Friday, October 18, 2024

Sport reporting Khedira to Arsenal as almost done

Spanish daily AS Sport, one of the Real Madrid Barcelona aligned papers, is reporting this morning that Sami Khedira will be an Arsenal player next season.

They say the player has made up his mind to leave the Bernebeu, despite Carlo Ancelotti’s attempts to keep him, because he doesn’t feel valued by the club. It’s also said that the agreement between the clubs is there, and just needs to be finalised.

His contract runs until 2015, meaning he has less than 12 months to go, which makes the reported fee of €29m seem a bit high to us.

However, it does seem as if there’s something going on here, much like the Sanchez stuff there’s a lot of smoke and some well placed people have suggested Arsenal’s interest is very real.

If he does sign, he’d become the fifth German at the club, joining Ozil, Mertesacker, Podolski and Gnabry. It would also be a high profile midfield signing, not the obvious DM everybody has been clamouring for, but he’d certainly add some physicality and strength.

Khedira is also a very close friend of Mesut Ozil, which wouldn’t be any harm at all.

We’re giving this one a hopeful 3 poos.


Note: 10 poos means the rumour is total shit, the lower the amount of poos, the more likely the story to be true.

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The fee and the wages are obviously suffering from a ‘World Cup Winner’ premium.

On the other hand, much rather that than pay the ridiculous English premium.

William Hoang

England have 0 quality DMs or CMs that aren’t already at Arsenal.


Cleverly mate, Cleverly. Better than Xavi you know

Bhartiya Gunner

Very Cleverley put.


Quite the xavi pun lad,

Formerly Known As El Capitano

Ahahaha I’ve lost count of how many deluded mug smashers have tried to argue that Henderson is better then Wilshere, or Ramsey.

What a load of clowns


I was very happy that he didn’t play in the Final. Imagine him putting a good performance and the whole world would’ve gone apeshit and his stocks would’ve risen sky high. Further, people like Maureen would’ve come with all guns blazing for his signature today morning.

In another note, you know what there was a huge chance that Germany wouldn’t have struggled in the midfield, if they had Khedira yesterday.


With toni kroos saying he’s going madrid, id say this is pretty likely….the great merry-go-round.

And we always benefit hehe


Toni Kroos to Real Madrid for €20 million seems like a steal if we are paying €29 for Khedira. Kroos is only 24 and Khedira is 27 and injury prone.

Do we think Khedira can last a whole Premier League season?


well for one khedira was brilliant in the mauling of the selected eleven. and secondly i definitely read something somewhere a day or two ago, about maureen swooping in for khedira… while it did reek of lazy click bait, chelski are quite obnoxious that way…

but hallelujah and long live the new arsenal, that we’re are part of these awesome swoops for barca and madrid star players!


World cup and champions league winner to boot!


I’m literally salivating thinking about a Ramsey-Khedira-Ozil midfield trio


Does this mean that we’ll be approaching Mourinho teams with:


Mertesacker, Koscielny, Flamini, Arteta, Khedira,

Cazorla, Ozil

Theo, Diaby, Sanchez ?

I’m kidding of course; as I think skullduggery should be fought off with flair and good style, but putting forward the above team would almost be unfair on the little horse.


No, we’re pioneering the new 9-1 formation. The one is Sanchez, the rest are midfielders. We’d drop Szczesny as well if we could but it probably isn’t allowed.



Here’s a biscuit.


Superb player. But given just the one year left on the contract and his injury record, really wondering if this constitutes value for money.

It might be a new Arsenal era whereby we worry less about that and more the experience this guy can obviously imbue on a talented midfield.


I have imbued your post with a thumbs up.


Plus, if he is injury prone, we can rotate him with Diaby.


Every other season?


Excellent one DR. That has me in stitches!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

Amaury Bischoff's Agent

I call my client. He cannot join you club. I recommend Sami Khedira of Real Madrid, almost as good but more money.




Fuck me sideways!! This might just happen! You can never go wrong with the Germans! I hope to see him in the red and white. COYGs!!!


Sean Dundee


AS or Sport.ES?


I’ve seen a lot of people saying ‘We don’t need Khedira, he’s a box to box player much like Ramsey and Wilshere’ or something along those lines. However, the man is absolute class and would be a massive upgrade on our current holding midfielders because lets be honest we can’t be relying on Arteta and Flamini to get through a whole season. Also compared to Ramsey and Wilshere he is much more defensive minded in my opnionn and I’m certain if Wenger wanted him to play a holding role he would do it with aplomb. Not getting my hopes up… Read more »


wasn’t he injured for a lot of last season and just missed the final through injury as well though? that’s a little worrying


Yeah, what we should be looking for are players that have never been injured.

Woolwich Peripatetic

It is worrying BUT on the plus side, if he plays 19 games in Rambo’s position and Rambo plays the other 19, that’s better than having Rambo only manage 25 games and be crocked for the other 13!
Rotation and squad size are the key. Khedira offers many of Aaron’s qualities so if one is injured we’re not completely stuffed in terms of playing style.


I can’t believe this is the old Arsenal! He’ll be en london for proper preseason training if this goes through. What am i going to do on deadline day? (watching Sanchez on youtube properly)


Actually the ones that played in the WC final won’t have to report to their teams until around August 3rd I think it is so he would just get a short time in before the season starts up.


And on deadline day you’ll be sitting back with a glass of champagne, watching newsfeeds of all the other teams in England scrambling to buy as well as we did six weeks earlier, and savouring the highlights of our 11-0 away win over Leicester the day before (which leaves us top of the league with a +24 GD after the first three matches).

Wenger's lab assistant

Only three poos? Welcome Sami!

(Isn’t Gedion also German?)


I read somewhere that he’s about to get his US citizenship and might choose to play for the USA NT .


Actually, football-wise he declared for Germany last summer (but AFAIK he continues to hold dual citizenship)


Dual citizenship between Germany and USA? Doesn’t he also hold Ethiopian citizenship?


I believe he’s eligible to play for them, but that’s a very different kettle of fish to citizenship.


Thomas Eisfeld is german too, right??


Yup, but alas, not as hot a property as our fleet footed bible.


If he does, we’ll probably end up with another Campbell situation, as we never seem to get work permits for young players not from the EU.


Arsene you sheik!
first Ozil then Sanchez and now what?


For whatever reason, ‘Arsene you shiekh’ made me snort and chortle. Ch-snortle, if you will.


Monsieur Wenger has finally decided to sheikh up the system eh?

Policeman's Bangers 'N' Mash


Sheikh Ketchum

Schnörtle! Watt-er gun attack – now!


Sanchez Watt?


You mean Sanchez Wattage for sure?


WhOzil’s on first?


Really speaks to my current preoccupations that I read the headline initially as, “Alexis Sanchez reporting…”

We’ll see if this pans out, I like the player for sure but that price is higher than expected. I thought we were talking like 16mil a few days ago? Regardless, let’s just remember that 12 months ago we were linked with a 30mil move for Fellaini, and that a lot of fans found that appealing. An Ozil and a Sanchez later and we’re linked with Khedira… it’s not too bad.

Mikel Artekkers

Doesn’t represent good value to me. Lars Bender is ahead in tackling, interceptions, blocks, clearances, and discipline, as well as being two years younger and having a better injury record. The last thing we need at Arsenal is another injury prone midfielder. For €29m we could probably get our hands on Bender too.


You can’t always rely on these statistics as you have to take into account that Real Madrid would maintain higher possession rates than Leverkusen leaving less defensive duties for Khedira to take advantage of. In my mind he is an upgrade on Arteta – allows us to sure things up by not disrupting too much.


I think the issue more is that Bender doesn’t really want to leave.


I’ve heard he’s a bit of an alcoholic and gets up to crazy intergalactic shenanigans though.


maybe he will go on to become TGMTEL


ive been an arsenal fan for ages but ive never felt so out of the loop. can someone explain all these abbreviations for me???

Ted E.

TGMTEL comes from Bendtner being TGSTEL=The Greatest Striker That Ever Lived. TGMTEL would then be The Greatest Midfielder That Ever Lived.


TGMTEL = The Greatest Mother To Ever Lactate.

Our generation is quite weird, but you’ll pick it up soon. 🙂

Paul S

Tackling stats some of the best around but looks poor in possession.


This man has all the tools to succeed in a DM role.
I’d even argue in certain cases we could forego ‘wingers’ and play through the middle 4-3-1-2 type with 3 box to box midfielders (Jack, Ramsey, Khedira) Ozil @ No.10 and Giroud/Sanchez up top.

-Ramsey – Khedira – Wilshere-

—— Ozil ———-

—Sanchez Giroud—-


Not 5th..but 7th German in the team. You forgot Zelalem & Eisfeld.


What about Gnarby?


There’s no way you can put Giroud ahead of WALCOTT even as CF theo must come 1st. And in addition without theo our best XI is in complete!


I can understand why people would thumbs you down, what with Giroud having been good for us and all. But I agree with you, Theo is a tremendous player that better suits the CF position. He has all the qualities TH had (though obviously he is shy of the same caliber that the King was). His finishing is sublime, a lot of people seem to forget that. I’m not saying Giroud is a bad finisher, but I just think that a fast, pacey and more clinical finisher like Walcott is better suited for some games. Now however, he’ll sure as… Read more »

Merlin's Panini

I think, if this is going to happen, we’d mostl ike stick to the same formation we had before but the players might line up like this: —Khedira – Ramsey Walcott – Ozil – Sanchez ———Giroud or we might see Cazorla where I’ve put Sanchez and see Sanchez on the right instead of Walcott. The great thing about having Sanchez and Walcott is that they are both quite versatile. Sanchez can play right across the front three and Walcott can play wide right or up top. Still, I’d like to see an extra out and out striker, unless Akpom or… Read more »


How does anyone still rate Walcott? He had pace – oodles and oodles of pace, but he lacks any sort of football intelligence. If you put him on the pitch against a fast LB he loses the additional time his pace affords him to make a decision.

Sanchez Sanchez is SOOO much better. We may see Walcott as a backup striker, but if his injury limits his pace at all I don’t think he will be playing much. He should just go back to writing children’s books.


There’s a door somewhere in the room you’re in; use it!

Third Plebeian

“He had pace – oodles and oodles of pace, but he lacks any sort of football intelligence.”


Chris Waddle is calling from 2006. He wants his hostage to fortune back.

Seriously, it’s amazing to me that people still peddle this nonsense.


Wow. Lots of love out there for Theo. Okay.


Yes, love for Theo. But not just that. In 13 appearances he had 5 goals and 4 assists. Very Decent. Blew out his ACL, and while stretchered off, (or as I like to think carried in his throne) reminded spuds of their lot. That’s a Gunner.

A fair number are tired of bad talk about good players. Saying he should go back to writing children’s books was ridiculously unnecessary, and way off. Perhaps you should go back to reading them and perhaps learn the value of respecting others.


Sanchez is more than capable of playing as CF, as he’s done reasonably regularly for Barca. In fact during some of Messi’s injuries he’s excelled there. So we have the option of playing Cazorla/Sanchez/Walcott as the front three where pace and penetration is the priority.

Though Giroud’s hold-up/link-up play with runners like Sanchez, Walcott and the Ox either side should mean the occasions of static play in the final third that cost us last season are long gone.


I don’t think we should be complaining of the price here, when we sold Rvp, samir for a higher prices…he is class and more so a world cup winner

Why is my name required

Come on Arsene

Flood our team with world class players, this is what the fans want to see


Next time We Fans Should Sing “Wenger,You Know What You Are Doing”…May Be thats what Arsene wants to hear


He’s won the world cup and the champions league in the same season. That’s a player you want on the pitch going to play chelsea away from home. He’s more athletic than arteta. But maybe not the bulldozer (de jong styled)player we’re expecting. More pluses than minus though.


He is a powerful box to box player like vieira …great height…comfortable with the ball at his feet…endless stamina…charismatic…professed fan of vieira ( …slightly concerned with his injuries though…but i will rather have him still!!!


Charismatic? Really??


I have watched the Mannschaft team in Brasil a few times where Ozil and his best buddy Khedira on the same turf. There’s some dynamic and harmony there between these two. I kept emntioning this to my son especially on the 7-1 trumping of Brazil by the Germans. Ozil buzzing all over the place and Khedira one of the industrious workhorse.

Would not mind at all having Khedira in Red and White. I loved Arteta and Flams, but we do need some energetic blood in the CDM lineup ver very soon. And Arteta is not getting younger by the day.


Even if he was injured most of last year, he had a fabulous world cup. A pity he missed the final. What I like about him is he work rate. He never stop running, he can tackle and pass the ball. He would really fit in our Team.

glory hunter

And he’s actually quicker than i thought especially considering he just returned from a bad injury.
Would be a brilliant signing.


If Khedira signs for Arsenal we will me major contendors for the Premier League. Signing Ozil is among the main reasons we were able to attract Sanchez and now Khedira, and hopefully more top players in the future. If we actually sign Khedira… Can you imagine the multiple effect for the club?! Plus if we win at least one major trophy next season, we will definetly attract the best players in the world.

Mental Strength

Ozil, Sanchez and now probably Khedira? Seems like Gazidis and Wenger have finally gotten their shit together in the transfer market.


Ahem.. It’s called Money.


People complaining about whether to sign Khedira or Bender. Good times at Arsenal.

we’re back in a big effing way.


This time last year it was Felliani or Cabaye….. What a difference having money does…


Haha some Arsenal fans now complaining we are spending to much money now. Well fuck my ozone! I’ve been a massive Khedira fan for ages. Pay the man what he wants and get the deal done.


prospect of the thought very mouth watering to say the least but 29 mill with a year left on his contract im sure there’s some discount to be had there Real Madrid half or nothing next year………………..

aussie gooner

Or watch him play in another jersey? If we get the chance to take him, TAKE HIM! dont want him talking to anyone else next year


He’s a beast of a midfielder. A yaya toure with more don’t need a holding midfielder when you have a pressing athletic midfield boss like him!

He IS the long lost Vieira replacement.

Let's Find Hleb!!!

Coyg#we the famous Arsenal and our rivals are shitting coz of last season#chelshit liverpool.$hitty…


Don’t you mean Liverpoo?


or liverpoop


liverpoo is a rival!!! one good season while knock out very early on both cup, not playing european footy, let see this year how they doing without their best player and extra match


Fifth German? Aren’t Eisfeld and Zelalem German as well? At any rate, Khedira is one of those players you don’t notice until he’s gone. Germany is a perfect example. When Lahm played in his role earlier in the tournament, something was a bit off. When Kroos tried to do so in the final something was more than a bit off. Whenever he’s there, their midfield just seems to.. work. I can’t really describe it in any other way, as he isn’t the most badass player in the world, nor is he the most elegant. But he makes teams tick (like… Read more »


This would be a fantastic signing for us, Khedira really s a world-class player, and for him to want to leave RM to come to us is brilliant, and really shows our new status, and our ambition to be back at the top. I think I agree with some of the posters on here though, that £25m for a guy with 12 months on his contract, who is very injury prone, could be a bit silly. However, as long as we make the other purchases we need (Debuchy, Ospina/Navas/Ruddy?) then it will be £25m well spent 🙂


1. its 29m euros not £29m
2. we don’t want him next year for free. we want him now
3. we need to stop thinking like a small club with no money. we’re in the long awaited new era now. if he’s what we really need
then just make sure we get him. the price is neither here nor there. its not like a supermarket with an rrp. its about how much
we want the guy. just pay what it takes to get him

YouTube Graduate

Exactly. Is it better value for money to pay €29m for a not quite as good player but, one who has 2-3 years left on his contract? No!


You have to take into consideration that the chavs are looking to hijack the deal, if we dither trying to ‘take advantage’ of the situation we could lose out and we’ll be the first ones slating
Arsene for not doing his job


Jedi, we are not back… This is all new ground, the modern arsenal has been about building not buying.
Wenger has lead us through the wilderness to a promised land.
Fuck the haters.



they might as well give the premier league trophy to arsenal now, i mean why waste our time.


This kind of spending is going to make the crazy ticket prices remotely justifiable, at long last.

Springbank 1965

€29M high? It may not be my money, and it could well turn out to be inaccurate, but you know what … I’d be OK with that. Especially if it made all the difference in getting him to us and not some other London club competing for his services.

And yes, he comes pre-injured. Sweet.


How very Arsenal like LOL!


It worked with Kallstrom! A broken back is about as bad as you can get, but I was pretty impressed with his few performances for the club. Admittedly he was free and we had nothing to lose, rather than £25m.

samson chori

Ozil, Jack, cazorla, Ramsey,walcot, rosicky, chamberlein and khedira. What a midfield for the guners

Policeman's Bangers 'N' Mash

Call me greedy but if we sign Khedira I want us to finish off our summer transfer dealings with a backup goalkeeper and Draxler. That’s just me making it rain in championship manager.


Couldn’t agree more; Draxler or Reus – next couple of years can then concentrate on replenishing the squad and add a striker.

William Hoang

I can’t find this article, are you sure you didn’t mean


Wow, this is shaping up to be the best arsenal summer in terms of transfers in a long ass time…


I just cant wait to see kehdira in the red and white jersey,gunners for life.


I was beginning to worry as Chelsea are after Khedira too it seems, and I doubt we will go into a bidding war with Jose

But this report seems promising

On another topic has anyone seen the New advert on BT Sport ? We should all write in and complain about it.

They are showing Liverpool beating us 4- 1 last year with Jose learing on it too ( he is the new Football guru for BT Sport)

No idea why BT are choosing to upset Arsenal fans in this way


BT Sport are cunts. Shit pundits, shit coverage, shit channel.

It will be all fun and games for us next season when we smash the league title and march to the Champions League final whilst retaining the FA Cup with our 4 world cup winners, British core and the Welsh Jesus!!


And our under 11’s pick up the Carling Cup!


Worse than that, it was 5-1. But happily here’s an alternative that I much prefer:

Boombastic Shaggy



I think having two hard working box to box midfielders in Khedira and Rambo could actually make up for not having an all out defensive midfielder. It works for Juve with pogba and Vidal.


Looking forward to having Khedira and Sanchez WAGs in the arsenal stand. Will definetly boost stadium revenue

Good Arse

Do they eat a lot of pies?

RJ gooner

I think he will be a quality signing if it happens but i have a feeling it could be a smoke screen for a different player?

I dont think bender will be coming and if i had to hazard a guess I’d say it looks more likely to be khedira or schneiderlin!
I would rather have the German in the hope that he will bring the best out of Ózil though to be honest.

But all said I’m only going off what we have all read in papers or online so I’m most probably completely definitely wrong.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

The Khedira talk is a smokescreen to hide our wish to sign Khedira? Gosh, Wenger is even cleverer than I thought if he can pull that one off.



Have some of that.


Wait!! So we could be starting the season with not 3 but 4 World Cup winners?? I had a good feeling about the squad when we signed Ozil but now I’ve a great feeling we really could last the distance this season.


Apart from the brazil game I’ve never watched a game involving Khedira and thought I’d love him at Arsenal, I’d love to be wrong but he’s not the tenacious ball winning warrior we need, We will probably sign him though because he’s a midfielder who’s available


He’s pretty tenacious.

And a good tackler.

No idea about his warmaking skills but his positioning seems pretty good, and that’s practically tactics.


Whats with thse pastuc suppoters sayin hes hes box to box if u gonma complain go support man city


Experienced player joins Arsenal. Is this really happening?
Heard his game is more suited to the blue acumen. Hope I am wrong and we get in somebody good.


First the world cup for the lads and now the Premiership title for us!

Mental strength

This is happening people it looks like madrid have just signed Toby kroos, which opens the door for us to get khedira, not bad that.


Blue scum.

Danny these smart phones.


*Damn these smartphones?


This is the perfect midfield addition. It allows us space not to rush the likes of Diaby and Wilshere back from their inevitable injuries. Also the competition for places means there will be no slacking at the club. Khedira is such an elegant midfield player who is comfortable with the ball at his feet. To play for Arsenal whether in a defensive capacity this is a requirement. Regarding the fee how can we complain. The market has been distorted for years now because of Oligarch money. If we want top quality you have to pay for it, regardless of whether… Read more »

Springbank 1965

I think Paul Pogba would be “the perfect midfield addition”.

And because Wenger knows it too, I suspect he’s simply unavailable to us right now.


He doesn’t have the discipline to do what we need Khedira to do, not sure he’s good enough defensively either.

Wouldn’t say no to Pogba as if he doesn’t disappear up himself he’s going to devfelop into one hell of a player, but we don’t want to develop atm….we need guys who can come in and give us what we need NOW.


Firstly, CONGRATS! to the Germans, well done. They seem to win big games more often than lose. So getting another player from the country to Arsenal is good news. Hope this transfer goes through. Remember, we used to have a few WC winners (the French guys) during the early Wenger period. They served our team very well. So this Khedira news bodes well. COYG!!

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