Saturday, July 27, 2024

Independent football regulator on the horizon as government backs fan-led review

The government has said it backs the 10 strategic recommendations laid out in MP Tracey Crouch’s Fan-Led Review of football governance, including the establishment of an independent regulator that will have the power to sanction clubs in English football that break financial and other rules.

Unsurprisingly, the Premier League and its shareholder clubs, six of which, including Arsenal, were involved in the failed European Super League project that sparked the review, have maintained that the regulator “is not necessary.”

What does this actually mean?

In simple terms, following case after case of negligent ownership, the government has decided that a new independent organisation should oversee what’s what with English football and, vitally, have the power to hand out punishments when rules, including financial ones, are broken.

Amongst other things, it will be charged with applying a new “enhanced” owners’ and directors’ test – replacing the ones currently used by the Premier League, EFL and FA.

The government has also pledged to ensure that fans have a greater say in club matters.

It remains to be seen what mechanisms might be introduced but recommendations include ‘shadow boards’ with a veto right, via a ‘golden share’, on heritage issues like changing names, kits, stadia and crests.

What has the government said?

Sports Minister Nigel Huddleston: “It’s just over a year since the failed European Super League bid but it is clear that radical change is needed to protect the future of our national game. We will work at pace to establish a strong, independent regulator. However the football authorities can take action now to tackle issues currently facing the game such as the issue of fair distribution of finances throughout the football pyramid and giving fans a greater say in the running of their clubs.”

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries: “We are now committed to fundamental reform, putting football on a more sustainable financial path, strengthening corporate governance of clubs and increasing the influence fans have in the running of the national game.”

What happens next?

Change isn’t imminent but the wheels are clearly in motion. The next milestone will come in the summer when a White paper with more details on the regulator’s power is published.

Of course, this being politics as much as football, there’s a suggestion the government will try and push things through before the next general election in 2024.

In the meantime, before the changes are forced upon them, the sports minister has encouraged football to take a pro-active approach by starting to improve things like fan representation.

What’s been the reaction from Arsenal?

There’s no word from the club at this point.

The Arsenal Supporters’ Trust said: “The AST welcomes this announcement. Many of the proposals put to the review by the AST, such as; golden shares for fans, independent non-executive Board directors, proper fan engagement, shadow Boards and independent regulation are included in these plans and we will now work with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport as it brings forward its White paper. We will also continue to make the case that the best way for fans to have a say in how their clubs are run is for them to be represented as supporter shareholders.”

Click here to read the full oral statement given by Sports Minister Nigel Huddleston on the government’s response to the Fan Led Review of Football governance

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Tracey Crouch is a very good egg and I think this sounds like a great idea to me.

Emi Rates

Lots of difficult words for “Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries” there. I wonder who wrote them for her? And who coached her into remembering and eventually delivering them? How long did that take?


Pretty sure she’s dyslexic, so not cool at all.

Emi Rates

Have you heard her speak? Do you even know who she is? She’s as thick as a brick!


I wonder if they can also implement an Enhanced Match Day Commentators and Panel Test, so we can get rid of dumb cunts like McManaman, Keane, Neville, Jermaine Penis and Danny Mills.

Especially McManaman the phlegm spewing anti Arsenal cunt.


Ehh Roy Keane’s alright to be fair. Criticizes everyone equally instead of having an agenda against a particular club.


He hates the Arsenal. Which doesn’t make him ‘alright’ in my book.

Brady’s bunch

He looks like a middle aged English teacher without the brain.


Next time you hear him co-commenting just listen to him. Everything – and I mean EVERYTHING – that comes out of his mouth favours our opponents.

The guy is an absolute cunt.

He’s also the reason why our family now enjoy watching live games with the mute button on. Actually – I thoroughly recommend it. All those crass brainless anti Arsenal remarks removed and you get to enjoy the game and draw your own conclusions without being verbally force-fed utter shite.


Let’s not forget Souness here, either.

When he’s not slagging off Arsenal, he’s bigging up the Scum down the road, because he was a youth player there.


Will this ‘independent football review team’ also review the state of officiating, the racism in football, the shady deals with agents for players? I believe these points are equally important.


With all the limitations/caveats, it’s good to see there’s some (long overdue) movement on this.


“Independent”, but whoever pays for the meeting venues, the bottled water, decorations, and the report writing controls them.


I’m skeptical. Will Stan really accept being told how to run his club by the government? Will there be a legal challenge by the owners of Man City and Newcastle? I suspect so.

Subject change: Arteta has a massive decision to make on Sunday: does he persevere with the terrifying Taveres against West Ham; or does he do something radical about the left-back spot?

Nuno nearly cost us the game on Saturday: can we continue to trust him?


Nuno at left back gives us moments of terror and moments of joy interspersed with normal play for the most part. Anyone else at left back gives us a whole match of headaches such as moving Xhaka out of midfield or Saka out of the attack.

Moments are better than 90 minutes so I say stick with him


Tavares might contribute to the odd goal here or there, but he could have conceded 3 penalties against United and gave the ball way numerous times in dangerous positions. He is highly likely to cost Arsenal points.

Teryima Adi

A curious case of the devil you know….🙄🤔😃


Now that Tomiyasu is back, Arteta might be tempted to move Soares to LB.


That would be more sensible than playing Tavares at this moment in his development.


Cedric worried me a bit on Saturday. I mean – what was that closed eye hug celebration about after the third goal?!

Teryima Adi

Relief 😃

Arsene for CEO

Are you forgetting Cedric got away with an almost penalty at his preferred position too?


Probably just another quango for a few ex public school mates to earn a small fortune by interfering in things they know nothing about and get some nice freebie hospitality tickets. I wouldn’t trust them further than I could spit on them and don’t expect anything positive to come of this.

Reiss Neverseen & El Dicteta

As a British resident, I think this is just another cheap and easy attempt by a government under fire, to redirect voter sentiment to where they want it to be. I just don’t trust the MPs backing the proposal. While the MP (Crouch) spearheading it is a genuinely involved in football (and a Sp*rs fan), she also has a track record of voting against amendments to increase transparency in government funding. On 7 March 2022, she voted against three amendments to the Economic Crime Bill. Most notably Clause 29, which would have increased the State’s ability to prevent the… Read more »

Brady’s bunch

Thought the poster said for the Fam’s or a minute 😂


Ronald Reagan:

”The 9 most terrifying words in the English language are”

”I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”

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