Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Xhaka facing two months on the sidelines

Granit Xhaka could be sidelined for up to two months after suffering knee ligament damage in Sunday’s 3-1 win over Sp*rs.

The Switzerland international seemed to jar his knee in a collision with Lucas Moura in the build-up to the visitors’ consolation goal and was substituted after receiving extensive treatment.

After the match, Mikel Arteta said, “I’m pretty worried because it doesn’t look very positive at the moment.”

The player’s wife has since shared a picture (see below) of the 29-year-old wearing a heavy-duty brace.

While Xhaka appears to have escaped a dreaded cruciate injury, according to Swiss journalist Andreas Böni, the rupture sustained by a ligament in his right knee will see him miss between six to eight weeks.

If that proves to be the case, he’ll sit out matches with Brighton, Palace, Villa, Leeds, Leicester, Watford, Liverpool, Newcastle and Manchester United.

Retained in the summer after a move to AS Roma fell through, the midfielder started the season captaining the side before his red card at Manchester City earned him a three-game suspension. He subsequently missed three games for his country after picking up Covid.

Xhaka played well in the north London derby and will no doubt be gutted he can’t help his teammates build on the three-game winning streak they’ve put together. Sambi Lokonga, Ainsley Maitland-Niles and Mo Elneny represent options in reserve and Arteta has also deployed Martin Odegaard in a deeper position alongside Thomas Partey.

Like him or not – and let’s be honest, he’s as Marmite a player as they come – Xhaka will be missed during this period. Get well soon.

We expect confirmation of this news on Thursday ahead of the trip to Brighton.

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Not good and if you celebrate this you’re an idiot


Well said. Guarantee that if we had not beaten sp*rs or xhaka had not played really well, there would be people on here celebrating already.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

I’m definitely not celebrating, but I’m in no way disappointed either

David C

We lost a good player. Even if you don’t think he should be an automatic starter we may suffer because of lack of depth.

I’m hoping AMN really steps up to ease the pressure on Partey.

Get well soon Xhaka.


Yup. Really hoping AMN steps up. Lots of people have been saying he’s a bad CM, truth be told, that confuses me a little bit, every time I’ve seen him he’s been decent, defends well, is very calm and tries to move the ball forward often. In recent weeks there’s been iffy fitness and lapses in concentration but he has such a lovely, easy going style and is really quick – we could benefit from that in midfield. This could be his (and Sambi’s) chance so I’m excited to see how it works out.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

That’s the thing, he hasn’t shown me that he’s a good player, one good game against poor opposition doesn’t cut it for me.

What he has shown me is that he’s very limited, been mostly average the last 5 years, and is a liability.
I’d rather not have his “depth” around the squad.

Arsenal fans are so fickle. It was celebrated when it looked like he was off to Roma. Now after 1 good game he’s Granit the great

canon fodder

And that’s why he is every managers first team: Wenger, Emery, Arteta and the Swiss coach. Maybe they know something that you don’t?

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

They all built a great midfield/team around him, didn’t they?

canon fodder

I refer you to my previous comment.

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

An inconsistent stance only rivaled by Mikel, our beloved manager. 2 close games, 1 good one and “the season starts here”.

Like with Granit, we’ve been here before (after beating Chelsea 3-1) only to return to square one. I wish Xhaka a speedy recovery but the team should be getting used to playing without him if they want to make progress.


AMN was really poor in midfield against Wimbledon I thought. Didn’t impress and kept giving the ball away…

Man Manny

I have watched Sunday’s match two more times; and the more I watch, the more Xhaka’ influence looms. His partnership with Tierney was one of the key elements of our play.
The high point may be the build up to the second goal, but he was involved in every goal, and played a great part in making Dele Alli and Horgjberg? quiet.
His skill set means he is irreplaceable right now, especially since he’s a left footer.

Johnny 4 Hats

You should be. Almost every time a fit Partey and Xhaka have played together they’ve been good and seem a really balanced pairing.

I like the idea of playing Xhaka in the tougher games where we need a little more control and experience in the centre. Sambi has been great but we can’t expect his form not to dip a little.

Anyway, each to their own. It just seems weird to me not to be disappointed when we have an option less in midfield for two months.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

Like I said above, I’m just fine without him being an option


You better pray we don’t get another covid outbreak then. Might be missing players if that happens.

Man spent most of his Arsenal career playing alongside Coq, Torreira, Guen and Elneny. And now you don’t want him to play with Partey? Crazy.

The club is paying him, so its inability to use him is obviously a bad thing for AFC. He’s a very good player, a solid professional, and a popular man with his teammates. We’ll miss him in his absence.


So short-sighted and hints at the toxic undercurrent in our fanbase that we are hopefully moving away from. You can be left behind or get behind the team in its entirety, of course that’s totally up to you


*pulls handbag up to chin*


Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

Berg, please give it a rest. Many of you folks saying “get behind the team” are often the first ones to start scapegoating individual players whenever we start going through a bad spell. It’s never because of poor match tactics or team selection with you guys though. As of now, I haven’t seen a single poster “celebrate” Xhaka’s injury but I guess calling other fans toxic is the new flavour of month. I’m not happy to hear that he’s injured because the player should be at Roma instead. I sincerely hope you’ll still be supporting Xhaka whenever his form dips… Read more »


We are cursed to see a long enough Partey-xhaka partnership..


I agree with the sentiment. We don’t need injuries, particularly in the middle of the pitch. But I don’t see the need to single out Sambi for concern of dipping form. All players form wavers. I mean could there be a better example of that than our now injured Swiss midfielder? Sambi looks absolutely class, and I believe he’s going to seize this opportunity with both hands (Arteta seems to believe in him too). He is the same age profile and experience as Tomi, White, Ramsdale and others who we’re all chuffed to see being given chances. “Out of adversity… Read more »


It was only injury that gave ESR his opportunity last December to cement his place in the team. Xhaka isn’t a bad player (other than the frequent brain farts and love of falling over at a slight breeze), but it’s hard to argue he’s not limited. Will be interesting to see if a new star steps up to partner Partey. If not, January window’s only a few months away…
Wishing him a speedy recovery.


I think you may be on to something….here’s hoping

Goodly Morning

Lets hope Sambi can step up now. He’s got all the attributes. I


If I may, I bet you weren’t celebrating but you weren’t disappointed either when Ozil was trolling the club and manager after that horrible loss to Man city.

Did he even post when we spanked spurs or he was crying silently on the side?

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

This is an odd comment. What does Ozil have to do with anything? Maybe you’re mistaking me for somebody else here

canon fodder

Sometimes saying nothing is better! He is our player and he is out with a serious injury but you are not ‘disappointed’! Show some humanity at least if you feel you have to say something!

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

“Show some humanity”.

Wow! He has a knee injury that will keep him out for 2 months tops, not cancer.

Naked Cygan

I am not celebrating and I wish him a speedy recovery. From a football point of view I don’t think he is good enough to take us to the next level we need to be at. He is a good player but like Elneny bag average and nothing special. I think Sambi and AMN should get a chance now to fight for his spot and keep him in the bench, same way Ramsdale is doing with Leno. We need players who are going to make us better, not worse or same level with an 8th place finish.


Even if he had played badly vs Sp*rs, it’s inhuman to celebrate another person’s misfortune. But trust some lonely sadistic low lives here to still celebrate this.


Alright there Mr Morality police. “it’s inhuman to celebrate another persons misfortune”?!!? So I take it you didn’t notice the 60,000 fans in the stadium laughing at a certain verbally challenged Spurs player falling over the ball gifting us a third goal? I’m imagining you standing amongst the cheering crowd on Sunday pleading with them to stop being so mean to the poor Spurs players and fans… Binary comments like yours are so f**king annoying. Posting online doesn’t mean you have to take an extreme stance to get your view/opinion heard. Have more self confidence that others will respect a… Read more »


Who is this verbally challenged Spurs player you speak about?


All of them?

Diaby's Left Peg

The one who’ll never win a trophy, or as Daveo says all of them.


I’ll give you one more clue- his favourite hobby away from football is licking windows.

Parisian Weetabix

To suggest celebrating misfortune is inhuman certainly takes a very naive view of humanity. But there is a difference between celebrating misfortune in the theatre of sport compared to celebrating actual physical harm befalling someone. That said, I doubt the people who celebrate this news are ‘sadistic low lives’ as Lacaubapepe says. It’s more likely they’ve grown so jaded by Xhaka that they’re willing to overlook the negative effects of a physical injury to him in favour of what they perceive to be positive effects on the team, given that they place more value in the welfare of Arsenal FC… Read more »


people in the comment section on this site yo-yo their opinions like crazy. it’s laughable.


That’s absolute nonsense.

Actually, we definitely do.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Still celebrating Sunday


I’m not celebrating, we need him back when AFCON comes around. But I also remember how Debuchy’s shoulder injury paved the way for Bellerin’s rise. We have blooming talent in Sambi and Maitland Niles, who probably has a higher ceiling than Xhaka who’s at the peak of his career. Arteta can be too cautious with young players in midfield so I’m hoping they can really take this chance.


the games affected by afcon are against spuds, burnley and wolves (if egypt, gabon, ghana, or ivory coast makes it to the final). Hopefully lokonga is capable of playing through that stretch without any form or fitness problems. I’d like to see more of odegaard playing deeper–he may be the best option alongside lonkonga through that run.


hopefully ghana gets knocked out quickly


I’m excited at the prospect that Sambi/AMN will get a proper run/chance to cement their futures. We also won’t have partey in January so it’s good to test out what would likely be our midfield pairing or part of a three in January.

Thierry Bergkamp (non negotiable)

3 months it is then


Damn it, I don’t want Odegaard in a deeper position


Mik needs to call his old mate Santi – he’d make the perfect deep-mid cover and only needs to do 50-60 mins. Sambi can rotate.
What a swansong that would be!


Santi, much as I love him, wouldn’t be Premiership fit – and certainly not fit enough to play at the pace of these kids.

A lovely idea, but in practical terms it wouldn’t work.


Yeah but can he call Santi anyway?

I just want to hear his happy joyful voice.


Best of luck in your recovery, Granit, hate to see something like this happen.


It is actually the least bad situation for Xhaka. Medial Collateral ligament. Hopefully the tear is not to bad – it seems to be in the moderate-to-bad range. But by far the best thing to injure in your knee if your going to do anything (except perhaps a lateral collateral). He may need surgery. Meniscus tear is probably the worst these days – recovery is quicker than ACL, but the long-term outlook a lot worse. ACL surgery is quality, the risk of reinjury is at about 2.5% or less (only occurred once in the sample pool: Medial collateral if… Read more »


Granit has always been fit and strong, you could see how much pain he was in. I hope it’s not as serious as it looks, we’ll miss him and knee injuries always worry me,


Thanks for this detail!

Ordnance Dave

Sambi Partey time


The obvious and sensible solution. 👍


In Arsenal’s midfield there is a Partey, in Tottenham’s a Skipp. Just saying.


A Skipp, surrounded by rubbish!

Cranky Colin

When he’s “on”, he’s very good, like Sunday.
He is also one of the few “elder lemons” in the group, and when one reads the Bloggers list of games he potentially misses, well, this is a significant loss.
Step up Lokonga and AMN…….you’re gonna play a bit boys!!
And maybe even Mo 😳

Wrighty’s hats

What’s an elder lemon? Asking for a friend


I’m sorry, what did he do precisely on Sunday? He made two passes between the lines early on, then contributed absolutely nothing. And one moment in particular Auba laid it off to him then made a killer run in behind. Did Xhaka pull the trigger? Of course he didn’t, he never ever does. Wish him well and all that but how are people so blinded by his mediocrity? The team were 8s across the board, Xhaka was a solid 7 which is as good as we’ve ever seen, but now according to some he was instrumental in the win? Utter… Read more »

Announce Bendtner

I would say that he used his body well when Ramsdale played it too short. If he doesn’t get there in time the game would have gone a different way maybe.

I’m definitely not a Xhaka fan and I don’t want him starting but I don’t want his absence like this through injury. Wish him a speedy recovery. Hope Lokonga performs cosistently well and stakes his claim as a starter.


One moment in a game? He did well there, other than that and a few interesting passes he did nothing. He wasn’t bad, wasn’t good, he was just Xhaka. Can someone please explain to me what he brings to this team that dozens of other midfielders couldn’t? I’m not excited he’s hurt, but I am excited to see how our midfield operates without the albatross that is Xhaka slowing things down with his overly deliberate play and total aversion to risk or progressing our play.


I agree. This was a good Xhaka game, but as you say it was a 7/10 – he was not close to best on the park. He dove in down the left in the 2nd half and got beaten badly allowing a clear chance. He went in two-footed early on, Luckily studs down and both feet either side of the legs (but he was still lucky not to get a yellow), then he open palmed a guy in the face with a straight arm and then clattered him right after (again miracle he didn’t get booked). He definitely played a… Read more »

Announce Bendtner

I just answered your question. “ what did he do precisely on Sunday? He made two passes between the lines early on, then contributed absolutely nothing.” I’m just pointing out that he did actually have a very very key moment. Not suggesting his time on the pitch was exceptional in any way but credit where credit is due you need your players to step up and that’s what he did when the moment called for it. I’m excited about the thought of Lokonga getting a decent run. Yes there’s dozens of different midfielders that can bring much more than Xhaka… Read more »

Jim Gooch

Sometimes I like marmite but sometimes not! Its good to have a jar in your cupboard for when you do. Hope Granit gets well soon.


Crap news for him, but thankfully no cruciate. Get well soon Granny!
An idea – why not bring Santi back, as some super-sub deep-mid cover!

weeb gooner

Get well soon Xhaka.
Gutted to have him injured when he and Partey seems to be getting rhythm on last game.


If it’s the LCL, they are a fucker to come right. Mine is still dodgy 5 years later.

Although hopefully Granit’s recovery programme involves a little more than
copious trips to the pub, ready meals for dinner four nights a week and scampi fries at every opportunity.


It’s medial – innerbandriss is MCL. Could be worse (still not great). But it does seem like a moderate to bad tear: considering his recovery range is 6-8 weeks. For grade 3 tear (bad) recovery is 2-3 months, and grade 2 tear (moderate) is 4-6 weeks.


FFS. Dirty clumsy Spud cunts. Typical. Every time we play that fucking pond life, one of our lads gets sidelined for a matter of months.

And just when we finally got him playing nicely, too.

Oh well.

Sambi – you’re on, son.


Could have been worse and hope its a shorter recovery. Fortunately we have good cover with Sambi and AMN.


You’ll see, Arteta will go for Elmeny safe & boring.


Not as bad as feared, looked like a classic ACL situation. We have the options to cope in his absence, including switching to a single pivot, which makes sense against the more defensive sides.


I think Partey on his own with Odegaard and ESR as #8/#10 hybrids would work against teams that really like to try and play (maybe Brighton?!), but against teams that sit deep (like Burnley) it’s tough and it puts massive amounts of pressure on Partey to break up counters. The biggest issue in that game was the connection through the middle. There was too much space between Partey and ESR/Odegaard. I still feel the double pivot with Konga-Partey is the way to go in most situations as that duo has so much potential to add drive through the middle and… Read more »


Ah, that’s an interesting perspective because I actually thought the exact opposite. I think the 4-3-3 can work well against more defensive sides because we have more players in between the lines while maintaining width. Because those sides don’t tend to press high up the pitch as much, there’s less chance of Partey being overwhelmed. ESR and Ødegaard would need to improve their positioning though, being more disciplined and getting closer to Partey. Against better sides, I’d be more cautious and stick with the double pivot for extra screening. Those teams tend to leave more space between midfield and defence… Read more »


I get what you’re saying, but that type of opposition is actually when Auba struggles most, and adding a second direct attacker (Pepe) makes life more difficult because they are both direct and struggle against set defenders, which is inevitably what happens in those games against teams that sit deep with two rows of defenders. Pepe gets double teamed and his inside cut back is taken away (and he rarely goes around on his right), Auba gets muscled out of it a lot when he plays in tight spaces. Both players are WAY more dangerous in space not against deep… Read more »


This is sad and I wish him a quick recovery. I’ve been one of his harshest critics on this site and I still think we’d be better off selling him, but he played very well against the Spuds and anyway, I’d never want to see any player getting injured. Hope he comes back even stronger.

Denver Gunner

looked like an MCL to me. Just the way it bent. Recovery time is about right for a torn MCL as well.


Get well soon Granit!


The lack of midweek football is really hard to adjust to as a fan. But when something like this happens it becomes a bit of a bonus. I think this could be a real advantage for us this year like the season Chel$ki won the league. I don’t think for a moment we’ll compete for the title but I believe it can give us a great advantage over the rivals for places 4 to 6. As we rebuild the time spent together as a team and not travelling to ridiculous places with all the extra difficulties that brings at the… Read more »


Come on mate, Saka said we can achieve anything: you gonna doubt him? 😉

Giuseppe Hovno

dammit when can we get to see an extended Partey-Xhaka axis 🙁

Disarmed Gunner

Oh no…


Given the timescale, let’s hope he’s fit, and back up to speed before Partey goes off to the AFCON. Although Xhaka is at his best when paired with Partey, and due to injuries, AFCON, suspensions, etc., it’s a shame that we don’t get them both fit and available together more often.


Get well soon, Granit


Even if you don’t like Xhaka, and I suppose honestly most of us don’t anymore, it’s still not good news in any way for the team. Less options, less experienced players available, and many big games to come up where he would be useful. We need everyone to help us keep up this good run and push on to the next level.
Get well soon Xhaka.


Perhaps most of us, along with most managers and most teammates really like Xhaka. Just because a loud self promoting minority use media to create a story does not make the story true or non fiction. Get well soon Granit Xhaka, we will miss you.


I hate xhaka but wouldn’t wish injuries on my enemies let alone arsenal players. We won three games without him, let’s see what happens now, I was bothered his ill discipline was further rewarded by immediate inclusion in the team but he played fine, could have been sent off again but worked hard for the team which is the minimum. Excited to see lakonga Partey


That’s a relief that it’s not a cruciate injury. Wishing him a smooth recover.

Whatever you think about Granit, his capacity to stay fit and avoid injuries has been among the best I’ve ever seen from an Arsenal player. Am I right that this will, by a distance, be his longest injury enforced absence since he joined?


so he’ll be back and plenty rested in time to cover when we have players at afcon


Arteta and Xhaka demonstrating character and leadership to these young players. Combine this with Arteta teaching very young players how to be attacking, disruptive and free yet also compact and cohesive defensively. Even if this project fails in the search for a championship we will see some amazing young men emerge and claim their places in gooner history. The “fans” who routinely attack these two may end up being the flames which temper the steel in the backbone of this team. Team leaders use the situations presented, whether good or ffffing bad, they use it to become better. Well played… Read more »


Delusional comment

Reiss Neverseen vs the DicTeta

Is this sarcasm? You can’t honestly believe this do you?

So rising (barely) to the surface after plunging Arsenal to the lowest of depths in the league is the best way to show good leadership and character? The man couldn’t even get us into the Conference League and you honestly believe he’s capable of winning the league?

A man who seldom takes responsibility for our terrible performances is a good leader? A man under whom we’ve never won a match when trailing at half-time is an example of good character?

Hey at least you have faith in the guy👍

Bleeding gums murphy

Wow can I have some of what you been smoking 🤓


Massive Massive blow!!!
we’ll struggle without him.


I cannot log into to the arses.

Blogs, have I been blocked?


At least Thierry Henry will be able to watch us on TV now ( source Patrice Evra)


Get well soon dude!


We’ll find out how good the lad Lokonga is now.


Shall we bring back Jack as cover?


I’d like to see the development pathway for Lokonga and Niles accelerated now. They are at the age where they need responsibility and opportunities which are earnt. If they proven themselves in training and know they aren’t auto first choice, this route, unfortunate as it maybe for Xhaka, is a gentle pathway for these younger guys


I wish Xhaka well. He is a fine player. But this could really be a blessing in disguise for Arsenal football club. I’ve always looked forward to seeing a midfield without Xhaka. Personally I believe he slows us down way too much… Over to you now Lokonga & Maitland-Niles…Let the battle begin

Man Manny

Get well soon, Granit(e).
You will be sorely missed. You will certainly come back stronger, great warrior.


At least he will be back + hopefully be able to get match fit again before some the lads go to the African Cup of Nations.


This is not good. I know he’s not popular because of his wild moments but we need all the midfielders we have right now.

The optimistic fool

I feel for him, it was so unlucky.

He’s tested my patience and let us down on so many occasions to the point where I don’t even waste my breath moaning about him any more.

That said, he was very good on Sunday and I’m surprised to say that I’m really disappointed that he’ll miss these games.

It’s a huge chance for Sambi now and hopefully AMN will give him a run for his money.

Teryima Adi

This is sad. Get well soon, Granit.🙏🙏🙏


Time to throw in the Sambi
And I’m looking forward to it
And I’m also hoping ANM will grab his chance like a Ramsdale

Naija Gunner

Get well soon Xhaka


Ah bolox!! Need everyone fit. Well at least he will be fresh for Xmas fixtures.


Not happy to see anyone injured, especially one of the starting 11, and hope he recovers quickly and fully. However, this does give a great opportunity for Sambi and/or AMN to come in and get minutes that would have been Xhaka’s as well as the more attacking lineup with Pepe coming in. We just have to keep Partey healthy and available, if he does down again then we are in trouble in that area.

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