Sunday, September 8, 2024

Report: Fiorentina pushing for Torreira loan deal

Fiorentina are closing in on the signing of Lucas Torreira, according to Italian publication La Nazione.

The report claims that an agreement could be tied up this week, so long as AS Roma don’t stick their nose in last minute. Arsenal were said to be dangling Torreira as bait in a deal to bring Amadou Diawara to the Emirates but that has gone quiet.

Details on a possible deal with La Viola are very sketchy. The Gunners obviously want to recoup as much of the fee paid two years ago as possible – around £27 million – while Fiorentina are said to pushing for an initial loan with an option to buy. Combined, their offer would be slightly less than we’re after.

Since signing for the Gunners from Sampdoria in 2018, there have been constant links with a return to Serie A with Napoli and AC Milan said to be long-term admirers and Torino mentioned as a more recent suitor.

Earlier this week, the player’s agent, Pablo Bentancur, said he was aware of the interest in the 24-year-old but made clear that the final decision on his client’s future was down to Arsenal.

Speaking to Calciomercato, he said: “The coach has to make a technical choice and he has to decide if he really needs Torreira or not, but all the stories in the press are more about publicity than reality.”

He went on to stress that official offers were yet to be tabled.

Torreira was left out of Arsenal’s squad for Saturday’s Community Shield win over Liverpool.

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Show us the money!


They offer 9 mio for a year long loan with an obligation to buy for further 18 mio next summer. Sounds ok to me.


How you got this figure?

Based on this article, it says option to buy instead obligation to buy. It also says it will be less than what we pay, i don’t see what you say is correct.


If they offer to pay the wages for 55 staff as well on behalf of the Kroenke delegation I will entertain this paltry offering. I still think we can do better, too bad crrepy little hand puppet man Berlusconi isn’t still at Milan. I’m sure he could’ve rustled up some corruption money for Ivan the Terrible.

Cultured Determination

Ivan the terrible? Coupled with raul the horrible. Makes it stan the gullible. Well at least we have mikel the reliable.


Sounds OK to me as that would be a good deal – but there’s not a snowball in Hell’s chance of getting that kind of money in this market. I suspect we’ll settle for around £20 million in all if it comes to it.


Push harder , money talks.


It does, and it’s saying “There isn’t a lot of me about”.

Arteta-tinted Glasses

Guendouzi and Torreira. These were the bright spots at the start of last season. How did we get here?


With Arteta Tinted glasses


Both overrated. Always have been.

Mesut O’Neill

The Ozil effect


We may need money now, but if he goes to Italy we save his wages, and by playing regularly his value should rise.
He’s a good player just a bad fit for us.


Would rather keep him to be honest. Good player with the right attitude when he plays so unless we receive a really good offer, he should stay.


Everybody seemed so convinced that he’d be the right fit for Arsenal, when we bought him. Where did it all go wrong? What does Torreira lack? He did start quite brightly.


Count Ebening drained his soul for one.


The Premier League defensive midfielder tends to be physically imposing and quick. Not Torreira’s strong points. Cazorla was small too and played in that position effectively, but he was very skilful and able to pass with both feet. Torreira may just be better suited to a less physical league.

Pepe The Frog

I think he suffered a burnout in the second half of the 2018-19 season. And then last season, Emery inexplicably decided that Torreira would work better as a more advanced midfielder. The lack of any plan or identity didn’t help him either. A change of scenery should help everyone involved.

A Different George

It’s not inexplicable, just wrong. It’s the same thing Chelsea have done with Kante (a much better player than Torreira, but he’s a much better player than almost everyone in that position). The argument for doing it is logical: If you can break up the other team’s play and regain the ball further up the pitch, that’s far better, more threatening, than doing it in your own end. But the logic ignores that, in fact, the ability to cover the defensive half, to anticipate and break up passes, to successfully prevent a dribble (the Kante/Torreira profile) doesn’t automatically translate to… Read more »

Dave cee

I’d ask, what does Torreira offer that Elneny doesn’t? Only difference to me is that Torreira brings in a much larger transfer fee, plus Elneny seems more content at Arsenal.


We need to sell to generate money, a loan with an option to buy should not be considered. I just wonder why it is so hard for arsenal to sell their players while other clubs seem better in doing so. Anyone has any clue?


Probably due to a lack of backhanders given to agents………


Most of the players we want to sell have problems, Torreira is physically small and not very quick, Guendouzi has a well documented attitude problem, Chambers and Holding recovering from injuries, others are on high wages. There would be lots of offers for Martinez and Mitland-Niles but they are players we should be keeping as you could never replace them for what we could get in the market and they’re Arsenal men.


We’re always getting fucked with loans


but not with Ceballos? Hypocritical statement.


It has got to be a sale because 9 million isn’t gonna help us in this transfer window at all.
Would rather see him sold for 24/25 million outright this window than 9 right now + 18 next summer.

Yellow Ribbon

Why is that every other club only want our players on a loan deal rather than signing them permanently?

A loan deal just doesn’t make any sense with us requiring the money at the moment.


Nobody’s got any money so they’re doing what we did with Ceballos, trying to pick up a decent player for minimum outlay.

Tanned arse

If we want to sell to fund the players we want to bring in then we’ll have to accept some pretty paltry offers. Loans won’t do anything to help our situation this year just lessen our financial burden for 12 months and possibly increase the value we get next year. 2 players of the right quality in midfield changes this team drastically. Whether we get the ones we need now or in a years time I just hope we don’t waste anything on a player who is marginally better but ultimately doesn’t have the potential at least be one of… Read more »

Tanned arse

And honestly out of those 4 players I’d probably target soumarè first

Public Elneny

A loan doesn’t really help us much. We have cash flow issues now, and the loan won’t work as a way to develop him into the DM we want. There are unfixable reasons why he’ll never be that player for us – lack of mobility and unhappiness in England being the main ones. We have to compromise to make a permanent sale, £15-20m would be decent, given everything. I’m not sure why we expect the full £27m back tbh. He started well, but at this point everyone knows he is unhappy, well down the pecking order and that we’re trying… Read more »


We should fully expect back the amount we paid for him.The reason it doesnt work for him is because he doesnt fit into Arteta’s system and probably he has not adapted to England that well.He is an Uruagyan international and gives his 100% on the pitch each time.Just because he was played at 10 for some time does not mean he has lost his technical ability.

Public Elneny

He could be Patrick Vieira, but if he doesn’t want to be here, Arteta doesn’t like to play him, he doesn’t fit our system, and the most his suitors can afford to pay is £15-£20m – what are we supposed to do? Facing reality, that would still be the best possible outcome for us even though it is imperfect. We have a history of getting poor fees for our players not necessarily because we are bad at negotiating the sale – but because we have a tendency to sign players who don’t fit, are on too high wages, let their… Read more »

Dave cee

Facing reality he will never be Patrick Vieira! Decent player yes, best in the world? A leader? A supreme box to box midfielder who leaves opposition players on their ass? Not a chance in hell

Public Elneny

I meant even if we was Patrick Vieira!

I was trying to make a rhetorical point!

Dave cee

Lol ok, I missed that, point taken then 🙂


I’ve always said Torreira is a good player, but not the player we need. He will be amazing in an Italian team or some Spanish ones. However, if we sell this guy for a loss, we are a total joke of a club. He is easily a minimum 30mill player. Young, plays for national team and is actually decent. We might be desperate for money but it doesn’t mean we have to accept our pants being pulled down each time

Dave cee

I get your point, but if nobody is prepared to pay 30M do we just keep the player and forget about the signings we want? Or do we take a bit less in order to make other deals happen? Personally I favor option 2
4.5M isn’t great for PapaSok but at least it frees up some room in the squad and some wages, and it’s better than nothing. It’s reality.
I.d also rather we sold Torreira for 20M and kept AMN than the other way round

A Different George

I think it’s becoming clear that a handful of clubs (Chelsea, most obviously) will continue to pay at pre-covid levels for players. But most clubs, including some we think of as quite wealthy, are completely uncertain about their finances. No one is sure what the new valuations will look like. No one (except the same handful of clubs) is willing to gamble.


There will be years of declining revenue. Obviously from in person attendance. More concerning is the worldwide trend of decreasing tv sports viewership.

Lord Bendnter

We are absolutely shit at selling. Other clubs take us as pushover jokes


I do not understand why we are selling Torreria, he is the exact midfielder that we are missing, quick,mobile and solid defensively .Playing in a back five has made it easier to survive without him but if we switch to 4 at the back we need a good replacement for him because he is the best we have. When we challenged for the title in the 16/17 season we had a solid DM in coquelin to partner cazorla and we are only missing the creative CM at the moment Hope we dont sell him hes a real fighter who never… Read more »


I dunno about a loan. we already have prospect of Holding also on loan etc… We need to mint some money. If not may as well hold on to him bc we have too many holes in midfield at the moment with Ceballos not confirmed, Guendouzi also up in the air. Watched Charity shield again and have to say Elneny was decent. Probably benefited from being away at Fernebache and playing regularly. …again I think we need better creativity but food for thought if we cannot seem to get the deals we want for better players in deeper midfield. Things… Read more »


He needs to be managing his temperament far better, he was the one who slammed the door, couldn’t even be bothered to congratulate the team for the FA Cup. The brat has a reputation and has no discipline in his behaviour or his play. He thought he was going to waltz into one of the top teams, so far the only manager who wants him is Emery, who has no money and wants a loan. Guendouzi and his agent need to up their game.

Dave cee

Another thought. Can you imagine the player AMN might be now if he had been given the chances Guendouzi has had in CM? I.m pretty sure he would be miles ahead of where Guen is now

Dave cee

In reply to my own post to Santori. If I am wrong, and Guendouzi turns out to be a world beater in a couple of years time, I will hold my hands up and say I was wrong. I am not Capt. Hindsight as someone called me on another thread ( re Sanchez/City )

Dave cee

Santori I think we will agree to disagree on Guendouzi. I see a very limited player who tries hard but ultimately leaves the team out of shape with no obvious end product. He is Ramsey without the goals or assists. Yes, he may improve a lot but I wouldn’t bet on it. And if he is disruptive and a me, me, me kind of guy as is alluded to, much better we get rid. Let someone else take the gamble and use the proceeds to invest in a better player

Dave cee

Here’s hoping Roma do stick their nose in and drive up the price! Napoli too seeing as they are selling Allan to Everton. Bidding war please!
Lucas has been good in spells but always seemed that hasn’t really settled with us and maybe isn’t what we actually need. I think file this under “for the best” if we can get the money paid for him back. Maybe with a cheeky sell on clause just for laughs 😉

Ben EagerBeaver

No loan pls. Sell sell sell!


Sad to see him go, but understandable. Will always remember him banging in the 4th against Spurs. Saw that game in Tokyo with two disgruntled Japanese fans. They didn’t have a lick of English, but we celebrated well that night

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