Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 0-3 Liverpool – player ratings

A pitiful Arsenal lost 3-0 to Liverpool at the Emirates this evening, and in truth the scoreline could easily have been more painful.

Two second half goals from Diogo Jota and one from Mo Salah were no less than the visitors deserved, and our loss was compounded by a first half injury to Kieran Tierney which would be a real blow.

Here’s how the players rated.

Read the Arsenal 0-3 Liverpool match report and see the goals here

Arsenal 0-3 Liverpool – Player Ratings

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Johnny 4 Hats

No one got over 5.

Says it all.

Runcorn Gooner

Painful to watch


I can’t believe anyone got a 5, and that nobody scored lower than a 4


Because the favourites did badly. And they can’t ever be marked below a 4/5.

Good spot. It also says it all that when bone-headed pundits make predictions against Arsenal, we end up doing exactly what they prophesied. Our manager just seems to have no tricks up his sleeve and rarely surprises the opposition.

Maybe Arteta really is just another Roberto Di Matteo. Better managers have been sacked for less


Arguably our worst performance of the season. Absolute garbage.


Unarguably our worst performance


Undeniably, one of the worst performances I’ve ever seen, but we’ve had some bad performances this season that I am not sure it was unarguably the worst.


Having had time to think about it, it’s tight between this and losing to Villa by the same scoreline earlier in the season.


Yes Villa was so painful.

I think this one edges it for me because we were in a better place, better system and better form before the game.

So disappointing to see such a spineless performance from the whole team.


The fact that the only players who looked like they wanted to hunt down Liverpool and make something happen were the previously peripheral Pepe, and a loanee (no, NOT the tissue-thin Ceballos!) says it all.


This was the footballing equivalent of a root canal treatment, Liverpool just kept drilling into us and we kept our mouth open at all times.

To all those that questioned why Xhaka was being played every week got their answer from Ceballos today!


My god but we need a pithy, energetic, creative midfielder to partner Thomas – flashes of light from him, but he cannot play in a vacuum, with the result uncharacteristic giveaways and getting caught in possession.


Mate, I can honestly say that was the first time I’ve ever turned the game off… Arsenal were absolute dog shit.

Wolffman Paul.

Oh come on, they weren’t that good.


Too generous with those ratings. I’d take at least one point off them all. That was an astonishingly poor team performance.


The annoying thing these days with such poor performances, is that Arteta keeps saying that it is his fault without fixing the problem. He thinks that is a smart way to douse minds of angry Arsenal fans. However, the cock will soon come home to roast.


And nobody wants a roasted cock.


Or even the pigeon…


Odegaard, Partey were the only ones who had decent games. Gabriel had a decent game until the mistakes but I honestly don’t blame him he was committed. The rest were rubbish.


No one had a decent game mate. Not even close.

El Mintero

Odegaard was playing tonight? I didn’t see him. The rest were utter shite.

SLC Gooner

Uhg. Probably could drop all of those bar Tierney another point and I wouldn’t argue with it. And Arteta gets a 1. How can he not have the players more up for a match like this?


How many days of training did he get with players? Also injuries to Xhaka, Tierney, Saka, ESR and Luiz was a blow

SLC Gooner

No arguing that the injuries were an issue. But that shouldn’t keep the players on the pitch from playing hard. Liverpool won pretty much every 50-50 challenge.


While this is true, I think the setup was an issue too. When MA knew of the injury issue, he could have gone with a 3-5-2 setup and concede possesion to pool and hit them on the counter.


Did you watch the game? That was the game plan and it failed.


Which is also true for our opponents

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Mediocrity. What does it take to turn the tide on Arteta? Baffling how much goodwill he’s had.

Mick Malthouse


canon fodder

The problem with Odegaard is that he is too left footed; he doesn’t trust his right foot and this slows him down and makes him predictable.

El Mintero

He was completely bossed out the game by Liverpool’s midfield. He did nothing. Same as the rest of them.

Keep it Real

Cant argue with that – xhaka was missed for sure


I hope our fanbase realise his importance of linking defense with Attack. This lack of channel.did us tonight. Ceballos and Elneny are not Xhaka and we should acknowledge what positives Xhaka brings to team other than occasional mishaps!


Nobody said that Xhaka is not better than the rest of our current midfielders!

The only problem is that usually he is worst than the opponents midfielders …


Rubbish. Xhaka has been a key player and has formed a great partnership with Partey. He was missed today undoubtedly.


If Xhaka is the solution lord help us.

Vaibhav Pandey

He ain’t the solution but definitely the best CM we have as of now. Admire his positional sense (How he covers left wing when Tierney pushes up) and the way he creates space to play out from the back, which was missed very badly. Having said that, Midfield is an area we need serious upgrades, Ceballos and Mo are not the future, we should promote Miguel Azeez next season among other youth prospects.


Luiz Saka and ESR were more missed


Everyone single one of them was missed. Now let’s pray that they’re back for Europa.

Also Martinez was missed. As he is every single game.

El Mintero

Sad to say but I think you’re right on Martinez.


Wanted to make the same comment about the keeper. Leno is very decent overall although he’s in poor form at the moment. Very good shot stopper. Excellent on 1 vs 1. I also think that without some absolutely crucial big saves at big moments this season, we would (inconceivably) be in more trouble. BUT at some point we have to acknowledge that his distribution and decision making is a massive issue. His indecisiveness permeates the whole back line and his pass selection invites pressure. Playing from the back is so pivotal to our playing style and he is a big,… Read more »


Martinez for villa yesterday cost them a goal with a bad pass out from the back . Watch first goal villa v spurs.
It can happen.

Arsenal yesterday took only risks in their own half , not the other they never gambled to take one defenders or the LFC back four , pass back recycling ball bollix


Started to look like Joe Hart when at at City.


Absolutely. No coincidence he was our gk for our FA Cup run.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

That in itself is a problem.


If Xakha is our go to man then we are well and truly fucked.


Arteta always sounds convincing when I hear him talk, but the outcome is mid-table and you have to ask if that is enough. Is he really going back to making Abameyang a passenger on the wing again?

Mikel and Edu have spent a lot of money on wages and transfers, whilst taking results backwards. 6th and Europa final wasn’t good enough for Emery.

Gunner up north

Bang on fella. But he’s here to stay apparently.

Ambazonian Gunner

After 18+ months on the job, he still doesn’t seem to know his best team/formation. Pathetic!


Rubbish! It was the start of last season that did for Emery plus the fact he had zero playing style or vision for the club. Arteta won a cup last season and now you won’t even give him a full season to judge him? Yes it was a shit result and performance but the fact is since Xmas we’ve been on Top 6 (maybe even Top 4) form. We had crucial injuries and Arteta has already insinuated that there will be big turnover in terms of players in the summer. No manager in the world could get any more from… Read more »


I can respect your opinion being different, but both Emery and Arteta are judged on their full term and not just a part of one season. Emery has the edge right now and he was nowhere near good enough. Arteta has already made big decisions on a lot of players in wages, renewals and transfer fees. Aubameyang, Luiz, William, Partey, Mari, Soares, Gabriel, Saka and Runaarsson. That adds up to more than half a team and I’d say he has been well backed. Not mentioning trying his best to alienate Saliba when we are not exactly the best at the… Read more »

El Mintero

Aubameyang needs to take responsibility for his fucking awful season. I’m not buying the “poor wee lamb was played in the wrong position” bullshit. 2 years ago we played him there every game with Laca in the middle and it worked. This season he’s been MIA 90% of the games he’s started. Serious discussion is needed on wtf is going on with him. His complete lack of effort on their first goal was shocking.

Ambazonian Gunner

Two years ago, his legs were two years younger. Before giving him a bumper new contract, a proper manager would have first figured out how to best utilize a top class but aging striker.


And there – succintly and perfectly put – is the elephant in the room chaps.
Auba needs to spend less time at the hairdresser (I hope he didn’t actually pay for that ‘do’) and more on the training ground!


I want to like Arteta as manager, but he now has to be braver (like Ljungberg was), and just drop some of these underperforming senior players for youth. He only seems to stumble to these youth players when there are injuries… but surely with the league already gone, now is a great time to blood in these younger players ready for next season.


at this stage what have we got to lose? nothing to play for in the league (i really don’t care if we miss out on europa league for next season) and chances of winning europa are slim. i don’t think i would be upset to see all of these guys gone next season. bellerin, luiz, xhaka, ceballos, lacazette, aubameyang, pepe and that’s a big saving on wages and quite a lump of transfer revenue to spend on replacements.

El Mintero

Who exactly are you talking about? ESR and Saka both injured. Who else is good enough that didn’t get a start today? Nketiah? Nope. Nelson? Nope. Willock if he was not on loan? 50-50. Maitland-Niles? So many chances and not taken.


Martinelli is certainly good enough but he wasn’t given a chance, brought on with 10 minutes to go when Laca and Auba were both having nightmares out there. That’s incredibly weak management. Nelson offers skill and energy down the wing but is being ignored. He’s not set the world on fire when he has been given chances but either sell him or play him. Balogun could be the long term answer to replacing Lacazette but he is more likely to leave to a club who have the balls to give him more playing time. This lack of playing the youngsters… Read more »


yes, and don’t forget balogun who it seems we are allowing to leave for nothing without even having a proper look at him. never even sent him out on loan. negligence. i’d like to see azeez and a couple of others given a run too. agree nketiah/AMN/willock/nelson not really up to scratch. but we need to start playing as close to next season’s team as possible from now and sideline the guys who have proven over and over they are not going to be part of the rebuild.


0/10 for those long kicks from Leno towards Pepe, with which we had a 0% success rate

Baichung Bhutia

I thought Pepe did win few of the long balls but then there was no one around him to pick on the loose ball. Also didn’t help that he had Chambers as right back. The tactics the entire game was weird.


Well better than his inability to play out from the back. A poor keeper who should have saved the first 2 goals.

El Mintero

He was shocking on those goals. Let’s not sugar coat his performance. It’s not a 5 it’s a 2!


Beginning to look like Joe Hart at City.


Leno is so average.


He’s not average, you’re saying that because you fell in love with the Martinez story, witch is fine, just that does’nt make Leno bad. Maybe he’s more suited to a defensive side willing to soak up pressure, but he’s definitely above average in terns of ovr goalkeeping, just below elite tier i’d say.


pepe should be winning those headers all day long. he was abysmal (again) tonight. i really want to like the guy but he’s been pants for the best part of two seasons now.

Once a gunner

MA is the cause of the lose I loved MA but today I give him all the fault

Vaibhav Pandey

Was he on the field kicking the ball? I would share the blame with majority on the players for being cowards. Didn’t understand why Chambers started ahead of Cedric, maybe it was fitness issue with Cedric but Pool had quick forwards so Chambers and Holding got roasted whole game. Poor tactic that but hey I don’t know the fitness level of some players after returning from international duty.

Gunner up north

Zero chance of keeping Odegard, he’s got the world at his feet, why would he consider joining this shambles. Klopp planting the seeds at the end of the game too, no contest in all honesty.

El Mintero

Yeah I saw that too…Klopp whispering in his ear…”hey Martin, what’s your number, I’ll give you a ring in May…”


He would not get into LFC team , do you think he wants to sit in bench again .!
He is good player but over rated

Vaibhav Pandey

Klopp doesn’t play 10s and structure doesn’t allow that. They are 4-3-3 all the way and I would be surprised if Martin goes to Pool, in all honesty he will return to Madrid.


The more I watch Gabriel, the more I realize he has no composure on the ball, his passing is terrible, his touch is awful. Are we sure he is Brazilian?


He’s 23, he’s got less than 100 senior competitive appearances, and it’s his first season

We didn’t buy the finished article


True – and there’s a monster defender in there… give the lad a chance.


The half arsed lifted pass for the 3rd, followed by some pointless gesticulating suggest not.

Vaibhav Pandey

Yeah not a sign of being a solid man, he should have owned up and apologized to his mates.


i thought he was actually really good up until we conceded and then his game just disintegrated. not the first time that has happened. he is still very young for a CB.

El Mintero

I thought he did ok in the first half but I absolutely have no idea what was in his half time tea because his second half was fkn dreadful.

Mike Adams

He was bad today.
But he has some credit in the bank. Unlike holding , who is a genuine donkey

Sell Auba Saliba

Auba: should not have played at all and should be sold this summer. Can’t play a pass, can’t dribble can’t score and looks like Gollum with his new haircut.

Gunner up north

JarJar Binks my lad said.


He looks like he bought a snoop dog fancy dress outfit from Poundland.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

His touch was atrocious also. He could barely make a five yard pass. It just looks to me like his heart is no longer in it.

When he scored and played for his country he looked a different player. Passionate, hard working and like he gave a shit. I’ve seen none of that recently when he plays for the gooners.


his touch (and every aspect of his game except his movement in the box) has always been atrocious. this is why none of the super clubs ever signed him despite all the goals he scored.

El Mintero

I’m worried he’s absolutely checked-out. Will he ever check back in?!!!


Auba is a player that need service. Without creative players like Saka and ESR, he is ineffective. On day like this, I rather play Martinelli ahead of him.

Kentish Gooner

I know this is a defeatist attitude, but I can’t watch us again this season. We won’t get into Europe and we won’t won’t the Europa League either. I also don’t think Arteta is the right manager and a large proportion of the players he’s starting shouldn’t be in the squad. This will get downvotes but Partey is overrated – he’s a good player but only performs with good players around him – like at Atletico. We are very, very poor and I don’t see us getting any better anytime soon. The club I love that has brought me so… Read more »

Kentish Gooner

Nice to see people downvoting for poor mental health. Cheers guys. There really are some toxic c*nts here, some of whom will be preventing others from speaking about their mental well-being – nice one 👏🏻

David Hilliers Arm Cast

Devils advocate, it’s only football and it really
Shouldn’t be affecting your mental health. Please talk to someone if it gets too bad, football is supposed to be entertainment, not debilitating. <3


I didn’t down vote for poor mental health. I down voted because you said Partey was overrated which I disagree with.


You can’t just say what you want, put in an after thought of a comment about mental health then, when people disagree with your first point, bawl them out for downvoting on your mental health. That is just unreasonable and wrong.
Reach out for help on the mental health issue. It’s the best thing anyone who is suffering can possibly do. Help is available and there is no social stigma any more these days. I hope this helps.


I personally downvoted you for ‘checking out’ on the club that, having admitted has brought you so much pleasure, you now simply decide to give up on when they – and the players – need you most. Whether you personally like – or would have signed – any particular player, they’re all wearing the shirt, for better or for worse. And it’s that shirt that you support, mate… Walking away when it’s a bit tough is exactly what too many of those players did yesterday – ironically, exactly what you’re citing as the reasons for your giving up on them!… Read more »

Gunner up north

I live near Burnley and used to go and watch them in my younger days, never really supported them but it was an easy way to see professional football. But one night in 1993 i sat at my mates house and watched the League Cup Final where Arsenal beat Sheffield Wednesday and Steve Morrow got a broken arm. For some unknown reason I wanted the Arsenal to win, no idea why, but it has stuck with me ever since. My point is, I have seen this club enjoy some amazing times, obviously the late 90’s and early 00’s were the… Read more »

Johnny 2 Bad

Brilliant mate, love it.


Top man. I hope one day you and your boy get to come to the Ems. Quick tip – bring some serious spending money. The price of a pint down here is outrageous!


Well said mate. Having suffered through the later 70’s and early 80’s as a young Gooner, trust me when I say that this is not the worst of times. By all means voice our opinions when players just don’t turn up, or put in a outrageously shite performance… but stay the course lads! If true fans stick with club and manager, the wheel will turn..
after all, that’s the only way the cannon moves forward, innit?

Vaibhav Pandey

Yeah take the solace from the fact that Pool won the league after 30 years, so there will be good times and then maybe not so times, let’s stick together and support the people who are on the job also be critical and not toxic.


Take care buddy. If it’s affecting your mental health that much it’s probably wise to take a little break from it.

Tristian Beale

It’s refreshing to see another fan not blindly claiming partey is the best thing since sliced bread. I’m not saying he’s bad but he’s had as many poor games as good and alot of injuries. I’d like to see more of him in a arsenal shirt before I judge.

Mike Adams

Don’t let arsenal ruin your life. There are more important things.
We are shit , but one day we will get back to the top.


I think Thiago and Fabinho are better than our midfielders.


We should sign them


Thiago’s a dirty bastard and should’ve been yellow carded for that blatant foul that the ref waved play on for.


liverpool are all dirty bastards. dirty bastards win things. we should try it.


Leno has been awful for the past 6 to 7 weeks now no one is talking about this


Hez shit

Gunner up north

I said to my son the other day he is a decent shot stopper at times but the rest of his game is terrible. Keepers have to be much more these days and Leno doesn’t fit the profile to play the way it appears Arteta wants, i.e. playing out from the back. His decision making is poor, kicking long when he should go short and vice versa, rushing from his area tonight to clear the ball when he could have easily waited for it to come to him. Not a good foundation to build from.


Is it possible hes playing to instructions?


I’ve been saying since the summer we sold the wrong keeper. He’s woefully average and transmits nerves to the whole team.

Gunner up north

I didn’t have this opinion at the start of the season because I wanted to give him a chance. But I’ve got to say Martinez has been far better than Leno overall this year.


Emi – a decade with the club; took everything we threw at him on the chin, and for the team. Never a bad word to say and seized his chance when it came with repeated displays that Leno would currently give his German Shepherd for.

Then we sold him… terrible piece of business – tactically and ethically.

El Mintero

He’s very questionable and tony Adams was right.

A Different George

The only players I thought were actually bad until the first goal were Ceballos and Holding. Odegaard and Aubameyang weren’t on the ball enough, obviously. I thought Gabriel was very good until that goal, did a fine job and made a world-class striker look ordinary (until, as Blogs says, he didn’t). For those who wonder why every manager plays Xhaka, tonight was a clue.


Only reasonable comment I’ve read. This site and the comments really have gone to shit recently.


Agree to a point mate: however Auba was disinterested at best – he’s our captain, ffs… just not good enough to trudge around on the fringes. MAKE THINGS HAPPEN – great players and great leaders force situations to change when those around them are flagging.
And Leno was certainly at least part-culpable for their first two goals.

A Different George

Just to be clear–after the first goal, I thought a lot of players were bad. I was surprised by that because, although Liverpool were obviously the better side all through, we were still capable of getting a result.


A yard off the pace in every position, wrong tactics, laca too deep, ceballos offered zero, Liverpool’s press was stifling and we had no answer or heart, sad performance.

David Hilliers Arm Cast

The no heart is what concerns me the most. We know we aren’t close to them as a team, but goodness at least put forth some effort!


We are going no where with Arteta, I know we keep saying that we don’t have players suited for his system, but at least something should be visible by now maybe a pattern of play or resilience.
But now what is seen is a team and a manager very afraid of the opponents, the future isn’t exciting


Some of the 4/10 and 5/10 ratings are beyond generous

El Mintero

I don’t know how Odegaard and Leno get 5s that’s fkn beyond me. Auba rated higher than Laca? He was a straight up 2.


Wow, that was a new level of bad. Poor Ceballos, he’s had a few rotten games recently, and his confidence is shot.

Mike Adams

He’s shit


What is the point of Pepe?


I am curious to see who is gonna speak today on the post match interview


Auba could not care less. 32 in June with 3 years on 300K a week left on his contract. We’re f*cked.

Pat Rice and Beans

Diogo Jota £45M
Pepe £72M

Raúl Sanhelli 0/10


Raul Sanllehi’s bank account – 11/10.

Klopp having a conversation with Odegaard at the end was a very worrying sight…..

Like some others have said. Ødegaard is not our player so there’s nothing to be said about that.
What is worrying is the senior players reaction to a 0-3 drubbing. They seem happy to accept this level of performance which is indicative that Arteta’s claims of implementing a culture change are empty.


Yes I saw that too. Martin looked a little too chummy with him.

Ah well the silver lining is that Liverpool may get 4th ahead of Spurs.



Alexandre Lacazette
Kieran Tierney

Kentish Gooner

What’s the list for?

Luzhny-jerk reaction

Is it a crap wank when you’re just ashamed of yourself, when it doesn’t live up to expectations, or when something goes horribly wrong between a #2 and a toilet tug?

Gerry Bird

There is no doubt, watching Arsenal is the quickest way to fuck up a perfectly good Saturday night.
What an absolute shower of shit. Why do we Fucking bother?


We have been better since Christmas, but this was as bad as anything we’ve seen this season. Or in fact as bad as anything we’ve seen for many many years. Even in those dreadful games under late Wenger when we got tonked by United, City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Bayern etc we put up more of a fight than tonight. This was utterly miserable stuff.

Luzhny-jerk reaction

I saw someone else had mentioned it as well, but I just don’t see enough composure on the ball from Gabriel. He looks very unsure of himself, so it may be simply a belief thing, but he scares me on the ball, and I don’t think his speed of thought/reaction time is quite up to par right now. I really want to see Saliba partnering with him or Mari next season, but I fear were going to sell one of our biggest assets with the highest ceilings to make space for a free agent whose best days were during the… Read more »


Cedric not far from being our man of the match. Was probably worth a good 0.08 of our 0.09 xG 🤣


he should be starting every game. he’s a quality player on either side and has a great attitude. bargain signing i think.


When arteta was hired I knew we were in for the falls, Ancelotti was on standby and available but we chose inexperience. This is the level arteta can get us to.. you dont give what you don’t have. Also how’s the investigation into pepe’s acquisition going, it’s an eyesore seeing him play.

Salibaba and the Forty Thieves

Another point to add is that Arteta is the cheapest manager of the top 10. Like literally, his pay packet just about edges that of Sean Dyche and is almost a third of Ancelotti’s

It’s starting to become clear what the real motivations of the ownership are.

Mike Adams

Cheap option. Easier to manipulate.


Why can I never scroll to the bottom of the page?!


Not even worth rating these days.

They were OK.

Gaffer needs to be able to find performance from his team.

not seeing it.


I’m not sure how much mediocrity it will take before arsenal upgrade on holding (we gave him a new contract) and at midfield. Actually, we have loads of center backs but none that are quality.

And how did we ever let Martinez go.

We have about 5 players we want to keep. And one of them belongs to real madrid.


Soares standing near midfield line while Salah was megging Leno said it all for me.

Monkey knees

Half of this starting xi need to go. Auba, sadly, has lost any passion he had for our club. I’ve been a pepe fan/supporter and given him time, but he’s not PL quality. Laca wants to, and needs to be moved on. Ceballos is not good enough. Holding, too. I trust Mikel and “the process”, but the performance tonight was shocking. Toothless.

Mike Adams

What is this process?


Thomas hardly found a team mate all evening and all blogs is concerned about is his best partner. That guy had a scary afternoon by all standards, and hasn’t played much better since he arrived. He should get a 2 in my opinion.


I think you should add a manager rating as well as it would only be fair to the players being rated here.

Arteta: 1/10 Initial set up of the team was either not adapted to the opponent or impossible to understand. The half time speech had no impact. The substitutions were ineffective or late.


Yes !

Good Ebening

What’s wrong with Partey??
Apart from couple of good games,he has been mostly average this season..

Also, we only seem to do well against teams that don’t press us..


Shit show x 11


I don’t understand all the hype about Gabriel – he is a very average defender. Tonight he was shocking, directly responsible for two goals, could have been more if the ball had dropped fo Salah after a terrible attempted clearance early in the second half. Its sad to conclude that Luiz is by far our best defender and he’s now injured and probably out for the season.

Mike Adams

Luiz is not our best defender

Exit the Lemming

Agreed. Luiz is the Anti-Spartacus


Generous to Leno, Blogs – you mention his weak palm attempt for the first but not the obvious nutmeg for the second? And once again, some less than decisive clearances/long balls out. Ceballos – time to go home Dani… just leave us Martin please. The gulf in commitment between 2 loanees says it all. And the fact the Ode, as a loanee, pressed like the only player who seemed to realise there was a match to win (apart from sporadic Laca spurts) is a damning indictment on certain overpaid ‘resident’ players. The word is ‘listless’ at best, apathetic at worst.… Read more »

Aidan H

This is FC’s list of the Top 50 Best Goalkeepers in the world at the moment according to our algorithm…

1 E Martinez

42 B Leno

Mark Winn

Our supposed captain I’d give 1 was hopeless never tried everything was half hearted not the player he was doesntn even seem fit, was breathing very heavy. Think there are some real issues there.

Exit the Lemming

Another midget (Jota) stoops to conquer our towering defenders. Wonderful pinpoint cross and a bullet of a header yes, but I still feel Leno might have done better. If his Mum had kept her legs crossed better than her son on the second, you might not be reading this. All the heads dropped after the first goal and there was a pitiful lack of fight, desire or cojones from everyone. Our team captain’s body language just said ‘We surrender, make it stop’ Make Tierney the captain ffs as he shows more fire even when forced off the pitch injured than… Read more »

Exit the Lemming

How many times does Arteta have to state that performances are ‘not acceptable’ before we agree with him and ask someone else to improve them?

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