself.


Huge miss but it can be replace, gabriel ill replace gim with luiz in middle and holding on RCB, and of course niles as lwb.


False negatives — that is, a test that says you don’t have the virus when you actually do have the virus — may occur. The reported rate of false negatives is as low as 2% and as high as 37%. The false positive rate — that is, how often the test says you have the virus when you actually do not — should be close to zero. Most false-positive results are thought to be due to lab contamination or other problems with how the lab has performed the test, not limitations of the test itself.
copypaste health.harvad.edu


False positives are estimated at between 0.8 and 4.0 % in the UK.


He will be missed in the match against City if self-isolation guidelines rule him out. Tierney is a special player for us.


England has different isolation rules to Scotland, in England the self isolation is 10 days with frequent tests.
Do we know which set of rules apply here?

Is Tierney not under the jurisdiction of a Scottish governing body? I’m going to guess the Scottish rules will apply here.


but he’ll be returning to England


Why? Why not wait 5 days from the initial exposure, perform two tests 48 to 72 hours apart and if they are both negative, let him play. Takes 7-8 days, is scientifically sound and medically safe. Me not comprehend.


Of course you don’t comprehend. You’re not a civil servant so you’re not miswired to understand this sort of bureaucratic shit.


Don’t worry folks, we’ve still got Kola ?

Thierry Bergkamp

If he’s on the list of non homegrown players. Hopefully he isn’t.

Non-flying dutchman

stop trolling when you know full well we still have AMN too :p

Public Elneny

Was so hoping we wouldn’t have to watch him ‘play’ ‘football’ for us again 🙁


fking stupid idea to play internationals in these times, so dispensable


Yeah this wasnt predictable at all

Non-flying dutchman

Qualifiers technically need to be played sometime… much as I detest the 24 team format that has absolutely killed the Euros as a worthwhile competition

Crash Fistfight

16 teams was so much better. Intense competition over a shorter period as opposed to loads of games with lots of chances for lesser teams to qualify for the knock-out rounds.

Non-flying dutchman

Its not the problem having smaller teams in the knockout rounds so much as making the group stage an utterly tedious “just dont lose” affair that sucks out all of the energy. Would work better if they just made it a 32 team tournament – ridiculous as that is within a 58 country federation. Best of course would be reverting back to 16, but cant see it happening

with the World Cup going the same way its sad to think it will be Qatar as host of the last decent international competition

Crash Fistfight

Yeah, that’s what I was meaning with the comment about lesser teams (i.e. those finishing 3rd in their group) but you conveyed it better.


Would anyone really miss the Euros? Scrap them and just make the World Cup more exciting. Players always seem to be exhausted playing through every summer.

Non-flying dutchman

Euros used to be best competition. Genuine groups of death containing at least three powerhouses.

Non-flying dutchman

At least he doesnt pick up an injury on international duty during condensed run of games. Man City game a pain but then he’ll be fresher in the long run. Scotland that suffers the most here – They should probably still be able to beat Israel but a lot tougher without our man


It’s a blow as he’ll be missed but that’s what the squad is there for – to fill the gap(s) in. I’m not entirely confident that, generally, we’ve the squad that can do that effectively but we’ll soon find out. That said, given the results that the Spuds and Villa got against “top 6” opposition last week, then we should be able to do something even without Tierney at City, shouldn’t we? Hmmm, I’m not sure it works like that either – but you never know.

Thierry Bergkamp

One of them was Man Utd


You’ve changed your tune, sunshine .

Prior to the transfer deadline, you were pushing everyone, everything and it’s granny out of the Emirates doors in the hope of making a few quid. Now, you’re concerned about the depth of our squad. ? You can’t have it both ways!

Thank goodness we didn’t sell Bellerin and Lacazette, like you were clamouring for us to do.


14 would be legit if he was living with them other players, but he’s not, so if he don’t have covid in the next 7 days he will be fine

Eddy F

How come Liverpool players don’t have to isolate after Mane, Thiago and Shaqiri all tested positive then?

Don Cazorleone

It seems to be about who was in “close” contact with them. Which is why it’s just Tierney and a physio rather than the whole team…

Eddy F

You’re telling me no Liverpool player was in close contact with Thiago, Mane or Shaqiri? (rhetorical question).

Complete bollocks. Entirely based on the club deciding whether or not to tell the local authorities who was close to anyone else.

“Yes Mane Thiago and Shaqiri have all been training on their own for the past week and haven’t come within 5 metres of anyone else. They have their own changing room, showers and toilets and everything! Honest!”

Don Cazorleone

Lol well yeah good point.


Can Partey play left-back?!

Thierry Bergkamp

Fuck Stuart Armstrong


International football is asking for trouble when you leave a club environment and travel. Is it really worth risking club football for?

Don Cazorleone

Quite how the fuck they can justify these stupid fucking international games is beyond me.


It’s disappointing but we’ll just have to deal with it, we’ve got enough centre backs and Saka can fill in at left wing back if need be.

Jetting allover the globe to play rubbish internationals is just what we need to do during a pandemic, great work by UEFA.

The spoon

No need to panic, 2 reasons:
We’ve got a one man Partey for this game.
Plus, we beat West ham, West ham destroyed Leicester and Leicester destroyed man City, so by childish and hopeful logic, we’re going to win 5-0.
Other than that, get well soon, and hopefully a break will do him some good, with the schedule these guys have had and have coming up. Also we still have Kola…


We are truly living in absurd times. There’s enough dirty money in football to bribe enough federations to place international summer tournaments into places too unfit to host summer tournaments, turning the future football calendar upside down to accommodate these strange weather abnormalities, such as it being really really hot in the Persian Gulf during summer. There’s enough money in club football to lose massive revenue streams from both voided Chinese steaming deals and the inability of clubs to host supporters in attendance, that the top clubs still spent £1.2b on transfers. But there’s not enough money to inject small… Read more »


FIFA: Right let’s decide where to hold this world Cup.

Qatar: How about us?

FIFA: Certainly not, that would be madness.

Qatar: Oh look I appear to have left a billion dollars in cash just lying around. Maybe you could help clear that up, whilst you have a re think…

FIFA: Congratulations you are the winning bid.

I imagine it went something like that. Disgraceful really.


Random number generator. West Ham player that came in contant at internation duty before the seaon start did 10 days – played in their first game of the season maybe even 9 days later if not counting the day of finding out. Don’t even need to talk about bein back in full training. This one is 14 for some reason. Hopefuly this is just scotish pricks loving Covid roleplay and we can overwrite this garbage, its not reality, nobody is doing 14 days for people in pro sports anymore.

Arcelona FC

These internationals are a waste of time this season.
Jetting these players off around europe/the world and mixing with players from all sorts of clubs from different countries is a recipe for disaster.
If they carry on with these pointless games you can wave goodbye to a full PL season.


And this is why internationals this season are fucking stupid unless absolute necessary, like ironically Kieran Tierneys Scotland qualifier for euro 2021.

But friendlies and nations league, pointless risks which are going to result in clubs losing players because their players are moving from one squad bubble and mixing with players from all over, let alone country hoping during a pandemic.


I just don’t get why they have this stupid competition now. Waste of time, money, energy and puts everyone at risk

Teryima Adi

Wishing you all the best, Tierney.

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