Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-2 Wolves – player ratings

A 2-1 loss to Wolves made it three successive home defeats for Mikel Arteta’s side, as the pressure on everyone at the club ramps up due to poor results.

The visitors took the lead, the Gunners equalised through Gabriel, but fell behind before the break. Despite that, we failed to muster a shot on target in the second half, although there were good opportunities for Bukayo Saka and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

Dark times. Here’s how the players rated tonight.

Read the Arsenal 1-2 Wolves match report and see the goals here

Molde 0-3 Arsenal – Player Ratings

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Lord Bendnter

Why would Arteta not take off Auba for playing so lethargic

T Roberts



And the ten other players and himself. Give a chance to Gonersaurus


Can’t agree more. not sharp, does not thrive up top. He was better coming in from left with Laca supporting starting in the middle. Would have preferred more directness to play, goals would come from diagonals in thru our wide strikers (Auba left, maybe even Nelson right)fed by a middle pivot in Laca that would be more combative. Willock alone (and in many instances he was drifting wide) was lightweight. I would have also preferred to see Ceballos higher up, either Willock or Elneny on opposite right of midfield attacking. If Xhaka plays conservative, then keep him at the base… Read more »

Petit's Handbag

When he robbed the keeper of the ball…..and nothing. That was the strangest sequence I can remember.

Anders Limpar

The club has frozen out one massively over paid player all season, rightly or wrongly. Is MA being instructed not to drop Arteta?
Are the men at the top thinking we can’t drop our highly paid newly contracted captain and risk futher bad PR, fan reaction?

Auba hasn’t looked happy on the pitch and his body language has been off for weeks. Is there something going on between him and MA? Or has MA recently lost the dressing room?

There are many many unanswered questions.

Anders Limpar

I meant is MA being instructed not to drop Auba.

The Arsenal

Same reason Willian started.


Who would he replace (substitute) Auba with? Assuming you can’t alter the matchday squad, of course.

Perry Farrell’s Satellite Partey

After the effort he put in today, I’d give literally any forward at the club a start over him.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

He looked like he just couldn’t be bothered. Very sad to see.


He seriously looks like he’s not trying. Or trying not to. Doesn’t matter which at this point. Don’t care about his confidence at this point, bench him until he decides he wants to at least try.


Comment ”Awaiting approval” again.
FFS. Why bother.


Should play him in the Europa League to gain some confidence.


It’s a non-negotiable.


That’s how Auba plays in the middle. That’s how he played there in the past

Taking him off is not the solution. Just don’t play him out of position just because the fans demanded


Play Theo Walcott in CF!
Anyway letting Giroud to Chelsea was a big mistake. Not replacing him properly was another one.

mbaave peter

I wonder.He should play and not wait for chances for simple taps in.I don’t understand this”he didn’t get service”!


If you’re ever feeling down just remember that one time Arsenal allowed a semi-conscious man visibly bleeding from the head to play 40 minutes of football and take our free kicks before subbing him

Dubai Ham


Anders Limpar

Technically not Arsenal or Arteta, but the medical staff who have all final say on players welfare.


Wenger did something similar with Koscielny vs Norwich once

COYG 1001

We have lost our way. Inglorious layoffs, crap and expensive recruiting, cow towing (if I’ve gotten the term right) to the Chinese market, playing a concussed defender, and playing insipid football.

Perry Farrell’s Satellite Partey

Kowtowing. But I love to tow a cow from time to time. 👍

COYG 1001

Got the term / spelling wrong. Sentient still on target.

Crash Fistfight

Very apt term in relation to the Chinese market, though:

Perry Farrell’s Satellite Partey

And I also totally agree about the Chinese market sentiment. Until we know for certain, I’m keeping my head in the sand so I can support, but KSE knows all about reprisal from the Chinese market via the NBA last spring.


The truth is the more Arteta has coached these players, the worse their attacking instinct has been. It’s like he’s coaching it out of them. I looked at Tierney and Saka today and I barely recognised them. The forward passes Tierney was often adventurous enough to make have been gone for a while now. Saka isn’t attempting as many takeons anymore. I don’t understand this idea of your midfielder vacating the midfield and playing as a right back. The trick is getting too old. This idea of just playing from the wings is so Stokish, very ungunnerly. Remember the days… Read more »

SB Still

Sigh, its going to be a long season!


Nah, it’s already over!

Hopefull Gunner

It’s really not though. That’s the problem….there could be plenty more of this before the season is up…..or could it be we’ve got the bottom and will spring back?….I remain hopeful…just…


There’s always next week.



Don’t think so. We still have a relegation to avoid.


When Arteta says it’ll take years for us to be title challengers what I really hear is that it’ll be years before we’re fun to watch again. Boo. I’m so fed up


We might challange for the Championship next season, we might have a chance to win that with some good reinforcements!


Stoke would be rubbing their hands with glee

Glen Helders left foot

I’ve always loved the championship trophy

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Off topic but I was watching some late 80’s Arsenal and watching Glenn Helder was so fun.


Dude helder played for us in the mid 90s 🤦‍♂️. You must be thinking of David hillier 😂


Just seen your name so you couldn’t be thinking of hillier 😂

Wiltoooooooooord !!!

That goal we scored, does it count as an open play? Just wondering


I don’t think so.

Yes it does. The corner-kick that preceded was already taken in the form of a short pass. Later on, the ball was returned to Willian who crossed it in during open play for a Gabriel header.

The Arsenal

Looked like a shit mid table teams goal against us under Wenger when we were defensively weak but would go and win the game 4–2…or even if we lost we would create enough chances were you could at least say we were unlucky..
We are being dominated and outplayed regardless nowadays


A rogue owner, rookie manager who is out of his depth, mediocre players and ignorant, largely idiotic fanbase getting what they deserve.


And then there is…you.

Reality check

“idiotic fanbase”..

Thats an unfair generalisation

Massive Goon

Normally I would agree but considering how toxic the fans got toward Wenger, driving him out only to usher in this era of turd, we do look pretty idiotic.

Crash Fistfight

Did the fans hire Emery and Arteta or were they hoping for other options?


kick a club while they down but truth hurts

Dubai Ham

Who is gonna take charge? Are we just gonna pretend that we are fine and our manager needs more time? Surely someone must say OK Thanks mate, good luck with your career somewhere else.


There were always going to be real growing pains when we chose to install an inexperienced manager on a squad that needed a pretty major overhaul. The big thing is Arteta quickly needs to start showing real progress or we will need to start sounding out someone like Poch or Ten Hag/Overmars.

T Roberts

He just needs to make better decisions. It will take time, but start with as best a hand as possible.


What gives you confidence he will turn this around? While the defense looks better than it did under Emery, the results aren’t materially better at this point. The offense shows no signs of clicking – the team looks less than the sum of its parts which is the hallmark of a poorly coached team. Just my 2 cents but our team looks like they’re being over coached – the players look scared to take a risk. I certainly hope Arteta figures it out but right now he’s largely skating by on the fact he’s well spoken post Emery & is… Read more »

The Arsenal

Over coached is exactly right.

Matt P

Yeah I reckon overcoaching is an issue. Most people in any walk of life don’t thrive with a control freak running things. There needs to be balance, of course. But I feel Arteta is not allowing enough individual expression.


What if that is the problem with Ozil? Creativity cannot be coached.


Yeah I can relate to the over coaching. I played sunday league for years and was in a team that had a micro managing player/coach. I couldn’t walk 5 meters without being told off. I makes you distrust your natural instincts quite abit. I swapped out to another team after 4 months lol. It doesn’t come down to talent or results at that point because the fun is gone from playing.

Tanned arse

It’s far more than that. What do we do well? This is a football team that is performing far worse than last season when he took over. Any ideas on how to play seem to have disappeared and been replaced by some slow bland form of nothingness with no real sense of purpose. What are we trying to do, I have no idea but its slow, dull, predictable and and ultimately extremely ineffective.

Petit's Handbag

You say “we chose”….explain.


It’s not like Arteta was our only option.

Glen Helders left foot

5 for Auba!! not a chance, not only was he useless but he didn’t try a leg, very very worrying


We are utterly shambolic, both on and off the pitch.


We have a big problem running through the club and the way it is being managed from top down is a great cause for concern.
Arteta clearly is not the answer to this. He’s been here nearly a year and his draconian methods are stifling the freedom, expression and creativity out these players. If its allowed to continue for much longer, the club will be in trouble.


You think these players are creative enough to be able to work games out themselves? I don’t.


That footballing knowledge that left with Wenger is the issue. I am not talking about things on the pitch but the off field vacuum he left is the issue. Remember we all complained about the centralized power he had. We’ve filled that gap with Raul and that burnt us. Now that void is filled by Arteta, Edu and Vinay all whom are quite frankly inexperienced. Arteta and Edu both are new to their roles and Vinay is a guy from finance. We need someone up top with some Arsenal DNA, a David Dean/David O’Leary type of person. Our owners might… Read more »


Not O’Leary. This guy hated us with a vengeance when he was at Leeds.


Wasn’t he one of the names that was put forward to join the board and Raul vetoed it. Or was it someone else that he vetoed. This whole year has been abit of a blur. I maybe wrong.


Bring in ESR …..Please….it can’t make us poorer and will almost certainly make us more creative.

Olivije Žirod

ESR, Willock (as number 8 not 10!), Nelson and Niles. All of them.


Might as well start playing the entire academy team in the PL and finally give the fans what they want.


Completely agree, at least have him on the bench. Hes the one player in the squad (Ozil at this stage does not count) who can naturally play that 10 role


Why bother, seriously. I’m so sick of this. Fire all of them…..from a Canon into space.


Arteta needs to realise there is value in attacking threat. Going ahead by a goal or two kills games, that’s what we should be doing to others but he’s letting it happen to us. Terrible, painful, depressing “entertainment” being offered to Arsenal fans at the moment. No plan I can see.

Baichung Bhutia

Auba was poor, he did get opportunities and missed them. But I suppose the ratings don’t matter much, so 10/10 for everyone.

COYG 1001

Agree. Not comfortable slogging the defense, when the problem is higher up the pitch.


Well them marks sum us up.

Look like the team of 12 months ago, no heart, passion, drive or creativity.

Is he losing the dressing room? I guess we will find out next week.

Been one shithouse season so far!


1st time ever i don’t want to see the next EPL game…. I somehow think we’ve all suffered enough in 2020, can we just cancel december ?


I have to admit that Arsenal over part few seasons is slowly killing my interest in football itself. I have stopped following leagues other than EPL, just barely checks the results of other teams in EPL and once in awhile watches one of our games. I just hope the flames stay alive at least until next world cup.


I’m going to go to watch my local club when football opens again. I’ll always follow the Arsenal but I think I need something else.


How does Willian xhaka and ceballos continue to get a start? How does Luiz get opportunity after opportunity to take those free kicks? It’s astonishing, even in un used and unbleeding he still shanks it 10 yards over the bar. Why?


What are the alternatives to xhaka and ceballos right now

Greg in Seattle

I thought the brightness of the Elneny/Partey combo had laid to rest any final thoughts of Xhaka or Ceballos being anything other than down-table squad filler. I was excited that Mo was available and shocked when he sat the whole game. The whole starting lineup made my heart sink, from Luiz to Xhaka/Ceballos to Willock to Willian.

At this point if Partey is out for a while then Elneny becomes our best CM, and it’s not really close. I’d sooner see AMN pair him than either Ceballos or Xhaka.


Ceballos shows exactly why Madrid is willing to send him out on loan for two seasons straight.


The bar is low nowadays.


Please, just get xhaka off the squad. end of rant.


Usual stupid person trying to aportion blame on certain favorite players they hate. …Elephant in the room…no Mustafi and Xhaka and we slipped 3 goals to Villa. this is a lightweight midfield because Edu was trying to be clever and pissed off Aulus at Lyon with a silly 32m bid when they were looking at 45m In event, we lost out on Aouar and Edu then went in for Partey for 45m anyway. But even with Partey, we have poor assets in midfield that was not addressed nor had Arteta the gumption to push his way. A midfield with Elneny… Read more »


Yeah but Xhaka, right? Bloody aweful. Forgive me, but I think the CM positions are vital. We have creativity and hard work all around the edges of the pitch, our wide defenders and midfielders are good, but in CM we have a big problem.
Xhaka hasn’t done anything positive for a long long time. An assist? A pre-assist? A shot at goal? I don’t think he even won a header today 🙁


How much do you think we can sell Auba last summer with one year left on his contract and the economic situation for other clubs?

The Arsenal

I think he would have been booed again if there were fans in the stadium.


Just thought he wasn’t getting the service. Never thought it was a mental thing with him. That is very worrying because he’s the leader. The talisman


Auba. He’s not good up top.

Simply not combative enough and does not win too many headers. Ironically his one good chance today was a header.

But most of his goals have been from wide left cutting in on diagonal with green to run into provided by either clip balls from Xhaka or short crosses from Saka or Tierney.

up top he also lacks control. So easy to crowd us out today and funnel us wide to whip in blind crosses only British commentators would think good.

Man Manny

I just need a good sleep.
I will feel better tomorrow…hopefully.


If you really had to sum it up, what would you say is the problem with this team?


Attitude. None of the players look up for the fight unfortunately.


I wouldn’t say that, Holding, Gabriel and Tierney looked like it meant something. Hectors chasing back and blocking after he lost the ball in the 2nd half was commendable, but the team looks short of confidence and ideas, you’re right.
Wolves looked comfortable, not afraid at all, even when we turned the screw at the end you knew it wasn’t going to happen, i think Nuno did too.

We don’t have a single player who looks capable of turning a game single handedly at the moment.


That’s fair, if Holding, Gabriel and Tierney are reading this I apologise!

Knee jerk comment after a disappointing game.


Playing football.


Midfield dominance


This club is an absolute shambles from top to bottom and to expect a manager with zero experience to drag us out of this malaise is naive at best.
How long do we “Trust the process”, if spurs pump us next weekend then I fear for Mikel.


Its so unsurprising.

So many people easily fooled by sentiment of an ex player willing themselves to see qualities in him non existent or exaggerated.


Oh god, I’d forgotten about the derby next weekend. I might conveniently “forget” to watch. Or I will from behind the sofa.


I don’t want to say what we’re all thinking




For all the problems we have, I’m afraid he won’t be the answer

Fred Garvin

Yeah, but Ozil specializes in the things we are missing right now. Retaining possession, progressing the ball, breaking down lesser sides, actually completing passes in the final third that aren’t along the sidelines. We could use him, that’s for sure.


Prob not the answer but no harm having the option at very least.

I would have found a way to manage and keep Guendouzi too.


It sure would be nice to have him on the bench as an option when we’re one goal down and there’s 15 minutes left to play.


Groundhog Day. Emery caved in and played him again, didn’t make a blind bit of difference.


That’s how I remember it, yeah.
Since he is in the last 7 months of his contract, might as well use someone who will be here next season.

Today is the 1 year anniversary of Unai Emery’s sacking. The man is probably feeling pretty vindicated right now. As for the team selection. I’m surprised Arteta played Willock in the pocket of a 4-2-3-1 because: (1) He is not that type of player. He isn’t a playmaker that doesn’t need much space to dribble. Willock is the spare (and energetic) midfielder that the playmaker gives the ball to make runs in behind the defence. Arteta has used Willock better in the Europa League where he plays deeper but for some reason keeps playing him in an advanced role in… Read more »


Emery has Villareal in 3rd place in La Liga 11 matches into the season.

Well then, he is certainly feeling vindicated isn’t he?🤷‍♂️


I don’t know what the problem is, but if Emery called me today and said: “Well, the problem wasn’t me, was it?”, I would kinda have to agree with him.

The Arsenal

Does not matter who plays where…bar Partey all of our midfielders are shit and not up to the standard the Premier league is at in terms of tempo, intent and energy. Were still playing likes its 2009. Third loss in a row at home were we have been completely nullified and then outplayed especially in the middle of the park and in one vs one situations. How many of our players are going to do to Tierney what Traore did.

Matt P

Don’t know why you are downvoted. Totally agree re: midfield.

The Arsenal

People seem to think Ceballos is a good player and Xhaxa will come good eventually..Wiilocks only young etcc…No they are all shit and not up to current premier league standards. Newcastle have better Cms than us.

Ha. I wish we were playing like we did in 2009, at least the lack of athleticism of our players would be less exposed.
Even Denilson played better passing football than these guys.

My point was just that Willock isn’t anymore adept as a no.10 than Torreira was. It is only made worse by that our central midfielders have rarely been involved in chance creation for the past two seasons.

The Arsenal

For sure.



Hank Scorpio

We have 2 players who are a natural fit for the advanced midfield role. One is inexperienced and returning from injury and the other isn’t in the squad. Interestingly last season Willock was 2nd in chances created per 90 minutes behind Ozil and top 3 successful dribbles per 90 minutes.

Tierneys tescobag

It’s time to introduce rating for the manager as well


Been saying that for years, blogs won’t listen though.

Naked Cygan

Today was a 0. The Villa game was a -10.


Dundalk and Molde are no 10s.


Why not? Those were rather comfortable wins with many players rested. We are already sure to top this group after 4 games. I am not sure if our goal there is to beat everybody 7-0 home and away and score 3 wonder goals per game. The goal surely is to rest top players and win the group games somehow comfortably. I think that has been achieved. Another story is that the “top” players who have been given a rest in EL are playing poorly on the following weekend. That needs to be addressed somehow, but I don’t see any fault… Read more »


Throw the whole club in the dumpster and then set it on fire. These championship quality players need to be replaced, will Stan spend the 400million it would take to build a proper team? Hell no

Shout out to Xhaka. On some level it’s impressive how a professional football could be so consistently awful and yet manage to play at the top level. We have to give it to him, he is the most consistent player in the squad (constantly shit). Take a bow Granit

The Arsenal

Lets remember Wenger chose to buy him rather than Kante who wanted to come here and was cheaper..Our recruitment is the worst in the world. and yes Xhaxa has been shit since the moment he walked in.


I get the scapegoating of Willian and co. and all that but really, he doesn’t pick himself for games. Besides his arrival/salary wasn’t responisble for our inablity to sell to balance our books. It’s getting boiring now.
Our coach, on the other hand, wants to play tomorrow’s tactics using today’s resources instead of being pragmatic.
Emery tried the same thing and lost his job for it. I hope for his sake Mikel learns quickly that sometimes less is more.


Willian has literally 3x the assists of any other midfielder we have. I know bloggers love to scapegoat him in particular, but he’s hardly the problem.

Admittedly he’s not setting the world on fire, but perhaps let’s try some perspective.


We’ve got one of the worst central midfields in the league. Two geriatric dilettantes, squandering possession whilst the house falls down around them.

The Arsenal

Compounded by even worse wide players.

Chippy Brady

This is only going one way lads. Auba seems like he’s contracted Ozilitis. Xhaka and Cabellos is like making cordial with milk, it’s a bad mix and it will make you sick. Our attackers as a unit look so lost and bereft of confidence it’s hard to wonder if they’ll ever come back to their potential again. I predict rumblings of a relegation battle before a 11-15th finish and Mikel being relieved of his duties. I am known as a pessimist I hope I’m wrong!

Toure Motors

And make it a good hard smack at that blogs, followed by a knee in the goolies and a toe right up the hole

Wolffman Paul.

Arteta recently said he needs a few more windows to improve his squad. I disagree I believe what he needs is the door to be shown to him, and do Arsenal a big favour by taking Willian and Pepe with him.


Same argument aimed at Wenger, then Emery.

Jeremy DG

TBH I’ve kind of had it with football in general but tonight I gave the 2nd half a swerve and I’m happy with the decision. My blood pressure is lower as a result. What I expected to happen happened and will continue to do so until something gives. That said, this Arsenal team are not really bothered when they lose are they? They don’t care do they? Like REALLY care. I saw in the first half a group of players ambling around the pitch going through the motions. This is a group of players who sat on their arses during… Read more »


I can’t decide if they are playing worse without fans, or if they are bloody lucky to NOT have us in the stadium.


Much of it is down to a) Poor transfers or poor operation in transfer market over time with first Mslintat then incrementally compounded by Sanlehi and inexprience of Edu. We lack technical players particularly in midfield. b) Poor coaching. Arteta’s tactics are OK but he can’t get the team switched on to play a more aggressive forward /dynamic game. Instead over abundance of caution, lack of imagination. Put together those two issues alone and not surprising we are where we are despite some people foolishly believing there was some sort of revolution in the game afoot with Lego hair. Regardless,… Read more »


Also rather stupid (and dangerous) idea to keep Luiz on.

Trackie Breh

Possible Unpopular Opinion- when Freddie took interim charge he booted out half the first team and brought in some more of the academy boys. Although initially results weren’t great, by the time he handed the reigns over to Arteta I feel that our attack had substantially improved and the players had more drive and determination. Is it any coincidence that after Ljungberg left in the summer our attacking play became a lot more predictable and blunt?

Would rather have Freddie in the dugout than these journeymen, Steve Round and Albert Stuivenberg.

Those guys don’t even look half-pressed during our games. Just there to get paid, like most of our players. I can’t believe of all the coaches in European football, Arteta chose these guys to be his assistants.


Usual people will want to highlight say Xhaka and to truth he was too negative in his play but again that is somewhat a matter of the gaffer to fix. OTOH there is no Mustafi to blame for goals nor is there Laca to blame for lack of productivity from an out of form striker in Auba who is inherently poor at control and competition in a congested middle of the box (even if he had a number of chances today he wasn’t sharp enough to put away) Add poor addition of Willian (I said this when he was sign),… Read more »

Hank Scorpio

Laca’s hold up play is rubbish and he is completely devoid of confidence. Xhaka is playing terribly – join the club. Maybe he’s not suited to this league given his lack of pace or maybe he is not being used properly. I can’t even tell anymore to be honest. Auba is perfectly capable of playing centrally if we play to his strengths. As for Mustafi, assuming Luiz is picked for his passing range, Mustafi is on par with our other central defenders. As for Willian, Arteta wanted him and we’re stuck with him. Unfortunately the manager has a vision of… Read more »


Laca is not the answer. Still. That it took 80 minutes for him to get on the pitch says something. But without a creative midfielder we will look lousy. Last season we didn’t have one so we sat back and played on the counter. This season we don’t have a plan. Sometimes we press. Sometimes we try to play possession football. And sometimes we just run around. Why was willock always on the left wing. Nothing through the center. And still, all we do is cross in from the wings. Pretty miserable. Again. We need an overhaul. Gabriel and partey… Read more »

The Arsenal

The fact that most of the fandom was crying our for Laca who most of us cant stand right now really empathises how low we have fallen.


When Arteta came, he made Arsenal more defensively stable. I was quite pleased with that and the progress I thought was being made.

I’ve now come to realise, any manager could’ve had that improvement if they had 11 men defend all game like he did.

We’ve forgotten how to pass, move and attack.
We’re not even doing the basics of pass and goes, diversion runs. We go wide, cut in, go wide, lose the ball or put a shit cross in.

His ship is sinking fast and he needs to find a plug for that hole real quick!


Its the proverbial handbrake/balance issue. Make the defense more stable you risk too much caution going forward. attack at will you risk lack of sufficient discipline at back. Wenger had the same issue and in part it is to do with assets as much as inability to get the best out of players but also confidence issues. There is no one reason. I mentioned we needed (and Arteta was on the right track) Aouar bc we needed to push ceballos forward now with a better defensive base in Gabriel Manghalaes (a good buy regardless of Podence doing the number on… Read more »


i think emre can and fekir could be available in january

Matt P

Can? Fuck no. Another ageing player past his best…

Naked Cygan

The biggest question is, why the fk is Willian so happy? why is he smiling like he got a ha-trick?

Merlin’s Panini

Sorry but we are dog shit.
How can these guys be looking at Sp*rs at the top of the league and not be disgusted by their position? They should be busting a fucking lung in every game to make that up. It’s all well and good sticking to a plan but you have to take some initiative and show some guts. They’re not shit players.
I’ve had enough of this season already.
I hope David Luiz and Raul Jimenez are ok.


Because they will need reminding of why the NLD is an important fixture. None of them have any affinity with the club, or relationship with the fans. There is no spirit there in the majority of the squad, no hunger. KT is the exception and I think that’s down to his professionalism and grit.


Once again a very underwhelming display. Wolves were quicker and sharper especially in the first half. Ceballos and Xhaka were chasing shadows and could not cope with their pressing and constantly lost possession.Sorry but Nelson is running out of chances for me.Terrible corners and crosses that hit the first man just unforgivable when you are chasing the game.As for Aubameyang something isn’t right his attitude stinks at the moment.


I don’t think Auba’s attituse stinks. He is just not good at spear point. He lacks combativeness and close control. He is best running into a couple of yards of green at diagonal from a wide left position fed either by clip balls by Xhaka or short crosses from Tierney or Saka. This isn’t rocket science and it worked before. Arteta is tinkering too much because now he is second guessing himself. Stick to what players are familiar with. They need time to develop intuition with each other play with confidence in overlapping triangles with each other. You can’t achieve… Read more »


Auba seems to be criticism-proof.


True. People like to invent excuses for some players and blame others.

No Mustafi or Xhaka against Villa, blame Laca…no Laca against Wolves, blame Xhaka.

Merlin’s Panini

You know what? Fuck it, I’m going there. I would take Wenger back. He wouldn’t be doing any worse than this.


I’m listening to his (audio)book and I’m missing him like mad.

Matt P

I was ‘Wenger Out’ but I agree. In hindsight, with the squad he had, he did pretty well in his last couple of years.

Petit's Handbag

At what point does Aubameyang’s first team position get questioned? Tonight?


Good question, there’s no denying he’s a quality player but if he gets dropped who replaces him? Laca? Nketiah?


But who??? Start Lacazette? Neketiah? The point is that NONE of our strikers are firing. I think someone has put petrol in instead of diesel.


I would have preferred them not to have diesel engines in the first place.


At NO point!! You can say he’s one dimentional, not a good focal point, not a target man, not good enogh on the ball and should work harder ect, but the main fact is that he’s our goal threat, one and only! but left in the desert alone, with no off the ball movement around him, no wall passes, no quick one touches, no triangles, no verticality, no pace in passes, no triguered runs, no urgent transitons(exept for very few full back overlaping/long balls), how the hell is he meant to get goals!!! explain!!!please..

David Hillier's luggage

Bonus Rating: 0/10 – Football. It’s absolutely shit

Correction: 0/10 – Our football. It’s absolutely shit. There’s some good stuff being played by every other side in the Premier League (apart form Sheffield Utd, maybe).


Yeah and Wolves look pretty fucking slick too.

Nobi Micheal

Watching us in the premier league is becoming a painful experience, i end up tearing my hair by the end of most games. Belerin and Tierney’s backing up is becoming so frustrating, the defenders allowing opposition players to come in and take shots and make crosses is becoming a chronic condition. Xhaka and Auba simply needs a stint on the bench and more of the younger lot needs to be given a run in….how much worse can we be?

Matt P

It’s very easy to be glum about this, I get it. But I’m kind of with Arteta on needing more transfer windows – although he’s being disingenious to say ‘a few’, that’s lame. We need to do the business in the next two windows – we need a high quality creative midfielder, a high quality winger, and a good striker as a back up to Auba – then things could look much better. Getting those three players should be achievable within 2 windows, if we’ve got our shit together. As it stands, we are short on creative quality. That’s the… Read more »


I honestly think that what we need is a real run of games with Partey in midfield. I’m not saying he’s the saviour but if he can anchor that midfield and break up opposing attacks to start counters we might start finding some form again.

Losing him to injury has really set the team back.

You’re quite right that we need a creative spark though. I’d be that person who brings back Ozil 🙄

Matt P

I am not precious about being downvoted, but I am interested in why? Do people think we have the personnel in midfield and wide to do well?
I am sorry but we don’t.
Note this is not to absolve Arteta of all responsibility at all, but we ARE pretty shit in mid and wide

It’s not that you are wrong. I agree our midfield is quite bad. I just believe that transfers aren’t the only solution. The change in philosophy and tactics that was promised almost a year ago has not happened. We are still playing pragmatic and restrictive football. We are still signing players that we don’t need. We are still offering older players super-high wages when our history shows all it does is make them more complacent. We are still keeping sub-par coaches around. Our management team is (or was) filled with people hell-bent on mismanaging what ever funds the club has… Read more »


Just way too many lethargic performances yet again, nobody looks to be playing with any urgency. We are sorely missing Partey and even Elneny in there, two that at least will work their socks off and provide a shield in front of the back four.


Bellerin 5 hahahahahaha
Thanks for that, I needed cheering up after that disgusting performance

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