Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pundit: Bendtner’s sights too high

Former Danish international and TV pundit Morten Bruun believes Nicklas Bendtner needs to lower his expectations if he is to secure a move away from Arsenal.

Speaking to Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet, he said, “For Nicklas, it’s time now to get his career back on track, lower his ambition and think about playing above all else. I find it hard to see why he can not play for Blackburn or Everton.

When you look at Bendtner’s career, you have to say it’s some time since he has delivered at the highest level”.

Bendtner’s father, and agent, Thomas Bendtner, claimed earlier this month that Sporting Lisbon and Borussia Dortmund had interest in the player. Both teams have subsequently, and categorically, denied this.

With Arsenal’s pre-season training set to begin early next week, and with his rather definitive statement expressing his desire to leave hanging over him, it appears Bendtner may have no choice but to lower his sights if he really wants a move.

There has been speculation in the last few days that he might be offered to Bolton as part of Arsenal’s attempts to sign Gary Cahill. With the departure of Johan Elmander, Wanderers are in need of a striker, and alongside Arsenal’s reluctance to pay the £17m release clause in Cahill’s contract, a cash + player deal could well be the best move for all concerned.

However even if he does move to a club outside the Champions League, it seems unlikely Bendtner will credit Bruun’s advice. The pair clashed in February when Bruun, along with Martin Laursen, criticised Bendtner’s lack of playing time at Arsenal. Nick replied, “Their opinions mean nothing to me”.

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James Warrener

Ha ha ha brilliant, Bendy is such a chump.


Rovers really really want him oh yes come to us so your big fat head can squeeze in our door. He is crap and we all have found out but worse is his attitude problem

Adam, Watford

He should have gone on loan for a season or two early in his time with us at the aforementioned clubs to get the regular starts he needed to learn and hone his trade. Maybe Arsene wanted to but he wouldn’t go. I wonder if he looks at Wilshere now and wishes he had ?


He did, at Birmingham

Van Persil Cleans Up Again

I agree, he had the touch of “Lee Chapman in the bedroom” most times but considering his constant deployment on the wings rather than CF hasn’t helped his cause or missing that golden chance against Barca away. But he’s chipped in with valuable goals over the course of his career. Just needs to deflate his own ego a little.

Adam, Watford

@ Rod . . . LOL !

Yes, sorry, my memory is a bugger sometimes !

I think you just sank my battle ship !


Sounds like you could carbon copy that and say the same for Denilson as well. Both of these players have a very over-inflated view of their abilities.

Shaun Murphy

Ahh bless him. He thinks he’s the Greatest strikar that evar lived. He must be really confused as to why no one else can see it.

Anish Banerji

The image used under the headline is quite brilliant tbh! 😀


Looks like he jizzed in his pants


lol obvious much?


Bendtner should use a club like Bolton or Blackburn to prove to everyone exactly what he can do given first team football week in week out. If he’s a success bigger clubs will come calling the following season

Optimistic Sam

failing to make arsenal 15 is a blot on your CV any day considering how much space we give players to grow so your value goes down….

Adam, Watford

I agree with Admin. I like him. What is not to like about a player who when coming on as a sub for our Carling Cup team scuppers a Spuds first XI at the Emirates with essentially his first touch ? He has scored some important goals but the Barca miss is what most detractors will want to cling to. He has always had potential, sadly and admittedly his self-opinion is too high otherwise he would have been well to go to somewhere like Blackburn, Fulham, Bolton, on loan, to learn his trade better and get regular starts. It is… Read more »

Adam, Watford

@ Rod . . . LOL !

Yes, sorry, my memory is a bugger sometimes !

I think you just sank my battle ship !



Lovin’ the picture of Nicky B at the top. He looks like a complete fanny!!


All season I’ve said that Bendy would be far better off playing as the main striker for a club like Everton or Blackburn. He’d play regularly, improve technically and score goals. It would make him the finished article which he would never be if he stayed at Arsenal or went to a “big” club with plenty of other strikers to compete with.


I can see the logic in the story but old Bendy is probaly waiting for Real Madrid to swoop in. On a more serious note weren’t Bayern Munich interested at one point only to leave due to the transfer sum? Wouldn’t mind paying £15m plus NB for Shweinstieger (pardon the spelling). But the Cahill deal wouldn’t be bad NB’s ego permitting.


Could well develop into a great striker for a traditional, more crossing-oriented mid table prem side. I’d be pushing for a move to everton or someone if I were him. Anywhere but stoke, as I would cry to see him getting on the end of one of those cunty rory delap long throws vs us.

NB52+ 5-7m for Cahill would be swell.


I think a lot of our youngsters could have gone on loan to our benefit, especially if we kept some of the players who moved on at the time. There should never have been a situation where we found ourselves signing Sil****e. Especailly as we get to call the players back whenever we want. As soon as one shows form, then he is called back and blooded. I sometimes wonder about Mourinhos commments about Wenger’s isolated, perfect environment a few years ago; and how it didn’t suit itself to training for more rustic playing conditions. having said that, the season… Read more »



I agree, but with a buy back option on Bendtner. I have this sneaky feeling that once he got into the swing of things, he’d be a monster.

We shouldn’t forget that Wenger admitted played him out of position most of the last couple of seasons. I fancy he’d miss 5 but get 1 goal a game were he to play 90 minutes every week.


Yes, I totally agree. Could be a massive rotation player playing every other game or so for l’arse if he gets into the swing of things. A real impact player… I’m not sure about the negotiation side of that as we’re asking them to take a player who’s largely unproven and a buyback on a player like NB52 for a club like bolton could be crippling


For me, getting rid of Gilberto Silva, who remained a Brazil internation for three years after we sold him, was a mistake.


I love that photograph. He looks like he’s about to sneeze on the ball.

Mike Gooner

…..Bendtner + a little cash for Cahill??….Get on the phone to Coyle tonight, Arsène!!!


Ya the problem with Bendtner is his self confidence is too high. He really could be a contributor for the team. One problem is he is not a winger. He should be played up top with Van Persie. I think he could be a consistent 15 – 20 goal per year striker.

These players who have their father or brother as agent need to start listening to someone else. Do you think Nick’s Father is going to tell him he has been playing like shit and should go to a lower team to improve himself? Never.


lol, A++ picture.

[…] month Bendtner was urged to be more realistic in his choice of new club while this week reports in the English press have linked him with Fulham […]

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