Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chambers, Willian & Partey start: Burnley vs Arsenal team news

Arsenal are at Burnley this afternoon looking to build further momentum off the back of two come-from-behind away wins at Benfica and Leicester.

Here are the official lineups.

Arsenal: Leno, Chambers, David Luiz, Mari, Tierney, Partey, Xhaka, Saka, Odegaard, Willian, Aubameyang

Subs: Ryan, Bellerin, Holding, Gabriel, Elneny, Ceballos, Pepe, Martinelli, Lacazette

Burnley: Nick, Chris, Pete, Baz, Dave, John, Jon, Jim, Dan, Dan, Dan

Subs: Charlie, Ben, Ash, Phil, Rob, Josh, Matt, Jack, Dan

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Why is Cedric out though? Any issues?

Johnny 4 Hats

I know right?

Is Hector now third choice RB?!

Likely scenario is Cedric is injured so Bellerin is being saved for Olympiakos and Spurs.

Johnny 4 Hats

Guess we’ll have to see how Chambers goes. Hector hasn’t exactly filled us all with confidence of late. If Chambers has a good game, he could well be pushing for a more permanent role.

If the Lamptey rumours are true, I’d be happy enough to see Hector move on in the summer.

Johnny 4 Hats

Also, did anyone else see this?

Looks well dodgy. Not sure that goes with his moralistic persona.

Eric Blair

What the absolute fuck are you on about?


what the fuck you on about. we get it you dont like him stop posting nonsense


Chambo better for the aerial bombardment?


I knew it, as soon as Willian had one decent game Arteta would make him a starter. Feel bad for Pepe.


Olympiakos perhaps?


Martinelli perhaps.. ?


William proved again he shouldn’t ever start, why not give Martinelli the nod if you are saving Pepe for midweek?

Johnny 4 Hats

I feel like Arteta is never going to get any momentum behind Pepe. He clearly needs 5 or 6 back-to-back starts. Every time he performs, he ends up on the bench next game.

Not great for the lads confidence but maybe that’s what Arteta is trying to show him. Pep rotates his wide men a lot which really fucks me off in fantasy football. I wonder if Arteta has picked up the habit.


Willian had his good game for this semester and now he can relax.
From September the next one

Bleeding gums murphy

I have a horrible sense that smith Rowe will now be warming bench when he is back. Arteta desperately wants Willian to work as he was instrumental in one of the worse signings we have ever made. 200 thousand a week for a 32 year old on a 3 year contract. Quite simply if he plays well again he will be starting and we essentially stop development of a wonderful you g talent who deserves to be in this team ahead of Willian. I know Willian plays out wide but hopefully you will see bigger picture.

Tanned arse

This is exactly how I feel and could see it coming a mile off.

Bob the gunner

You just included pepe in your FPL didn’t you?

Johnny 4 Hats

Haha! Even I’m not that crazy!

Someone On The Internet

It might be more of a balance thing than favoritism? Auba as striker tends to play from the left, so probably works better with a ‘wide 10’ on the left than with another direct runner?


God only knows how Pepe applies himself in training as we know how Mikel rewards hard work in training. Anyways I’d stop second guessing Mikel and support the team. Hope Willian’s good form Continues.


Good decision to put in chambers to counter the aerial threat. He’d have definitely been targeted.


He is a RB so better than Hector or Cedric on the air

Andy Luckin

Since when has Burnley played at The Hawthorns?




Never been convinced by Chambers at right back, he’s decent enough on the ball, but he’s far too slow on the turn, really struggles against quick and agile players, gives away too many really stupid free kicks

Playing him next to Luiz is a recipe for disaster, Burnley will fancy their chances down our right side today


I’m not sure I like this method of presenting the opposition team’s names. It makes them sound like actual human beings, as opposed to the pack of troglodytes who are going to spend the next 90 minutes trying to break Saka’s legs they actually are.

rajesh bummed


Bossman Bill

I don’t think they live in caves, i think they’re just professional footballers trying to do a good job.


Is it maybe a 3-4-2-1? Or just Chambers as rb?


Seriously, what happened to Holding??


A 18 man squad limit. Hector is there as back up full back and Luiz and Mari as back up central defenders. Therefore Holding and Cedric aren’t needed for that one. Seriously, what’s not to understand about that?


Luiz an Mari are playing and Holding is on the bench. What are you talking about?


he was concussed vs city, so possibly a precaution

Walter White

Despite none of us know how Chambers will perform, i think lineup seems decent. Lets be positive. COYG

Timorous Me

Yeah, even though I can’t say I’m excited to see Chambers playing at RB, I am really happy for him to make it fully back for a PL start after his long layoff and so much time and effort put into his rehabilitation.


Stay the course. Believe the process.

Let’s go!!


What happened to Cedric?


Maybe too short against the Burnley bean poles,


Quite funny, I don’t think anyone even noticed the Burnley team


Some of those are correct too, especially the first name on the list is Nick Pope!

Timorous Me

Let’s hope whatever’s wrong with Cedric is a very minor issue. With the upcoming slate of games, he could certainly be missed.

I’m not too bothered seeing Willian start. Burnley will surely play with a low block, and if he plays like he has recently, he could be useful in unlocking that. Pepe can certainly struggle in such games; he might be better suited for Olympiakos. Plus it would be a really nice bonus if Willian actually found his form and could be a useful contributor, especially in games like this.


Am I the only one who thinks Gabriel and Holding are our best centre backs? They were really promising early in the season when our attack was faltering.

Arteta’s love for Luiz is really starting to concern me. No matter what you think of him and his last performance, he clearly isn’t the future so why does Arteta put so much faith in him? I’d now be surprised if we don’t give him a new contract in the summer.

I really want Arteta to do well but it’s decisions like this that really make me question him.


I suppose if you’re going to start a player for their first game of the season in their weakest position, Burnley is the team to do it 😬 Do Burnley have pacey wingers?


A third of their goals come from set pieces which may explain Chambo, Luiz, Mari at back. Can they focus for first 6 minutes today?


Well I suppose that is the more important question, though I’d prefer the first 15.


That Ash bloke from Burnley is pretty decent


Is that the same Dan playing for Burnley, or did Alan Partridge write their lineup?


Burnley line-up “John, Jon, Jim, Dan, Dan, Dan”. Seriously, who are these guys?

Nainsley Aitland Miles



Precisely, who are they? They’ve only won 1 of last 9 games; mind you only lost 1 of last 6 league games (but that one was Spuds)

Naked Cygan

Saka, Xhaka, and Auba should have been on the bench and not risked. Glad to see Chambers back and I hope Willian can have another good game.

Sam I Am

I think you got two of your Dans mixed up, Blogs.


I think they usually go by Dan, Danny, and Daniel to avoid confusion. That’s why other Dan is on the bench.

john G

We better watch out for Dan today. He’s been on point.

Johnny 2 Bad

Quite Steely, but definitely the man….I’ll get me coat .. COYGs!!;


Really? Puns? We’re not that Desperate, Dan

I’ll join you in the coat getting enterprise

Murphy was an Arsenal Fan

Nice to see Chambo back. Holding, Pepe, being preserved for tough three games, presumably, though Saka may perhaps be taken off if we race into a lead.

Murphy was an Arsenal Fan

Welcome to live comments lite, complete with bad predictions and the usual apprehension about the presence of Willian, though he did well the last two games.

Murphy was an Arsenal Fan

By the way, Willian is being the usual Willian, not Leicester Willian. Losing the ball easily, and by the speed of his runs, I am convinced he has some sort of vision defect which makes him think he is playing against/coaching kids. Then again, it is possible I have selective vision defects when he is in the picture.

Kareem Mohamed

I don’t think he did well against Benfica.
But the Leicester game was quite good.

Murphy was an Arsenal Fan

Relative to his other performances. Also, what is it about Burnley that turns Xhaka’s mind into mush?

Murphy was an Arsenal Fan

Fucking VAR and the referees again. Cunts

Murphy was an Arsenal Fan

Sorry for swearing


Both decisions were correct so shut the fuck up


Really hoping the reason Pepes not playing is so he’ll be fit for Olympiakos. Glad willian had a good game, but Pepe’s just starting to hit the form he had back in France, and sitting him on the bench is not going to help.

Please dont arsenal it today! Lets keep composure, put in a solid win, and focus on our next two tough games!!

Just shrug

@ admin Appears to be a bug on the site, latest articles only appear after posting comment.

Unless its just me – try using incognito mode to see issue


Discouraging for Neketiah. Work hard in training, praised By Arteta for attitude, yet not even on the bench. Hope he find greener pasture somewhere.


No liveblog today?


OK, we’re continuing without blogs using the Leicester page


Well, let’s hope we can get the win. We are now, I guess, at the “make or break” point if we want make a realistic bid for a EL place through the PL. Results earlier in the week didn’t do us any favours so four points from the games against Burnley and Sp*rs is the minimum we need to try and get up the table. The financial results for 2019-20, just a flavour of what to expect for the current year, means that European “income” from whatever route is really important now. Fingers crossed!


broken record

Cathy Shipley

Liveblog where are you?


Why xhaxa why


Why did Leno even pass it to him tho? Unnecessary by both of them


We need to pick Leno…

Public Elneny

He’s been playing those balls every game all season and last, Martinez too on his run in the side. It’s to draw sides in so we can hit them on the counter

That pass would have been absolutely fine 99.99% of the time. Xhaka’s pass was inexplicable

Bleeding gums murphy

Who would have thought calamity Xhaka would have a calamity moment


Since the start of 2016-17, Granit Xhaka has made more errors leading to goals (8) than any other outfield player in the Premier League.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

It’s ok. Him and Luiz have a good couple games and the truth is forgotten about, until……

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

With Xhaka and Luiz are in your team, that sort of thing is always possible. Keown blaming Leno for giving it to him, but Xhaka didn’t need to take an extra touch, I’m sure Partey wouldn’t have.

Kareem Mohamed

Should have been 3-0 by now.
Took the foot off the pedal the past 5 minutes.
And then gift the opposition a goal.

Why is this such a regular occurrence for us?

Bleeding gums murphy

I love partey in middle but if we are to challenge for leagues he needs a better partner than Xhaka


Xhaka again king of the cock up


Just too much Dan here


I dont like Xhaka in general but that was a very unfortunate moment for him while he had a very good game alongside Partey…
Tierney on the other hand looks a bit clumsy and off the pace.

Let’s win this

Public Elneny

The pitch is rubbish. It’s making it so hard to string any moves together

They can’t plead poverty when they’ve been in the premiership for 6 of the last 7 years!

What a shithouse club they are, can’t wait for them to be relegated


not making it hard at all weve created plently. not the pitches fault xhaka is half retarded

Public Elneny

Not really. Auba and Saka had chances that were handed to them from awkward deflections of defenders. The chance Saka had after Auba played him through was ruined by a bobble

This pitch is shit, which suits Burnley down to the ground


Arsenal being shit and having a shit manager who manages to kill any forward momentum we ever build with shit the selection and shit subs that make no sense is more of a problem.
15 minutes left we need a goal and he puts on ceballos


As we’ve only managed one point against them in the PL – so I’m not sure what that says about us.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

We can Shoot, We can Shoot, We can Shoot ourselves in the Foot.

I hope we do better in the second half. First half made me sad.


Was that a magpie???


Var is broken today like liveblog


Unless it is to overrule smth for us

Kartik Iyer

VAR is a disgrace and the morons who make these decisions should retire. This entire season we have had tons of wrong decisions given against us and when it is something that is going against us, it is checked to the width of a rat’s pubic hair. We are being robbed again and again. Mikel Arteta needs to be more vocal about these VAR horror shows and the club has to do more to make the league more accountable for this bullshit.


I can’t belive this


This draw is on Xhaxa he had no right to attempt that pass and hit their player


Abysmall refereeing


Disgraceful double standard


leno is not as good as martinez-another cock up by the inexperienced and poor coach arteta


Why drop Pepe and keep Willian? Arteta’s ego


Totally fucked up by Willian again.
Tried it really hard but can only see one reasonable explanation why preferring a mediocre, lazy Willian over an energetic, motivated Pepe or Martinelli. And yes, it’s the ego.


With the form pepe had been in, i can’t understand why Arteta wouldn’t bring him on sooner with Willian back to his usual self. That miss aside he seemed like the most likely one to make something happen. FFS willian is not the future of the club, learn to cut your losses!


Spuds given a penalty for a handball that wasn’t and we don’t get a penalty for a handball that was, fuck these useless referees and their agendas. The handball rule changes in July, not today, useless cunts. We made a pigs ear of that, let’s hope it wakes us up for Thursday, we could be out of europe altogether at this rate. Burnley should be deducted points for the state of that pitch, this is the Premier League and there should be standards, there are better pitches at my local park.

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