Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Gibbs aiming for return in 10 days

Kieran Gibbs is aiming for a return to action in approximately ten days time, according to a webchat with supporters on the Arsenal China website.

The left-back, who has been out injured since the middle of October with groin and hernia problems, was tipped for a comeback in December but suffered a setback which forced Arsene Wenger to rule him out for ‘several more weeks.’

Giving an update on his fitness situation it appears that Gibbs is feeling positive about a return in the near future, stating:

“I’ll be back after 10 days, if the scan outcome is positive. I had another operation weeks ago, now everything is better.”

Coy on whether he could still make a run at the England left-back position ahead of Euro 2012, he continued:

“I try not to think too far ahead, I want to focus on getting back to full fitness. Hopefully if I have a good run of games until the end of the season then I may go, but I have been out for nearly three months now. So first I will focus on Arsenal and see what happens after that.”

The news will come as a real fillip to Arsene Wenger who has spent the last two weeks scouring the transfer market for a temporary replacement for the left-back position. With Andre Santos also sidelined, the boss has had little choice but to field the likes of Thomas Vermaelen, Francis Coquelin and Ignasi Miquel as he stretches his squad to the limit.

While a return to fitness in ten days could see Gibbs thrust into action against Manchester United, it’s fair to say that the FA Cup game against Aston Villa at the end of the month is a more realistic target. Given the player’s history of injuries it would obviously be foolish of the coaching staff to take further risks.

Thanks to @SiuFay for the translation.

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9 days before he gets injured then.


Important to get him games before the Milan match.


My sack stings


You probably want to consult your GP on that, but thanks for letting us know.


It’s probably fungal. Get some Gold Bond and enjooooyy!!! (Also, try hanging your sack in front of a fan for a while. Feels good. Also, the fan should be on. And plugged in.)


Also, don’t put your sack in the fan.


This news fills me with boredom.

Gibbs is an okay defender whose main contribution to Arsenal appears to be to stave off transfers for players of better quality who don’t injure themselves sneezing.

Seriously. 10 days. Who cares?


Ya even through my cocaine induced stooooooper, I could care less about this dude. I want santos back, he’s a good dancer.


Actually, cocaine might be just the thing to get me so fired up about Gibbs that I break the blood vessels in my penis.

That’s the goal, man. ‘Cause if you’re not fired up about Gibbs, you get a bunch of big thumbs down your bumhole.


Apathetic about this at best – don’t get me wrong, really want the lad to have a bit of luck and a good run in the side, we could certainly use a fit Gibbs but he seems to get through more injuries than St Johns Ambulance do. Fingers x’d for him.


However Clichy had similar problems at his age and he got through it. I think Messi was also very injury-prone when he first came through. Wenger said somewhere it’s because of growth. Let’s hope for the best.

Jon Nienhuis

I am the LION…you are NOT the Lion!


The Lion

Oh really…?


Thanks for wasting 20 seconds of my life with that lame link.


20 seconds? Dial up?


No the connection was quick. It just took me a while to figure out how stupid it was and that it had nothing to do with the thread.


Right now Gibbs is thinking to himself, “shit I always get injured, and I just know the boss wants to bring in someone to take my place, so I better say 10 days when in reality it’s more like 2 months before I’m fit enough to get injured again.”

Sorry. Injuries are a sore spot for me. Feels like we’ve been running a hospital, not a football club, in the last six years.


I’d love to see him play a whole year, he would be in my first Xl.


You wouldn’t even let him have the summer off? Touch harsh. But yeah, I’d love to see him run all year. Just all the time. Running running running kicking kicking kicking. More running. Then he can make friends with the pilot of a shrimp boat.

That’s my dream for Gibbs.


Wow, some seriously negative comments already. This is good news, we desperately need him back. He’s potentially a really important player for us – I know he’s had injury problems but why don’t we look on the bright side and hope things improve for him.

Why can’t you doomers crawl off to your lairs and get angry about something else, fucking hell.

the only sam is nelson

heh you got a thumbs down for not being negative

slight mind fuck, somebody went “grrr he’s being positive! about the arsenal! do i not like that” and clicked the thumbdown button. but, there we go.


And you got one for making a joke about it…
Maybe some sp*rs fan just comes on here only to give Thumbs Down on us being positive.
Mischievous little bastard


I suspect your boy FATGOONER 🙂


You’re probably right.

Good luck, Gibbs.

Now, if only I had a lair. That would be cool.


I don’t really get the negativity too, aside for being unlucky with injuries I find it hard to find errors in his game.


A lot of young players go through that phase with a lot of injuries, Clichy was very similar. He turned out to be consistently fit later. Messi also when he first came thorugh, a lot of muscular problems. Lewt’s hope for Gibbs, potentially our next great leftback.

the only sam is nelson

Good luck to the lad, hopefully his luck (such as it is) will turn and he’ll get a run free of any injuries. Do that and throw in the way Ca$hley has been playing for the pensioners, and it’d be no surprise to see him taking his place in the England side. Which of course means exposure to a scary number of horrible arseholes, so perhaps it’d be good if he picked up a little tweak at the end of May, just to keep him away from the likes of Rooney, Terry, Gerrard etc etc TV and Miguel have done… Read more »


Miquel its M-I-Q-U-E-L goddamnit

the only sam is nelson

woops, so it is. can’t help thinking of the cold, delicious senorita beater tho

Yankee Doodle Cheeseburger Munching C**t

it’s Q…
M I Q U E L.
Just sayin’ bro.

Cygan's Left Foot

I like the look of the 19 year old Spanish kid Miguel, he is so strong for his age and adopted to LB so quick, I would keep my faith in him.



Big Guns

What is good news, this dude is overrated, i have already accept that we are just a regular premier league club, i’m just watching because i love the club, Arsenal is too one dimension, everybody seems to forget what we want to achieve and its just henry, henry, henry, who gave his best years ago. Don’t be surprised if Spurs wins the title and then we all realized that all some of these players do is talk and on match days they go in hiding.


You really want to try and get that cock removed from in-between your eyes.

Big Guns

You need to remove it from your mouth first, mine is between your moms leg


What in her knee ? How curious.


Who”s his mum? Heather Mills?


Cool story, bro.

And yes, Thierry Henry is our only hope of reaching the top 4. Fuck it, Szczesny is a horrible keeper while we’re at it, and Mikel Arteta is ugly while Carlos Tevez will soon become the next James Bond.

.And you will have your cock in someone’s mother again, which is a really really smart and respectful insult that made me exclaim in the middle of the night, “Such refined wit!”

Dick Swiveller

The only people that ‘over-rate’ him are idiots, the facts are that he’s looked very good at times and shown some great potential whilst suffering with glass ankles/legs/feet; anyone thinking he’s the second coming is going to be disappointed but he’s a good young player who could do a lot for us so I think it’d be better if we all got behind some of our players, right? Incidentally, it’s guys like Gibbs that are going to give us the chance to compete with moneybags teams for the title (if we ever will) so I’d get used to seeing the… Read more »


Gibbs is way 2 injury prone & santos is way 2 attacking minded for his own good.SOLUTION-bring in a nice defender on loan(till the end of the season)that keeps 2 his wing & when santos is fully fit,play santos in front of him.But,I do like santos,he is a real brazilian!!


Yeah, great idea, who exactly should that be..? Any suggestions..? Wayne Bridge maybe…….?


Don’t understand the Gibbs hate. He hasn’t really scored 10 own goals in 10 matches or conceded 60 individual mistakes.


Well, I think Squallici has the 60 mistakes part covered.


People forget he’s still a kid. He’s still learning his trade and still growing.

If (big one I know) he can get and stay fit, he could be a very fine player.


please guys get behind our team, arsenal for me is the only team that has to play with strenght to win matches, watched matches we played lately look how micheal richards tackled van per sie the ref waved play on vemaelen was brought down by lescot yeah keep on playing gervinho hooked against fulham yeah who cares, did you see how esokoto injured sagna and yet it was not even seen as a free kick, it fair but when you watched how djouru was given a second yellow you imagine what has arsenal done wrong

Big Guns

We suffer because every english referee hates Arsene Wegner, he behaves like he is a pre madona and he is just a manager who teach players to pass sideways, i never see arsenal try anything new they learn from the training ground.


U mean stoke throws or sp*rs pinball tactics?


Pre Madona? Like a Virgin? I think the word you’re looking for is Prima Donna.

I like to see you coach a premier league squad and see if you do any better. Even if we are passing sideways we are still a lot better than most of the premier league and as if you know what goes on in the training. Please if you’re gonna criticise, at least think about it before you actually say it.


Theres that pre madonna rearing its head again. Tonight lets assume its Cyndi Lauper.


Arsene Wegner.

Say no more.


Pre madona? Genius…..

Problem with Gibbs is he’s too unreliable – on the scene for about 3 years & probably been fit for about 3 months of that

Leighton Baines anyone?


Nope, not after watching him get skinned by that midget spud last night. If you get destroyed by Aaron Lennon, I don’t want you.


I think he means Pre Maradona? you know, when the beautiful game was played with the feet, not with the hands….. so it is actually a great compliment..
Good on you Big Guns…..
In Arsene We Trust!!

Kieran Gibbs


Master Bates

what ? another setback ? you need another surgery ?


What? You sneezed your foot off? Not again…


he’ll get injured as soon as he’s back. i’ll eat my hat if he doesn’t. plays a game, and gets injured in the process. joke


Hope he can stay injury free for the rest of the season, but won’t hold my breath. If he picks up another medium-long term injury, I think we should cut our losses on him and sign Daniel Pranjic on a Bosman or Jan Vertonghen to cover at LB/DMF/CB.

No chance he’ll make the England squad now, unless Baines or Cole pick up an injury beforehand.


Pranjic has been horrible for Bayern Munich though. They can’t wait to see him go.

Abou Diaby

Bonjour les amis,

I believe that I will be back also in ten days.

The boss says that I have shown great mental strenght but I have always played with the handbrack a little bit off so this is why I get injured.

Au revoir les connards.

I’ll see you when we play against Manch….. …………….

……………………Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mes putain de Doigt……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Cut Gibbs some slack guys,we had an injury prone player before & we stuck with him,eventually the boy did ok.Forget his name but he’s Dutch & plays up front I think…


So, following that reasoning….we only have to wait six seasons to have a reliable left-back?



Gibbs will never be fit. And the few times he plays his positional sense will let him down, like at fulham last year. Sorry guys, not being negative for the sake of it. Just need to get out of this delusional belief that we are great and nothings wrong. We are fifth. 9 points behind spurs, lacking injury free depth in our squad and pay the most expensive ticket fees there are. Something’s not right people. Time to wake up and smell the coffee


Gibbs is just a complete waste of time. Even when fit he is just an average, Wigan-quality full-back. If we can get him fit and playing by the end of the season (which I doubt) then we should sell him off to any club dumb enough to want him. We’ll save a fortune on wasted wages.

Then we can replace him with a defender who isn’t injured for ninety-nine percent of the year.


Maybe we could buy Ledley king from………,,


Ha,ha! Very good, Frog!


Thank you sir.


I’m ambivalent. Good to see that he’s on the road to recovery so good o and all that but I don’t think he has the maturity for left back at the minute.

The lads got a lot of potential don’t get me wrong but I’d rather see Miquel retain his spot in the team till Santos is back.


Having Gibbs back can only be a boost for the team. He’s far better turning the corner on the touch line than Clichy could ever hope to be and his crosses are a bit better, too.

That being said, he has picked up a number of injuries and I’d prefer to see him share minutes with Miq and maybe Coq. I don’t think he should be going a full 90 for a while.

That way, we get some development out of all 3 players. All show signs of promise.


I am confident that our new state of the art medical centre, will help Gibbs.
It will mean we can monitor his “red zone” so who knows we should see him playing alot more.

I still think we should/need sign a left back or a full back on loan though, Easier said then done I think.


We need to sign a surgeon and invest in some operating theatre with the luck we have. At least we can save on the surgeries!

Joking aside I’m thankful that TV and Kos have enough quality to play fullback. it’s a shame for our injured players who can’t string a few games together.


Gibbs is a huge waste of space. Who cares if he’s fit. He’ll be out injured after he plays a single game. With Diaby, we at least have some other options to play instead of him.


reckon we should have got rid of rvp as well when he was getting injured constantly? give him a chance, he’s still got plenty of time.


Comparing the two is ridiculous. Robin was a hugely talented player even back when he was at Feynoord, he just had an attitude problem. Gibbs is nothing compared to him. Just an average left back.


Funny, Jim said the same thing as fatgooner, yet fatgooner gets roasted and Jim slides. You lot are biased.

P.s. I agree with fatgooner and Jim.




It’s a catch 22 thing with Gibbs. He is average because injuries stop him from developing and to develop he needs games. He’s just gonna be one of those players that you can’t rely on to play regularly.
And we can’t sell him as he’s an average player we don’t sell those players we play them. We only sell our best players these days.

Hey Moldy-mort! Why so…. serious….? With exception of Fab, whom we poached from Barca in the 1st place, who have we sold who wasn’t worth selling? We ‘re still the biggest English club after Manure. The Arab & Russian Oil Clubs can’t spend indefinitely… u know wat dey say bout oil being a limited resource…. Oh and yes there’s that bunch of girl scouts from across the street… whose team is doing well with a mixture of old, albeit talented, ladies whose creaky bones mite last another season (Gallas, Parker), sicknotes (ledley king), and grossly under-paid stars (Bale, Modric) –… Read more »


A deluded view. We are where we are because of lack of investment at the tight time. We can be above spurs this season we can win the fa cup we can hold onto rvp walcot and song in the summer we can be a very very good team and compete, but we won’t be because we will not sign a proven striker this window , we will not push on and we will struggle to sell very average well payed players

the only sam is nelson

the deluded view is that

– finishing above spurs
– winning the cup
– holding onto key players

are all contingent upon signing a striker in this transfer window.

i mean, that’s seriously deluded. who we sign or don’t sign will of course make a difference but then so will a hell of a lot of other things. it’s deluded to say that one factor alone will decide.


Spurs have a good decent squad, the twitch or the their chairman will not rest there, they will sign players and get stronger as will Chelsea this January. We have the greatest most obvious need of a player of all the top 5 and what will we do ? Absolutely nothing. Sorry but seeing spurs so far in front N
And in all the papers is really beginning to bite at me now.

the only sam is nelson

chelsea and man utd have glaring needs, arguably more so than arsenal

our need for a striker is a longer term one and if we lose RvP to real madrid (god forbid) we’re going to need more than one striker to sort ourselves out, and that’s not something that’ll become clear in the next 20 days

all this wailing over a transfer window! anyone would think half the posters here were sponsored by sky bloody sports news…

[…] other news Kieran Gibbs says he could be back inside 10 days, and whatever your opinion on his brittleness, that’s got to be good news. With Sagna due […]

[…] other news Kieran Gibbs says he could be back inside 10 days, and whatever your opinion on his brittleness, that’s got to be good news. With Sagna due […]


I’m not saying signing a striker will get us above spurs or in the top four but y do you not agree then sami that we need a striker? And maybe when rvp is off his game or injured that it could make a diference? Thats all im aaying

but making signings in the summer definately won’t make a difference to this season that’s for sure. If we show rvp that we have the ambition maybe he will sign who knows. I just don’t see doing nothing as the right thing.

the only sam is nelson

i don’t disagree but equally “doing something” doesn’t guarantee anything either i mean wenger “did something” when he signed park but a wash, rinse, repeat of that this january won’t achieve the square root of bugger all, will it? the prosaic truth is that it all depends. what are the circumstances where “doing nothing” is actually the *right* thing to do? well if park rises like a phoenix from the ashes of anonymity; if theo moves into the middle and steals TH’s boots; if if if if if if that’s what it all boils down to, whether or not we… Read more »

[…] customer in Arsenal’s treatment table in recent times but he has hinted that he’ll be back in 10 days. With the exit of Gael Clichy, everyone tipped Kieran Gibbs to be the next best thing but his […]


You win Sami

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