Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal agree terms with City for Nasri

Arsenal have announced they have agreed terms with Manchester City over the sale of Samir Nasri.

In an announcement on the official website the club said, “Arsenal can confirm that they have agreed terms for Samir Nasri to move to Manchester City.

The 24-year-old midfielder, who has spent three years with the Gunners, has been omitted from Arsenal’s squad which flies to Udinese this afternoon and instead will travel north for a medical.

The move will be subject to Nasri passing a medical and formal registration processes”

Nasri joined Arsenal in 2008 for a fee of £13.5m. The fee to take him to City is believed to be around £25m, including add-ons, the most significant of which is the one which will ensure Arsenal remain quiet about how City have behaved over the summer.

Arsene Wenger is set to field the £25m alongside the £36m he got for Cesc Fabregas against Udinese tomorrow night.


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The pope

Nasri is a cunt

Mr Snail

Is he? He’s been tapped up, badly advised and is now following his much improved bank balance to the court of the papmered millionaire. It is the way of modern football it seems. It’s not just him, it is the whole house of cards. Perhaps we are the idiots for blindly following it without questioning the morality behind it.


Top reply.


Ok then, he’s a spineless, greedy cunt

Harry Belafonte

Badly advised? He just tripled his pay and (probably) his chances of winning owt. I wish I got as badly advised.


This is not a morality issue. No one has wronged anyone else. Samir accepted the higher salary, which is exactly what any rational human being would do under similar circumstances. The problem lies with our club who apparently is unwilling to pay the going rate for footballers these days.


He has no loyalty to arsenal, thats clear, but i doesn’t have to be money either. If you take a look at Arsenals current squad and citys it’s pretty clear that right now their bid for the prl. title is far better than ours. I love the arsnal and I can’t stand city but we simply has to realice that the downfall in (super)quality mans that players will leave us not only for money but for a better chance to win some silverware. Depressing for sure, but noneoftheless the reality. And the golden generation – the squad that arsene thought… Read more »

Aaron Creighton

Nasri is a ‘Super Quality’ cunt!


I disagree



The pope

Also, if Wenger doesn’t spend some money, I’ll be telling him to fuck off like spurs. Then I’ll cast him into the firey depths of hell n shit.


I love how the BBC report Nasri WILL be travelling to Udinese with us, just before Arsenal announce he won’t be.

Aaron Creighton

Because the BBC are cunts like Nasri!


Can’t help thinking that was an annoucement by arsenal to force man ciry to up the money a bit.

rectum spectrum

exactly mate.

William Hancox

It’s a great deal, but only if we reinvest it otherwise it’s a waste of time.

Savage is a Dave

Waste of time it is in then.


Keep paying off that mortgage


Large Lump sums can save you huge amount of interest and reduce your long term debt payments by several years


I am not one for vigilante mob justice, especially with regard to matters of football. But my beloved Arsenal does not, as has been suggested “Spend some fucking money” after this, I do fear it may be time to high-tail it up to Finsbury Park with pitchforks and torches.

What on earth is happening to our football club?

Arsenal Bystander

Madness. We have lost two of our best players without any replacement.


Calm down. No big player will want to move to a club without champs lg. I expect 2 or 3 more signings before the close of the window. The quality of signings will depend on whether we are in or out of the champs lg.


Thats rubbish. Bayern signed the likes of Ribery,Klose when they couldnt qualify for CL.


Bit too easy just to label him a money grabbing cunt? Seems like a nice catch all solution, but realistically, City are a better team than us this year. I’m sure $$$ played a big ol’ part, but City are in the CL now and have one of the most exciting squads in Europe.

Hard to swallow, but we’re in danger of slipping into Sp*rs territory; used to be a big club.

Arsenal Bystander

Please do not put us in the same league as Spurs.

William Hancox

Don’t be ridiculous. Spurs have never been a big club.

Arsenal Bystander

2nd that.

T - 7 days

I always thought spurs was a steak house and grill type eaterie. hmmm


“Hard to swallow, but we’re in danger of slipping into Sp*rs territory….”



I see your point but in my opinion this is purely down to money. And leeching cunt agents

charlie nick

Shadowdwellers cannot be compared to us –

ARSENAL FC – big club – big support – tradition – class – history

A few disspaointing seasons doesn’t change this some people need to get a grip

Black Matta

It’s true. Arsene used to expect players to repay him with their, but this is a situation where a player (Nasri) sees his friend and captain move to pastures new to challenge for trophies. Believe it or not, but it is true, City are stronger than us, and the fact that he could legitimately compete for titles like his mate Cesc will AND double his salary. Then add into the mix that his agents are real, real low lives with a vendetta for Wenger, and it explains why he’d move. That’s why I won’t boo him. It would be like… Read more »

rectum spectrum

essentially city have now done what real failed to do – build a team of galacticos that actually play as a team and look like winning something.

barca are still way way better and we beat them and we’re knocking them out of the champs league before the powers that be altered reality.


I expect we will see movement to sign players if we reach the CL group stages.

If we don’t I fear this season.

It all depends on this game on Wednesday night


….and another one goes.

Thank god we have ample replacements coming in.*

*This is not sarcasm.**

**Ok, it might be,


Lesbo-faced CUNT >:(

T - 7 days

Oh….well spotted. This has to go into a chant…..and he thought we were disrespectful. Can’t wait for the ‘return of the dyke’.


Oh yeah




“It’s so disrespectful”, I mean you get called a cunt cause you’re being a cunt, then you accuse people calling you a cunt ot being cunts, then you just be a cunt anyway? What a cunt.

Aaron Creighton

Cuntishly cuntful behaviour by the cunt!


…sorry, can people stop being fucking drama queens and calling Nasri a cunt.

It’s not like anyone would turn down that sort of cash increase or that he is to blame for all what is wrong with the club at the moment.


no. he’s a cunt. cunt




Why should we? He’s a cunt is he not?


Exactly. One solid half-season and he wants out? This is what’s wrong with the Man City’s of the world. Turning everybody’s head because they can offer triple the wages. I would love to see Man City fail, and the owners pull the plug on this expensive toy, then we’ll see how many players would like to go there. Financial Fair play better handcuff this garbage, or else it’s going to keep happening.




You’re a moron. Moron. Moron!!!!!


Who’s a moron Chris? Me, or anyone / everyone else who called him a cunt? Chill out son, have a laugh, get down off your high horse & stop having a pop at me, i’m just having a laugh.


“he’s a cunt, is he not?” No, he is not. he played for us against Liverpool when he didn’t have to. Unlike Luka Modric, whom Spurs fans cheer for some unknown reason. He’s going to make more money and play for a better team. Arsenal’s management dragging the saga out and ridiculously asserting that he was staying was just foolish. Not doing the deal early in the window in time to get suitable replacements was dumb. Manuel Almunia was our number one goalie for four seasons and you wonder why Nasri wanted to leave? Fans venting at Nasri are misplacing… Read more »


“he played for us against Liverpool when he didn’t have to” ?????
I’m pretty sure he did have to mate, as he himself pointed out a week before, he was still an Arsenal player.


See you next Tuesday


Now let’s get Hazard in ASAP. The BBC is already reporting about this.


Good luck with that, in the same bbc article Lille claim Hazard will not be leaving this summer, he is happy and all that. And why would he, they were champions of France last year and are now in the CL, maybe he is showing some loyalty, the cunt!

Besides would you join Arsenal right now?


I would. Might need some volunteers against Manure.


Yes and we all know how reliable the BBC info is


hopefully we will get hazard and he wont become a cunt! its a proper cunting day today…

rectum spectrum

reporting that lille have no interest in selling you mean. with the amount of players we’d like brought in – are we really in need of a 40m 20 year old? what money does that leave for a CB and LB? and we lost cesc and nasri – does hazard fill that void?


I don’t think anyone will fill the void left by cesc, but Hazard is probably better than Nasri, who only had 5 good months in his time at Arsenal. I think Wenger is trying to shift some creativity to the wings, with Gervinho, Ryo, and AOC. So instead of Cesc down the middle we have more, lesser quality, outlets all over the pitch. that is what I would do, since we can’t buy Xavi or Iniesta. btw, I hope we do land Hazard, we need creativity in midfield and attack much more than we need a CB. Our problem at… Read more »

rectum spectrum

really is hazard that good? i have never seen him play. is mario goetze not held in higher regard? are they similar in style? agreed about the more creative wide players. arshavin i thought would have a good summer off and come back focussed after a frankly shite season last year. didn’t happen – immediately more of the same. and theo is not ready to be first choice wide right. no where near good enough yet. so he should shut the fuck up about being played as a striker too. in my opinion ashavin would have been sold if it… Read more »


Hazard may or may not be a cunt. Lennon is definitely a cunt.


Ok….time to bring in Hazard. Wenger has said previously that he would ‘take him’ (long before the recent speculation). Fits the bill as a player with (some) experience of winning trophies, international football, etc, and could potentially grow into a truly world class operator at Arsenal.

Also now need to aggressively move for a quality striker and quality defender.

Despite the recent and justifiable pessimism regarding Arsene in the market, I truly believe we will start to see some major moves in the coming days…..


Thats the problem, i’m sure he’d “take him” whether he’d spend any fucking money on him on the other hand. . . . 🙂


OK, I’ll stop being a drama queen and ask for some money spending!!

Delighted with how things are going! (ermm not)

So we spent 11.5 million on Gervinho, 1 million on Jenkinson, 12 million on Oxy Cube. In total 24.5 million on unproven youth players. We have received 35 million from the sale of Cesc, 25 million Nasri, 3 million Eboue and a pending 7 million from Nicky B. We have 70 million to spend in 7 days. if Wenger does not buy PROVEN quality I will start a one man demonstration. I do not care if any of you think I’m wrong to question the manager. Those of you that keep spewing the line ‘we’ve had darker days than this’… Read more »


He gets paid, we got paid. And it isn’t like he was a world-class player the whole he was with us. Only for a couple of weeks. I wish him the best. City not so much.

I think the problem really is that we’re not sure that Arsene will come up with a replacement.


We’ve already seen that big name players just don’t consider Arsenal as a real place to fulfill their ambitions. We’ve lost not only our style but our authority as well…


But as Blogs rightfully pointed out some time ago, we never really bought real “stars” (except Bergkamp). I think it’s part of AW’s approach to not have real stars or at least players with star antics in his team. And I think that Nasri was on the verge of developing this kind of behaviour. So good riddance. Now he’s at a club where everybody thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

Burt Reynolds

That is just daft thinking – it totally ignores the wage differential on offer at Chelsea (Mata) and City (Nasri). Drogba didn’t come to Arsenal even though he was a fan and we were on the up, he went to Chelsea. Essien, same thing. Ashley Cole, same thing. It’s the WAGES, stupid. Ronaldo left ManU when they were peaking. It’s mostly coincidence that the club has fallen on hard time AND we can’t keep or get top top quality. The club, not Wenger, won’t pay top top wages. There you go. We are in Spurs territory, just not in debt… Read more »


Cahill, Hazard and hopefully a defensive midfielder. It’s sad Wenger waited until the last week of August, because we need a striker and a left back badly as well…

Delighted with how things are going! (ermm not)

He will get none of them. It will pan out like this: Arsene: Hi I’d like to buy your player> Team: He costs £25 million Arsene: I’ll give you £14.5 million (10.55pm transfer deadline day) Team: £25 million or no deal (11.15pm) Arsene: ok 15.3 million and a loaneee Team: Sorry still no deal, pay up or get lost (11.35pm) Arsene: last offer 15.7 million (11.55pm) Team: Sorry Chelsea have matched our offer goodbye. Press Release: Arsene tried his hardest to bring the players in but the fees being banded around were insane…….oh really Arsene? Really? Good times ahead ladies… Read more »

La Gooner

love the way you put them in numbers…..really, classic ! on a serious note, we are in dire need of signings and fast and thick at it too. like 3 or even 4 players. lost the best midfielder in Cesc, one of the better midfielders in Nasri, gonna lose NB, who in my opinion is way better than Chamak, and we have already lost Clichy. There you go, and all we have acquired is a couple of talented wingers who have hit puberty only recently ! I love OX, he is gonna be one of the greatest Arsenal players ever,… Read more »


Players come and go, but we are the ARSENAL.

Forget all the recent negativity. Put your speakers on max switch to fullscreen and watch this

Come on the Gunners!

LC gooner

that brought a smile to my face

Granite Gooner

Cunty von cunter cunt
Fuck him
6 months of quality nothing more
If we spend the money correctly on a creative midfielder then coolio gervinho is more than capable of emulating the 6 months Nasri gave us
Come on th arse


Feck off to Mancini and his merry bunch of mercenaries. Good riddance. Wish you a miserable time.

Ab Di

1 week to go. Selling teams know we got cash. Selling teams will know we are desperate and running out of time. Selling teams will demand obscene amounts of cash. Arsenal will haggle and haggle and eventually buy an unknown player for about $5mil. End of season we will win no trophy but will emerge as the no.1 most economical team. Same shit, different season. Doesn’t change the fact that i’ll be a Gunner for life!!


We’re not desperate to bring players in, just desperate to put bids in and tell the fans that we’re trying as hard as possible….like going on ebay and putting obligatory .01p down just in case no-one notices it’s for sale!!!


LOL.. Classic!!


Am afraid to say that’s spot on how I feel at the moment.



That’s not a commentary on Nasri. I’m just very fond of the word.


Smashing word.

Alpha t

This is exactly what we need before the Udinese match!

This is going to be one long season! Ive never felt so despondent being a gooner.

Its like we self destructing right in front of our eyes and there’s nothing we can do about it.

I dont blame Nasri for leaving, if i could i would start supporting another team too, but i cant 🙁

Mateo Gooner

The last sentence is hilarious I had to cry out on work. Blogs, your just way to funny.


I think a man will land on Mars before that!


I’ll second that! The sentence before that’s quality aswell Blogs, as is the nice little bit of photo editing on his top. Legend!


“Arsene Wenger is set to field the £25m alongside the £36m he got for Cesc Fabregas against Udinese tomorrow night.” – Is he now?


I hate this. Another quality player leaving…I want to believe and I have believed over the summer that he is a cunt but really, who can blame the guy? Considering he is not really an arsenal fan like you and I who would you rather play for, City or us? I don’t know what Wenger is playing at but under his watch the squad has gone from being highly competitive to being one of the least inspiring squads in the top half of the premier league. Wenger has to act now! We need a centre half, a left back, ,… Read more »


me. I can blame him. he’s a cunt.


And again, you’re a complete moron. But I bet Nasri is happier.


He’s certainly happier than you Chris


No he’s not. Nasri wants to play for an ambitious club who play beautiful attacking football. Like Arsenal used to be, and still has the potential to be.


chill out Chris. I’m just having a joke. (although, strangely enough, that’s what I actually think as well…)


There’s nothing wrong with not being a Nasri fan, the way he has carried on this summer. I don’t wish any player to stay that doesn’t want to play for Arsenal. Clearly, Chris, I care about Arsenal more than you do so why don’t you follow the pussy to Man City. He isn’t man enough to take on the responsibility of helping out this team when they need him the most so I’m happy to see the back of him. I would’ve liked him to stay if £$££$£$ wasn’t his only motivation, but sadly it is, even though he earns… Read more »


i think if we get through to the group stage we’re in for a treat……../… say at least 40 mil of new talent///hazard / cahill / and then a few experianced players


Look, Nasri hasn’t got alegence with arsenal, so why wouldn’t he go to another club which will probably pay in excess of £200,000 per week (!?) ardent will spend and strengthen so I think people should calm down a little. Look at Liverpool this time last year (admittedly they looked nearly as bad as we did and they spent shot loads!) The sooner fans accept that players leaving in a ruthless manner the more we’ll enjoy our sport, I’m afraid we just can’t keep up with the sugar daddy clubs anymore. Did anone see united’s kids last night, gives us… Read more »


Watching Man Utd gave me despair. Fergie spent 36 mill on Smalling and Jones combined (20 for CS, 16 for PJ). Each of those deals would have been our record signing.

Jones and Smalling are great players; Utd. will have the Premier League’s best center back pairing for the next ten seasons. Jenkinson and Jones are both 19; whom would you rather have? To be fair, Jenkinson only cost 1 mill, so you can’t expect him to be as good as Jones, but you get what you pay for.



Rein it in Truegooner. You’re the most depressing, miserable contributor I’ve ever seen on here, or online generally. Just get some crystal meth, and stop getting everyone else down. (Napoleon Dynamite voice) GOD…


Who we should sign:
Baines, Hazard, Benzema

who we will sign:
Traore (LANS), Wilshere (ALANS), Bendtner (LANS)


I’d add a centerback to that list, but we may just ‘LANS’ one of our crocked trio…


I love how LANS went from funny to annoying to infuriating to funny again because we’ve all just flipped that little bit now.

rectum spectrum

squilachi – he’s been rumoured to be offerred around. they’ll cancel that, offer him a new contract to 75k/week and theres your CB LANS


Don’t forget Diaby. he’s been LANS like 5 times.


Squilacci is definitely a LANS in the making..


I think we got more chance of signing Micky Hazard………..


Arsene Wenger is set to field the £25m alongside the £36m he got for Cesc Fabregas against Udinese tomorrow night.
We could definitely block up our goal with this amount of money. 0:0 = Hello CL group stage!


Like in any relationship, love turns to hate very quickly. Bye bye Nas, BUY BUY Arsene!!

We need to spend some money on a CB, LB, DMF, AMF and a fox in the box ST.

8 days. if nothing has happened by September… I dread the thought.


He should just buy officials with the brown paper envelopes that Fergie & Sheikh Mansour love spreading around. Not Barca though, they somehow bag them without paying the going rate. Possibly that’s how Xavi got AIDS.. Just a rumour of course.


Can’t really blame him for going to a club with higher wages and an incredibly exciting squad. Can blame him for his choice of agents and ridiculous saga that went on for far too long. Wenger knows we need to buy, and if he doesn’t well there’s nothing we can do apart from remaining unified. Noone wants to come to a club who is being constantly labelled (albeit mostly by sky sports news) as in ‘disaster’. If the fans and club remain positive and unified things will see brighter!


dont worry guys somebody like shawcross will break his cunty legs and he will get a cunty drugs ban like his junkie teamate toure(ttes)
ive been sucked into the cunt session…

ill now try and raise the tone “axe wound” …..enough…breath…
thats better.
lets beat the spaghetti boys and get kaka benzema ribery swineshagger ooh bloody hell im dreaming again! look set to suffer this year lets hope im wrong.. up the AFC


Love the comment about Arsene fielding the 25mil along side the 35 we got for Cesc! Haha…if only we were as good at buying world class players, as we are at selling them! Wtf are Arsenal doing? Its the last week of the window and we are concentrating on selling our best players when our squad is so thin its not funny!

Moses Watasa

Such big-name departures from Arsenal are not news anymore. Saying Arsenal FC faces a grim future would be an under-statement. Now, a post-2005 vulgar obsession with profits than striving for trophies has painfully caught-up with Wenger + the Board of Arsenal FC. Even the previously loyal players like Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri figured out Arsene + Board and realised that with them in charge, they risk retiring trophyless. Today, such stars are fleeing Arsenal FC like a plague, dropping the club like a red-hot potato. With just a week at Barcelona, Cesc Fabregas won the Spanish super-cup. Arsenal’s remaining… Read more »

William Hancox


Also a pile of wank.


Moses, get your own blog mate.


From “Petit Prince de Marseille” to “Petite Pute du Cheikh Mansour”!


or, as I like to call him, “cunt”


Yeah, that also applies! A hooker has a cunt (normally!). Maybe Rooney and Terry like hookers with smth else down there!


arsenal, great business. made millions this summer. shareholders must be happy



Alpha t

Like i said earlier, im not mad at Samir, the club sold him! if we really wanted him, we would have given him what he asked for, like City did with Tevez & Utd with Rooney. Ironically, im pretty sure if we had given him a new contract of maybe £150k a week, we could still have sold him to City next season. But i guess our board dont think he’s worth that much and i’ll have to agree. If only Arsene would use the cash to strengthen the team, then we wouldnt be so worried but we all know… Read more »

The Gimp

lets be honest

your offered twice as much money to do the same job

and with 5 years infront of you insted of 1

who wouldn’t go, really ?

he gave us a cracking 6 months last year

if AW had brought a few players this year this would be no great loss


and i might shit golden turtles!

we are all living in dreamworld if we think he will spend on anything other than 2nd rate frenchies or embrios!!!!

you all know exactly what he will say when the window closes word for fucking word! he should just close the door behind him on the way out..
enough is enough!!!! i want my ARSENAL back not his!

Lord Teddy Ears

I have heard that Arsenal where thinking of staring an IVF clinic based around players man batter that automatically gave the offspring a playing contract.

Unfortunately due to a case brought around Cesc DNA all offspring are now 100% Barcelona’s


Golden turtle shit would be sweet


Sorry mate but i just can’t bring myself apply the “offered twice as much money to do the same job” thing when it’s apllied to modern day football. I would have to be offered 3 times as much as i earn in a year to earn what Arsenal were offering Na$ri alone!


What does that have to do with anything? Obviously Nasri’s skills are more highly valued than yours. Your wages are irrelevant to Samir Nasri choosing to work for the employer that will compensate him the most for his services. Not to mention, an athletes professional career is a short window. So, it only makes sense to maximize earnings during that window. Anyone who doesn’t understand that simply has no understanding of rudimentary economics or isn’t smart enough to separate emotion from logic.


I was simply saying that i find it hard to apply that logic personally, that’s all. I’m sure i’m not the only person who finds it difficult to relate to the world of the modern footballer.
Glad i gave you another chance to get on your high horse though mate.
Have fun…..


I think nasri is going to make 3x as much. He’s on 60k now, and he should make 180k over there. We offered him 90k


Well, we knew it was coming. Wenger has until the end of the month to salvage the season. Failure to progress in the champions league will likely mean no new players signed, and likely the end of wenger’s arsenal tenure. Also, on a more personal note, if wenger fails to act on the obvious shortcomings of the team so far this term by the close of the window, I will be taking the year off from football. The club hasn’t done anything to earn my support in the last six months, and I feel like I’m being constantly lied to… Read more »


We all feel this way, but who are we kidding? If Arsenal don’t spend our transfer kitty, you’ll be back here complaining about our poor performance against Swansea in mid-September, just like the rest of us.


which one of you wouldn’t leave your jobs for another which pays 3 times as much, and where you have much better chance of doing well?


depends – is there a dental plan?



Lets hope there’s one for Nasri at Citeh. Bucktoothed cunt….


Everyone is having a dig at Nasri and to an extent rightfully so. But if you was offered twice your wages to do the same job just up the road wouldnt you take it. Everyone is blaming the sale of Cesc, Clichy and now Nasri on our failings, along side the non purchase of replacements. This has not helped but the real problems lie with our tactics at the moment. We had these players last season and we still flunked then. Has nobody else noticed that everytime the opporsition get the ball they have players pouring towards our goal and… Read more »

Lord Teddy Ears

As you all know I have been calling Nasri a cunt for sometime but I have to say his display on Saturday went a long way to take the level of cuntishness down a few notches. I think his departure to Man City is a real bad thing for him as he will be a very little fish in a massive pond off mercenary cunts just look at our National Express loving ex striker who cant even be given away for free to Spurs. As for Arsene I was all for using him for a haruspicy session to see how… Read more »


fucking “A” rsenal


Arsenal doesn’t need managing directors or even owners, if the team only spends what the club brings in. Sack everyone above Wenger at Arsenal and let him do what he pleases


I’m not holding that against him, but too many players want to leave on their terms, throwing their toys in the pram. What happened to loyalty? Player power is far too strong, if they want to leave, most of the time they do. What a bunch of cunts is right.


Clubs toss players aside like discarded toys all the time too, so loyalty cuts both ways


Agreed. Disloyalty is embedded in capitalism; we can’t reasonably expect anyone to behave otherwise.


Our board wouldn’t give 150k a week to Ronaldo. That is part of the problem, cheap ass board.

P.S. Nasri is a cunt


What the fuck is happening at our once great club. We are 1 bad result off Europa league football and our best players are leaving in droves. Top quality signings like oxo copperpot that wenger does not even have enough faith In to send to warm up against Liverpool. New arrivals imminent ???don’t hold your breath. This is the most disillusioned I’ve felt for as far back as I remember
We are falling apart

steve chilcott

Arsenal’s transfere policy reminds me of a cloths shop sale if you go shopping at the end of the sale its just all the shit that doesnt fit left , so you take a chance that it fits because its so cheap, but you know in your own mind its not going to be any good,you end up having to wait for the next sale and then you tell yourself i dont need or cant afford it. Nice bit of business though 60plus million in and spent 24 plus the 40million that was put aside for transferes .

Rom burgundy

Twice the money for doing the same job, I would jumP at the chance. We gotta realise that they’re in a different league financially to us cheapskates.


because 60/90 fucking grand a week isnt good money? fuck i realy am in the wrong job! greedy greedy little french toad cunt fuck!
i am just getting more angry by the second, come back to the real world.. uefa and fifa and the fa are all cunts for letting this happen! im going back to darts…. is jocky wilson still playing?


You’re all cunts.
And so are your mums.

Stepanovs is my Dad...

My Mother’s actually alright… she lets me stay up until midnight watching TV.

And I’ve only JUST turned 30!


T - 7 days

Wow, Big words from a little man.
You are either Nasri, a yid or a manc (either one).
Which is it little Niki?


Suck it, Bendtner!


Nik’s mum has a massive cunt, so I’ve been told.

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