Saturday, July 27, 2024

Contract talks ongoing with “happy” Saka but Hutchinson set to leave

According to transfer specialist Fabrizio Romano, Bukayo Saka is “happy” at Arsenal and talks with his representatives about a new deal are ongoing.

The England international is contracted to the Gunners until 2024 but we’re understandably keen to tie him down for much longer with the biggest clubs in Europe keeping tabs on his progress.

As things stand, Saka is one of the club’s lowest earners having last agreed terms in July 2020 not long after becoming a regular in the senior team.

Recently voted the club’s player of the year, he’s in line for a bumper pay rise that should put him on a par with some of the squad’s biggest earners.

While it’s looking increasingly likely that we’ll persuade Saka to stay, the same can’t be said of 18-year-old winger Omari Hutchinson.

Various sources claim that the Jamaica international has agreed to join Chelsea.

While he’s yet to play for the senior squad, Hutchinson was included on the subs bench 10 times last season and had been tipped to sign a new deal before going out on loan.

For whatever reason, he’s decided his future lies elsewhere.

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Shame about Hutchinson, remember seeing him as a kid in one of those skills videos on YouTube and was always interested to see if he’d eventually make it. Can’t see what he thinks Chelsea will offer him that we wouldn’t have (unless it’s a bag load of cash), but I suppose these things happen and thankfully we have plenty more talent in the academy. Hope he enjoys Vitesse for the foreseeable


Hutchinson is a complete idiot! Imagine wanting to leave a club with no ambition that has failed to qualify for the champions league in the last five years and not won a title in 18 years, only to join the most successful English team in the last 15 years!!

The man must be a complete buffoon!!!!


Fats, keep yourself well hydrated mate.

Or better still, stay out of the sun completely…


Yeah and a number of their youth are key members of those title winning sides!!!!!


Imagine leaving a club fielding the youngest starting 11 with great youth prospects to join Putin’s rejects

Jeremy DG

Is the heat making you grouchy fats?


I don’t need the heat for that.


Oh well, he’s not even the biggest talent coming out of this crop. It’s a shame but I guess it is for a reason we got marquinhos in the door. He’s 1 yr older, same position, my guess is omari didn’t appreciate that. Good luck to him, not really.

Toure Motors

Don’t let the door hit either of you on the way out fatgooner

Emi Rates

Goodbye and the rest to Omari but not Fats. He’s an Arseblog institution and must not leave.

Funsho Patrick

Hahahaha fatso! You spurs troll!

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Outdated statement to say Arsenal don’t have ambition. It’s obvious the club are desperate to get back to the Champions League.

We’ve spent around £225m in the last 12 months on specifically identified hungry young talent that have the potential to bang.

Seemingly gone are the days of signing the likes of Willian, Cedric, Luiz, Leitchsteiner, Sokratis. Granted – experienced with low-transfer fees, but unambitious long-term and mundane signings.

Heavenly Chapecoense

We got super goal machine Nketiah from them though.

Emi Rates

And Willian.

Actually Chelsea released him for being too small, so Arsenal got him on a free transfer.

Emi Rates

Willian also came on a free transfer.

Johnny 4 Hats

As much as it breaks my heart when talented young lads leave, you have to just say – win some, lose some.

Young players move around so much due to contract law and think how many we’ve pinched from other clubs.

Good luck fella. Now let’s quickly forget about him and on with the project.

Brazilian Gooner

It’s a real shame for Omari, and a weird one since Chelsea is famous for losing their talents… always felt like there should be a rule to protect academy players till an older age, or something that demanded a fee of market value even if the contract is out.
The club invest and produces a talent only for him to decide to go to the rival for peanuts (or even free)

I don’t know how the rules work but are we not entitled to compensation from Chelsea?

Market value fee seems fair.

This guy is 18 but feels like he’s easily worth a seven figure sum already.


We need Bukayo, great player and part of the club. I’d love him to sign up for many many years so we can sing his chant match after match!


It seems in an effort to stop saka going to City, Arteta is bringing City one by one to The Arsenal ?


Arteta after signing Pep:

“Me and Edu have been monitoring his progress for some years now. He’s great at using his hands to communicate with the players and fits the profile Arsenal needs to move into the next level.”

Arseblog readers:

“Does this mean ESR will be sold?”


This needs more upvotes

Quentin Quarantino

If he does it quietly maybe no one will notice…


And just to think it’s gone full circle since we were Moneychester ¢It€h’s feeder club!

Merlin’s Panini

Big shame about Omari Hutchinson. Of all the clubs to go to he’s leaving for one that will do to him exactly what was about to happen anyway, only with Chelsea the loans will be for far longer. Can only think they’ve offered him a lot more money otherwise a move to a lower Premier League club might have actually seen him be a first team player. Weird move for him and sadly I can’t wish him any success there. I had high hopes for him. I guess we can always re-sign him when he’s 32… On a brighter note… Read more »

Giuseppe Hovno

I don’t know anything about Omari Hutchinson but I am prepared to be absolutely furious at him for joining C***ski

Giuseppe Hovno

(The missing letters are “unt”)


We guessed that, but thanks. (100% appropriate btw.)

Who else has moved from Arsenal to Chelsea? Can only think of Cashley Cole and the HFB.

Merlin’s Panini

The dolphin guy who blogs hated. French bloke. Defensive midfielder of the Fabregas era that wasn’t Flamini…
I could look it up but can’t be arsed.

Merlin’s Panini

Lassana Diarra is the one I was thinking of.

Merlin’s Panini

Oh that was the other way round… as you were.


Part of the Chelsea money making loan scheme. At least City let their kids go when it’s clear they won’t make the first team – Chelsea kids just seem to rot in the system for years.

Tomaury Bischfeld

If Chelsea’s loan system was a film it would be called Home A Loan but with Home crossed out and Lucas Piazon clasping his face and letting out an existential scream

Nainsley Aitland Miles

We can’t really throw stones at them for that though.

Chelsea had 22 players out on loan last season.

Arsenal had 30.

Man Manny

The Hutchinson bit is sad but not unexpected. It happens at every big club. As our first team and bench continue to improve in quality, more prospects are going to leave as their pathway to the first team gets increasing narrower. I don’t see him breaking into Chelsea team either. You need to see guys like Callagher, Broja et. Al, who have had to move elsewhere for regular football to know what awaits him. I hope he doesn’t prove me wrong and do a Nketiah on us at the Emirates few years down the line. I wish him well all… Read more »

Man Manny

I knew Saka will sign a new deal, but it might be the last if he is not convinced he can compete for the best trophies here when its time for another extension.
The good thing is that his value will continue to rise. He should command some obscene amount of money if we HAVE TO sell him then.


I’m loving a Happy Saka.
Great to hear that talks are 1. Actually taking place and 2. Going well.

Let’s hope the team and their performances this season can help get the new deal over the line.

And as for Hutchinson, if he really wants to be a silver medal turncoat and sign for those utter scum bags, then more fool him. That’s about as politely as I can put it…..

Lithuanian gooner

Well Hutchinson was on a right path, but he eanted more than arsenal could affors. Good for him and all the best. Saka new contract incomming! Onwards and upwards!

Merlin’s Panini

It’s terrible when someone eants more than they can affors.


Taking a pot shot at someone’s spelling is pretty fucking low hanging fruit.

The worst thing is, you didn’t even have the wit to make it funny as what you wrote makes no sense


Merlin’s Panini

It just looked amusing to me. Like a cross between “eat” and “want”.
By the way, it did make sense in the context of what was intended by the misspelled words but I didn’t claim it to be a masterpiece of a joke. I just enjoyed the look of the words.
No need to be calling people Spursy, that’s so offensive.

I wouldn’t take umbrage to someone enjoying my misspelling. I enjoy language and have the ability to laugh at myself.


You have my sincere apologies for calling the post out as spursy. On reflection that was a wanky thing to say. I accept you meant no offence with your post. You should be aware though that some people struggle their whole life with literacy. And in this case it doesn’t look like the original poster has English as his first language. This wasn’t a typo and with that context, pointing out the errors is light on humour and high on causing embarrassment/making someone look foolish. Regardless, it seems I didn’t approach this in the most mature way so I’ll hold… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

No worries. I thought it was just a couple of typos to be honest, given “e” is right next to “w” and “s” is right next to “d”, but maybe I’m wrong.


You’re taking pot shots too. Calling someone by that name is as low as it gets.

Arsenal could and should have afforded to match Chelsea’s contract. Even if he was haggling, being greedy with new agent Kia, I doubt he was asking for six figures.

This guy could seriously bang and it would have been a smart investment to tie him down on a long term contract.


hutchinson is a very talented player, but flores is the one to watch in the same position

Q3 Technique

Surely this is a failure on the part of Mertesacker? He is one of our brightest youth prospects. I think Arteta can shoulder a little blame as well. There could have been a few minutes for players like Hutchinson at the backend of last season (e.g. Newcastle where we were never going to get back in the game or Everton when we had won)


It could be a result of not being in the Europa League last season


Let’s be clear, if you are a young player wanting to get minutes, you have a much better chance at Arsenal over C***ski. This season we have many competitions and a relatively small squad, so the minutes are there for any youngster who is good enough. That being said, there are oth€r r£a$ons why a player might move to that lot, and I certainly don’t think it’s fair to blame Arteta or Mertesacker for not competing in that regard. The fact is, if other teams are trying to poach your young players, you are doing a good job as a… Read more »

Nainsley Aitland Miles

We have a massive squad – 33 players taken to the USA, and that’s not even including any of the U21’s except for Ruell Waters.

It’s a bit of a myth that Chelsea don’t give chances to youth players – Mount, James, Hudson-Odoi, Chalobah, Abraham. I’m probably forgetting more.


That was pretty much just one Frank lampard season though when they had a transfer embargo and no choice but to use some young guys. First chance they got tomori was out Silva in, Abraham out Lukaku in, Hudson odoi barely featuring, chalobah doesn’t play much and Chelsea spaffing cash on centre backs like it’s no one’s business this summer… Mount and James fair enoug, world class players though, how would they not get in (de bruyne didn’t I guess) I think it’s fair to say Arsenal is a better place for young players these days.

Nainsley Aitland Miles

Can’t blame for Arteta for that. Newcastle, we were chasing a Champions League place and we brought on Laca, Pepe, and Martinelli. The fanbase quite rightly would have been outraged if we instead threw on an U21 with no previous senior football.

A Different George

Please stop. It happens to every team with good, young players. It doesn’t mean Mertesacker fucked up. Think about what you’re suggesting: if he had been brought into the Newcastle game, we’d have never heard the end of how Arteta surrendered, bringing in a kid for his debut in the post important match in the entire history of Arsenal (maybe the most important match in the history of football). Let’s all try to keep things in perspective.


That’s a shame about Hutchinson. Watched him in pre season against Woking and him and Flores were miles better than everyone else. He has a wicked finish on him. One we may regret losing.
Let’s try and keep hold of Flores.

This is probably a result of having lost Europa last season so these kids didn’t get any game time whatsoever, and everything was rising on the PL so we couldn’t blood them. Not having Europa can really cost us, not just financially. Here’s to keeping Flores.


Shocked. Pissed. Gutted. Omari Hutchinson to Chelsea…? Hutchinson is a great talent. Letting him go is probably a big mistake. He must’ve interpreted Arteta’s decision to sign Marquinos as an insult to his long term prospects at the club. This Marquinos kid better be a much better first team talent than Hutchinson. Had big hopes of seeing Hutchinson take his place among the other huge academy talents in the first team. Heard he just switched agents and is now with Kia Joorabchian. The whole thing stinks. Wish the kid well but this feels like a very big mistake (and possibly… Read more »

Nainsley Aitland Miles

I feel your frustration. We absolutely should have matched Chelsea’s contract offer. I really hope we didn’t lose him to Chelsea because we were haggling over 5k a week. We’ve been there before.

I highly doubt he left because we signed Marquinhos. That just sounds like a click bait article.

Not signing a striker in January though – there was only one decent striker available – Vlahovic – and he quite clearly only wanted Juve.


I hear you on the Marquinos situation, but whatever the cause we’ve lost one of our jewels in the academy crown. Even if he wasn’t going to establish himself on the wing in the first team we still should’ve kept him and developed him. He very likely would’ve generated real transfer funds if he continued his current trajectory. It feels stupid. Feels like Chelsea snuck in and robbed us when our focus was elsewhere.

The optimist

Get it done!!!!

The Real Vieira Lynn

not exactly sure how this whole Saka situation will unfold, as there’s a reason why it hasn’t been dealt with already…either the player in question has some serious concerns about his future prospects at the Emirates or it’s another example of the piss-poor asset management issues that have plagued our club for far too long…fact remains, we can’t start this season without this particular contractual situation being shored up or he simply must be sold off before this window closes…of course, I would hate to see this player move elsewhere, but we can ill-afford to lose another player on a… Read more »

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