Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal remain 11th place in Deloitte’s Football Money League

Arsenal have retained 11th place in Deloitte’s annual list of football’s richest clubs, however, the 25th edition of the report estimates the Gunners revenue dropped year-on-year by 6% to €366.5 million, most likely as a result of the impact of Covid-19 and failure on the pitch.

For the first time ever, Manchester City have topped the list by increasing revenue by 17% to €644.9 million. A run to the Champions League final, coupled with impressive domestic form, saw broadcast revenue jump significantly and helped them to leapfrog Europe’s traditional financial powerhouses.

Sp*rs (10th / €406.2m), Chelsea (8th / €493.1m), Liverpool (7th / €550.4m), and Manchester United (5th / €558m) are the other four Premier League sides above us.

It is estimated that the clubs on the list missed out on over €2 billion of revenue from the middle of 2019/20 to the end of last season, which has had the effect of taking revenue back to levels last recorded in 2017.

Last month, Arsenal announced a record post-tax loss of £107.3 million for the year ended 31 May, 2021.

Arsenal’s performance, key takeaways:

  • Arsenal’s revenue fell by 6% to €366.5 million. The highest we’ve recorded was in 2017 when Deloitte estimated earnings of €488 million.
  • As a result of fans being absent for the majority of the period, matchday revenue made up only 1% of our total revenue, estimated at €4.3m.
  • Broadcast revenue increased from €136m to €208.2m thanks to a run to the Europa League semi-finals and matches from 2019/20 being deferred into this reporting year. Given we aren’t in Europe this season, this number will likely decrease next year but should increase thereafter with new Premier League deals kicking in.
  • Commercial revenue dropped from €162.3m to €154m.
  • Arsenal’s revenue in 2021 is approximately €121 million down on the 2017 high point of €488 million.
Courtesy of Deloitte Sports Business Group | Football Money League, March 2022

Europe’s richest clubs

  1. Manchester City €644.9m
  2. Real Madrid €640.7m
  3. Bayern Munich €611.4m
  4. FC Barcelona €582.1m
  5. Manchester United €558m
  6. Paris Saint Germain €556.2m
  7. Liverpool €550.4m
  8. Chelsea €493.1m
  9. Juventus €433.5m
  10. Sp*rs €406.2m
  11. Arsenal €366.5m
  12. Borussia Dortmund €337.6m
  13. Atletico Madrid €332.8m
  14. Inter Milan €330.9m
  15. Leicester City €255.5m
  16. West Ham €221.5m
  17. Wolves €219.2m
  18. Everton €218.1m
  19. Zenit St Petersburg €212m
  20. Aston Villa €207.3m

    Click here to download the report in full

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Hope we get 4th place and get back into the CL, will help move us into the top 10.

Some tough matches coming up but we are also on the up!


Well I had a look at the remaining matches and it seems ours are much tougher than Sp?rs. We need big results to be there in 4th place. Winning them will be crucial.


We have Chelsea, United and the Hammers to play as well as Sp*rs. So much tougher, they only have Liverpool to play from the top of the table and their last two fixtures are the bottom two in the table.. It may all come down to the 6 pointer with them.


Truly remarkable work by Man City to be top of the Deloitte’s Football Money League, boasting revenues surplus of 600M EUR without ever winning any European competitions.

How do they do it?

Its almost.. if… if its not actually genuine?

But I mean come on, they seem like such an honest bunch of guys, right?


Ahem. They also have to play Arsenal. Who are currently above them in the table. I think it’s a two horse race for 4th between the north london clubs. Utd have a few tough games and aren’t exactly consistent. So assume that spuds lose to smashers and we get a draw v them at the lame. And incredibly they win every other game (is this plausible). That gives them 73 points. I think we need therefore to beat ltd at home as well as draw at spuds and WHU, if we lose at chelsea and 1 other game of the… Read more »


Well I certainly do not have a similar spreadsheet, saved on my *work* computer, that I provide live updates to as matches are played…. nah, never. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Not a good time to be playing relegation candidates though.


At least one of them will be going down for sure by then, so they’ll have nothing to fight for.

Forget about it

You would think the teams in the top ten would have pretty full trophy cabinet!!?


Numbers 5 (last 5 years) and 10 (14, 31 and 61 years) are the problems there…


Where are Newcastle?


Strictly revenue (annual income), as above, isn’t the same as wealth.

I could have a high salary each year (revenue) but nothing in the bank or own a house etc (ie no wealth), if I spend all my income each year.

or, like Newcastle, have lots in the bank (wealth) but not so much revenue each year yet from winning trophies, being higher up the PL and playing in Europe.


twas a joke!

if we are going by ‘as it stands’ wealth then chelsea should be a lot further down 😂


This still shows that regardless of the excellent progress made on the pitch, our back office team really needs to sort their shit out.
Totally get that largely success drives revenue, but no way should Spurs be above us on this list. Yes they made UCL final a couple of years ago, but our revenues should dwarf theirs.
Hopefully we put similar effort into correcting that as we have done recruitment in the near future.

Teryima Adi

Spot on👊

Naija Gunner

Hopefully if qualify for UCL, get to the semis or the final things might change up there. It’s a wild dream 😜, and it can happen 😁

djourou's nutmeg

i think it’s impressive the amount of pl teams in the top 20. fucking wolverhampton is making more money than very big teams in europe. surreal.


How the hell can Real Madrid and Barcelona be two of the richest clubs around when they’re just about bankrupt?

Chuck Felsea

The problem is to call this “rich list”. It is about revenue, but as explained in another post here, that doesn’t automatically make you “rich”. Real and Barcelona earn alot each year, thus being high up here, but it seem they also constantly spend more than they earn, so they are in massive debt.

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