Saturday, July 27, 2024

Odegaard: There’s something going on here

We don’t believe Martin Odegaard is being paid to say nice things about Arsenal so we’ll take him at his word when he says he’s never experienced a dressing room bond like the one being forged at London Colney.

Having said from the moment he arrived that he wants to create an environment ‘where everybody respects each other’, it certainly feels like Mikel Arteta has made progress on this front since the summer.

After years of cliques, indiscipline and some genuinely odd blokes, there is now a sense of harmony and clear indications on the pitch that everyone is pulling in the same direction.

“The togetherness is something special here,” Odegaard told the Press Association last week.

“I’ve never seen something like this in my football career and there’s a lot of competition but still people just want the best for the team.

“We always want the team to win and the team spirit is really good and I think the connection we have off the pitch as well helps us on the pitch.

“It is definitely something special going on here and I feel like everyone really wants to get the club back up to the top, so that’s the feeling behind it.”

Speaking prior to the 3-2 win over Watford – a match in which he grabbed a neat goal and was generally ace – the player also reaffirmed his belief that Arsenal have what it takes to qualify for the Champions League.

“Obviously that is the target,” he said.

“So we will do everything to get there and we will take it game by game and try to win each one and then we’ll see in the end – but of course, that’s the big goal and I believe we can do it. I think we have the quality to do it.”

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It’s the future, I’ve tasted it!


It tastes so sweet too.It’s has been a while since we had this


one game at a time .. although it is nice to actually enjoy the football again .. hasn’t happened for quite some time.


He’s growing in stature and influence with each and every game. Absolutely loving his recent performances.


Fab 4!!!! Love them all!!!!

Nainsley Aitland Miles

To be fair, it’s a squad effort and they all deserve plaudits.

4 Non Blondes

I said hey! What’s going on! ~~

Jeremy DG

I read the headline and immediately thought that someone was mysteriously pooping in the ice Bath at London Colney. Alas it was about team togetherness.

Jeremy DG

Wow. Tough crowd.


Tell me about it. 👍🍺


It made me think of Mr. Jones by Bob Dylan

Bai Blagoi

Who are the Top 5 “genuinely odd blokes”, in your opinion?



Billy bob

Gallas… five men in one!!!


He was my first thought, too 🙄


Sol Campbell has to be a contender


Are my top 4

Nainsley Aitland Miles

What’s so odd about Xhaka? He seems like a decent family man.


The lack of ever taking responsibility whilst gatecrashing his way around a pitch is comedy for everyone that isn’t an arsenal fan

Martin R

Why Xhaka? A great team player who always gives a 100%.


Other than flinging the armband in the dirt, swearing at the fans, repeatedly dropping his team-mates in the poo to salve his bruised ego coz he gets skinned by better, faster players (again and again!); and then refusing the armband when given a second change…
Utter muppet.




Harsh on the Muppets. I like that lot…

Diaby's Left Peg

Nasri, Bendtner & Szc in their own ways


Bendtner most definitely. And very surprised no-one’s mentioned Anelka???


Nothing odd or blokey about Anelka. Just a petulant child whose brother happened to be both an agent and a git.



Brady’s bunch

That would be my first followed by gallas, Ceballos, Sanchez and adebayor


Saw some great names listed but surely Bendtner and Guendouzi have to make the cut.

Scandinavian tourist

Chamakh has to be in there aswell.

  1. Mustafi
  2. Willian
  3. Gallas
  4. Frimpong
  5. Bendtner

Fruitcakes R Us.


Arshavin, but in a good way


Park Chu-Young
Inanimate Carbon Rod

Yankee Gooner

Andre Santos, but in an odd way.


Emmanuel Eboue

Greg in Seattle


Bai Blagoi

Nobody mentioned Guendouzi so far..

Jon jon

They did, about 10 hour before you….


Alexi Sanchez

Reality check

Kolo Toure
Gael Clichy
Ray Parlour
And how can you forget mad Jens

Bonus contender Gervinho

Ordnance Dave


A Different George

I suspect Flamini could qualify–remember the long sleeve/short sleeve issue?

Teryima Adi

Hahahaha. Flamini sure didn’t like been longsleeved. I thought he cut his jersey with a pair of scissors.😃😃😃

Brady’s bunch

Apparently Worth €10.4 billion now according to what I was just reading 🤔


If anyone is going to make Stan an offer he can’t refuse, it’ll be Flamini.


Not sure about the order though.


Obviously TGOBTEL has to be top.


I ‘m genuinely surprised no one has mentioned RvP! Imagine a couple bourbons with that fella


His brain is too big. I wonder how he hides it in his normally sized head!!!!!! Onwards and upwards!!!!


Captain next season, for my money. I absolutely get why people are calling for KT, and I’d be more than happy with him as skipper, but the thought of a captain pulling the strings in the centre is very appealing. I also think it’ll push him on. Club legend in the making


Van Persie

Man Manny

Reserve team of the odd guys.
Emmanuel Eboue
Nicklas Bendtner
Amaury Biscoff
Andre Santos
Jens Lehmann


STILL no mention of Anelka???


His brother/agent was a right fucking comedian, as I remember.

Still, with our Anelka Money, we funded the (then) brand new training pitch to Arsene’s specifications. It was so good and ahead of it’s time that the England squad ‘borrowed’ it occasionally.


*Training Centre


My bad, meant to reply to the above comment on genuinely odd bloke top 5

The Beast

Last I heard Alex Song was plying his trade out in Djibouti.
Always liked him but can’t argue with him being a bit odd. Probably why I’ve always liked him.

Yankee Gooner

I thought you were naming another platoon of captains.


After what’s happened to our best players after they became captains, lets not repeat the same mistake? just give it to, i dunno… cedric?


I’m starting to care less about top 4 than I thought I did. I’m more along the lines of this group and management steering arsenal away from the banter era and making us a top team again


Mate, if we wish to attract a decent striker in the summer, never mind hold on to this group of players, especially the ‘fab four’, then finishing in the top four this season is far more vital than you realise.

Bleeding gums murphy

Absolutely. Finishing fourth and I can fantasise about the possibility of third, will be the most incredible boost for this team. It fosters belief and a winning mentality. It encourages our superb youngsters to stay and not be tempted by offers from champions league teams. We are in the driving seat, believe Coyg


These guys – and the manager – deserve to be in the Champions League. They’re better than the fucking Europa – honestly, I really can’t stomach the idea of this club wasting yet another season stagnating in that wretched competition.

As fans, we have a role from the stands o instil belief in the players that they can do it. That will only come if we believe too.

Blindly accepting the Europa is no longer appropriate – these guys are better than that.


Don’t get me wrong I still care and still want us to beat spurs and Chelsea in our games in hand giving us prime chance to finish 3rd. But I think I’ve drank the cool aid when it comes to the process.

Santi’s Thigh Grab

100%. Even if we don’t get fourth, and I think we will, I trust the manager to guide us back to the top of the table. This is an elite manager in training, the more adversity he and the squad endure on there way back to the top, the greater the winning mentality when they arrive. It’s one thing to climb to the top it’s another to stay there. Arteta is not molding a fourth place team, he’s going to the top. This squad is ahead of schedule in Arteta’s plan. If that doesn’t give you goosebumps, you’re not alive.


Funnily enough I’m starting to care more about top four, Wenger always said it was like winning a trophy and as usual, in time, he’s been proved to be right, even though at the time I wanted us to win a cup or two.

Teryima Adi

You sounded like Trump there.😃



Jason Fletcher

Maybe he can get his buddy Haaland to join the fun.


Finish fourth and he might.

I’ve seen us sign the ‘unsignable’ before.

Malcolm Macdonald, Charlie Nicholas, Dennis Bergkamp, Sol Campbell.

All the ‘experts’ had them joining anyone but us.

Then stared open mouthed as the respective new boy was unveiled in the red and white of The Arsenal….


And – assuming we get back into CL – why wouldn’t he?
Undeniable top billing…
Play with his serious mate MO…
Join the most exciting young team in Europe atm…
Become the new Arse striker legend…

Nainsley Aitland Miles

I can’t see Arsenal shelling out £150 million on a single player (he has 2 years left on his contract) but that certainly would be a statement of intent from KSE.


Supposedly has a 68 million (pounds or euros, can’t remember) release clause. That said, the fact that Man C, Man U, and probably Chelsea (plus possibly a bunch of other top teams, incl PSG) will want to strengthen up top, I can’t feel hopeful of this one. Also doubt we can afford his wages + Raiola’s cut.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

That’s the minimum release clause. But if Arsenal and 5 other clubs all bid 68 million for him just to meet the clause (or 75 million Euros, just in case the pound crashes), wouldn’t it then become a regular bidding war. Hence I think it could get to 150 million with add ons.


I agree. Was watching the match and I said…
Hey yay yeah
What’s goin on?

Man Manny

Beat Leicester… and beat Liverpool (time to get that red monkey off our back), and we’ll be in the driving seat for top 4.
Man U play Sp*rs next week.
If the cancel each other out in a draw, we’ll be minimum of 5 points above them.
Top 4 is a huge ask for West Ham; I expect them to go the way of Wolves in the coming weeks.

PS: I strongly believe we can beat Liverpool.


I’ll be happy with 6 points from the next 3 games. It’s more important we beat or draw with MU and Spuds.


I’m ‘calming’ myself with 4 points from the next 3 – just to keep it real. But 2 wins and a point from the Scouse would pretty much cement us in Top 4. Villa going to be tricky though…


Arteta deserves so much credit for this. The football and in game management haven’t been consistently good, (it’s still been top 4 standard since dec 24th 2020). But the off field decisions around discipline and laying off players, along with the personality profile of those being brought in, and little touches (like Wenger’s quote and picture that the players high five on their way into training), are brave and smart and the sort of things i just dont see the likes of Lampard or even Conte considering. We’ve got a special guy as a manager. So happy for him as… Read more »

Mesut Ø’Neill




Having a problem with some genuinely odd blokes? Stubborn cliques that just won’t budge? Get down to B&Q today for a discount can of Oddegard spary…



Santi’s Thigh Grab

It was there for you but then you sparyied it up.

Teryima Adi



here it comes again lads:
next great Arsenal captain… next true Arsenal legend.

Teryima Adi

Ace player

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