Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ramsey hints at attitude improvement

Aaron Ramsey has hinted that the current Arsenal squad is much more focused and professional, now that certain players have been moved on.

As the Gunners sit top of the league, partly in thanks to the cracking form of the Welsh Jesus, Ramsey spoke about leadership in the side and suggested that the current crop of players are stronger mentally than their predecessors.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, he said, “Everyone wants to win. The  players are very passionate. They give their all in every game. That’s definitely an area where we have improved over the past couple of seasons.

“We have those kind of players. We are still a young team but we have some young players who are quite experienced. I feel like there are leaders in this team. (Per) Mertesacker, myself, Jack…”

He also spoke about the recent run of results which haven’t been great, but he’s back the team to come good again.

I don’t think it has shaken us,” he said. “To concede that many goals was disappointing for the team, especially when we’ve defended so well this season. We still created a lot of opportunities and we could have had six goals as well.

“We’re also still top of the league, and therefore in a great position. We’ve dropped a few points in the past couple of games and we are still top, and that just shows what a good start we’ve had. Hopefully we’ll learn from this little blip and put it right as soon as possible.”

Read the rest of the Ramsey interview here.

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bizarre. agreed.


Wilshere is not a leader and neither is Rambo if I am honest. Per has leadership qualities as does Flamini and Arteta but even then I don’t think they are natural leaders like Vieira was. I don’t really rate Wilshere as a player, far too inconsistent to be considered good…

the only sam is nelson

what a fantastic analysis of why we’re top of the league – it’s because we don’t have any good players or natural leaders. You missed the bit about only having one striker, though so I’m afraid your troll drops points and only makes a fairly average 7.3/10

polish up your arguments around over-reliance on Giroud and perhaps something about Walcott that you heard Chris Waddle once spout and then you can come back and try again.

Good luck


Don’t rate Wilshere as a player??? Do not make the mistake that many fans made with Ramsey last season. Whilst Ramsey’s injury problems were more serious, Jack’s have hardly been minimal. The lesson is that it often takes quite a while for a player to get fully back “into the groove”. Wilshere is widely recognised by many outside of AFC has having real quality. Let’s hope for the sake of both Arsenal and England he can get back to 100% effectiveness, and hopefully no-one is dumb enough to start getting on his back.


Before Wilshere’s long injury, he was pretty much a key player that lead by example in the team, driving forward attacks. H just hasn’t had a long run of games to find his form yet.

Bould's Eyeliner

I don’t think Wilshere is as having a poor form as people say – I think he’s just being overshadowed by Ramsey + Ozil, who are excelling naturally as CAM competitors… If it wasn’t for Wilshere last year, we might have not even made CL this year – he was the reviving force mid-season after we sat 10th and lost to Man U…


Are you questioning all three of them as leaders?

the only sam is nelson

three points against Chel$cum for Christmas, please, Rambo

thanks in advance and lots of love

gooners everywhere


quite fancy walcott to score, hes got the legs on cole whos on the bench anyway and terry is about a quick as most coma patients, fortunately he isnt quite merteswagger caliber

the only sam is nelson

well they say the first yard is in your head

which explains why the cunt is so slow, i guess

agree on theo, looking forward to seeing him get in behind chelsea all night long on monday, just needs to wear the same boots he had on at citeh


how about Mertesacker, arteta and flamini ?

Santi Clauzorla

All i sant for christmas Santi Clauzorla, is for you to score the winner against Chelsea.


Leadership is about the way you play, setting the right tempo, not just waving your arms about, so yes Ramsey is a leader on the pitch.


If you read the full interview you see this was why he was chosen to be the youngest ever captain of his country. Rambo never hides and continually leads by example – thats how he is a true leader. He might not be a shouter, but he was a great Welsh captain and led his team during a spell where they shot up in the world rankings.

Bould's Eyeliner

he still waves his arms for the ball though, and then inevitably it’s in the back of the net.


One thing is for sure.

I sherwood 1 – 2 be a tottenhan fan.


Sherwood not, surely…?


Good lad.


Cool that Rambo sees himself as a leader. He doesn’t seem like the most charismatic guy, but leadership comes in many different colours. If it’s the right match for the group depends on what the group Leeds.


Those guys are leaders off and on the pitch. I can imagine Jack being the ringleader of the domestic boys and per being the leader of the foreign camp. Ramsey has probably stepped up too seeing as he’s been the top performer on the pitch this season. Would question the absence of Vermaelen from his comments. Suggests he doesn’t really have much standing as club captain.

Bould's Eyeliner

It’s impossible to lead when you’re not on the pitch, which is what I’m sure Rambo is referring to – Wenger has publicly praised Vermaelen for his presence as club captain despite the bench time.


Definitely think we are looking stronger mentally and physically as a team these days but where we really need to show it is right now.Problem we usually have is when we get in one of our lost confidence ruts they go on too long and by the time we snap out of it there’s not much left to play for. We could be in a blip at the moment or we may have just had a couple of losses away to good teams.Let’s go hard at the Chavs,win the game and get right back on track. Talking of playing Chavski… Read more »


And don’t forget my favourite “it’s only Ray Palour”.
Plus “there’s only 1 Hughes in London!”




I want Suarez for Christmas.


Not top of the league anymore though. Monday is a must win – COYG!


I’m not sure Arseblog is portraying his words in the right light. He simply says we have leaders in this team (and mentions a few). He doesn’t specifically say now that certain players have been moved on – nor does he particularly imply it either. I’m not sure what ‘certain players’ Arseblog has in mind, but I’m not sure Ramsey is at all relating the upturn in fortunes to the departure of, say, Van Persie or Nasri.


Was about to click to read the article and then realised it was the Daily Mail and decided not to.

Hate that paper intensely.


Fucking Mike Dean refereeing the match Monday night. Not fucking happy!!

TR7 > CR7

I think it’s time for a Ramsey montage:

RJ Gooner

Rambo leads by example. He’s the youngest ever wales captain don’t forget, plus I don’t think a leader has to run around like a man possessed. Arteta leads by example and so does Ramsey. Wilshere and Flamini on the other hand do run around like men possessed and that works for them and the team.


Is it Monday yet?

Yankee Gooner

I’m not worried about beating Chel$ki; I’m worried about outlasting Mike fucking Dean.


Watch how Jack comes back from his two match suspension. He will be amazing, but for the rest of this season his form will be patchy and then next year I predict a Remseyesq season. How good is this team going to be next year???! With all players developing a further season and no one leaving for the second season running??? Except TGSTEL, ok that’s could scupper it….


my gut feel is 2013-ramsey, 2014-theo


Mike fucking Dean doing that game’s depressing already…. Crush the cunts on monday night guys. Riley can go to hell and mourinho can scream to JT’s hotel room after a TW14 hatrick, OG12 brace and a Poldi screamer. COYGs

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