Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rice, Odegaard & Saliba shortlisted for yet another award

Declan Rice, Martin Odegaard and William Saliba have been included on the eight-man shortlist for the wordiest of honours – the PFA Premier League Fans’ Player of the Year.

The Arsenal trio are up against Manch115ter City’s Phil Foden, Rodri and Erling Haaland, as well as Chelsea’s Cole Palmer and Aston Villa’s Ollie Watkins.

You can vote for the Arsenal boys, here.

It’s quite tough keeping up with who is nominated for what awards at this time of the year, so here’s a round-up…

Declan Rice


William Saliba

Bukayo Saka

David Raya

Ben White

  • 1st – The Golden Glow Award
  • 1st – Sun-Kissed King Award
  • 1st – Bronzed Brilliance Award
  • Lifetime achievement – Golden Ink Warrior Award

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  • Ben White 1st – Shithousery in the box award

All hugely deserved, each has added a lot ot the team. Get voting!


Ben White:

  • Slightly exposed thigh award
  • Goalkeepers player of the season award

Love the goalkeepers player of the season award 🤣


Almost as many of these awards as there are pointless internationals during the season


The problem with having multiple Arsenal nominations is that it lowers the chance of one of our team winning.


I think that it’s time that football had the equivalent of those Golden Raspberry Awards that they award at Oscar time in Hollywood.

How about awards for: worst player; worst manager; worst game; worst individual performance; worst miss; most useless referee; worst refereeing performance; most annoying post-match interview…

I can think of lots of other categories…


What about ‘most downvotes on a football news service’?
I reckon there is one clear Arsenal winner there.


I reckon you’d be a shot at the “cares most about online thumbs up/thumbs down award”


A dislike button would fix twitter. This blog highlights that perfectly. Stupid takes get ratiod pretty heavily, great/clever puns are every1s favourite, n writing for likes gets called out. Trolls are easy to spot.


The only thing that will fix twitter is turning off the lights and leaving. Delete your account and have a more fulfilling experience in the world, free of elmo and his nazi farm.


a good way of getting upvotes also is to add “coyg!” at the end of your posts to cater to the demographic who don’t like reading but want to maintain the vibe


WhyTF do you care about an online popularity contest that is won by saying the more boring, least controversial, nothing but sheepishly positive messaging? Do the upvotes help keep you warm on those long, cold winter’s nights?

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, democracy simply doesn’t work”
–Kent Brockman


my other comment here was “I bet mourinho smells good”, ask yourself knowing what you do of this forum whether those sound like the words of someone who cares about upvotes

Cannon and ball and arsen’all

To be fair FG has had a cracking season half of the season, and he may even be in positive goal difference. Some of his recent positivity has brought a warm glow to my withered black heart.


Mourinho would sweep every managers award if they awarded ‘worst’- attitude, offense, youth development, personality, odor…
As for players, ton of cheats up north…


say what you want about mourinho but I bet he smells good




And John Terry would win “biggest c**t” hands down every year.

Emi Rates

He’s that much of a cunt he’d keep that title long after retiring. Not for shortage of such individuals in the modern era but JT is just so high octane it’ll take a generation or two to dethrone him.

Ditto Mike Dean for the Shitest Ref Award. Mike Dean is the emperor of shit refs.


Whilst I absolutely love the performances of the players on this list I do feel Big Gabi has been hugely under-rated and his leadership and never say attitude has been pivotal to our success this season. So proud of this team whatever happens on Sunday. Of course it is not over until the fat lady sings as they say…….keeping everything crossed come Sunday 4pm.

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