Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Where we want to be” – Odegaard excited by prospect of more big games

Martin Odegaard says Arsenal aren’t worried about who they’ll face in the Champions League quarter-finals, he just hopes his teammates keep improving when they return to action after the Interlull.

While the lineup for the next round is yet to be finalised, it’s very likely the Gunners will face one of Europe’s biggest clubs in April, adding a double-header of fixtures to an already packed schedule that starts with a crunch Premier League showdown with Manchester City.

“It’s a massive night for everyone,” said Odegaard after Tuesday’s dramatic shootout victory over Porto.

“It’s still a young squad but it’s another big experience for everyone. We have to keep building on that and using that in a good way going into the end of the season. It should be a massive boost for us.”

Looking ahead to Friday’s draw, he continued: “That’s where we want to be. We want to be at the biggest stages, as I’ve said many times. We want to play the biggest games and fight for the biggest trophies. So, yeah, that’s where we want to be.”

“When I came here, I believed in the project, in the club, what we’re doing, everything around the club, I believed in it.

“And we are here now doing well, so we just have to keep pushing each other and make sure we get a little bit better every day and then we’ll see where it takes us.”

Asked if there are any sides he’d prefer to avoid, the Norway international continued: “We can’t think like that. It’s the biggest tournament in the world and no matter what team we get, it’s going to be a good team. We’ll just take what we get and then we’ll try to win.”

While he might not say it publicly, we suspect Odegaard would love a shot at former club Real Madrid.

The midfielder only made 11 first team appearances in six seasons at the Bernabeu but has blossomed into one of the continent’s finest creators since signing for the Gunners.

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Steal of the century, hope we get Real Madrid and he scores 🤞


Absolute maestro, obviously that goal is about the pass (and then real nice finish from Tross), which was just incredible, but his work even before the pass was so special. He picks up the lose ball, wanting more than the Porto players, skips around their #11 like he’s not there, and quickly plays a progressive pass to Trossard in space, Tross sees the space Ode has to create on the edge and gives it back, then the close down from #10 comes with a quick right-left dink and turn, fakes #11 with a shot that turns into a left-foot touch… Read more »


Something you’ll notice about Trosser’s finish is that Kai is lurking at the far post for the tap-in, even if he had steered it slightly wide. It was a goal twice over!


I also think there’s a lot more to come from the Trosser/MO combo – Trosser also has a lightning-fast football brain and two silky feet.

To think we got BOTH those players for less than Nicolas Pepe!!


Any chance he still harbours some secret grudges with PSV from his days at Hreenven/ Vitesse ?

Ones he couldn’t satisfy with just a group phase encounter?


Someone said, Real let him go because Odegaard is not at the required level, he is not Real quality. I want to see him to teach them a lesson!


I hear we’re offering 10 million plus Nketiah for Bellingham in the summer… Seems on a par with what we paid Madrid for MØ.


A hattrick and Arsenal win 6-0 home and away!

Chennai Loves Arsenal

Hope we get barcelona and beat them 12:0

Johnny 4 Hats

Those last two goals would cut deep for Elliot over at Arsenal Vision…


We are going to ArshaWin on them.


I don’t know why the majority of Arsenal fans that I know in real life are hoping for either Real Madrid or Barca. Man, everyone is feeling bullish.


Wanting Barca isn’t bullish. Real Madrid, City, Bayern, yes, but not Barca.
Neither is PSG.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Young players from La Masia are wreaking havoc. Do not take them lightly.

Adam Goon

Dont take Barca Lightly, top top players and club has institutional muscle memory when it comes to the Champions League.


More like bribed Refs


We want the biggest games in the world on our patch that’s why! We are back in the big time so let’s enjoy seeing the best of the very best on our patch!
Having said all this can we have PSV or Dortmund in the last 8 pls lol

Adam Goon



Instead of talking the talk it’s time to walk the walk. This is it: the business end of the season. Like I’ve said before: I WILL NOT ACCEPT YET ANOTHER END OF SEASON COLLAPSE!! If we fall away now, both in the PL and the CL, then questions will have to be asked about Arteta’s management. Yesterday’s performance was gutsy but lacking in quality. We need to up our game in the CL to stand any chance of winning it. And we need to treat every PL game as a cup final: we have to be up for every one.… Read more »


In your vocabulary, i guess that “Coward capitulation like last season” is not a synonim of missing 4 or 5 key 1st team player in the run in due to injury??
(just look at the teamsheet against Brighton or Newcastle)


it was a capitulation though, and other teams had players out, the teamsheet for Brighton, has Tierney and Kiwior for Saliba and Zinny, Jorginho for TP5,
the teamsheet for Newcastle, which we won, has Kiwior for Saliba and Jorginho for TP5,

Emi Rates

Don’t ever change, Fats!

Naked Cygan

I wouldn’t call last season cowardly. It was painful to finish second, but we have to remember how good City were last season and they won the trebel. The Saliba injury was a huge factor, some really dodgy var calls, combined with a couple of poor performances is what really did it. We still have to be proud of the improvement and the direction we are heading in. The only disappointments for me this season have been the lack of games in the domestic cups for our players on the bench and playing Partey as a right back and putting… Read more »


Or complaints.

Naked Cygan

Lmao, compliments was in there just for you. I know you don’t have a life, so I make sure you get some joy. I will leave you some more to correct. Keep on checking!

Mayor McCheese

You will not accept it? Fats, you must be the most tortured fan I’ve ever met!

I can only imagine how upset you’ll be if we win the title: “It’s all well and good winning the title, but you can’t truly be called a success unless you win it several times in a row! Questions must be asked!!!!”


I’ve been an Arsenal fan for 50 years. Last season was the most disappointing that I’ve ever experienced. We threw the title away after being EIGHT POINTS CLEAR going into the last quarter. That was the biggest bottle job since Newcastle’s in 1996.

Greatness is about having the guts to get over the line.

I don’t want to see another bottle job.

Mayor McCheese

I’m just looking out for your health, Monsieur Gros.

Forget the past and live in the moment for a bit!

Also, because I have a cheeseburger for a head, I’m deeply afraid of you.


I, like you, am a 50yr-plus Gooner – and I can only remind of some of those bitterly damp afternoons on the North Bank watching us grind out a nil-nil… for years!!

Canmore Gooner

If we fall away now, both in the PL and the CL, then questions will have to be asked about Arteta’s management.”

perhaps edit this to “then fatgooner will finally go away and cheer for another team.” That would be almost worth the pain.


Oh FG.. Apologies. “I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANOTHER END OF SEASON COLLAPSE.” Well who tf are you? A fat goona who has NEVA played at Pro level b4, who cannot understand the mechanisms of what it takes? Or just another keyboard warrior who spouts shite when things go awry? Fuck me the demands that you and some ‘fans’ put on this team is beyond belief. But it’s OK im on speed dial with MA8, have conveyed your concerns and believe me he and the team have fully taken them on board and will endeavour to address your (and other’s) concerns


Sulk, support Sp*rs instead, write a strongly worded letter to Mr Arteta… Like what does that actually consist of!?!


Thanks first of all to Andrew(s) for accepting Fats comment in the first place. Fats, nicely thought out message which unfortunately has been downvoted by people who don’t have an hindsight, overwhelmed with emotions perhaps. I would like to add one more comment on top of yours is for Edu – who should be held accountable as well. The Kroenkes should start interviewing Xabi Alonso & other skilled Managers plus a new director like Michael Edwards to keep up the pressure. Now people might jump up & down at my comment, and what I would say is this is cutthroat… Read more »


We’ll put.

Arteta replaced a very good goalkeeper because he felt he was just not quite good enough: why should the manager not be treated the same?

That’s how football should work.


Who is the replacement you are so certain will win us the PREM and CL? Can’t be Pep cos he has failed a few times. Lucky for us that noone else has thought to employ this amazing person that you know of.


So cute throat capitalism is great… Except when it comes to goalkeeping right?


Angelina Jolie has a very ‘cute throat’.




I only hope you didn’t spend too much time pacing out the above ‘not so nicely thought out message’.



I understand it all. Fats is a Tsundere


Phew – I’ve been really worried where Capt Doom ‘n Gloom had gotten to in your last few posts Fatster!
Nice to see you’re back in the lower half of your pint glass again…. lol


We do owe Bayern and Barca a few slapbacks.
Wouldn’t mind eirher of them.

Emi Rates

Bayern with the added bonus of that diving bruiser Kane, England captain and darling of all refs. Beating them firmly but above all fairly would be so sweet.


I can just see the narrative already if we get Bayern. Absolutely on top of them for both games, but no goals and Harry Kane dives in the box 95th minute 2nd leg then scores the penalty. They go on lose the next game and not win the league, but Harry gets his “like a trophy”.

Would much rather avoid Bayern and just spank Barca.

A Different George

Not sure European refs will be impressed by being captain of England. Whatever you thought of the guy, do you really see someone like Turpin pointing to the spot when Harry falls down?

Emi Rates

I can picture it. Harry Kane throws himself in the penalty box clutching his shin. Nearest player is Raya about three metres away. “Ref! REF!!! [in the voice of Rick from Young Ones], did you see that ref, they FOULED me and I’m ENGLAND CAPTAIN!!!!”.

Turpin looks at him in disgust “I fart on your England captaincy, now GET UP YOU TWAT!”.

Kane “That’s so UNFAIR!!!”

Emi Rates

You could be right. Then Barca are pricks too. Plague or cholera I guess. We just need to dig deep and get ourselves to the semis regardless who we play.


Yep – I have been having the very same recurring nightmare about Ferret-Face.


So glad Raya got his deserved big moment, but this felt really like Odegaard’s game. Thinking about it now, he turned the tide for us twice yesterday. First with the moment of magic on the first goal after some tension in the crowd. And later with the confidence he slotted away the first penalty before straight away geeing up the North Bank- small moment that made all the difference. It was a stressful second half and I wasn’t at all ready for penalties, but for me the shoot-out was won from that first penalty onwards. Love Rice, but those fans… Read more »


I repeat:
next great Arsenal captain… future Arse legend.

Spanish Gooner

I’d love Barcelona in the next round. They’re the perfect combination of being a real glamour side, a side we have history against, but also a side we can beat if we’re at our best. PSG similarly have that superstar aura (Mbappe) without being untouchable and that would be a great matchup. I don’t want City at all (who qualifies for Europe hoping to play English teams??) and if we could have the winner of one of the Inter/Atletico/PSV/Dortmund games in the Semis to give us a real chance of facing the big boys (Bayern / Madrid) at Wembley that… Read more »


on TNT Rio asked Saka who would he want to meet, Keown remarked: “Be careful with that answer!” Saka laughed: “I don’t want to say anything rash!”
(that was wise, listen to Keown… )


bayern big boy? 🤔


Personally, the only team I would rather avoid is the winner of Inter v Atletico. Both are defensively solid (Inter have only conceded 13 goals in the league all season!), and everyone knows what a bunch of cunts Atletico are, they’re basically a superior version of Porto. Both teams would likely set up in a way that makes it very difficult for us. Everyone else I think will come out and play, which suits us better. Saying that, I honestly think we can take anyone on our day. Bring it on!

Thierry Bergkamp (Non negotiable)

First half just finished. It’s a good game, Atletico definitely looking like they could be a problem


Personally, the only team I would rather avoid is the winner of Inter v Atletico. Both are defensively solid (Inter have only conceded 13 goals in the league all season!), and everyone knows what a horrible bunch Atletico are, they’re basically a superior version of Porto. Both teams would likely set up in a way that makes it very difficult for us. Everyone else I think will come out and play, which suits us better. Saying that, I honestly think we can take anyone on our day. Bring it on!


Pretty much every team left is very dangerous. Top of the list to avoid are City and Real Madrid. PSG might actually be a good match up for Arsenal, as they do give opponents a chance.


the champions league would pay so far, £40.99m plus money for our 10-year UEFA club coefficient ranking (btw we are 14 and Porto 13, hopefully we will get ahead of them by the end of the campaign. this makes a total of £63.73m, with TV revenue yet to be added.


Useful info – ta mate!

Rising Dough

What a huge result for Arsenal, and so satisfying to punish the cynical play of Porto. Odegaard deserves all the kudos he’s receiving. The financial implications cannot be overstated, either. The win against Porto is worth 10.6M Euros in prize money. As far as I can figure, their payout for being in the Champions League is close to 79M Euros: 10.6 for reaching QF 9.6 for reaching round of 16 12.1 for group stage wins and draws 15.6 for reaching the group stage 6 for the UEFA Broadcast Market Payout games played, and 25 for the UEFA Coefficient Payout. There… Read more »


Ramble? Is that you?

Rising Dough

Nope. Someone else. And I assume you’re referring to someone else vs. my posting style.

Kai Havertz And Let Loose The Dogs Of War

Bring it on 🔴👊⚪️


Brilliant name! 😆

Up North

I’ve been watching the other teams and give us a 50/50 vs Dortmund and 30/70 vs the others. Main reason is experience in CL and the teams are a step up from PL in tactical and technichal quality. Also that most have top strikers ( Mbappe,Kane,,Levandowski) who comvert chances into goals easily. I do think our performances vs Porto was substandard ( misplaced passes, technichal sloppimess) which i think was due to us being stressed vy the occasion. CL is a big Learning curve and we’re only at the start of that one. Getting through last might against shithousery Porto… Read more »


Yeh agree, we like to think we have the best league in the world as its more quicker and entertaining than the other European leagues but its a different game technically and refereeing wise in the CL, i think Miki knows this at this level, our 1st game against Porto showed how easily we can make a mistake when seeing out a game can make it a lot harder to prevail, the team is still learning in this competition and hopefully we get a bit of luck in the draw Friday, we are now 5 games away..


He leads by example, another fantastic performance from our captain, i do have 2 questions off point, as i can’t afford a season ticket anymore i invested my meagre earnings on watching it on the awful TNT, the coverage was like watching a stream, so many inboxes on screen of their upcoming games/events, Commentator watshisname spilling his guts out on every meaningless stat and Ally McCoist the most over rated pundit who talks out of his arse at the best of times when saying the ref was the best game he’s ever seen, 2nd one, did i really see a… Read more »


I admire the hell out of our captain. I don’t believe that sports people should be held up as role models but he might be the exception. Grace and humility and work ethic and teamwork. He’s an inspiration and it’s an honor to watch him grow with us. If only more young men would look up to real men like him and not charlatans like Andrew Tate the world would be a better place.


Well said – I only have one issue: what have you got against charlatans?


In Odegaard, we have a proper captain.

Just not Atletico Madrid. They are just another Porto…
Merlin’s Panini

Love Odegaard. He’s just so cool headed even in an intense atmosphere. I’m almost certain it’s Atletico next. The only team that will try to do what Porto did to us and one that will have more chance of succeeding at it.
Still, part of me wants that game because we still owe Antoine Griezmann a good hiding for 2018.


In that first MO loan period from Madrid, after watching him take the armband on those couple of occasions, I wrote these words here – in response to one of the BooBoys lamenting him as a ‘dud deal’:

Next full Club Captain… and future Arsenal legend. Bloke is a diamond!

If we meet Madrid, that script is already written: he will score the winner.

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