Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ramsey confirms Arsenal withdrew contract, but leaves the door ajar

Aaron Ramsey has more or less confirmed that Arsenal withdrew a contract offer to him, and insists that he’s not leaving in January and wants to help the team achieve something this season.

The Welsh international can leave on a free in the summer when his contract expires, but he did hint that there might be room for further discussion if the club decide they want to retain his services.

Speaking after Wales defeat to Spain, the 27 year old said, “Everything has been going great with the club – we thought we were in a position where we had agreed a deal but that’s no longer the case.

“So I just have to carry on playing my football and do my best for Arsenal this season and I’ll leave the rest with the club now.

“Am I disappointed? That’s a decision that they have made and things happen in football and you just have to get on with it and carry on playing the best I can.

“That’s all I am concentrating on and giving my best for Arsenal.”

He then played down the possibility of a January departure.

“Would I stay for the rest of the season? Of course, yeah,” he continued.

“I am contracted to Arsenal and I am going to do my best now this season to try and achieve something special.”

Ramsey scored what’s likely to be the goal of the season against Fulham last weekend, as well as providing an assist for Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.

However, he’s struggled to find his best form in new coach Unai Emery’s current system, and that may well have been a factor in the contract withdrawal.

There have been whispers that talks might well begin again, but if not Arsenal stand to lose out on tens of millions of pounds in transfer fees that a contracted Ramsey would have brought in.

With Danny Welbeck in the same position, it adds further scrutiny to the way that side of the club was being run under the auspices of soon to depart CEO Ivan Gazidis.

Perhaps new Head of Football Raul Sanllehi can make this an area of priority as he takes charge of footballing matters from the end of this month on.

To xG or not xG? That is the question answered in today’s Arsecast!

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I really don’t understand what Arsenal want by doing that, even if we offer the same contract he won’t sign anymore

Nic Bell

The only thing they achieved is writing off an asset

Cliff Bastin

Paul Pogba


whatever happens, i will keep rambo in my heart. he won us two fa cups, for fucks sake. and i just love his playing style.

Super Joshi

And fan’s player of the year last year too.


He wanted to stay so badly, that’s why he waited until he had less than a year to sign the thing. This narrative that we’ve treated him wrongly is starting to piss me off. As long as he doesn’t go to a domestic rival (which he probably will), couldn’t care less what happens to him.



Too Drunk To Be Offside

As I understand the offer was withdrawn after an agreement had been reached. This tells me that there will be no more offers.

If they had been unable to reach an agreement and then talks being put on hold, one could understand.

However to withdraw the contract after reaching some kind of an agreement means that Arsenal dont want the player.

Or not at this contract price, at least. This one is a bit interesting given the move by Arsenal to remove the proposed contract. If Ramsey liked the package, why didn’t he jump at it? That being said, why then was Ramsey dallying? Was he getting other wage offers, and this pissed Arsenal off? Or maybe Arsenal has seen enough of his play, and is really ready to totally pull the plug? If the latter, Dennis forbid, let’s try and get as much as possible in January without just letting his ass hit the door in June.


We don’t know what happened, but it would have been rather unprofessional to offer a contract and then withdraw it. I hope rather that the withdrawal was triggered by a date (i.e. Here’s an offer, please accept or decline by xx/xx/2018

Irrational Gunner

Right. It is a hardball move from the Arsenal if any case, as dates can be changed on contracts quite easily really. Maybe some others know if the team as ever done that before, I can not remember them ever pulling one after what looks like a verbal agreement. (Hence the intrigue.)

Why not

I would like ramsey to sign. The chance for arsenal to tie him down was before this point even got reached. I understand their move, hardball antics to stop players from holding them over the barrell. They learned the listen with walcott and ozil. They could probably secure more of their current assets or fork out more wages on a replacement for the same wages they would have to pay to keep ramsey if he came back to them with an offer from someone else on the table. I respect their move, but not how they got there in the… Read more »


One of our best performers for the last 5-6 years, makes you wonder why arsenal withdrew the contract once it was agreed. They better come up with some pretty solid reason.


One of our best ? He’s been one of the most inconsistent that’s for sure.
Not bothered if he stays or goes really.what concerns me more is the fact that we have let yet another high profile player run his contract down and it looks like we will receive zero when he leaves on a Free.


Got more scorer points than Mesut last season and has 4 in 500 minutes to 2 in 500 minutes from Özil this season. But yeah, Rambo is the inconsistent one out of them.

Public Elneny

I quite rate Ramsey, but football really doesn’t work like that, whatever that is. Scorer points?

The thing is he was asking to be one of our top earners whilst being on a properly horrible run of form, one substitute appearance aside. There are genuine questions to be answered about whether it’s possible to fit his skillset into Emery’s formation long term. It may not be nice to withdraw a contract offer, and I feel for him, but if this is a sign that Arsenal are going to be more ruthless going forward then I welcome it.


Perhaps other players will now think twice about trying to hold the club to ransom just because their contracts are running down.
(The fewer “sign da ‘ting” sagas we have from now on the better!)


What’s a scorer point?


A goal or an assist. Didn’t thought I have to explain this on an football page.


Sounds like it belongs on a soccer page to me


.com is, I get redirected to .co.uk which has no mention of scorer points


When you go to Transfermarkt.de and on the player stats you’ve always mentioned goals and assists. On nearly every statistic page you have that. Are you really telling me that you had no idea what a scorer point is or are we arguing about in which parts of the world it’s called scorer point and in which not?


And .com is not American, it’s international. Maybe the Brits should be bit more open minded. But you’ve got your country all for yourself pretty soon. Then you are protected from these hugely disturbing international influences again.


You need someone to talk to?


Genuinely never heard the term before that’s all.


Yeh me either. Sounds made up

Jimbo Jones

Berlingoon. I’m a massive rambo fan and think its a mistake to let him go but i can honestly say i have never heard the term scorer point either even though ive spent 5 of the last ten years outside the UK. It just sounds odd in english and i think there is some sort of uniqueness or pride that football doesn’t keep score in points like most other sports like rugby, tennis, snooker or cricket. A goal is a goal and an assist is an assist (and i dont remember that term assist 20 years ago tbh, just who… Read more »

Super Joshi

Bro cricket doesn’t have points. But get your point.

Jimbo Jones

True. Runs! (I don’t like cricket)


No idea why you brought ozil into this.
One great goal the weekend doesn’t make him Messi likewise a invisible performance against another team doesn’t make him shit. It makes him inconsistent.
No doubt he’s capable of greatness but is that greatness worth over 200k plus a week. I don’t think he delivers often enough and have a feeling Emery may have come to the same conclusion . Hence the contract withdrawal.


Ozil has played more games than Ramsey since he arrived. So there goes the always sick narrative.

Ozil is second to Harzard for open play chances created since he arrived, has the most open play key passes of any premier league player since he arrived and is the fastest player to reach 50 assists in the league’s history.

Ozil is one of the best in what he does. Have you ever wondered why conversations about Ramsey never touch on his defensive prowess and yet the player who has played ahead of him has always been questioned about it?

Yellow Ribbon

One slick goal and my fellow Gooners as usual have lost it again. How typical? One wonderfully worked goal and how do you guys exactly change your opinion like that? Ramsey goes from being the most selfish prick in the team to now the best performer for consecutive years? I remember people slacking Lacazette last season calling him to be too slow and not a great upgrade on Giroud to now literally suck him off. (Sorry for the language here). But this is getting into me now. How fickle? Learn how to judge if a player is quality or not… Read more »


So you disagree he has been one of the better performers in the last 5-6 years? How many names can you put in there that fulfill this criteria for the Arsenal team before the start of this season? Enlighten me. The guy got his leg broke, came back after a horrific injury and has given his all to the club, scored in two FA cup finals, is one of the few players in the team that is dependable in the middle of the park, rarely loses possession and is calm with the ball, a player who others can pass the… Read more »

Yellow Ribbon

So where were you and the other sudden Ramsey brigade the game before to defend him? That is all that I am asking? It is that simple isn’t?
Wasn’t he being called for to be dropped the game before by a hell lot of them?
I couldn’t hear a single voice defending him before that goal?
What now after the wonder goal has the Welsh Jesus reincarnated or something again?
I call it BS.


Why do you need to pick fights with fellow supporters?

It’s quite easy to Just disagree without these ridiculous ‘as usual everybody’s lost it again’ and ‘where were you when’ garbage, you know.

Ffs we’re on a nice winning run here and you’ve got the knives out.


I was here, where were you? Oh that’s right mate… in my f@#$ off pocket. His word of playing his best for The Arsenal is good enough for me to support him no matter how long he stays, especially after the highlights he’s given me throughout his career. Principles before personalities – look it up and by golly – turn that frown upside down!


To be fair, a lot of our failures in the last couple years (especially in big games) and the reason he’s not flourishing at the moment is exactly because he ISN’T dependable in the middle – I’m not sure where this is coming from. He doesn’t have the positional awareness to play in a two in the middle.

He doesn’t really have a natural fit in our formation which is why he’s struggling.

Yellow Ribbon

Ramsey has always been a talented player. No doubt about it but it has been his lack of discipline that has let him down and that has continued for a long time now. I have never called him utter shit nor backed him because the talent has always been evident.
I absolutely think the club did the best thing by backing off from the deal.
For me he has got a lot of work to do if he is to earn that deal he is after.


If Emery can find a way for this often ill disciplined player to either slot in with the rest of the team or at least get him to score when he comes bombing through from the back then I’d be happy for him to stay.

No doubt he’s a good player but unless either of the two above mentioned scenarios happen then he may as well be on his way. He’s hardly irreplaceable.


Ramsey rarely loses possession? ?

Frank Bascombe

Rarely loses possession – Ramsey? FFS.


If hogging the ball in the box in order to hoof it wide time and again counts, then yes he hardly ever loses the ball.


ALL players loose possession sometimes, right through the WHOLE TEAM, so dont just go blaming ramsey, YOU have NO arguement

Faisal Narrage

Course this place is fickle as fook, just remembering the general response to Wenger In/Out post a game was testament to that.

Couple of weeks ago, it was universally accepted that Ramsey wasn’t great for us.

Note I’m not discussing whether he is good or not, that’s your opinion. It’s the fickle nature of how people so quickly change their minds based on the most recent game/performance that’s concerning.

Yellow Ribbon

Exactly what is starting scare about Emery’s reign too. Consecutive wins are putting everyone in too much of a dreamland.
This frickin Arsenal FFS.


Judging by the variety of comments above and below, I hardly think ‘everyone’s in a dreamland’. Just stop having a personal go at fellow supporters and disagree with the things you disagree with. We don’t all think the same thing. 5 minutes around here makes that obvious. It’s that ‘us v them’ attitude amongst our own that makes us all out to be a bunch of clowns. None of us have to agree but why do you need to generate conflict out of nothing? Disagree about the details but making it about having a go at each other is fucking… Read more »

Yellow Ribbon

I didn’t take a dig at you mate. I am sorry if you misunderstood my comment. What I was about to say was title talks have been going on around and with a tough next month coming up there could be people with the Emery out tantrums which is quite possible with us. I was referring to the other person’s comment and definitely not your’s.

Yellow Ribbon

That is comparing Faisal’s comment to make it even more clearer.


I get it. And understand it wasn’t directed at me. Credit to ya for addressing it straight, that’s cool.

I try not to get worked up, I just really got burnt out on the ‘brigades’ era, and I got a bit twitchy at the generalized characterizations.

I should probably consider upping my medica–er meditation.


Paul Roberts

Us Arsenal fans do like a bit of fickleness. Nothing wrong with that. Although on second thoughts…:-)


Ramsey has been rubbish for most of the time. As soon as that goal went in I thought all the Welsh Jesus nonsense would start again and it has. Ramsey has the knack of scoring memorable goals now and then, but overall he isn’t very good. The Welsh fans are complaining that he’s rubbish for Wales and only plays for Arsenal, but I don’t see him playing well for Arsenal on a consistent basis. One goal doesn’t change my mind about Ramsey, I’ll be glad if he’s sold in January, and hopefully he’s put himself in the shop window and… Read more »


I am with the club on this. If your employee can’t agree with the conditions you set, you either unsettle the environment or move on..

Big loss I agree. But bigger than the club? No way..


It’s actually a disgrace if Arsenal offered him a contract and when he was ready to sign, withdrew it. That’s not how you behave towards a player that has been with the club for a decade and won us 2 FA cups. Hope they can sort it out and he stays. See him having his best years anywhere else would be hard to swallow. Especially if he wants to stay.


It depends on how long the Club left the contract on the table. If the Ramsey camp left us hanging for months, they shouldn’t be surprised if the contract was eventually withdrawn.


They haven’t even received an offer prior to this summer. So the offer was on the table for a few months at best. Özil‘s was on the table for about 1 1/2 years and has been increased every 2-3 months.


Well I would see it as a good sign if that were the case and the Club learned from it and doesn’t do it again.


If they’d have learned from it they would have set a deadline. But to withdraw it when you’ve freached an agreement means they’ve managed the situation as bad as Özil‘s if you ask me. With one we’ve shot ourself in the foot in terms of wages for years to come with the other we behaved really badly towards a player that has been here for a very long time and has always given his all for the club. And that’s against the very values this club stands for.


All any of us have heard is hearsay and rumor mongering from whatever side each rumor came from. And it’s always going to be a slanted view from whichever party is speaking. Conclusions at this point are major assumptions. Just look at the opinions on this comment thread alone. Some criticize the club for not signing him for whatever he wants, some criticize it for wanting to keep him at all, some criticize it for not getting him to extend so they can sell him for a profit. And some are using this as an excuse to have a go… Read more »

Frank Bascombe

Yes but Mesut’s an infinitely better footballer.


No he is not. Ozil’s abitlity combined with Ramsey’s would be Ann infinitely better footballer.


*ramsey’s desire


The thing is, if Ramsey thought the contract was agreed, why didn’t he just sign it, then it couldn’t have been withdrawn. I get the impression, that for whatever reason, he was still playing hard to get and pushed it a bit too far. By the time he was, supposedly, ready to sign, things had moved on and the club had reconsidered their options. It’s the risk you take.


I’m happy with the club’s ruthlessness, if you want to hold the club to ransom then you can go F yourself. Talking football reasons, he won’t be a big loss. We clearly can’t have a balanced team with him and Ozil, and I’m picking Ozil ahead of him 10 times out of 10. Emery played him as a 10 to facilitate the high press but there was 1 game where he didn’t have a single tackle or interception, and spent most of the game played as our furthest man forward. We’ve had him for 10 years and we have no… Read more »


He hasn’t said he wants to stay tho, he said he wants to stay till the end of the season (and then prob piss off to liverpool for sweet FA). I suspect theres more going on to the contract withdrawal than his form or how well he’s adapted in the few games this season (maybe the new heirachy, like Josh Kroenke, has an issue with shelling out the money agreed by the old hierachy, like the outgoing Gazidis). I wont be that sad about him going any more, he’s had 2 or 3 good seasons in 10. I also think… Read more »


“Everything has been going great with the club – we thought we were in a position where we had agreed a deal but that’s no longer the case.“

Frank Bascombe

Arsenal withdrew their offer. It was theirs after all.


Gimpaldinho said he never said that he wanted to stay when Ramsey clearly said in the interview that he thought they have agreed terms. I don’t know what the fact that it was their offer (of course it was) has to do with the fact that he wanted to sign it and stay and that this is proof that this was his favorite solution.

Parisian Weetabix

Seeing him have his best years somewhere else would be fine by me, provided we use whatever wages he would’ve been on to buy a player who will fit better into the system Emery’s trying to play. If you’re angry about Arsenal not honouring this agreement then I can kind of see where you’re coming from. Likewise, I see your point about him being one of our longest-serving players. But it’s that kind of sentimentality that led Wenger’s reign to stagnate. Because if you’re looking at it from a football perspective – which surely is what the club should ultimately… Read more »


great point(s) made


It’s possible Arsenal withdrew because they have a better replacement in mind – which I am all for.

Here’s to hoping.


Still..get him to sign a contract extension first, pay him a higher salary for the rest of the season or probably one more season..and if he still doesn’t fit in the new manager’s plan, sell him. We would still make a hell lot of profit than him leaving free after the end of the season. That way loyalty and money can both be respected and managed.

Dave Crawford

Yeah like we did with Ozil. There is a queue of clubs looking to pay us millions and take on his very reasonable 350 k a week. In no way is the club lumbered with a huge contract to honor and no way of moving him on. Hmm


If other teams don’t rate him as we do(250kpw), it’s hard to find a buyer right? Usually we will sell the player less than market value to compensate other team for paying his salary. Moreover we could end up having 250kpw player on the bench or just to play for cup games if it’s not working at all.


And risk putting other teams of his high salary? No thank you. If we pulled out of the deal it means we have better plans for the future and I’m all for it.


*off his high salary – apologies for the typo.


I think this is a sensible move for all concerned. Should we be paying big money wages for a player who doesn’t quite fit the new coache’s way of playing? Absolutely not. Should Ramsey spend his peak years not being entirely happy for the sake of more money on top of a very well paid job anyway? If he’s not a money grabber like Sanchez, then no is they answer too. We got 7-8 years of really service with no baggage for £5m or so. Neither side can say they didn’t get value for money so ether way, let’s not… Read more »

Irrational Gunner

Agree. Key issue is that he doesn’t really fit Emery’s system. Latest rumors about Banega (again) and Herrera as midfielder replacements speak more about players that are positional or defensive first than attackers. That sure isn’t Ramsey. Ramsey plays an attacking style that fit more with Wenger’s ideal than with Emery’s. My take it that he is not technically gifted, not defensive minded enough to be the midfielder that Emery wants in that role.


Excuse the typos, you get the gist though!


We really do need to start managing these players like Liverpool have done with Suarez and Coutinho. Get the agreements in early and make sure they aren’t leaving for nothing. Both the club and player happy for it.

Dave Crawford

You think they might have learned after the fucking debacle w Sanchez and Ozil last year. Been clear to me ever since Rangers decided not to cash in on Laudrup that you are basically robbing yourself if you allow players into last year of contract. Fucking, fucking ludicrous management!!


Cashing in would have meant selling to Manchester United. There’s really no good options here, there haven’t been since we signed Ozil when we clearly needed a striker. It hasn’t been helped by our man’s repeatedly stated preference to play in the centre, when he’s clearly much more of a threat when not tasked with shielding the defence. It reminds me of Theo’s similar lack of self-awareness, notwithstanding the clear difference in quality. I guess my point is that there’s quite a bit of blame to go around here, and the bulk of it isn’t the suit’s – not by… Read more »


It just doesn’t make sense….

Ozil's chewing gum

They probably withdrew due to departure of Gaziuddin. Raul once full in charge will look into the intricacies of the deal and I believe it will be tabled again before Ramsey. If not agreed to, Ramsey will be sold. I like the lad though.

Ozil's Chewing gum


Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Always blaming Ivan, eh Blogs? I’ll have you know in his time at the club he… he… erm, he… oh… hang on, there’s something… he broug—- no he didn’t… he saved us fro—- hmmm… this is tricky… (sigh) Look, for an albino Kermit the Frog he knew how to get paid big moneys, and he didn’t have to have a puppeteer’s hand up his arse to do so. What went in and out of Ivan’s arse was entirely up to him, and that’s worth saluting! And credit where credit’s due, Milan are already competing in the Europa League whilst disillusioned… Read more »

Sean Twomey

Strange he didn’t actually confirm if he was disappointed or not ?

Surely if you were disappointed at the prospect of leaving the club after 10 years you’d actually say so?


Paying Ozil 350kpw is not a good idea because something like this inevitably will happen, i’m glad we are not repeating the same mistake. For Ramsey, i think he’s an okay player, can create a difference in attack but also can make you frustrated because he is pretty selfish and often lose the ball with awkward dribble or weird pass, so it’s not a big loss at all. I just hope Emery will replace him with someone better or suit with his game plan.


Ozil is the one causing all these problems. We should sell Ozil and retain Ramsey. Ramsey works hard.


He’ not working very hard at hammering out an agreement.


you are right, ozil is all the cause,


A friend of mine lost his job last week. Then his wife had a fall and broke her leg on the day his kid was expelled from school.

Bloody Ozil!

Paul Roberts

Yeah, and Ozil is also responsible for the Uk’s universal credit cock up.


Ozil is lazy. He’s taking so much money and yet don’t put in enough. We should get rid of Ozil. The guy is just weak and often sick yet he’s the highest earner. Poor management.

A Different George

Did “afan” change his name to “Howard?”

Paul Roberts

One think is true. Ozil looks more natural with a football than any other Arsenal player for years.


Waiting for Gazidis to jump ship and then it can be the new crew that have secured his signature, starting them off on the right foot and giving the new regime and everyone at the club a lift and a pat on the back.

dawid niedzwiadek

If he runs his contract down he can get higher salary because next club won’t spend a penny on transfer fee. Playing well untill end of the season only gets him more money. Talking about achieving something special doesn’t mean for arsenal but for himself. In this case better contact

Sean Bowen

Said it before and I’ll say it again, we can do a LOT better than Aaron Ramsey! Blogs, whispers that talks may resume!? Please say it ain’t so!!!


“we can do a LOT better than Aaron Ramsey! ”

Ok, who? And how much? And on what money? And for what position exactly? If it’s a goal scoring AM I’d fancy Fekir, if it’s a box to box then Rabiot would be a great pick. Will it actually happen though?


If we are talking about someone with Ramsey’s inconsistency we could get. Rabiot and Fekir are well above Ramsey in performance and consistency


The statement was “we can do a LOT better than Aaron Ramsey!”. We’re literally not talking about someone of Ramsey’s “inconsistency”, we’re talking about the player that’s far better and who’ll just walk into the Emirates apparently!


A lot of dislikes, but not a lot of answers though. Hmmmm….


I think everyone could be reading to much into this. The contract was agreed, but then Gazidis resigned, so it’s not without reason the club/Raul would want to revaluate all this contract decisions from a time this Arsenal interests were compromised.

Bai Blagoi

Perhaps new Head of Football Raul Sanllehi can make this an area of priority as he takes charge of footballing matters from the end of this month on.

Actually the timing of the offer withdrawal – right after Sanllehi has been promoted – makes me think that he is the one behind the withdrawal in the first place.
If this is a tactical move and part of the negotiations or a true belief that Ramsey should leave, this I don’t know..


I say let’s get rid of Ozil even if we pay half of his salary till his contract ends. This Ozil guy is lazy, don’t press, don’t tackle yet we pay him tons of money above everyone.

Get rid and let’s keep Ramsey. He loves the club.

Paul Roberts

Have we got two different Howards or is it just one that repeats himself?


Recognizing that being critical of Ramsey in this venue makes me a bollock-thumbed shit-trowel, I still think he’s dining out on a solid third of a season five years ago, and two cup final performances. I agree with Wrighty’s recent comments. Where’s the consistency to justify the wages he’s seeking? The club shouldn’t be held to ransom by anyone, especially an injury-prone headless chicken who scores the odd highlight reel goal. The latest was against a rubbish, recently promoted side.


I agree, but you get the thumb up for the masterfully contextual use of “bollock-thumbed shit-trowel”.


I really don’t understand how people can express opinions with such authority on this issue without having the slightest knowledge of what went on in these talks. Anyway, if he leaves, we’ll replace him.


Ramsey: I want to play in another country during my career (fair enough) Agent: Shweet Geeza I’ll look for teams in Europe n that Ramsey: Maybe I could go Real with my good friend Gareth Agent: Steady on mayte you can barely play 3 games without a 3 week injury break Ramsey: Well look at Ozil he’s the same and he run down his contract and got big money. Agent: You ain’t wrong mayte, you aint wrong *Arsenal offer contract and have the offer open for over a year* Agent: Don’t sign it we can get that Ozil money or… Read more »


Hasn’t he gone on record saying he wants to leave at the end of the season ie. on a FREE. So if Juve, Man U etc offer 20mill in January we have to say no & bow to the players demands yet again – piss poor all round.

Scott P

We can still say yes to another club’s bid, but Ramsey can just turn down any contact regarding personal terms.

A Different George

“teams all over the world move players on in these situations.” Only if the player is willing. Ramsey is highly sought after (whether you think that is deserved or not); I cannot imagine a player in his position agreeing to a transfer in January (or even, usually, in the summer transfer window of his last contracted year). This summer he can go on a free, which means his new club saves millions on a transfer fee, a significant part of which will instead go to the player as a signing-on bonus or as part of higher wages.

Paul Roberts

Great post Hustle6 you could take over from Bloggs one day! 🙂


Welbeck in the same position?

Paul Roberts

No he plays upfront.


I thought it was that we couldn’t pay him without breaking wage rules but if an offer was there id have to assume that had been worked out.
So I guess it’s withdrawn because we have another number ten who is probably unsellable and want to leave some money for other positions

Ivan the Terrible

Gazidis out


It’s a big shame, the closest we have to a club legend IMO, but in a way I’m happy for him. He’s a top player and I think he’ll get a good move. In the short term it makes sense for Arsenal as well as he doesn’t quite fit either of Emery’s preferred systems. In the long term though it’s going to be hard to replace his quality, especially as we’re losing him for nothing!


You’re having a laugh. Legend?

Faisal Narrage

“it adds further scrutiny to the way that side of the club was being run under the auspices of soon to depart CEO Ivan Gazidis.”

We know you hate Gaz, blogs. But fair is fair, and if you’re gonna throw his name under the bus, then you must also do so with Wenger, as it’s clearly been known that he was effectively the DoF of the club.


What were we smoking?

Irrational Gunner

Whatever it is we have been doing it for awhile.


Sign him, then sell him in 2020 if needs be, gpod player to have in the squad and we’ll make our money on him then if he doesn’t improve.


I’m a big fan of Ramsey and would love to make it work with him in the team but this shows how he is completely comfortable running down his contract, knowing full well that he’ll continue getting games. The only way you can pressure him into leaving early in order to get a transfer fee is to take him out of the team. Of course if we had done that, last week’s magical goal would never have happened, but are we serious about this or not? If we are then we also need to signal to future would-be “contract rebels”… Read more »


it’s alright lads. we’ll get a nice shiny new CM soon


This just leaves me scratchin my head. At this point nobody outside the club knows for sure, why the club withdrawn the offer nor if ramsey was gambling to high. Whats for sure is, if u like him or not, we won’t get anybody like him for free. And by free i mean not under 40+million quid.
Just don’t want no more transfer-saga and i definitly don’t wanna see him in a man united shirt. If the club don’t have any plans to give him a new contract, take any offer from clubs outside the pl in january.


We have to bench him till the end of the season if he won’t agree to leave in Januay,
If he’s going to stay ’till the end of the season it means he’s planning on moving to a PL team, which in this case, we might as well make some profit out of this situation.

Why not

This makes little sense to me. So he is still here, will leave anyways, can produce still, yet you dont play him and still continue to pay him.

For what reason??

If anything playing him and have him peoduce can be useful and also risks injury which may put off suitors and leave him stranded. Doubtful. But at least you stand to gain something out of it.


if we want to keep him, then pay him what he wants


If I pay you what you want, will you promise to fuck off to whatever troll corner you slithered in from?


I think playing Ramsey is like throwing a dice. You never know which one will turn up. The odds are low for what you expect. I am not sure any big club will really want him to use him as a dependable mid. He does scores some beautiful goals but I do have to put it to some luck too as there were many a chance he could have scored but sent the ball to the moon.


Just to add. Is Ramsey telling the full story about the withdrawn offer? We will never know unless he leaves the club. As long as he is in Arsenal’s payroll Arsenal will never say anything that will have a negative impact on his contribution. Also they could lose the chance to negotiate for a new contract or for persuading him to leave in Jan.

DB’s first touch

I’m still struggling to understand why the offer was withdrawn…even if the club felt they didn’t want to keep Ramsey on, why not sign him so that they could then sell him for a big transfer fee when he leaves instead of losing him on a Bosman (like Liverpool did with Coutinho and Suarez)???


We needed to sign him or sell him in the summer. I just don’t understand the dithering of professional business/football men that leads to 30 to 40 million pounds being lost in addition to the player. Insane.


Manure have 11 players in the final year of their contract too. And so do so many teams.
Like wenger said, this will be the new normal. I blame it majorly on the brinkmanship of agents.
If it happens, it happens

Don Find Out Howe

I remember a certain 7-0 win against Everton where we sang one more year to the board whenever Denis would touch the ball. Maybe we could try a sign him up chant for Rambo?…

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