Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ramsdale: We know our fate

Sp*rs may have denied Arsenal a Hollywood ending to the season at White Hart Lane but Aaron Ramsdale insists the Gunners will go ‘all out’ in the final two games to secure a place in the Champions League.

Mikel Arteta’s side knew a win at White Hart Lane would secure a top four finish but in the space of 20 minutes hopes were extinguished as a penalty, red card and set-piece saw the game run away from us before the break.

Like his manager, Ramsdale preferred to look ahead to the next challenge rather than dissect the specifics of a horrible derby experience.

“We know our fate, we know what we’ve got to do,” he told

“We go to Newcastle now full of confidence, go get that three points. Go into the next game, go get three points.

“I’ve been in different situations, not fighting for fourth but down at the bottom of the table, chasing and it’s not the nicest. You’re always looking at people dropping points.

“When it’s in your hands, you know what you’ve got to do, we go to Newcastle on a Monday night, hoping the fans follow us, as they will, as they have done all season which has been amazing, and like I said, we go for three points, we’re going all out.”

The keeper, who did well to keep the score down with a couple of tidy saves in the second half, also revealed what the manager had said at half time.

“He wanted us to show some balls, which I think we did, we played,” said Ramsdale.

“Although we went long from goal kicks on some occasions, we also played out, he wanted us to play our way, not shy from the ball.

“When we did break the lines, we had some nice, sort of, moments. Nothing obviously came of it at the end, but we had nice moments, which is the frustrating part.

“He wanted us to do that, show pride and passion for the fans who made the journey. Like I said, it’s just so frustrating how the game flipped on its head in a matter of minutes.”

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We have got to do this now.

Ram every last anti Arsenal word down the throats of every Gooner hating media pundit – at Talksport, in the Evening Standard, the tabloids, the BBC, Sky and, most of all, Gary Super-Cunt Neville, whose tongue is so far up Tottenham’s rectal passage, it’s a wonder the cretins haven’t mounted it in their dust riddled trophy cabinet.

Tommy Gunner

As horrible as last night was, in the cold light of day I’m not too upset by it in isolation. I’m far more concerned by the suspension to Holding, the injury to Gabriel, and the potential continued unavailability of White. The next two games are going to be pant-soilingly nervy, and fine margins (I.e set pieces) could be very important. Both Newcastle and Everton are eminently beatable, but who knows what damage was done last night

Once a gunner

The injuries and suspension are my worries, not the opponents we are capable of beating them home or away but how MA will flick his team to win is my worry.


Not sure I join you there, Tommy.

It was a bad one for us last night.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

White will be fine for Monday. Wouldn’t have been on the bench last night if he wasn’t close.

A back four of Cedric White Tomiyasu Tavares will have to get us through Newcastle.


Jesus that back four sounds more rickety than that bridge in Indiana Jones

Nainsley Aitland Miles

But not as rickety as Newcastle’s defence.


Centre halves are ok, but yeah – we have the fullbacks from Hell.

Woolwich Tiern time

If yiur talking Temple of doom then to be dair he was getting across just fine until he took a machete to it…

So sticking with that analogy there is a clearly a joke to be had about Arsenal being the masters of their own downfall


back 4 containing the likes of Xhaka and peak-awful David Luiz kept a clean sheet last May @ St James. Plus Willian on the right passing it backwards for 90mins.

Woolwich Tiern time

Last May Newcastle didnt have Trippier, Guimairez, they were not coached by Eddie Howe and the toon army wete making hardly any noise… they are a different outfit

Ponsonby Gooner

Conte annoys me. If he wasn’t there the Norwich game would have bottle job for them written all over it. Dumping them in the Europa league so that he leaves to find a champions league team should be extra motivation for us to win our last two games. We can do it, even with the injuries.


I knew we were gonna lose this one, as in the recent past we’ve always done well against big teams and have lost against smaller ones. Arteta seems to be taken in by the Derby situation, all he needed to do was, sit back and take a point. Spurs had to win not us! But somehow he read it wrong for a smart man. Jose always played this tactic against MA and was successful and now Conte too, which is annoying. I don’t know what is more annoying, Harry Kane’s mouth, Son’s playacting or Conte running like a wild pig… Read more »

Woolwich Tiern time

Fairly sure we beat Tottenham with Jose still at the helm last spring, unless he had been sacked already by then.
Truth is the normin this tie has for a while been that the home team edges out the vixtory


Hold tight fellow Gooners , doing it the Arsenal way , we never make it easy , but it’s in our hands , keep the faith 👍

Woolwich Tiern time

Its up for grabs now

Man Manny

I want to be optimistic as well; but I’ll wait for the fitness news. If Gabriel is out against Newscastle (plus Holding’s ban and a half fit Ben White), we’ll need a miracle on Monday. I hate pessimism, but in this case, I’ll revert to my minimum target at the beginning of the season – the Europa League. I thought that would be considerable progress then, and I still think so now. Although the last games, and the team we are in contention with for top 4 made it a must for me (I enjoy Conte’s meltdown), I willing to… Read more »


When Arsenal play any top team ,the gunners will be playing against 11 plus mo and var.Arsenal were denied a legitimate penalty against MC . To rub salt, Guardiola was given a penalty ,no questions asked
This Arsenal bashing ahs been going on since Wenger made the gunners atop team
Until the mos are held accountable,they will keep dishing decisions which will be unfavouvarable to Arsenal

Kevin cook

How can Arteta be pleased with the team performance. Cedric should not of started. Or should of been subded after giving penalty away. Holding should also been sounded after first yellow card. Why did Arteta not start Smith Rowe. ??. Arteta choice of starting 11 was full of wrong choice. He has to learn to choose with his head not his heart or favourites


Who does he start instead of Cedric before a ball has been kicked, who comes in for Holding after a yellow card? Who out of Saka or Martinelli, should Smith Rowe start ahead of?

You are making statements without considering that there are little options. We have a threadbare squad, the team pretty much picks itself.


Mate, he was shielding the players in order to pep them up for Monday night’s game.

Try and keep up.


There is no reason why Arsenal cant beat NU and Everton .The team must defend as a .unit. Where was the marking when SOn and Kane scored?Both were isolated and had all the time in the world to score.
Even my 99 year old uncle could score.
Until the dangermen in NU and Everton are not isolated, Arsenal could come to grief

Enda Taylor

To be fair the 3 very winnable games that we failed to get a point from v palace etc have cost us dearly.. we should be sitting 5 above Chelski…


Anyone know whether Dan Ballard is eligible and fit enough to make a contribution – on the bench or even starting the Newcastle game? Not necessarily saying he should, just curious whether he could.

Tomiyasu will be more than fine playing CB, but I really don’t want to see both Cedric and Nuno on the flanks.


I would put nuno on the flank, just go fuck all out. Put in asuch as we can. Show some balls that is what I want and I am proud of my team on what they did at WHL despite down 10 men. Common you can fucking do it, raise your heads and realise your potential. Fuck Spurs and Fuck VAR. Do what we have to do.

Woolwich Tiern time

Do wonder abiut a back 3 of Tomi, White and Mo. Lokonga and Xhaka in front of them and Saka and Nuno on the flanks.

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