Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal to cover future away ticket for Old Trafford fans

Arsenal have taken the decision to thank the tremendous support shown by travelling fans at Old Trafford by offering to pay the cost of a future away match ticket.

A statement on the club’s website reads:

“Arsenal Football Club has announced it will be writing to fans who travelled to Old Trafford on Sunday with an offer to cover the cost of a match ticket at a future Barclays Premier League away game.

“A Club statement issued today said: “Sunday’s result was obviously disappointing for everyone connected with the Club. Our travelling fans were magnificent throughout and we want to recognise their fantastic support. We will be writing to them shortly with the details.”

The decision comes in the wake of the club’s worst defeat in 115 years by a margin which we choose to ignore.


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George Blazenby

Fantastic, i’m so glad that they’ve chosen to do that, really classy. Was worried we’d just stick our heads in the sand.
Good work.




“Fantastic, i’m so glad that they’ve chosen to do that, really classy.”

It’s the right move. The fans were terrific. I could really hear them trying to lift the team especially in the first half. I wish the Ashburton crowd were as strong in backing the team. I do not not mean that as a dig against the home fans, it’s just the away support was noticeably full-throated yesterday.


The bosses read the Arses! Hurrah!


Thoroughly deserved.

Peter Schroder

I’d rather them use the money to buy a player, but hats off to them for recognising the unbelievably amazing support. Lets hope they also recognise the need to strengthen, 3 players in, 2 weeks break, recover, regroup and then hopefully we might actually have a decent season after all. Keep the Faith.


Holy shit just buy some players. We should have woken this morning with news of Cahill coming as well as Park. Then tomorrow were having medicals for some really creative midfielder who is going to make us forget about Cesc.


This could cost em a fortune as they may have to do this a number of times this year


Yep. They are setting a dangerous precedent …

Alpha t

I admire your optimism Peter! But I’ve lost hope, I’m so depressed & heart broken.
The club had no choice but to refund/pay for the next away match, it was humiliating, I was actually praying we wouldn’t concede 10 when it got to 7!
I never want to go through that again.

Peter Schroder

You have to optimistic, even the most pessimistic pessimist would find it impossible to predict the scenario were in atm. We’ve got the breif respite of an international break, I just hope we get some players in or just do SOMETHING with the money to raise the dressing room morale. (Think of your own funny/dirty suggestions)


Hope this is only an Once in a Hundred Year type of result for Arsenal

Uncle pats rice

Can I have WH Smiths vouchers instead?

Gervinio's Forehead

Fuck the CUNTS on the board… What a pathetic attempt at appeasing us fans… All the board needs to do is increase our top wage limit and get wenger the players he continually identifies but end up elsewhere coz the board are a bunch of tight sphinctered CUNTS!!!


Yes it’s a petty and cynical little sop. But as you can see from the responses above, it appears to be working … 🙁


Not acceptable!!! That’s not gonna change what happened and prevent it entering the history books at the most humiliating defeat in Arsenal’s history.

If u wish to reconcile management with the fans, then invest in the squad. Don’t charge us the highest ticket prices in Europe and show your ‘magnanimaty’ with an empty gesture of an away ticket.

Great of you to recognise the fans, why don’t u reimburse all the costs of coming up to Manchester as well as the ticket?

Doug Goodwin

A classy move, but all of those traveling supporters, along with every other Gooner on the planet, would be better served by the club appropriately spending its available funds in the transfer market. It sets a strange precedent, as well.


Credit where its due this makes money sense. You cant fail to notice that free away tickets are cheaper than actually spending cash on players, increases profits & keeps the fans on our side. Well done Ivan.

Remember if the fans complain too much we might have to get rid of Wenger..afterall he is on big money. There are savings to be made in that position too.

Gervinio's Forehead

@ all you supporters… Someone is CUNTING us over…. The way I see it, 3 possibilities… 1. Wenger is CUNTING us over by being a Scrooge & not spending… 2. Kronke & co. are CUNTING us over by doing to us what Gillette/Hicks done to the mugsmashers & letting wenger take the wrath… just like Benitez… 3. It’s a clever ploy by Usmanov & Dein to destabilize the club… Darren Dein, spawn of double D has been the manager of Toure, Adebayor, Nasri, Fabregas, Clichy, Cole… Well I think u get my point… Worringly his new clients are Wolcott, VanPersie,… Read more »

I Bleed Red

So eloquent…. almost Shakespearian…. although I can see how your have some credence….


A higher wage limit would see us landing players like Sneijder or Mata – problem is our total wage bill is on par with Chlesea etc – average players on top players wages – no wonder no one want to buy Bendner et al.

Peter Schroder

Last season it was the 4th highest WITH staff. We’ve just sold our highest earner and a Na$ri left to get those wages, so thats not really true is it. At the end of the day we had 10 players out, You can pick any 3 of the players who are our transfer targets or even players a bit out of our range and I would suggest we still would be lucky to get a point at old trafford with those players out. If you look at our team with injuries/suspensions we still have a good squad it just needs… Read more »


We should fire some staff. What does Pat Rice do? Also, we could make an usher double as the team physio?


He’s not saying we need to give higher wages, he’s saying the wages that our players are currently on are far too much considering their quality and status in the game.

Gervinio's Forehead

Dude, look at those numbers again… Chelski’s numbers conveniently only account for players wages only… no staff wages in that number. I think you will find that ours include all wages (players, staff, tea lady, bog cleaners etc)


“The decision comes in the wake of the club’s worst defeat in 115 years by a margin which we choose to ignore”

Very sharp, very good.

I think a straight refund would be much better.
Give people the money they wasted, to spend outside of our bloodsucking, soul sapping club.

Mike Hawke

Well, life goes on I suppose. Lets just make sure they get that same kind of support game after game!

Uncle pats rice

Fuck that!! Stop spending money until the board sort things out. You are just lining their pockets .

[…] If you are one of the away fans at Old Trafford,, Arsenal FC has offered to reimburse you another away ticket in the future. Good on you folks, you guys deserved it, and credits to the Club for doing something right. Share […]

R Sole

What about trauma counselling? Who is going to pay for that?


What a lovely way to mark our 125th year. Biggest thrashing and a little knob suck for the troubles. Fuck all these cunts right off.

Arsenal Bystander

At least the away fans are acknowledged, they did do us proud!

Arsene's Nose

How long before we see the headline: Compenseightion

Gervinio's Forehead

Oh… and there was Piers f’ing Morgan… On fox sports calling for wenger to be replaced by Martin O’Neil while conveniently ignoring that its the board thats cunting us over….Muppet!


He also said he was “ashamed to be an Arsenal fan” too. Which is good, as we’re all ashamed that he’s an Arsenal fan too.


What a cunt. Probably using arsenal as an outlet to appear ‘normal’ to the public as well. Prick.


Can they refund my season ticket


Will they refund all tickets home and away at the end of this season if we end up finishing 10th ?


What about the humiliation? how are they going to pay for that?who is going to give me last nights sleep that i couldn’t get? i couldn’t watch..i wonder how the players still played that match after conceding 8 goals! I am weak..that’s why i left the TV after 7 goals..but still..hats off to those supporters who sang their hearts out and showed their support for this team.There will always be mud-slinging and blame-placing but still we have to go through it. Seems like we are off to a LONG LONG season. The only way now is up. I guess a… Read more »


We choose to ignore the margin of defeat………why??????. Fucking well take note and mek sure it doesn’t, happen again. I argue wid the Mrs and choose to ignore all her bullshit………and guess what…… only gets worse lol………but like the board I never learn either but I ain’t trying to keep thousands of gooners happy.

Johnny D

At least the club have actually acknowledged our shambolic performance yesterday…… that’s a start.
I’m still waiting to hear what silent fucking Stan’s got to say though, I don’t want to hear Wenger’s excuses anymore.
Can the board please start doing a bit more than making empty fucking gestures by actually investing in this threadbare and very poor squad!


how much will they pay us who watched it on TV in a pub a full of Man U fans…
I would be happy with 50 pounds in compensation for being completely humiliated and loosing the appetite for my gourmet burger.

at least 9.99 pounds for the burger…and a promise that I dont have to see Traore running around laughing his arse off after getting battered 8-2,


wenger will never change .the board will not change,we have been here before ,it is getting worse day by day.lies upon lies,from both manager and board. silent stan,we need you now to get involved …we have egg all over our faces. we are still in a good situation not so bad,at least now we know what to expect unlike last season. my questions now is ,does silent stan like been on the loosing team,?? we need up to 8 players in 2 days to be champions…the team we put out was sh++te. we looked scared,broken,ran rugged,i felt so sorry for… Read more »


Cracking post mate… Was really getting into it, and then you said “we need 8 players in 2 days” And the flashbacks started And this has been happening to me the whole fukn day, everywhere i turn Now to the point – i reckon this result will be looked back on in a few years time (if not at the end of this season) as the turning point For the past few weeks now there was a feeling that something had to give way sooner or later – and now it has. Hope the Board wakes up now Hope Stan… Read more »

I Bleed Red

There will be no significant or effective signing this transfer window. It’s far to late for that to occur.

Even more frightening is the thought that if the club mange even a weak challenge to gain 4th spot (say they finish 5th or 6th somehow) this will then be used as an excuse not to “spend some fucking money.” We will be told we only require “tweaking” to regain 4th.

I want to hear from Stan not AW now.


The senior players should pay for travel the greedy lazy cunts

Uncle pats rice

The club is being asset stripped by the yank and that lizard Ivan , they have just thrown some spare change at the travelling fans to quieten them down. No statement from the the silent one, no message of intention to put things right. Nothing will happen in the next 48 hrs or so. The only way to make the club understand is to boycott the next match, by all means travel but watch the game in one of the pubs on the holloway road. I understand the team needs our support but I am sure the players who have… Read more »


yeh mate that makes sense don’t it? Like we used to spend loads of money b4 the yanks come in eh? If you wanna boycott the next game then watch it in a pub down enfield way, not holloway

Uncle pats rice

Yea , maybe you could pop over when you pull the wool out of your eyes.


na$ri is a €unt




… thirded

Dublin Al

Well aint that nice of them. Fans were brilliant unlike the rubbish on the pitch.We really are a disgrace at the back without verm. I managed to get a lend of a united season ticket for the game, it was the most painful 90mins of my life surrounded by all those mancs. Never again will i take that ticket.


You gotta say, if the Carling Cup final and the shitty path from there leading up to yesterday won’t force a non-bargain, quality signing, I don’t really wanna know what would…

[…] Sunday. First, the club acknowledged the, quite frankly, magnificent support from the away fans by buying them a ticket to a future match. Well deserved and it even caused Jack Wilshere to tweeting an […]

steve chilcott

I hope the rumours are incorrect about Yousi Beneiyoun having a medical are incorrect


If that happens and that our signing then fuck em seriously bolox to spending any money on the cunts benny from crossroads would be better. Wher the fuck has that rumour come from?

steve chilcott

On twitter 2 players having medicals 1 Young the other Beneyoun

Uncle pats rice

Rumour is beneyoun is going to Lille , giving possibility that they will sell hazard .


Benayoun isn’t bad, bit too much like Rosicky though.


Yeah and rosicky has had a great last two years ffs


sky have just said that we’ve sold another left back, i suppose wenger has a young lad from the under 10’s as back up for gibbs. plus fuck the board there a big sweaty bunch of nasri’s


It’s traore and be careful calling him a left back you could get done under the trade descriptions act.


ha ha 🙂 like it. and why the fuck are we looking at yossi when we could do with big alex, i dont no what people think of alex but he’s gotta be better than what we’ve got and he should be cheap which the board will love!! tight fisted nasri’s

steve chilcott

Sky are running that we have equired about Beneyoun to Chelski


Just what we need, someone who could not cut it at Chelsea to improve our squad.


i agree. but he was excellent at times at liverpool. but buying a player who isn’t good enough for our rivals doesn’t sound too good.


Good on you away supporters. You really did us proud. Deserved two games worth of free tickets at least if that’s the calibre of support they’ll give!
Did you hear them Na$ri, you fucking cunt? How was that for passion?


25 minute, non-stop chant (according to the youtube video) during the second half of Sunday’s game. Well done.


Respectful for all arsenal fans in Old Trafford. Arsenal Fans are the best of the world . And I want to told the club , the fans go to watch the match are not for the money , but for winning the game. So putting your money on the transfer market . I’m willing to pay double price for the ticket if we can beat MU 8 to 2

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