Saturday, July 27, 2024

Interlull quotes round-up: Jorginho, Campbell, Wenger, Elneny & more

As always during the first few days of an Interlull, it’s pretty quiet on the Arsenal front.

Unperturbed, we have dragged our fishing net across the bare seabed to see what urchins we could drag up; Monsieur Wenger, a former Invincible, a Brazilian doctor, two backup midfielders and some under-pressure international coaches…slim pickings.

It’s totally up to you whether you keep scrolling!

Jorginho on life at Arsenal and what his future holds…

Obviously, it takes time to understand the mechanisms better, Arteta gives you a billion pieces of information but I’m very happy there. I have grown a lot on the pitch, in experience. I changed teams, coaches, therefore I took in more information. I understand the game even more and how to compete. Competing does not just mean playing well, but also comes from experience. And this I try to pass this experience on to my teammates too. I’m not sure [about the future], I would like to return [to Italy] but I don’t know when the right time would be. I want to return yes, but I don’t know when, I feel I still have things to do at Arsenal.

Source: Italy press conference (via Tutto Mercato Web)


Sol Campbell on turning away from management…

I am not applying any more for jobs. I’m happy to be in a different space now and one I want to be in. Some of my peers have had jobs and it’s not worked out and then they have had opportunities again straight away, they’ve always had a lifeline. That is a nice position to be in. I am not in that position, I would love to be, but those situations are not coming to me. I would love to be involved in football and have chances, but that is not happening. You have to look at football in a different way and that is what I am going to start doing and hopefully it will work out and I will be able to help players, just in a different way.

Source: Press Association


Juliano Spalletti on his decision to recall Jorginho to the Italy squad

He was not called up the first time [in September] because he wasn’t featuring for his club. The second time, he had started two games from seven and he had been injured and subbed off. But he always had the desire to be part of this team and this is crucial. I had spoken to him and he expressed his affection for the Italy shirt. Now he is playing regularly and I think he is getting in shape. He is the Regista who tells the team where to go. He was named Arsenal’s captain recently. They were positive signals that got us to this decision. He was never excluded from the group.

Source: Italy press conference (via Football Italia)


Brazil doctor Rodrigo Lasmar on coach Fernando Diniz’s decision to select an injured Gabriel Jesus…

We’ve been monitoring the player’s situation since he was injured. We’ve been in contact with the club’s medical department and with the player. He’s recovering from a muscle injury in the posterior of his right thigh. He’s adapting on the pitch and the fact that we’re bringing him in is Diniz’s philosophy to have him close, to monitor his day-to-day life. As soon as he arrives, he’ll go through all the assessments. We’re not saying when he’ll play, we’ve called up an extra player on this list, but he’s a player who made himself available from the start to play for the national team.

Source: ESPN Brasil (via Sport Witness)


Poland head coach Michal Probierz on his squad selection policy…

I want the national team to include players who regularly play in their clubs. Only [Cagliari’s Mateusz] Wieteska and [Arsenal’s Jakub] Kiwior play less, but they also have some appearances in their teams.

Source: Poland press conference (via Przeglad Sportowy)


Mo Elneny on the support of his Arsenal teammates…

I can’t think of one time when I’ve needed my team behind me and I haven’t had them. They’re always there for me and we’re always there for each other. I think it’s something we have already in our culture in the dressing room and in the squad. When I was injured I never felt that I wasn’t part of the team. I never felt that I was away from the team. They’ve been brilliant with me – the club as well, and Mikel and all of the coaches helped me a lot. They’ve always been behind me.



Arsene Wenger on 50 per cent of coaches in Ligue 1 being foreign…

I think the proportion is not right at the moment, it is a little too high in France. That there is a share of foreign coaches is normal because they bring new ideas. I myself have been a coach abroad. But now that there is reciprocity in the recognition of coaching diplomas in Europe, there is nothing to stem this trend. What I want to say above all is that all this is not linked to the quality of the [French] coaches, but rather to the identity of the [club] owners.

Source: L’Equipe

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So Brazil wants to monitor Jesus life on a day to day basis for some 2 weeks?! As if Arsenal, where the player spends most of the season, can’t do it….

Emi Rates

Death to the PGMOL.


Regista… Shout out to all the FM players. If you know you know.


Alex Song Billong has announced retirement. Can’t forget his lofted assists to RvP. Also netted decent fees when he went to Barcelona. Good luck to him.


Whenever I see him mentioned I can’t help but think of that toe curlingly awkward moment at the Barca trophy presentation when one of his teammates beckoned Puyol forward to hold the trophy and Song thought he was gesturing to him….


Actually, I think it was Puyol becoming Abidal forward but whatever.

Bendtners Cat

Alexandre Dimitri Song Billong

Bill Hall

The quote by Mo, I filled up!


It does make you feel proud stuff like this. He’ll always be an arsenal man, even when he retires. And thats awesome. Look after people even if they cant help you in the present and it will always reflect well. Well done Arsenal and Arteta (and the whole squad)


This may get down voted but it’s surprising to see those comments from Arsene Wenger. “Didn’t he also say at one time that I want to look at a player’s quality and not at their passport” when choosing them for Arsenal.

Well – why can’t that not apply to coaches, with teams picking the best coaches rather than ones purely on French nationality?


Depends how you interpret it. He makes the point of saying he doesn’t believe it’s a an issue driven by quality, more owner preference. So I think he’s saying that there are quality French coaches not being given a chance that should be, therefore going against his philosophy that you mentioned…..
#InArseneWeTrust (I don’t represent him in anyway…)

Crash Fistfight

That’s a lot of coaches being hired on the basis of owners’ personal preference. It could just be that they’re better?


It sounds like Jesus made himself available, while the club said he was injured. No wonder the Brazil coach is a bit narcy. Probably explains our injury problems, too, if players aren’t fronting up properly about their injuries.

He’s got no hair but we don’t care...

Any plans for the worrying article on the comments of Ramsdale’s dad blogs?
So sad that a player already a cult hero (and not in a Johnny Jensen sense!) who’s also pretty damn good to be treated this way.
Raya will never be fully accepted. Not an upgrade and not even close when it comes to capturing the fans hearts.


The interview that Ramsdale gave where he said he can’t concentrate did him no favours and his Dad whining at every opportunity doesn’t either. Raya is doing what Mikel is asking of him and getting better, Ramsdale said they “came to a compromise”, which will never work OUT. You may say that Raya will never be accepted but I don’t see that he’s been any worse than Ramsdale, and he’s actually less chaotic.


“and he’s actually less chaotic.”

That’s really inaccurate if you’ve watched any football this season. I can recall at least 4 major flaps (some resulting in goals, the others should have). Ramsdale arguably had those numbers across an entire season and, to remind you, was shortlisted for the Yashin trophy for 2023. Honestly I have no idea what you are talking about. Raya has done nothing to suggest he is better in the last 12 months.

He’s got no hair but we don’t care...

Exactly. I really find it staggering that some people just don’t get that.
Do they honestly think Raya get nominated even with these remarkable stats that these blinkered supporters quote.


Yeah, I really wish that Arteta and Edu would recruit and pick teams based on who wins prices and gets nominations, then we’d have a team full of winners and near winners.

He’s got no hair but we don’t care...

Nah I’d rather then recruit players who are not remotely better than others and then say you’ve done it for competition/rotation with no actual intention of doing that.
Yep, lots of sense.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Thanks, I come here for this very important but controversial subject. I was one of the first to say that the only result would be all two GK confused. It didn’t take long.


You guys never disappoint. I always come here for these comments as they make my day!! 🙂

You know, I bet Ramsdale didn’t take Win the dog home on his school-pet minding weekend, and Arteta promoted Raya as a result. That’s the only explanation for a professional athlete who smiles all the time to be benched behind another player despite competition in every other position. It is the story of the season, no doubt. Nothing else matters. Makes me forget entirely about the referees incompetently and corruptly stealing points from us and handing them to rival clubs.


Lol, with u 100%

He’s got no hair but we don’t care...

Enjoy the thumbing down from the blinkered stat army. To win the league we need one of the top 4 GK in the league. We had that in Yashin nominated Ramsdale. Do they honestly think Raya is one of the top 4 GKin the league?

Crash Fistfight

If you’re not basing it on stats, what are you using to gauge Ramsdale as one of the top 4 goalkeepers in the league?


Performances in an Arsenal shirt. Our trajectory since he was our number 1 (8th to 2nd). Personal awards awarded by people more knowledgeable of the game than you or I. I take that over a goalkeeper with slightly higher percentages in…..whatever it is, that has undeniably had as many major flaps over a far shorter period, in a more defence Arsenal than last season. I don’t see the argument against this currently.

Crash Fistfight

So you’re saying your judgement of his quality is more reliable than that of Mikel Arteta? Or are you saying that Mikel Arteta isn’t using his judgement, but relying on stats instead?

Personally I wasn’t that impressed by Raya’s first few appearances and was kind-of annoyed that he was signed to replace Ramsdale. Then the West Ham game happened and I remembered why I thought he was the most overrated goalkeeper in the league.


Egh…we can all play this game. So your defence of Raya is a single game against West Ham? Nice. See, it’s easy.

I’m just eyeballling it like the rest of us, and can’t see the pros of the change. Looks off. (This isnt Rambo’s dad btw…)


Reminds me a bit of Sceszny. His head wasn’t straight because of his father being a distraction and Wenger shipped him out. Pop Ramsdale aint doing his boy any favours here. Needs to shut up. This also means Aaron needs to stop acting like a puppy if he wants to be part of a team that overtakes Man City. Be the fantastically-renumerated professional that you are supposed to be, get your head down just like Bernd Leno did. If it doesn’t work out at Arsenal you’ll continue with a great career elsewhere. Wouldn’t be surprised if MA saw enough of… Read more »

Emi Rates

His dad was funny in All Or Nothing though.


Sure, but that wasn’t so memorable for me. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the last episode. Still haven’t seen it. People like the fact that MA is ruthless because that is what is required to get us competing with the top teams in England and Europe. However some don’t like the idea of Ramsdale getting competition because he’s likeable and fools around with the crowd. Most of these folks probably hated his signing at first (I didn’t). How much “personality” do you see from the likes of Ederson, Alisson, Courtois etc? Let’s get serious. All the stats seem… Read more »

Emi Rates

I never implied that Ramsdale deserves a place because his dad was funny in All Or Nothing.


I know – just venting mate 😊

He’s got no hair but we don’t care...

Leno got shipped out. Professional or not he left.
The dad stuff is bollox. Do you think Liverpool would get rid of Alisson if his dad got gobby?
Ramsdale can act any way he wants as it’s clear Arteta sees Raya as his No1 and has no intention on keeping his rotation promise.


You’re just re-cycling your own speculations to justify how you feel.

Name me all the top goalies with gobby Dads then.

He’s got no hair but we don’t care...

What is speculation about having a class keeper replaced by another who is in no way better?


Ok I get it now, you’re Rammer’s Dad!

Fireman Sam

Ramsdale is class. Arteta created a problem here where there wasn’t one. Raya is ok but not an improvement.

Naked Cygan

If Jesus plays for Brazil and gets injured AGAIN who is to blame this time?

A Different George

“I myself have been a coach abroad.” Arsene Wenger.

No further comment.


Shout out to big Sol. I heard a rumor he was getting into politics????

Emi Rates

Pole dancing is what I heard. No doubt he’ll excel at either.


Why not both


Can’t see where Ramsbo will go if he wants to leaves us in January, get he’s disappointed and i think he didn’t deserve to lose his position, miki and his stats for some reason didn’t think he was good enough, would like he stays and takes hs chances when called .

Crash Fistfight

Juliano Spalletti?


If we could get Jorginho on another 1 + 1 that would be incredible.

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