Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fabregas trains with Arsenal as Wenger urges support

Arsenal fans got to watch Cesc Fabregas in action for the first time today as he joined the rest of his teammates at the Emirates for the annual Members Day training session.

There had been much speculation as to whether the Spaniard would be in attendance this afternoon with the speculation linking him with a move to Barcelona still in full force. Nevertheless, despite the furore over his future the club captain appeared to be in good spirits as he took part in a lengthy warm-up, short practice matches and shuttle runs before leaving the pitch to warm applause to sign autographs and smile for pictures. It remains to be seen whether he plays his first competitive minutes of the summer in Saturday’s friendly with Benfica in Portugal.

The Gunners were due to pose for their pre-season team photograph later in the day, but with torrential rain engulfing the North London area the club has taken the decision to postpone the shoot for two more weeks.

The adverse weather conditions seem to have played into Arsene Wenger’s hands with rumours abounding yesterday that two separate photographs would be taken; one with Fabregas in the captain’s position and another with the armband worn by potential replacement Robin van Persie.

A couple of unexpected faces were spotted at the stadium with Nicklas Bendtner selected to train with the first team despite being close to a move away from the club and new owner Stan Kroenke seen chatting in the tunnel area. Samir Nasri was in attendance but did not train (presumably due to a knock), Jack Wilshere was absent having had a scan on his Achilles, although Theo Walcott did take part, albeit alone, as he stepped up his recovery from injury.

Quizzed by legendary goalkeeper Bob Wilson at the end of the session, Arsene Wenger reflected on the high confidence in the camp while asking fans to keep believing his squad.

“We had a good preparation and good team bonding with our trip [to Asia]. Overall we are happy and confident. We were very close last year and we will give absolutely everything to do it this year,” said the Frenchman.

“We want the fans to be proud of the team. We are confident we will make them happy this season.”

Having completed what appeared to be an enjoyable work out for all involved, several players are now set to take part in supporter Q&A sessions in the Emirates press conference area.

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That Q&A session is gonna be interesting….


Any comments re transfers? Not involving Cesc…


Don’t think he’s going to be asked anything that direct by a club production.


They could be vicious


Hope not. It’s not the players’ fault that our squad isn’t what it should be by now.

I’m always behind any player, shite or not, who tries their best.


Agreed yes. I think some people need to put their baggage away – we have who we have – these are the guys whether you like it or not who are going to be stepping over the white line to represent our club. Take deep breathes people… if your a supporter , support.




“we were very close last year..” ?????? were we really?i suppose we were close to winning the carling cup.

anderlecht 70

Another confidence trick. The feel good factor will not last the first 3 fixtures. Wenger has failed again to strengthen the team and the supporters have been lied to about signings. No new goalkeeper, no new centre halves, and nothing but spoilt over-paid mercenaries allowed to cause chaos. A club lacking ambition will go in one direction only. Thanks Wenger.


From your nickname I see you’ve been around….well so have I. You know The Arsenal and therefore you know the club isn’t lacking ambition. The club is broke coz of the new stadium so we’re not gonna spend silly money on a defender. I don’t agree that we need a new goalkeeper either. Keep the faith and remember the wilderness years of 1972-1988 or think of all Scum supporters aged 50 and younger who’ve no idea of winning the league or ever being first. Chelsea? Man.City? We remember them as they were – mid table or 2nd division rubbish.


Well put Danny


If the club is truly broke, I can understand and still get behind the team. If the club will not overpay for any player based on principle, I can also respect a firm stance like that. But what confuses a frustrated supporter like myself is a manager that has identified weaknesses in the team and a chief executive that has promised new signings to address those needs. Now that we are down to the wire, with less chance of properly replenishing the ranks should one or more of our stars jump ship, I feel that club management has either proven… Read more »


Marcus, the second half(last 2 paras) what you said was right,,,, but wait till Aug 31, if you have to be 100 % on the spot about the first 2…Cheers


@Marcus, agree completely

I admire Arsenals fiscal restraint, however with all the talk of a busy summer we have seen less transfer activity than last summer (so far) and the dragging on of the Fabregas and Nasri sagas.

The failures with Alvarez, Mata and Jagielka bids… Are these guys just plain incompetent? Has anything similar happened with any of Arsenals rivals?

reality check

well we are not as broke as you want us to believe, broke teams dont pay 120mil in wages even wenger and gazidis admit we are quite healthy financially. no one wants wenger to spend 30 to 50mil on one player like he claims he cant everytime asked to spend. reasonable fans only want whats needed not 50mil players to brag about to your mates. if we are broke where is ade and toure’s sale money. i bet the money from cesc’s sale or might be even nasri’s will be going where 40mil went from ade and toure’s sale. its… Read more »

Lord Teddy Ears

So its the same team that has failed year in year out just a littler weaker as we have sold and a bunch of Spanish tits illegally tapping.

So much for the stan’s money and radical changes


Sitting in the Woolwich Q&A players are: Aaron Ramsey, Johan Djourou, Theo Walcott, Gibbsy


Interestingly, Kroenke was there today. I do wonder if there’s going to be some kind of signing announcement in the next day or so.


You think there’s a chance that could happen?


Sure, there’s a chance!


ANR did say there’d be 3 new signings this week….but I’d be happy with just one honestly


there it is. “we’re happy with the team” translates to no more signings..


No it doesn’t – they’re sanitised questions and answers on members day.


Yeh he weren’t gonna say “what the fuck have you come out in the rain to watch these cunts train for…. “


Nice one,,, perrygrovesworld


Have to say, it drives me nuts that Wenger says we are confident of winning something in the coming season. Why doesn’t he just say we will try our hardest, just sounds like empty propaganda, year after year after year. I’m not asking for Arsenal to win anything, just to have some self respect.


Cheers Genius


Same old drivel from Wenger…. 6th season of it now…. how many more? 🙁

Fed up of Barca

Think this will be the last.

If things happen as they did last year… and the year before… and the year before then the fans will sadly hound Wenger out.

Sad because its come to this

Fed up of Barca

I used to love this football club, now I hate that I love that football club.

Danish Gooner

Can you AKBs not see the emperor is not wearing any clothes,when will you all wake up ???????+


Stop calling people AKBs. It has no place on this site and just because you disagree with someone doesn’t give you the right to label them.


However, I do agree if he doesn’t strengthen before the end of August and the season goes badly, he’s done for.


what does AKB stand for or mean??


@ Thimbert Arsene Knows Best. Like Blogs said its a lable the happy slappers are ready to generically apply to anyone whos not calling for the managers head.

Danish Gooner

I told you early June that he was placating the fans but no,no i was an idiot and he couldnt risk not strenghtening.That is the MO of a confidence trickster ,tell them all they want to hear and then give them the knife when least expected,what a con man what extreme arrogance the megalomaniac have won and killed our club.


[Insult removed]. Nobody really knows whats happening, you certainly don’t. We all have no idea how far along we are with transfers or anything else.You must trawl the net for non-information and then spout nonsense. There is no way you are a real fan as they don’t diss club legends. Being a real fan is about thick and thin. Finnishing inside the top 4 for 15 seasons or so is the best we have ever been, so shut up. As for ‘killing our club’ your exaggeration is beyond belief, keep your cretinous machinations to yourself. [Insult removed]


Well Said!!!


Calm down Danish, ‘meglomaniac killing our club’??? we are all frustrated but get some perspective. The only reason Arsene Wenger is famous is because of the consistent glory that he brought to our club from 1998 to 2005. Yes he’s on the wane and if we win nowt this season then I will join calls for a change but show some respect.


with our shit , and negative supporters – im suprised we won anything in the 1st place- we have without doubt the worst fans in the world- never sing- ashburton is more of a libary than highbury ever was ( unless they wanna boo of course ) – I admit the ones that travel to away games -are ok). carry on drive wenger away and then you will all be happy that he is gone and we will be in an even worse position… i also remember the days of the early 80’s and they were crap!!! we played even… Read more »


I agree, i think (and i am not trying to be to critical here) that those fans that go to away games are the real passionate Arsenal supporters that been with the club through there bad times and dealt with it. The ones at the Home matches though are the Arsenal fans that only followed the club because they heard of our winning past from 1998-2005 and (as with all plastic fans) expect Arsenal to win every trophy every season.


Lots of fans who don’t go to away games have been through the ‘bad times’ too, you know.

A bit too much generalisation there, Robin.


There are also quite a few who have suffered without being able to get to any games at all for one reason or another


Arseblog: I did not mean all the home fans are plastic. Sorry if what I wrote gave you that impression


Indeed PGW.

Robin, no hassle.

Danish Gooner

He think he is bigger then the club and the fans,if that is not taking the piss what is ????


You don’t know what he thinks. Silly comment.


what are you on? wenger thinks he is bigger than the club?- ur a mug- dont come to ashburton ever plz- and as for the rest of you just stay away and moan infront of the tv instead… if there is one coach that genuelinley cares for the club its him- ( dont get me wrong i think he has made mistakes – but dont doubt wengers comitment- and call him names) yeah iam frustrested too- but im still goin to do my best and support the team- every player that pulls that shirt on and every coach that we… Read more »

Danish Gooner

I simply cant be calm anymore.We were promised financial parity with the biggest clubs in the world=lie.Ashburton Grove would be like Highbury just bigger with a lot of atmosphere=Lie.Most of the money from transfers would be made available to acquire new players=lie. etc.

It must stop now and a revolution must come it is time we took OUR club back.


To be fair, the stadium project was planned long before the premier league became a toy thing for oil-rich billionaires.. If it wasn’t for that, we wouldn’t be that far off the big-spending clubs in terms of spending power. So you revolt, sack the manager & the board – then what? I know it’s only comment, but so many people seem to get carried away with what is, mostly, conjecture at best.


Spooner, I think you have hit upon the biggest insight that history will give us into Arsenal of the 2000s. The Board (Dein included) and Arsene Wenger made grand plans designed to meet the challenge of a Premier League (and singular rival in pre-Glazier Man. U.) that shifted paradigms almost overnight and just as the plan was coming to fruition. Now extrapolating further on that point … if I had to guess, I would say it’s possible that Dein believed the writing was on the wall in the form of Chelsea’s seemingly bottomless transfer war chest and ever-escalating wages under… Read more »


Well sorry mate, you have to be calm. You have to suck it up like the rest of us. I firmly believe that some of you guys, yourself included Danish are spoilt. I too remember the lean times prior to 88 – and I know that doesn’t impact on the now – but if you think being aggressive to the manager (who lets face it changed Arsenal, from a kick and hoof, to one of the best respected footballing sides in the world) or to the players that are here atm is going to change anything, your sadly mistaken. Crow… Read more »

john day

Nick back the 80’s we was not paying 1,0000+ a season ticket mate.
The clubs turning into one big farce,the hardcore support are even starting to question things.

I dont know how anyone can truely be happy with whats going on.


I don’t think anyone is happy but there’s little middle ground to any point of view these days.


People earn so much more nowadays especially in London…..And the demand for football from around the world has made that change….


True, alot of the guys I go with have given up their STs this season as last season was enough for them.
They had been going for years and some of them decades


Hey Nick the early 80s weren’t that bad, remember lois jumbo cords, Nike Wimbledons, Paisley shirts and runs around the vicarage road allotments? There’s strength and depth to Arsenal fans, the tweeters and boo boys are hardly representative. Ooh to ooh to be ooh to be a Gooner !!


Another bitch fest on here then. What a pleasure it is supporting this club with these wonderful fans.


our club is the best club in the world…although it just needs some tweaking! No need to be depressed about the situation…
I have 1 ticket to both the away games against Newcastle and manure if anyone is interested…


I just don’t understand what everybody is moaning about. The team looks much better now that this time last year. We’ve got a fully fit Ramsey, Vermaelen and Van Persie. We’ve got a real goalkeeper finally in Szczesny instead of useless Almunia. Bartley had a great loan workout last year. Jenkinson looks good. Wilshere – do I need to remind everyone about how much better he is now. Gervinho – the new Ian Wright? Rosicky and Arshavin looking good in pre-season. No more Denilson and Clichy!!! Ok Nasri might leave – but he’s been useless since January. Fabregas is a… Read more »


We do have money to spend, Danny.


What money? The Emirates cost 400 million quid!!! That money came from bank loans. We’ll be paying it off for years.


There’s at least £30m available to use for transfers now.

Aussie gooner

30M doesn’t get you far these days, though would get us Jags plus another midfielder / striker. I agree with Danny tho all the moaners seem to think a Wenger replacement would come in and spunk 30-50M every summer and thus we’d be successful. As much as the lack of defensive reinforcements grates me lets not forget we were in for Jones, are in for Jags AND the window’s far from shut. For every Wenger frustration he far makes up for it in my book. Who else is going to get us quality like RVP (cost 2.5M), Gervinho, Sagna, Wilshere,… Read more »

rectum spectrum

Arsenals business model is to see themselves debt free by 2025. A truly remarkable thing. Probably the only club in the world with plans to be debt free. Others just talk of reduction from obscene levels, not elimination. The club has been run fantastically well which is how we now play at a 65000 seated stadium. Sure we pay the price for that, but everyone at Arsenal is working towards a truly unique and glorious era, I really believe that. I think slowly and surely we are pulling ourselves free of the financial battering of tje move to the emirates.… Read more »


I admire your positivity Danny! Nice to hear an upbeat comment. Lots of good points there, I think we’re all a little worried about the defensive issues though. I wonder if there is still time for a signing…


I reckon Wenger will give Gibbs,Jenkinson and Bartley a chance and if it doesn’t work then in January he’ll sign someone.


Danny: Thanks for lifting the doom and gloom, I like your assessment. I think everyone just wants a new signing or two to break the familiarity and perceived complacency of the current squad. Memories of last seasons late capitulation featured these same players so an addition of quality and character would be most welcome. I for one would be happy if we make just one defensive signing, and keep Fab from leaving. Nasri I am not worried about as we have many players for his position, plus he faded for 5 months. Fab is way more important and I M… Read more »


Faded for 5 months?

Nasri was only good for 5 months, I don’t understand why Wenger does not take some more of Man City’s money and put in a proper bid for Mata or Hazard.


john- i know its bloody expensive – cant say you are wrong – and yeah i know more and more sites/fans like these are turning against the club- but take a step back – what do you want – the club to turn into leeds, nottingham forest , ? wenger and the club had a vision to move us to bigger stadium- that aint cheap you know- remember when we extendted highbury – looking back what a waste of money that was- but wenger and dein/fizman got us to move in the long run – it is sensible- but they… Read more »


Love Arsenal Hate Wenger!


Even if you think the manager is past his best and should be replaced, I don’t understand why anyone would ‘hate’ him.


Because his lies and spin have made me apathetic about the fortunes of the club and that’s the first time I’ve felt like that in 35 years.


Surely you’re apathetic about him and what he might do than the fortunes of the club itself?


Unfortunatly at the moment he is the club.When he’s gone maybe we’ll see some players with some balls and a stadium with some passionate fans.If the fans truly believed in his team don’t you think the atmosphere would improve 1000%.


Maybe if the fans gave a little of themselves regardless..you’d see an improvement. We have to have the most super critical bunch of fans out there. Everyone wants to win – but come on you have to draw a line, booing in pre season in a no mark tournament, because the substitutes that came on didnt do a job, even though the exercise was simply…exercise, need I say more. Truly I hang my head in shame at some of our so called supporters.

john day

Arseblog there is no doubt Arsene is a great manager and the best one we have had,but there comes a time when it becomes a bit stale.

I just want a team that fights to win and dosent choke after they have a bad run,
we are lacking a massive spine in the side and are leaving it way to late to do anything about it.Arsenal just dosent seem the same as it did years ago!

When are we going to show some balls and make a statement or too in the market?


Agree it’s gone a bit stale and I have said time and time again the team needs to be strengthened. However, some fans don’t believe this is enough and think that this opinion is only valid if combined with personal abuse of the manager, players and other fans.

He’s got to spend though, and it’s on this that Arsene will stand or fall, in my opinion.


30 million quid? Sorry but if we did the banks would grab that immediately.


No, they wouldn’t. We meet our repayments, as set out per the agreement, and other revenue is available for squad, purchases, renewals etc.

You don’t think every penny we makes has to go to the bank, do you?

john day

Nick we have the money thats the thing,if we didnt have money would we just throw away 25mil on nasri??

No one is asking for 40mil pound signings,we are asking to just spend a bit of money and buy the players the club badly needs.


Danish Gooner you really are the most negative arsenal fan! It sounds like you actually want us to fail this season just so that you can say told you so. Well I hope the boys can put some good results together and see what your comments will be then. Yes we’ve got a new stadium so it should generate more income than highbury but what you got to remember is the stadium hasn’t been paid off yet!! Am sure when it is laid off we will see a massive difference in our transfer funds. As long as we are challenging… Read more »


Good comments Matty, a reasonable perspective my friend.


The only way we can compete with the ‘Monopoly Money’ clubs is to focus on our youth scheme and conduct strategic signings in a covert manner. We have money to spend, but paying out over-the odds and going head to head with the bigger clubs on big name signings just isn’t possible. Big money signings carry big responsibilities and accountabilities for players and managers. I believe the way we are doing business is the right way. If Fabregas goes, he goes. The club will survive, and I bet people will be saying that the best they saw of him was… Read more »


we have some money yeah- and I agree we need to sign some players-I still think we will ( hope more than anything) – but you really think that 18 mill for average jag, cahill, or samba are worth it- trouble is if someone is willing to pay it then thats the market price-( my old economics lesson coming out there )- still whoevver comes in and they pull on that shirt I know I will support them.. lets hope its soon- we must try and get rid of the neativity coz- who is going to want to come to… Read more »


Nobody’s asking for 100 million in signings just use what the board said is available. 35 or so I think.


Yeah. Whats frustrating is our inability to close a deal. I mean compared to utd or other teams…most of the time they id a target and move in. No frills no fuss… But our transfers appear to be long and protracted affairs..i dunno if its wengers wheeling and dealing but we often seem to lose out. I mean if wenger was ready to splash out 16-19odd million for phil jones if he really wants jags or cahill surely he can make them an offer they cant refuse… That being said insulting arsene and disrespecting him is rather childish. We all… Read more »


How many times do we have to read the same stuff? Yes we have money, no we haven’t strengthened at the back, yes we need to get at least one never say die leader who would not allow us to give away pts after going ahead in 95th minute or gift a trophy to a 2 bit relegated side BUT we are still in the hat for the CL and a new season starts 8 days so let’s take a leaf from Danny and start some analysis. What would be your starting 11? Mine: scez sagna Gibbs vermaelen koscielny Wilshere… Read more »


Good call, I’d go with that line-up. Be nice to see Walcott up front at some point.


Remember guys this is not like FIFA 11 were you could start your own career mode with Arsenal and get 50,000,000 pounds in transfer budget and 600,000 pounds in the salary budget and then offer an additional 2 million pounds to a players transfer value and you get him (example: I bought Brad Hangerland from Fulham on FIFA 11 for 10 million… he was only worth 8 million) In reality my example would not work nor happen. Fulham will hold off for at least 15 million. I dont know why I just wrote that. I just thought that most Arsenal… Read more »


Not sure what FIFA 11 is? Is it compatible with the zx spectrum? Back to real life please. Who thinks it’s time to sign a winger so Theo can be put up front when rvp gets injured? And I am NOT disappointed we didn’t sign Downing, we can find better value than that.

rectum spectrum

the fact that we were listed as suitors of downing made me feel a bit sick in my stomach. the manager blowing 67% of our transfer budget on him would have been akin to all that shenanigans at Lehman Brothers. it would have been finacial suicide, the fatal move.

pissed off

where are the signings??? why is bender , shitmunia and eboue still at the club ? im betting he doesn’t sign anyone because he knows that he can get away with it , the only people shouting and booing are the people that pay his and the players fucking wages absolute cunt wenger is when everyone left in 05 + 06 hes had 2-3 years to build the spine of his squad to compete for trophys etc but now for the last two seasons where we should actually be winning things still nothing!!! and no ambition and time wasting bollocks… Read more »


Calling the manager an absolute cunt, proves more about you, than it does him. Have you no memory,…is loyalty that hard to come by ? Honest to god I despair. Everyone wants signings, but to castigate the man in such a fashion who has made the Club what it is..smacks to me, of complete and utter disrespect and immaturity. I firmly believe it we hadn’t followed the model we have for the last 15 years, we would be right now where Everton or Aston Villa are at, they were out level coming into the 90’s. Sure, we all want success.… Read more »


fuck off you dick- go and support man city or something- if you are big enough to call wenger a cunt – then have you got the balls to wanna meet me ? bet you are right fucking pansy i would smash you up

greek gooner

@pissed off you are dead on right man. every single word. Please fuck off you stupid stupid stubborn megalomaniac CUNT and please, please , take these MORONS AKBs with you.

Dave Gooner

We could sign Phil Jag and Mata by Monday. Why not? Plenty of time to do business.


If we get those two, plus Cesc, Bendtner & Eboue are sold on top of Clichy we’ll likely be slightly up, with money to tie Nasri to an improved (not wildly one would hope) contract then play him in the hole. It’s feeling less likely, but I was thinking a few days ago that would be an awesome set of biz. A few new faces in their mid-20s who would really add some competition, and you’d have to be thinking we’d be a bit tasty then.

rectum spectrum

any scenario that involves cesc leaving is worse than where we could possibly be without him. i honestly belive if we sold cesc, and all the dead weight, and bought mata, jaggynettles and resigned nasri and scooped up a left back even too we’d be a weaker team than with cesc and none of those players. i really hope barca’s behavior plus lack of funds is enough to let us keep cesc for another year, and we buy mata and sell nasri if he’s not going to sign. and pick up a solid CB. jaggynettles or samba even would do.… Read more »


Have you seen Nasri in the middle for France? I’m not saying he’s better than Cesc, but he’s ‘king good. The only reason I’d be OK with Fabregas leaving, is that outwardly it’s been so disruptive & we have to listen to Barca incessantly until he almost inevitably leaves. I’d rather us be building a team of players who plan to stay for more than a year, or two at best. Sure it would be great for Ramsey & Jack to get another year with Cesc, but what kind of credibility can a captain have if everyone expects him to… Read more »


I give up we’re going round in circles


Have only just started to read the blog and am sad to see the comments from people who cannot possibly count as fans. Fans support a club. If you can’t say something useful then keep it to yourself! Just remember
everybody- we beat Barcelona last season!
What a wonderful feeling.


Petrovic – am with you on first choice line up although I’d probably find more space for Song than Ramsey just yet. Personally I think the current mental polarity of fans’ views is down to the same thing: we’re all going nuts from the lack of real, meaningful footie. It’s been ages and, having ended the season on a downer, I think alll of us just want to get stuck back into the real stuff. It’s like going turkey: some moan and wail and nash their teeth (the boo boys) others sing and dance like manics (the happy clappies like… Read more »


Barca have confirmed the sale of 2 players today: Romeu to Chelsea for 5m euros and Jeffren to Sporting Lisbon for another 5m (coincidently does that ruin Bendtner’s chances of moving there?).
So Barca have just raked up 10m extra. Their last bid for Cesc was 29m so seems they could now possibly come close to meeting Arsenal’s valuation of 40m. any thoughts arseblogger?

rectum spectrum

i hope the cheques bounce. plus where does all this extra income fit in with barca’s desperate need to drastically reduce their debts? me thinks its not necessarily intended to be thrown straight back out the door for a player they definately, no arguement, don’t need (yet). thiago and cesc are barcas future. the exact players required to prolong the dream team. they’re not desperate for him now, they just want him on the cheap. they tried to get him cheap last year, trying this year, and will try next year until we just have to let him go. to… Read more »


I don’t get why we are moaning so much. Fact of the matter is while we would all love to see new faces very very few of us actually know what goes on behind the scenes. Arsenal are a club that tries to do things quietly to stop clubs like man city etc bumping up the prices. It’s common knowledge that samba was very close to joining last season and we wanted ronaldo before he joined united (also remember reading that we couldn’t get a work permit for messi although that might be me going mad) we don’t know what’s… Read more »


In a cruel twist, the more pressure Arsene is under from supporters to “spend some fookin money” the weaker his negotiating position may be. I suspect it causes him pain — baying at the moon, Phil Collins induced, cursing the stars kind of agony to spend over his valuation. Hopefully the tormented genius can find his way to get us a centerback at least.


Good point Tomc, Ramsey or Song? I fear that Song had an unusually good 6 months or so and reverted to his v average self over the last half of last season. He’s a good stopper but we will need more dynamism, creativity and goals without cesc and nasri and I reckon the Ramsey Wilshere interchange can deliver. They both aren’t afraid to sit and get stuck in if necessary and can both split open defences with passing and dribbling. F@ck me I better calm down I’m almost looking forward to watching some football!


Petrocic that’s the spirit my man. Real football. Real arsenal. Wilshere-Ramsey axis somewhat lacing in experience but, and it’s a big but, Ramsey can score whereas Song disappoints on thy front. Rotate the two I reckon.

Alex Fisher

Over the last few years Wenger hasn’t got the balance quite right, and I’ve been highly critical of some of his decisions (I think Tony Adams got it right when he described him as a ‘flawed genius’). However, we’re not in dire straits just yet (imagine if clubs like Spurs had spent what we’d spent the last 5 years and yet we’ve been consistently above them), and he’s achieved some incredible things to justify another season to put right the wrongs. I am worried though. Part of the difficulty in getting the balance right is having to contend with so… Read more »


I dont care if we win or loose I dont want to see my mananger on the sidelines throwing water bottles and crying w/ that piss and moan look on his face. The team and the FANS reflects the manager, so be poised and strong AW and maybe the team and the FANS will do the same. Be patient support the club and stop crying about EVERYTHING.


Agreed we need more depth across the defence. To the theme of Thomas the Tank engine here is my song for vermaelen “they’re 2, they’re 4, they’re 6, they’re 8, Gibbs is always lying prostrate, Squillacci always hesitates, Thomas where’re your friends?”


True candyman, please no more piss moan face AW, just low fist clenching and teeth gritting “yes, I fuckin told you so”


Anyone got an update from the Q and A?
Who was there?
Any dodgy questions asked and answered??

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