Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chamakh eyes Bordeaux return

Marouane Chamakh has finally admitted that the frustration of playing second fiddle to Robin van Persie could see him seek a move at the end of the season.

Signing on a free from Bordeaux before the start of last season, the lanky attacker looked to have been a very canny bit of business by Arsene Wenger. Not only was he amongst the goals, but his link up play (and ability to win dodgy penalties) initially proved very useful in the absence of the likes of Van Persie and Nicklas Bendtner.

Nevertheless, having surrendered his starting place to the Dutchman at the start of 2011 the Moroccan has been pretty much confined to the substitutes bench ever since. Offered playing time at the death of games and playing like death in both the Champions League and Carling Cup the striker appears to have finally realised that life in N5 requires more than a pot of wet look gel.

According to Gingers4Limpar (translating the words of French journalist Frédéric Calenge) Chamakh has hinted his preference lies in a return to his old stomping ground.

“I will not leave in January. The important decision is in June. I’m 27. I need to play, I cannot stay like this forever.”

“One cannot accept this competition with a player like Van Persie.”

“Return to France? If so, it will be to Bordeaux. I have a bond to that club.”

While many Arsenal fans would happily see Arsenal swap Chamakh for a new face in January. Arsene Wenger has already admitted that the player’s international commitments would scupper any move in the New Year.

“I is difficult to loan him now because of the African Nations Cup,” he said two weeks ago. “They come back in February, usually quite tired, so it is not easy.

“They need to go out two weeks before the tournament starts then it lasts two and a half weeks, then they need two weeks’ recovery. So it is six weeks.”



It would appear the translation should read “One can only accept competition with a player like Robin”…thanks for the correction.

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“One CAN ONLY accept competition with a player like Robin” is a fairer translation of what he actually said.


I think something may have been lost in translation a little here. If he meant “one can only accept competition”, well he clearly doesn’t accept it because he’s thinking of moving on. If he said “one cannot accept competition” then he’s living in a strange fantasy world. No other striker in the Premier League would get into the team ahead of RVP at the moment, let alone Chamakh.


Only one striker in the world would get in ahead of RvP, and he has an inferior scoring record.

RvP – 33 in 32 (not exactly sure, but something like this)

Messi – 31 in 35.


No matter how hard Chamakh works, RVP is untouchable at the moment. He respects that but at 27, he needs to be playing regular football, even if it means moving to an inferior club. That’s what it comes down to.


Messi cant even touch RVP’s boots.

RVP = god

Messi = RVP’s bitch


Well at least we got him for free, so we can get some profit.


Great start to his Arsenal career, and a bit sad that he cannot compete. If replaced adequately he won’t be missed. At the moment it seems any other striker on the planet looks a lot better than him, to be honest.


Pretty much have to agree with you but I’ll save few good memories like when he scored a brece and we won 2-0 at Molineou… 🙂


well, since he’ll still be here till June, I hope that the Nations Cup will provide him with the change of environment he clearly needs. And since he’ll be in a place where he is the number one striker, I hope his confidence will return and he will come back and end the year like he started his career with us-goals, good link-up plays and dodgy penalties.


I share your sentiments TT. He actually looked like the signing of the season at one point last year. I hope the rumours linking us with Poldoski and Goetze have some substance to them….


I want to feel sympathy towards him, but it’s so difficult to relate to his mindset. Ok, I get that he’s a confidence player and ideally would need a solid run of games, but this is the very top level. He has one of the best jobs in the world, gets paid an incredible salary and gets to put on the Arsenal shirt every week. “I need to play, I cannot stay like this forever” – sorry Marouane, but you’ve had plenty of chances. Not many clubs would persist with a striker in this kind of rut, but we still… Read more »


‘One can not accept this competition with a player like van persie’ shows he has given up


If he is unwilling to accept competition from Robin, and puts in dismal performances when he does play, then he hasn’t got the strength of character that we require at Arsenal, and should be moved on.


Paddymac… I have no idea what youre going on about. Whats he is clealry trying to say is that based on rvps current form (and due to arsenals formation)…there is no chance of him getting into the starting line up..and if he wants regular football he needs to look somewhere else.. He’s been realistic not defeatist… And yes his fom has been bad…tho very harshly judged on a few intermittent starts…no player can perform or get any kind of form going with that sort of run.. And even had chamakh scored every time he played…would he have been given a… Read more »


Fair point mate. I do understand what he’s saying and sympathise to some extent, but at the same time I feel that he could’ve worked harder when he has had a chance. I know the playing in the Carling Cup isn’t every professional footballer’s dream, but it’s a chance for him to show that he still has something to offer. We’re not even half way through the season yet. For him to be talking about moving on does sound defeatist to me. If he’s having these thoughts, surely it would be better to discuss it with the manager and people… Read more »


Your point is also well taken..

I just feel chamakh wasnt signed to play in rvps role…his role is an entirely different one…
But i guess he shouldve come to the party when he had the chance…

I just wish wenger would find a replacement in jan

Gunner Loving Addick

I know what you are trying to say regarding work ethic but I think you are underestimating the demands of the BPL. For example, when I play Sunday league football it often takes me a little bit to get up to speed when I’m subbed back on. Imagine doing this in the BPL, which is arguably the fastest and hardest league in the World. Even though Chamakh is a highly trained athlete playing at the highest level, it is the highest level and is going to demand the most. If he was used sparingly in my Sunday league he’d probably… Read more »

Yar She Blows

Chamakh is shit. He thought he could rest easy after the start he had. Him and Arshavin just piss me off every time they play, they are the only 2 we have left with the attitude problems of the past few years


As bad as Chamakh performs at times, it is very hard to fault his attitude, he is always running around trying to link play, never sitting around… Give him some credit where credit is due


He’s not RVP linking play up, he’s a striker. Score goals

why is my name required

Do you think Chamakh would have scored from Song’s wonderful pass? Sadly the answer is no.

he’ll just hold the ball waiting for support and the chance will be gone. To be fair to him at the moment, Arsenal’s style of play does not suit him. It’s suits RVP more


Not sure that many strikers would score there, to be fair. And I’d be surprised if anyone else could score the way RVP did.


only a handful of players would have scored that goal, and they need not all be world class. Truth is I doubt if Messi or cr9 could score. Although they may well pick up the ball, do their own magic and score a beauty from the pass.
Essentially, you cant use that as a yardstick.


He is just unlucky to come at such a time when we have arguably the best striker in the world. But to be honest we Definitley could have a younger talent come in who is happy to bide there time under rvp and surely would have more shots then chamakh. I’m keen to see what Joel Campbell can do. His goal against Spain was incredible.


I say we keep Chamakh or Park for the rest of the season. Offload them (Chamakh needs to start and Park would only be with us for an extra year and a half) and then have Campell on the bench (of course that depends on how his loan goes)


Sorry to play “second fiddle”? He should feel privileged to study at the foot of the Master.


you don’t study when your 27, you play


bye bye chamakh.. ‘allo ‘allo Gotze


Gotze is NOT a striker.. he’s an attacking minded mid that can also play on the wing. Positions where we have plenty players and quality


Well fuck off then mate.

Naija Gunner

It’s so unfortunate for him and I feel for him a bit as a human being, and as such I am a bit disappointed about his statement considering who he’s refering to(best striker in the world, for me). He frustrate me most times he plays, if anyone can remember last season when sp**s beat us at home, he squandered many chances, twice in that game he had only the keeper to beat but instead he’ll opt to pass the ball to a team mate, who can deal with that shit!


Sorry i have tried and supported CHAMAKH to get back in form. I always reminded myself of that goal he scored against MILAN in emirates cup but the attempt to win a penalty against olympiacos was shite, thank god YOSSI scored . When he joined he showed some fight in winning balls but thats disappeared it just looks like he doesnt hace any aggression (i blame bendtner).
Bottom line is that a club like ARSENAL deserve more than one quality striker ,may we find that player soon either from within the club or outside.


chamakh looks like a newborn baby


Spuds got beaten by the thugs.


Chris Foy MOTM!


The spuds were robbed. Hahaha


Bye now.


GOD!!!it’s not a confidence’s been months before i saw him take a shot on goal.but,i still feel sad for him…afterall what can he do with van persie infront of him!!!touchwood!!.
@njqnjq:u r sad mate.if a player is having a bad time the fans have to get behind him.give the lad some respect.he did the job when there was no van persie.perhaps chamkah lacks support from midfield.last season he had cesc and jack!!!it’s unfair to compare him to vanpersie because vanpersie can create and score

Johnny Massacre

Let’s face it, Chamakhattack is actually Chawakh.

Sorry Cham-pain, but your cheeks are Marouane from all those opportunities you missed.


I’d like to see him stay long enough to play with Jenkinson at least a few times.


Can he play left back?



Mr. Eboue Armann Yes

Get Lululu Lukas Podolski Goldi Poldi in. Give Chamcachk to charity.

Pascal Frimpong

Chamakh would be great at a soup kitchen over the holidays.

Cygan's Left Foot

If Chamakh leave the only one will be effected is the Gel manufacturers in London.

Thanks Marouane for helping us last season and keeping those workers in job for this long.

Metal Man Thing's Mate

isn’t it great that sp#ds lost? 😉

Cygan's Left Foot

The spuds just like Newcastle had their fun for few weeks at the top, and now back to their rightful place that is mid table to Europa position.

Merlin's Panini

Yes. Yes it is great that Sp*rs lost.

It’s weird when you think we used to sometimes put out a front four of legends Henry, Bergkamp, Kanu and Suker when we were in need of a goal and now we turn to Chamakh. I really hope he can find form for us but it really is looking less and less likely to happen.


First and only time I have wanted Stoke to win, referee well done my son!! Just don’t ref any of our matches in the future


Absolutely concur. Sat nursing my hangover laughing my socks off at the ref and the imagining the scowls and frustration from that bunch of planks down the road.


Seb, you had a clear choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. No one will blame you for wisely going with the deep blue sea.


Gotta love the Arsenal business model. Sign a player on a free, sell him to the same club he left. lol


Thats the reason ARSENE wont be selling him because this FIFA football manager. This is real world and ARSENE doesnt want that reputation of getting players for free and then selling them within a year for some extra quids.


That’s an interesting point actually.

[…] other news Marouane Chamakh has spoken about going to back to Bordeaux, but not till the summer. And it’s not difficult to understand why. He’ll be off to the […]


It’s a shame he has never produced the form of last season when he covered for RVP. However, its pointless keeping him at the club because if Robin gets injured he’s just not good enough to fill his boots. Infact he’s just not good enough full stop. Regardless of the free transfer and selling on as a profit that is exactly what Arsene should do, and in january. We need to out him and bring in a decent forward. The same goes for Squillachi and bring in a player like Samba. Coupled with the return of jack there is a… Read more »


dannyboy, arsenal will NOT buy you Samba or Cahill just to make you and your lot happy that you’ve finally got your favourite toys. The earlier you get behind the defenders we have the better for you.


i heard harry moans about the referee saying he never complain about referee for 30 years of managing. did he say that because they are in top 3? well, after 2 or 3 of thier key players got injured. he ll STFU, as well as spuds fans & players.


Arry is a media sucker a art well taught by arry jr. He’s just not the only one i hate that Warnock too. Its like they just prepare the best answers so the media likes it , assholes dont have the balls to go against them. have u ever seen them score a nicely worked goal fuckers just smash the ball and hope it gets deflected and goes in.

the only sam is nelson

Gotta feel sorry for Chamakh, the poor bastard can’t buy one right now. Doesn’t look as if it’s for lack of trying, either, which is probably why he’s not been turned on (by most of us anyhow).

Maddening that a player who looked so good when he started – scoring, winning penalties for fun, getting opposing players sent off ho ho ho – he’s suddenly turned into a bloke who won a “play for the Arsenal” competition.

Twitcher was fucking hilarious yesterday after they lost. Don’t have a heart attack there, ‘arry, will yer?

Mike Hawke

And just for added funsies, did you know that tott means blowjob in Icelandic. Haha, fucking Tottenham.

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