Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Newcastle 0-0 Arsenal

Arsenal opened their Premier League campaign today with a 0-0 draw against Newcastle.

The Gunners started brightly and created the first chance for Tomas Rosicky whose shot from the edge of the box went not far wide.

New boy Gervinho looked lively, often getting behind the full back, but failing to find the final ball. It was a half in which Arsenal dominated possession but failed to really create a clear cut chance.

At the other end Wojciech Szczesny was commanding in goal, claiming and punching well as Newcastle looked to expose Arsenal from set-pieces.

The best chance of the half came with just a couple of minutes to go, Arshavin scooped a lovely ball over the top of the Newcastle defence, but van Persie couldn’t quite get it under control and the home side got it clear.

The second half wasn’t much better, Arsenal again dominating possession but creating little. Alex Song was lucky on the hour mark to escape a straight red card when he clearly stamped on Joey Barton after a midfield clash. It was stupid from Song, especially as he was on a yellow card already, and he could yet find himself punished retrospectively.

It was a taste of things to come, but Theo Walcott had Arsenal’s best chance of the half when he shot straight at Tim Krul from 8 yards out in the 64th minute.

The away fans were clearly frustrated with their team’s lack of cutting edge and chants of “spend some fucking money” could be clearly heard, directed at Arsene Wenger.

Then the incident which will be the main talking point. Gervinho went down in the box after being clipped by the defender. As referee Peter Walton failed to give the penalty and waved play on, Joey Barton lost his temper and dragged Gervinho up off the ground in an aggressive manner, wheeling him around by his shirt.

As the players came together Gervinho appeared to slap Barton, perhaps in an attempt to freee himself from the clutches of the scuttery fuckpig, and the aggressive snarling bully went down as if he’d been punched in the balls by Mike Tyson. After the melee, Walton sent off Gervinho and only booked Barton, the cowardly little prick.

The Ivorian will now miss three games, although Arsene Wenger didn’t rule out an appeal after the game. The rest of the game played out without too much incident, neither side making a real goalscoring chance but Arsenal defence stood up well when tested under Newcastle pressure.

Again, as the game headed towards the final whistle, the Arsenal fans could be heard singing for the club to spend money on new players.

Overall it was a solid enough performance, and a point away from home is not bad, but Arsenal were worryingly lacking in creativity without Barcelona bound Cesc Fabregas.


Newcastle: Krul, Coloccini, Steven Taylor, Ryan Taylor, Simpson, Barton, Cabaye, Tiote, Gutierrez, Shola Ameobi, Ba

Subs: Forster, Williamson, Lovenkrands, Gosling, Best, Obertan, Sammy Ameobi

Arsenal: Szczesny, Sagna, Vermaelen, Koscielny, Gibbs, Rosicky (Frimpong), Song, Ramsey, Arshavin (Walcott), Gervinho, van Persie

Subs: Fabianski, Walcott, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Djourou, Jenkinson, Frimpong, Chamakh

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Really lacked creativity. But our defense was surprisingly calm and solid I thought. Need a center forward to pick up those loose balls and missed headers in the box.


I thought I’d be disappointed with the result, but oddly, I have a strange feeling of contentment. I thought Rosicky played pretty well and that Gervinho showed some skill but his lack of final ball was frustrating. I have high hopes for the tie with Udinese, but we really need to be able to create more clear chances to compete.


Thuggery aside, wenger needs to buy a pass master NOW. Either that or shove Arshavin in the cesc role


At least Gervinho will be fresh for the Udinese games!


yeah i hear what ya sayin the defence looked ok, but it was the same old story we cant put it in the fuckin net.


Someone explain to me the meaning of violent conduct. I could swear that grabbing a guy on the ground by this shirt with both hands, hoisted him to feet while frothing at the mouth was more violent than a mild slap in the face. Maybe I’m just too logical to understand the rules of football.


So true


The Law states that any violent conduct in action or word is punishable by immediate expulsion. the official is left to determine what he considers violent conduct but normally the act of agressively lifting a player up off the ground and manhandling him would, by most officiating standards,be considered as violent. That said, Gervinho’s ¨slap¨, which was comically transmuted into a Mike Tyson-like punch in a despicable effort at gamesmanship had the desired reaction from the ref. That was what this was all about.


The rules are simple:
foreigner on english = violent
english on foreigner = heart and spirit.
English cunt on new foreigner = heart, spirit, wind up, making him lose his head, too clever for the ref/’the ref didnt see it’ .
Hope that helps


It`s still fucking stupid to slap him!!! Barton got the reaction he wanted, he won. Gervinho should know better and act better. So fucking stupid and pointless….


Stupid, yes, but it was his first competitive game for us – and I doubt there’s any cunts like Barton running around the French League. Must have been quite a shock to the system for Gervinho to be hauled off the floor by that muppet.

I find it hard to blame him, glad it didn’t cost us 3 points.

I just can’t understand why our front 3 refuse to shoot at the fucking goal.


Kos and Vermaelen look like a great pairing.


Eh… Newcastle is a crappy team and to be honest never posed a real threat to the back four. I’m not convinced. When we play Pool next week we will have Andre the Giant to deal with and I dont think this defence will cope with that.


To be fair Demba Ba is no small fry and you can say he’s rubbish but we were troubled by less this past season


Same same, I think Wenger already taught Gervinho not to shoot in the box.

I was pretty dissapointed and I thought they looked like the Arsenal from the end of last season, not the one from Christmas at Chelsea.


Need players. And I feel like I’ve said that before.


Barton should have alsobeen sent off. A worrying lack of creativity and off the ball movement. Need Jack back as soon as possible. Spending money after Cest and Sami leave was just shown to be necessary. If that does no happen we are moving out of the top four. As much as I hate to admit. Liverpool looked pretty solid today and actually showed the desire/creative attacking play that we missed. Arsen – and extra two or five million on a transfer won’t save anything if it means that we miss the CL in 2012 and the 30 million +… Read more »

rectum spectrum

so should song.


The lack of passes testing and stretching Newcastle’s Defense was the most worrying facet of the game. TV5 and Kos played really well. I’m quite comfortable with our two starting centerbacks. It’s only the two in line that worry me. When Cesc leaves our priority must be adding creativity. If Scott Dann or some other CB can be brought in, fine, but we are going to struggle without Cesc’s passing and vision.


Gervinho looked a bit like Walcott at times. Should’ve have done better on delivery. I also think Ramsey was poor.


Good to see the defence and GK stand up.

But whoever he’s got in mind to buy, for fucks sake stick the calls in tomoz and get it done. Mata? £25m? Done. Hazard? £30m? Cheque’s on the way. Jagielka? £20m? In £20’s alright? No room for manoeuvre here.

The Red and White Observer

I hear what you say, but Mata is too slight for the EPL. If you can please watch any Valencia recent friendly? Jagielka does not want to come to Arsenal; Hazard will not cope with our EPL, Benzema has personality issues and will not gel with the team. You saw today how fast and furious the game was for Gervinho. His final third passing was too slow and he will learn. Not many foreign players of high quality can cope with the EPL in their first season, look at Chamakh. Even the great TH took a season and Robert Pires… Read more »


Don’t disagree mate. For those above, also read Cahill/Samba/Dann ie players we’ve been linked with.

The point was more whoever he’s got in mind, get them in pronto.

We know he likes a bargain but now’s not the time for a pissing match over the odd £1m or two.


One thing more, anyone who thinks Ramsey can take over from Cesc is nuts.

I guess he could get much, much better, but I don’t think he has looked very special since coming back from injury.


I absolutely agree. Ramsey didn’t dominate the midfield and could not make any cut through passes. We definitely need more creative players in the midfield.
I know emotions run high and adrenaline pumps but why do players do themselves in like that. I mean Songs stamp on the cunt


Defensivley very good, calm composed and solid.

Up front we were not that great but this early on the players lack a bit of sharpness, it’ll come.

I feel quite good about the result overall.

Just have rise above cunts like Barton, His haircut only confirms what a total twat he really is!


Arshavin looked lazy or out of shape, & influenced the game very little. Opposite of what Gervinho was doing, running at the defense and trying… Get Cesc and Samir off this team ASAP, I think a lot of fans would agree that even if they were to stay now they wouldn’t be fulfilling that “100% commitment” issue that’s been a worry for this side. Can’t afford that ^. But what we can afford is to invest in players with similar qualities of Fabregas and Nasri, who will be committed and can help burden to responsibilities of all the youngsters on… Read more »


Another thing, this game is evidence that Arsenal are no longer a light touch. Much of the game was more like a grappling match than a game of football.


So last year Arsenal player gets sent off for grabbing Barton round the neck. This season Barton does exactly the same and is given a yellow. I suggest player will start showing respect to officials when these salaried halfwits start showing the vaguest semblance of consistency.


Arsenals problem won’t be in defence this season but in replacing the creativity of Fabregas and the flair of Nasri.

rectum spectrum

concur. I think we’ll go from strength to strength at the back, but today was a serious warnign to wenger if he’s thinking of letting the transfer window slide quietly closed.


With Barton’s history, why aren’t officials looking at him closer. The defense did a good job, I guess we really missed Thomas Vermaelon last season. Our finishing has got to improve.

rectum spectrum

LOL if they were song’d prob have been sent off…..


Song could still retrospectively be punished because the refs didn’t see it and therefore the incident wasn’t dealt with. Whereas Barton cannot be punished further/differently because the incident was dealt with during the game ie. yellow card. This to me is just plain wrong. Barton as the instigator and main colprit should have at least got the same punishment as Gervinho. But how Gervinho got sent off and Barton stayed on the pitch is truly amazing. A refereeing fuck up of epic proportions. Pure madness. If the FA had any balls (and we all know they don’t) something should be… Read more »


Let’s be controversial and look at the positives. The defense looked fairly solid, Gibbs looked good AND lasted more than lifted minutes. We weren’t shaky on set pieces. Gervinho got himself into some promising positions and with a bit more game time may have chosen the right final ball.
Yes we missed some creativity but with Wilshere to come back in that should be alleviated. However the bench looked weak and with the number of injuries we will inevitably get, we need another couple of attacking options through the middle. Lets keep the faith (at least til Sept 1st 😉

Granite Gooner

Solid start defensively solid
Nothing creative but I’m optimistic

George Coolstar

Where’s the AKBs? Where’s the AKBs?

Where are you? Speak up, you slate the Arsene out lads for not showing up during a good result, where are you during another poor result where they don’t want to shoot. If you support Wenger, you’re in his insane web of lies.


Haha! You just couldn’t resist the temptation right? No need to gloat mate. Let’s forget our differences and just get behind the team. Let Wenger dig his own grave and just thank your lucky stars that you ain’t in his shoes. Seriously, its bad enough….

The Red and White Observer

I am puzzled by your anger… we got a draw away from home. Odd behaviour.

Arsene knows

Who are you? I go home & away, since 1969, we played well today, should have won, sending off a joke, aw is buying pace and dealing with spoiled brats with dignity, I’m positive about the season, the squad and the rest of the window, our defense were superb today, we will improve, you can fuck off and watch manshitty on tv


First things first Joey Barton and Alan Pardew are a pair of moronic, hideous, smug looking mother fuckers and personally I’d like to castrate the pair of the scrotum tickling sheep shaggers.

Now, defensively we looked good. Very good. Which frightens me. A lot. Attack well it was the same old Arsenal, all cock and no balls. For me today showed everything that’s wrong with playing a lone striker. I’d have preferred to see Theo up front as well.

The Red and White Observer

JOEY BARTON WILL GET ALL THE BACK PAGES but our: Defence – 8 points Midfield – 7 points Offence – 4 points The Game -Arsenal 7 points Manager- 8 points (DJ and Frimpong sub – good move) I saw a prime example to our children and why they riot on the streets… Barton… if you do this in front of a global audience, our children will emulate your actions, because you are never punished. Song: You will be retrospectively charged with a red card. Silly Boy. AND NO it was not a dive… the defender touched him. Three games ban…… Read more »


Ring di alarm!!! Waaaa? Wenger gone mental? Well at least football is back. Yes yes ya!


George Coolstar,
What are you getting angry about?
You’ve missed the riots by a week…..

The BearMan

Anyone remember the 4 v 4 draw. It appears Pardew’s half time team talk worked again. Which goes something like this – Barton get in their faces, they will over-react. Arsenal will loose their cool and that will be our opportunity. Arsenal needs to think even in the midst of a war zone. Red card last season, red card the start of this.


Well as the bsll was still in play when Barton grabbed Gervinho THEN the penalty really should have been given ….

The Red and White Observer

Diaby was sent off for exactly what Barton did today…. Arsenal just have rubbish luck.


Yeah blame the ref. Just ignore the fact that our midfield was void of any creativity what so ever. Seriously dude, we were bleak and we got away it. Or you might wanna go with the usual “I didn’t see it” ? We were lucky to get a draw, really…

The Red and White Observer

Arsenal also will be fined for the five yellows and one straight red
Football is back


Emanuel Frimstrong! How’s that physique? Power.


“Someone, get some duct tape…because this malacca is RIPPED!”

Professor Plum

RVP good player that he is is no captain – TV’s the man for me. I particularly liked the way he offered to resolve any outstanding issues with Burton in the tunnel after the game – he shit himslf. Hehe!


New season, same refrees,.. Wil judge wenger & the team after 31st of aug.


just a thought, but with that cunt barton only getting a yellow instead of a red, should’nt the ref get into trouble now? under the new rules about not doin there jobs right? just something i see on skysports news in the week.


I doubt he’ll be doing a Big-4 game or local derby anytime soon. His next match should be in the Championship next weekend. That’s where his leniency for shirt-tugging and arm wrestling belongs.

Shaun Tan

RVP looked so deprived without the excellent service from midfield he is so used to. sigh cesc oh cesc. :'(


Don’t forget the little knobgobbling cunt grabbing SZCZ round the throat last year with Nolan. What is it with these refs?


Wingers giveaway the captaincy to the next in line to depart in vm effort to keep them at the club. Sad but true. What else could explain giving it to such great players but abject leaders as Henry and Fabregas. And I say this as no great Arsene dissenter.

Ejiro Esiri

that ref is a shit head… as the Yorubas would say it: iya baba e wenger


Barton – anagram for scum cunt jizz bucket with an adult style cunty hair cut


Was all to safe for me…. We have to commit midfielders beyond the player in possession. Turn thier midfield and centre halves. Too often we only have RVP and another ahead of play. Piece of piss for two banks of fir to defend against


Overall decent start. Defence good, middle ok, attack a bit short. I thought arseshavings and Rambo had poor games.
Joey barton is a cunt… Shame song didn’t put long pointy sharp studs in.

The BearMan

The first time that I can ever remember, Wenger thought defense. By bringing on Frimpong and Djourou. He protected the point well done!


On the same point if you aren’t going to release player from midfield when in possession , don’t bother with the holding midfielder and play an extra man up front


When gerviniho has served a 3 match ban he will be like a new signing …… Oh! He is a new signing?


Rio Ferdicunt on twatter moaning about diving (referring to Gervinho) what a total cunt, Rooney is one of the biggest divers in the league!

Someone needs to ‘merc’ that cunt.

BBC are cunts too saying “Arsenal go from bad to worse, couldn’t break down a stubborn Newcastle defence” how about “Arsenal secured a decent point away from home”
They would have been milking Fergies cock if it had been Man utd.

Football is full of cunts, and I’m a cunt for letting them wind me up.


Yeah, rio is such a cunt. I hope gervinho gets to merc him later in the season. Rio’s just an ass kissing twat – he and Barton are probably twitter pals. Pair of cunts, seriously Barton cannot control his anger, such a bad role model for the sport.

I thought Wengers tactics were great – acknowledging we could salvage a point by bringing on Frimpong and Djourou. Szszney Hawks and TV were awesome today.


Really good point there Bearman.


We are a very poor team we will not win anything this season def was good coz newcastle hardly attacked…. Man u. Chelsea will eat us raw itz too late for wenger to do anything now… This is d beginning of the fall I am very sorry for being so negative but without cecs we are nothing or else we need sumone like kenny who can change d entire squad.

Professor Plum

maybe you’d feel better about yourself if you started supporting chelsea? coz’ di writ lik dat 2 innit


I’m a realistic person unlike u… I will support arsenal for life but I’m not like u who closes his eyes to reality … If we lack quality we do … Who d fuck r u to tell me to support chelsea… Guess u don’t have a life and can’t accept others opinions … Ur jus like wenger a stubborn kid.


Is that John Terry?

Professor Plum

John Terry could pay someone to write for him

Johnny Massacre

I would rather Hugh Hefner managed us than Kenny Dalglish.


Yes, disappointed about the draw but comfortable with the performance actually. Whole def line alone with keeper and Song look solid and reliable even the line up is very att with both Rosicky and Ramsey. Happy to see Rosicky did well today while what worry me is Ramsey. Too bad that he remind me Delison. Even worse, he likes to pass risky ball and core area. Cut in seems to be Gervinho preferred att tool while seems played too wide. Maybe he had difficult to find cutting place with Newcastle deep def line. Not many on injury list actually while… Read more »

Professor Plum

core area?

cutting place?

att tool?

plan B players?

various cup?

Monkey nuts!

[…] Newcastle 0-0 Arsenal report. Follow @arseblognews […]

Claudio Crow

Ref signaled play on, right?

Ball in play then; Barton grabs Gervinho by the shirt – aggression; it happened inside the box;

Ball in play + aggression + inside the box = penalty. As simple as that!


Gervinho should have dove or flopped after Barton grabbed him.


Does anyone else feel like Arsene is losing it? My Brother has lost the plot and our family doesn’t understand what happened. Doesn’t it feel like Arsene is going thru this? How hard would it have been in June to say, “Samir, will you sign a contract extension for this price? No! Ok we will sell you and buy someone who will.” “Cesc, are you serious about going home? You are? Ok tell Barca we want this much money and you can go. If they wont pay you will stay here for another year.” It does not seem that hard.… Read more »


“six percent you’re having a laugh?”

No need to state the obvious, Let the crowd at the home game do that. Either way, aren’t we miserable enough? Let it sink in and relax. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. One day soon everything gonna be alright.

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