Saturday, July 27, 2024

Date confirmed for Arsenal’s FA Cup 3rd round clash

Arsenal’s FA Cup 3rd round match with Newcastle United at the Emirates will take place on Saturday 9 January at 5.30pm.

The Geordies’ visit to London will be broadcast in the UK on BBC One.

For the first time ever, all 32 ties in the round will be available to watch live. The BBC will show eight matches on TV and five on the BBC Sport website and BBC iPlayer.

BT Sport will broadcast five games on TV and stream a further 11 online. The remaining eight will be available via the FA Player.

All matches will be played between 8-11 January.

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I wonder who the caretaker boss will pick? 🤣


Feel free to go support another team eh. Changing coaches away from the one who won us a trophy 4 months ago will do what exactly? Not like Ancelloti is tearing up trees at Everton

Heavenly Chapecoense

We must do everything to win it again. Perhaps we will qualify for Europa League like last season.


True, but that says something about just how far we’ve declined over recent seasons, doesn’t it. In the “old days”, I remember them – just, we used to win the PL and qualify for the CL of course as a result. Then we slipped to be satisfied with a top 4 finish with fast diminishing chances of winning the PL. More recently, we couldn’t manage a top 4 but we got into the EL through league position. A further decline last season when we were 90 minutes away from no European football at all, until we won the last game… Read more »


Biggs, at the moment, my old son, it’s a case of beggars can’t be choosers. Never mind the FA Cup, the way things are going at the moment, I shall be glad if we escape relegation. And for all those out there who think I may be exaggerating a tad – well, half of this page were berating me for not hero worshipping the signing of Willian during the summer – some were even daft enough to proclaim that we were title contenders. I’m not saying we WILL go down – I’m merely saying we could well get into a… Read more »

Moze Gunners

take a chill pill bro. from all of the 10 matches, we have came again all the Top 6 side which resulted in defeats to all of them bar Man Utd away. The unexpected loss to Aston Villa and draw with Leeds (playing 10 men) also reduced our points tally. I believed we had the roughest start of the season, and the defeats affected the players’ morale. hopefully we will the W against Burnley and go on from there to pick up some form. I am looking forward to Arteta signing his choice of attacking players. Once he get the… Read more »


Thank you for posting this. I know that Arsenal FC is important to everyone who comes on this site to read and write (what an education!), but the pandemic of negativity isn’t doing us any favours. Wins are the vaccine, no question, but we are a long way from being where we want to be — it will take time, patience, and positive support.

Viv the 🐐

That’s the reality, and if we want to go back, we have to build something serious to go back. We are not entitled for CL or greatness, we have to earn it.
And I think it only helps, when we go from the present and look for ways to improve steadily. Though it looks pretty rough at the moment. Let’s see what happens. But a situation like this might not overly surprise anyone looking at the banter going on for years now.
Up The Arsenal!


In the old days and unfortunately I do remember them Bigs, we used to win sweet fa, back then winning the FACup on the rare times it occurred had us partying like it was 1999. How times and expectations have changed.

Man Manny

This season must rank as the most disappointing in living memory.
To think that it began with such a high level of enthusiasm!
I hope the FA cup gives us something to cheer; but at this rate, it is better to keep expectations as low as possible.
I don’t think we can beat any of the real top 6 even in a cup game.
Sad, sad time to be a Gunner.
I be the happiest man on earth if Arteta and his team contrive to prove me wrong.
Fingers crossed.


We’re as bad now as we were just before Terry Neill was sacked Christmas 1983. Worse, because under Terry we were at least getting some goals. Arteta is stinking the place out and it can’t be allowed to go on. A new manager plus Ozil back in January. The team actually being allowed to express themselves, passing it around, better football, through balls, assists, goals (remember those?) victories, points, back up the table, smiles on faces, pride restored, fans returning, we’ve got our Arsenal back, right? Those in favour vote up. The rest of you, Ozil Haters, etc, who clearly… Read more »


So, we’re not allowed to vote down a daft comment? Ha! Have a thumbs down, enjoy more bitterness, o’ king of bitters. You don’t listen to anyone, do you. Sacking MA now would solve nothing. Look at the clubs that rotate managers in/out. They always go backwards, usually they go down. MA needs time. The results are bad, and everyone is frustrated. Sacking him now would be counter productive. Team allowed to express themselves, you want? Hmm…were you one of those screaming for Wenger out? The originator of – no system, let the lads express themselves…. Comical. Utterly comical. Pathetic,… Read more »

Baichung Bhutia

I think they should just award the trophy to us. Looking forward to this – we should just revert to back 5 and counter attack like last season in the cup.


All our eggs in the FA Cup “basket”? Lets hope we don’t drop it.


Premiership survival is more important than the cup. Points in the bag. It’s December and we haven’t got many.


Do you honestly believe we are in dangerous of relegation? Of course not


If our form continues like this, and we keeping losing games, why not?


What? You think we have some sort of divine right to stay up…? 🤣

If we lose two or more over the Christmas period (and playing Lego ball, we will) then games with those below us (assuming we’re not bottom already) will start to become ‘six-pointers.’

That’s how fast it can snowball.

We have a group of uninspired, unhappy players being dictated to by a guy who is increasingly losing my respect and clearly out of his depth.

Yes, we are in danger of getting into a relegation scrap, if things don’t drastically improve.


I happen to agree with this comment.
See, thumbs up! Its a sunny day!!


Academy featured Sokratis, Saliba and Martinelli tonight – and crashed out of EFL to Wimbledon, Saliba even managing 2 x yellow card.

So, those on arseblog feeling that these are key players to get back into first team action alongside other youngsters to resolve the issues may be deluding themselves.

This is going to be a tough season and FA cup is not ours of right.

Viv the 🐐

Lying all hopes on 19 year olds might not be the best way at the moment. Even Barca is struggling with that strategy.
It’s gonna be tough and I hope we learn as much as possible. And I think there will be quite some changes to the squad till next season. Now what really happens can not be predicted. I can only say a couple of contracts will run out.
Up The Arsenal!

Man Manny

Apart from Martinelli, on none of those shoulders has anyone insinuated our hopes lie this season.
Did you read that on these pages?

Martinelli was playing his first game in 7 months. Not the ideal game to assess him, I must say.
He played 45 minutes…and the game was 0 – 0 then.
Arteta has made it clear Saliba is not ready for the first team.
Sokratis is still because nobody wanted him.


Mikel already has some of his line-up chiseled in. “Let’s see, we need a headless chicken, Willian – he will run around a bit. Need an immobile presence in the middle, Xhaka’l do nicely. Auba dropped the cup, therefore can’t drop him. Comedy foul throw routine just for lolz, Hector you are in. The rest don’t matter much and I will experiment with Saka at center-half, Tierney in the hole, Leno can be a sweeper-keeper-winger. Gunnersaurus has height and wilI get on the end of crosses. I will just bark instructions from the sideline and all will be mucho bueno.… Read more »

Vaibhav Pandey

So what do you suggest he does now? Line up all under 21s and 18s in all the matches? Play Cedric instead of Hector? Play Willock instead of Xhaka? Please speak about solutions that you see rather than ranting all the time.

Kentish Gooner

All of the above please.


Our biggest problem right now is creativity, so why not start ESR and Nelson, bench Willian and Laca. I’d also play AMN in midfield instead of Xhaka. Burnley will just park the bus and try and win from set pieces, which worries the shit out of me. Something different needs to happen otherwise as Qualitee says we’re in deeper shit…!!


Wolsty, I tried to give you two upvotes… I agree start ESR, Nelson and AMN. And Cedric too. Ring the bells of change. I would sit the Captain too. Send a message to the overpaid underperformers.

Crash Fistfight

The numbers for BBC are slightly wrong in the article (if anyone cares). Five will be on TV as well as online, with a further three solely online.


Jeez just finished watching juve – barca. Rambo was bloody immense.


Tim Stillman hit the nail on the head today. Excellent article overall.

Arteta is being gripped by the same cyclone that swept Emery away. Frankly, this is a Frankenstein squad in a horrendous position with contracts, put together by a mixture of incompetents and bad faith actors. Arteta need look no further than his predecessor to understand that trying to find a system that fits this squad is a fool’s errand. There isn’t one and if he wastes time trying to find a single spec of sand in the sea he will eventually drown”


I like Tim’s writing, especially its metaphorical coherence, but I find this one frustratingly oversimplified and lacking a bit perspective (to throw in a Wengerism). I know how demanding fatherhood is, so I am not holding this one against him! I know it is frustrating to watch Arteta rebuild Arsenal, just like it was very frustrating for LFC fans to watch Klopp rebuild Liverpool in the early days — we keep comparing the two clubs and judging Arteta’s project or process or blueprint accordingly, but a lot of Liverpool fans were unconvinced by Klopp in the beginning (and he wasn’t… Read more »

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